Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Perception is everything

Greetings good citizen, the old expression 'life is what you make it' holds true in all areas of 'belief'. If you believe it, it becomes true whether it is or it isn't. Just your doubt alone is enough to make it 'real'...that's how God keeps hanging on despite all of the evidence against it's existence.

[Does anyone have a use for a god that would let a place like this exist? Talk about being careful of what you wish for!]

In the wake of all of the women coming forward and unseating powerful public figures by revealing their base natures, we have President Pussygrabber endorsing the child molester from Alabama now that he has allegedly 'stabilized' in the corporate owned media's polls.

Should we again ask "Who is J.D. Power and WHY should we give a F?" [Millions of you bought Toyotas on J.D.'s say so and a quality award that you'd never heard of before. Is J.D. Power just the latest incarnation of P.T. Barnum (there's a sucker born every minute?)

Looks that way.

But most of you don't BELIEVE that...do you.

Since the meat-puppet-masters need the Republican majority to hold just a while longer [the pot must have gotten pretty sweet for Jeff Flake to retire from politics over the tax bill he never gave a F about in the first place. Makes you wonder what they had on him? [or is this 'Republican loyalty' writ large?]

No matter how many times I tell you, the single factor will never believe that the only divide in society is rich vs. poor, the rest is BS!

Perhaps it's the 'evil rich' they refuse to believe in? How could the KING be EVIL?

Yeah, it's as basic as that (for the single factor who still believe in 'fairy tales'...the non-single factor rationalize that there is no such thing as 'pure evil' so the 'freakishly greedy' are within their rights to be that way, nothing 'evil' about it! [It's not evil, its a choice! Problem solved.]

And so it goes.

Perception is everything...especially if you have convinced yourself there is nothing you can do about it, that goes beyond perception and becomes self-fulfilling prophecy! [If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't you're right!]

How many of you were blown away when Yoda proclaimed 'there is no 'try', only do!'

Perception has a significant bearing on success. If you believe you'll fail chances are you will but if you believe you'll succeed sometimes you can manage to defy the odds! [Hollywood is famous (and widely reviled) for it's 'sunny-side up' endings.]

Ironic that Americans reflect this 'happy ending' mantra even though most of you don't have one waiting for you.

See, perception.

So my question to you good citizen is does it matter if the criminal fat cats like a world/society where the only way to get money is to work for it? Oh, it's not just them, it's YOU too! Well you can join the well off on their one way 'naked nature walk into eternity' because Mother Nature doesn't tolerate 'slugs'. The deal is work or die up one side and down the other of the food chain.

Man chose to specialize so he didn't have to spend ALL of his time hunting and hauling water. How tragic that some men learned to take the juice that made specialization possible and have others do their heavy lifting for them? [After all it was only pieces of metal?]

This is money, bastardized.

How ironic most of us call this 'accident of birth' by a different name, we call it 'lucky'!

[Zero 'luck' involved but that's the conclusion the zero thinking crowd arrived at.]

Weirdly, most of us don't perceive 'luck' to be evil! But that's just a case of not thinking it through. Ironically the zero thinking club also believes the Axis powers of WWII sprang up out of the ground and the Christian West beat them to a pulp...although the Axis was mostly Christian too...[again, zero thinking involved.]

Again, we 'interned' those of Japanese descent during WWII but the Germans and Italians got a pass because THEY were 'Christian'!

If you think you can, you can...and if you think you can't, you're right!

So, now that Roy Moore has 'stabilized' in the polls [the same way President Pussygrabber did which was BECAUSE THE MEDIA SAID SO!] he is back on the path to being installed as Alabama's next senator although nobody is going to admit voting for him.

Just like El Trumpo...

Why does the refrain 'what a fool believes' keep repeating in my head?

White man has the power, to give it away!

But that won't happen until Equality and Justice are placed beyond the reach of the 'self-interested'.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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