Greetings good citizen, when it comes to basic commodities/raw materials Mother Nature DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER! The OTHER piece of economic fiction we're dealing with here is you need 'paying customers' to elevate economic activity AT ALL!
This 'blessing' upon global corporate interests [yes good citizen, El Trumpo's tax cuts benefit corporations regardless of where they're from at the expense of the people living in the I.S.A. [Idiot States of America.]
The other factor at play since 'Morning in America' is the GLOBAL CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT that has engulfed the planet [solely so those who 'own the planet' could RULE THE PLANET!]
Trade was already global when the Neo-cons pushed for globalization so what were they REALLY pushing for? The consolidation of global market share! [essentially monopolies where a few became sole sources who could charge whatever they liked...poverty be damned!]
'Official reports' say worldwide poverty is down thanks to globalization but who interprets those reports? Same untrustworthy cheats who championed globalization!
Poverty in general and the overall 'standard of living' has sunk to new lows, paralleling and in some cases exceeding those experienced during the Great Depression. But the media, same one that ignores 17 years of war, now only talks about the 'shooting gallery' life in urban America has become.
So tax cuts for [global] corporations and tax INCREASES [via the elimination of deductions] for the rest of the denizens of the I.S.A.!
[It's sort of a curse being the only one who sees this, perhaps you'd do well to ignore this too and keep on whistling until they make you 'redundant'. What's the 'shelf life' of the average worker these days, Age 29 and you're done? Another ten years in the 'gig' economy then it's off to prison for the rest of your natural days! [probably a week or two before you are fatally stabbed for casting a shadow onto some psychopath's airspace...
Hard to believe we need a place called Hell, isn't it?
ASSUMING I'm not the only one 'connecting the dots' here, you probably share my 'frustration' that there is no way out of this that doesn't involve a violent confrontation with the large number of mentally challenged morons who wouldn't remember their own name if their squad leaders didn't shout it at them repeatedly [although we have to wonder just how many of them can actually be named 'retard?']
Yeah good citizen, there can be no prosperity without equality...but the other 'truth' remains as well, without equality there can be no PEACE [or Justice, for that matter.]
Why do our, er, 'representatives' think we [the represented] want prosperity for the already wealthy? [How many of them are named 'retard'? Maybe we should ask their squad leader...]
The tax cut DIMINISHES the 'purchasing power' of the average consumer [by requiring them to pay more for basic services] thereby SHRINKING THE ECONOMY!
Your money is for you = GOOD! Your money is for them = BAD...simple right? Why do these idiots keep getting it WRONG? [Welcome to the I.S.A.!]
If we were to 'face reality' here good citizen, this, like all of the other 'tax cuts' before it, portends that expenses will rise to wipe out the gain [and then some] as evidenced by the MILLIONS of HOMELESS the Bush tax cuts created. There will also be no reduction in the levels of general poverty.
The feckless [who callously lord money over you] are punishing you for even thinking you could control them. [They're not that bright either, what they are really doing is cementing the case for executing them for their crimes against humanity!]
Why is it when the odds change to 'a billion to one', the expression 'you have to be crazy to do this' gets taken literally?
Time to put the whackos where they belong and begin cleaning up the mess they've made [while there is still a semblance of civilization to save!]
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
This 'blessing' upon global corporate interests [yes good citizen, El Trumpo's tax cuts benefit corporations regardless of where they're from at the expense of the people living in the I.S.A. [Idiot States of America.]
The other factor at play since 'Morning in America' is the GLOBAL CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT that has engulfed the planet [solely so those who 'own the planet' could RULE THE PLANET!]
Trade was already global when the Neo-cons pushed for globalization so what were they REALLY pushing for? The consolidation of global market share! [essentially monopolies where a few became sole sources who could charge whatever they liked...poverty be damned!]
'Official reports' say worldwide poverty is down thanks to globalization but who interprets those reports? Same untrustworthy cheats who championed globalization!
Poverty in general and the overall 'standard of living' has sunk to new lows, paralleling and in some cases exceeding those experienced during the Great Depression. But the media, same one that ignores 17 years of war, now only talks about the 'shooting gallery' life in urban America has become.
So tax cuts for [global] corporations and tax INCREASES [via the elimination of deductions] for the rest of the denizens of the I.S.A.!
[It's sort of a curse being the only one who sees this, perhaps you'd do well to ignore this too and keep on whistling until they make you 'redundant'. What's the 'shelf life' of the average worker these days, Age 29 and you're done? Another ten years in the 'gig' economy then it's off to prison for the rest of your natural days! [probably a week or two before you are fatally stabbed for casting a shadow onto some psychopath's airspace...
Hard to believe we need a place called Hell, isn't it?
ASSUMING I'm not the only one 'connecting the dots' here, you probably share my 'frustration' that there is no way out of this that doesn't involve a violent confrontation with the large number of mentally challenged morons who wouldn't remember their own name if their squad leaders didn't shout it at them repeatedly [although we have to wonder just how many of them can actually be named 'retard?']
Yeah good citizen, there can be no prosperity without equality...but the other 'truth' remains as well, without equality there can be no PEACE [or Justice, for that matter.]
Why do our, er, 'representatives' think we [the represented] want prosperity for the already wealthy? [How many of them are named 'retard'? Maybe we should ask their squad leader...]
The tax cut DIMINISHES the 'purchasing power' of the average consumer [by requiring them to pay more for basic services] thereby SHRINKING THE ECONOMY!
Your money is for you = GOOD! Your money is for them = BAD...simple right? Why do these idiots keep getting it WRONG? [Welcome to the I.S.A.!]
If we were to 'face reality' here good citizen, this, like all of the other 'tax cuts' before it, portends that expenses will rise to wipe out the gain [and then some] as evidenced by the MILLIONS of HOMELESS the Bush tax cuts created. There will also be no reduction in the levels of general poverty.
The feckless [who callously lord money over you] are punishing you for even thinking you could control them. [They're not that bright either, what they are really doing is cementing the case for executing them for their crimes against humanity!]
Why is it when the odds change to 'a billion to one', the expression 'you have to be crazy to do this' gets taken literally?
Time to put the whackos where they belong and begin cleaning up the mess they've made [while there is still a semblance of civilization to save!]
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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