Thursday, December 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, Today's headline declares the 'global race to the bottom' is over!

China signaled its economic priorities on Wednesday at the end of a meeting of top Communist Party economic leaders with a statement indicating that President Xi is fully in charge. Labeled “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Economy With Chinese Characteristics,” the statement called for trimming industrial overcapacity, controlling the supply of money and other moves that have been staples of China’s other recent declarations.

[Bold/emphasis mine.]

A single sentence out of an entire article is hardly 'proof' but anyone PAYING ATTENTION saw all the proof they needed a decade ago when world's manufacturing juggernaut hit the end of its leash at full gallop, knocking it clean off it's feet.

Now that the global economy has, er, 'stabilized' [if you want to call it that, today's other news that the new trillion dollar hole in the US budget has sustained means the countdown to revolution has begun. Tens of millions will be pushed 'over the edge' by the price hikes that will accompany the tax cuts.]

We've ridden this roller coaster before, the rich get (insanely) richer and the poor take it in the shorts. How many more billionaires do you think this latest wave of 'welfare for the wealthy' create? Will the number of billionaires double or will we see the planet's first 'trillionaires'? [I think auto-correct just provided the answer...trillionaire isn't even in the dictionary (yet.)]

Zimbabwe had trillionaires but it also had billion dollar watercress sandwiches...proving once again that ALL money is FUNNY! [Yes, I'm looking at YOU oh 'encrypted' one! Even encrypted shit is still shit!]

WTF? Stupid is as stupid does but you didn't need to be reminded of that, did you?

The world's food chain is already set to snap, farmers can't make a living without HEAVY government subsidies [due to capitalist control of the markets] Yeah, the economy is gonna go 'boom' alright but not in the way anyone is going to like. [Gotta add a 'Ka' in front that 'Boom!']

'Snap goes the Trap!' is something pinheaded Republicans will be chanting at their next rally, they won't know what it means but that's fine because they still believe tax cuts 'pay for themselves'...

That's because of all of those 'faulty assumptions' they have been fed by people that can't even spell 'economy' much less understand one.

[Yeah, we just passed the point where 'conventional thinking' gets left in the dust.]

Do you think we can fix this? [Then you are truly some kind of STUPID!]

For YEARS to come those that survive the coming debacle will ask [rhetorically] WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

Republicans will be slaughtered in the midterms...but there aren't going to BE any midterms! Elections will be suspended due to the 'State of national (Republican) emergency.

After they announce elections have been suspended for their public safety concerns, the lynchings will start, with the Palace Guard Police murdering subduing with extreme prejudice anyone caught participating in such an event.

Naturally this will cause many 'fires of suspicious origin' to erupt in otherwise 'safe' neighborhoods...and the collateral damage will start to spread.

NOBODY will go to work because the roads will be unpassable [due to random snipers and the drones sent to hunt those snipers...the proverbial swatting mosquitoes with a bazooka...but the Department of Public Safety isn't concerned about 'civilian deaths', it's all about killing the rebels at ANY price! [be it human or infrastructure.] It is, from a propaganda point of view, just as 'important' to demoralize the undecided from supporting the rebels. Especially when the rebels will be compelled to execute/exile the feckless if they are victorious. [You can't 'reason' with the feckless/rabid, the only option is to put them down!]

And so the 'comply or die' defense will accelerate (including 'false flag' operations carried out against suspected rebel sympathizers.)

Remember those camps FEMA/Homeland built about a decade ago? They won't be empty much longer.

Known rebels will be 'interned' as a matter of 'public safety'. [Meaning some of you MIGHT get to meet me in the flesh!]

[Houston, we are now officially off the reservation, do you copy that Mission control?]

These events will occur across the nation in the space of about a week. The National Guard will be called up on day two about the same time a national curfew will be declared...and the US military will find itself woefully understaffed. Not outgunned just outflanked, big time.

Ironically, the most ferocious rebels will be the ones most responsible for this C.F.! The same people Hillary branded as 'deplorables'. Both tragically and unsurprisingly they will also suffer the heaviest losses...[it's that 'leading with your chin thing'. That combined with too many John Wayne movies and you've got a real 'recipe for disaster' on your hands.]

Only the cognizant will appreciate what the end of the 'global race to the bottom' means to the world in general. Morning in America is over, good citizen, it's High Noon and it's time to settle this once and for all.

Either we return to the dark ages [and we're already half-way there! The conservo-whackos haven't been idle these past forty years!] or we reject their 'my way or the highway' dictates and FIGHT FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S FREEDOM!

Either we return to government from the barrel of a gun/tip of a spear or we take the next step and stop the 'predation' [free market slavery is no better than the original variety. Thinking you're free isn't freedom. Either we remove the process beyond the reach of the self-serving or we keep committing our children to a life of perpetual poverty so only a few can prosper.

Your choice...BUT your lack of action has brought about the inevitable, now it's time to pay the piper for forty years of (economic) carnage.

Whether you want it or not, the die is cast! {and for the last time we aren't talking 'dice' here!]

Thanks for reading, I promise to keep writing until the end [which is likely closer than any of us imagines.]


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