Saturday, December 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, Some may find it 'inappropriate' to challenge long cherished beliefs during the holiday season but let me remind you it's also the end of the old year...a time where will all 'take stock' and make plans (such as they are) for our future.

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? Your 'expectations' have been spoon-fed to you, despite the most 'ambitious' of these turning to smoke before your young eyes right around puberty, when the coach didn't make you a starter.

Remember how you went from a MLB, NFL, NBA superstar to rock stardom [although none of you could sing, or play for that matter.] You were going with your 'back up plan' of becoming a rock star (despite having zero talent.) Then reality crashed the party and you started looking for anyone that could give you a 'leg up'. The 'lucky' kids had dad's with businesses they could just walk into, others had dad's that worked for the city or town and the ol' revolving door made room for another 'legacy'.

Weren't you surprised to learn, after being told your whole life you could be whatever you wanted to be, just how narrow the 'window of opportunity' really was?

Those 'born to it' are 'prepped' by their parents to regurgitate the timeworn accusation of 'If you didn't become what you wanted to be it's your own fault!

This is somebody who should be giving advice,right? All they aspired to be was a worthless slug and Yahtzee, they got that right out of the box with zero effort.

Being something and inheriting are two entirely separate paths.

But I digress, you know this isn't about the feckless few and accidents of birth.

One of the 'turning points' of becoming an adult is the realization that you've been lied to from the beginning.

Not that everybody has this epiphany, some enter adulthood still filled with childlike beliefs that turn them into Republicans!

In fact the 'consequences' of being lied to all your young life turns you into a clueless adult! You've been told so many lies you don't know what to believe! Worse, the people that lied to you did so out of LOVE!

Besides being clueless themselves they couldn't bring themselves to be honest with you because the truth is heartbreaking.

Ready for the dare?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

[Damn it, lost 'em back when I started sidetracking about how the progeny of the rich are taught to protect their back by blaming YOU for failures THEY are responsible for!]

That's DARE number 1, YOUR misery/failure is due to THEIR 'so a few can be rich' ideology. It's not because you didn't try hard enough, the windows you were pointed to when you were young we so infinitesimally small that you had a better chance of personally witnessing a 'miracle' than you did of squeezing into that tiny niche!

So why didn't you get your 'normal' life? [That's the one bugging most of you, isn't it?]

Let's start with the 'coaching' you got as a youngster. Nice guys finish last so the 'well intentioned' adults in your life taught you to be a selfish dick.

When you had reason to listen to your 'better self' they would look at you in disbelief and call you a doormat. You won, F 'em!

Next thing you know you're in divorce court defending your existence!

Nice guys never win but they can sleep at night...and perhaps that's a place we have to come to on our own. [Goes for you too Ladies!]

The thing to remember is bad choices ALWAYS result in BAD OUTCOMES!

The question you need to ask yourself is did you fall short of even your most modest expectations?

Now, was this due to your being 'too nice' of too cowardly?

My resume, if held to my chin, would hit the floor BECAUSE I DON'T PUT UP WITH IT!

That's the price you have to be prepared to pay in this world. They can't MAKE you do anything...but it is YOU that has to live with the consequences of your actions! [Karma baby, what goes around comes around!]

You make your choices then you live with 'em.

The damning truth is you've never been given a choice [besides 'take it or leave it'...and if you leave it you've chosen to perish in the wasteland created for 'non-conformists'.]

In fact most of us ended up THERE before we were born!

First part of the dare is recognizing you have been 'molded' into what you are today, the second more difficult part is diggin up the courage to change it.

Don't see the need?

You have already made peace with the idea there is no 'afterlife', you haven't forfeited anything much by not being your 'best self'.

Year end is but a week away and this is but the 'prelude' to a more in depth analysis of our collective failures.

Make merry good citizen, the next holiday season promises to be considerably bleaker with many of us being genuinely grateful for having survived. [Despite the upside being more difficult to winnow with each passing day.]

To the plus side, you'll only put up with it for so long, then you'll go 'blaze of glory' on their medieval asses!

Enjoy the long holiday weekend!


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