Greetings good citizen, perhaps the least understood word in our vocabulary is Education. ON THE SURFACE it is generally understood to mean 'the pursuit of useful information' but can that purpose be achieved when certain topics remain 'taboo'? [E:g MONEY!]
For education to be complete it must first be HOLISTIC! The body of knowledge the students are presented with has to 'stand alone'(be logical by itself) [and not just because the almighty 'I' said so. There is a reason your 'religious education' is called 'training' because it is dogma based and NOT 'factual'.]
After 'Morning in America' civics, the history and rules of civilization was removed from high school curriculum across the nation, if not the world. A whole generation has come to maturity [if you could call it that] with zero formal education regarding why civilization exists.
Parents [most of who never knew they'd ceased educating the young in the 'history of society'] tuned out during their civics class so they just shrugged when they learned their kids were being taught plain old history instead.
While the young are taught history, 'history without of context' is meaningless. The (modern) Tea Party has no idea what the real issue was way back when.
Our 'usurpers' used this lack of knowledge to herd the addled into thinking they were protesting taxation...which was only HALF of the problem, the whole issue was 'taxation without representation'!
Now the Tea-tards, being Republicans, seem unable to grasp the concept that their politicians actually DON'T represent THEM [their 'constituency' is the One Percent.] But mindlessly seizing upon a single incident from the American Revolution to protest [in this case mandated healthcare] was beyond moronic and speaks volumes about the current 'state of (un)education'
But it's more than that. Much of what was taught in civics class was formulated during the now discarded 'cold war' and taught the values the scared spitless capitalists preached to teach that capitalism was superior to communism.
None of those values are taught today and you still can't find a communist anywhere on the planet NOT due to the success of 'capitalist morality' [morality is and always has been 'god's department'] which is why the bible thumping Republicans are about as base as they come because they aren't god! [bizarrely they believe if god wanted them to be moral, he make 'em moral. It's not 'temptation' when an attractive female enters 'the forbidden zone', it's an invitation! God wouldn't have put 'er there if he didn't want anything to happen!]
This is the kind of 'mis-education' people in general often receive, not in school but at grandpa's knee.
Another nod to the '#Me Too' phenomenon...
Part of the problem is that of 'too many cooks' and the lessons taught in school are 'overridden' by the 'my way or the highway' crowd.
Criminality does not exist in a vacuum.
Seems the need for cooperation is perpetually in direct conflict with the desire for 'individuality'.
Thus Exile.
People don't really want to 'live as they please' because that's what exile is all about. Life with no rules [except nature's] You can ignore the conventions that make civilization hospitable but you can't even negotiate terms with Mother Nature...and, bizarrely, this is where 'comply or die' mindset comes from.
Some mouth breathers have decided THEY are 'forces to be reckoned with' [and the hardcore of these usually go down in a hail of bullets.]
Yeah, no 'dancing between the cracks' for these 'rugged individuals', it's My way or the highway! [provided society doesn't catch up to them first.] Problem is society doesn't have anybody enforcing the rules most of us are ignorant of in the first place!
All because our education is woefully 'incomplete'.
NOW I hope you can see the need for 'education' to be both holistic and unified. [For society to function properly, EVERYBODY needs to be on the same page. Exempting yourself from the rules the rest of us agree to live by must result in the revocation of your membership in society.
Since criminals run our current, er, 'organization' they turn a blind eye to the predatory behavior of the 'independent and proud'.
This fracture has led to a degradation of the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight.
What are those conventions? School doesn't teach them because they got pawned off on the Church and since God is so fragmented and church has become more concerned with being 'inoffensive' [it's about the money! 'friendly' churches make a lot of it!] and we return to our Elephant in the room, the 'rudderless' society.
Yeah, the military-industrial complex and it's 'Morning in America' campaign dealt society a fatal blow.
If there is to be a society to save in the future we must return to [holistic and universal] education [and keep the curriculum beyond the reach of the self-interested.]
The reason civics was removed from our children's education is it gave the feckless an empty palate where they could dictate outcomes!
Ignorance can be a powerful tool if you know how to USE IT!
and believe me good citizen, they're using it!
You are being played and it's all due to the gaping holes in YOUR EDUCATION!
Harmony can only exist when everybody is on the same page...
Don't let them drag you down [they've already helped themselves to your future and your children's...and nobody has lifted a finger to stop them!]
{It could be fixed so easily you'll gape in amazement and marvel over why it took them so long!}
We aren't dead (yet.) While there's still time you need to act!
Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head!
P.S. Thank you for the encouragement, keep those + 1's coming!
For education to be complete it must first be HOLISTIC! The body of knowledge the students are presented with has to 'stand alone'(be logical by itself) [and not just because the almighty 'I' said so. There is a reason your 'religious education' is called 'training' because it is dogma based and NOT 'factual'.]
After 'Morning in America' civics, the history and rules of civilization was removed from high school curriculum across the nation, if not the world. A whole generation has come to maturity [if you could call it that] with zero formal education regarding why civilization exists.
Parents [most of who never knew they'd ceased educating the young in the 'history of society'] tuned out during their civics class so they just shrugged when they learned their kids were being taught plain old history instead.
While the young are taught history, 'history without of context' is meaningless. The (modern) Tea Party has no idea what the real issue was way back when.
Our 'usurpers' used this lack of knowledge to herd the addled into thinking they were protesting taxation...which was only HALF of the problem, the whole issue was 'taxation without representation'!
Now the Tea-tards, being Republicans, seem unable to grasp the concept that their politicians actually DON'T represent THEM [their 'constituency' is the One Percent.] But mindlessly seizing upon a single incident from the American Revolution to protest [in this case mandated healthcare] was beyond moronic and speaks volumes about the current 'state of (un)education'
But it's more than that. Much of what was taught in civics class was formulated during the now discarded 'cold war' and taught the values the scared spitless capitalists preached to teach that capitalism was superior to communism.
None of those values are taught today and you still can't find a communist anywhere on the planet NOT due to the success of 'capitalist morality' [morality is and always has been 'god's department'] which is why the bible thumping Republicans are about as base as they come because they aren't god! [bizarrely they believe if god wanted them to be moral, he make 'em moral. It's not 'temptation' when an attractive female enters 'the forbidden zone', it's an invitation! God wouldn't have put 'er there if he didn't want anything to happen!]
This is the kind of 'mis-education' people in general often receive, not in school but at grandpa's knee.
Another nod to the '#Me Too' phenomenon...
Part of the problem is that of 'too many cooks' and the lessons taught in school are 'overridden' by the 'my way or the highway' crowd.
Criminality does not exist in a vacuum.
Seems the need for cooperation is perpetually in direct conflict with the desire for 'individuality'.
Thus Exile.
People don't really want to 'live as they please' because that's what exile is all about. Life with no rules [except nature's] You can ignore the conventions that make civilization hospitable but you can't even negotiate terms with Mother Nature...and, bizarrely, this is where 'comply or die' mindset comes from.
Some mouth breathers have decided THEY are 'forces to be reckoned with' [and the hardcore of these usually go down in a hail of bullets.]
Yeah, no 'dancing between the cracks' for these 'rugged individuals', it's My way or the highway! [provided society doesn't catch up to them first.] Problem is society doesn't have anybody enforcing the rules most of us are ignorant of in the first place!
All because our education is woefully 'incomplete'.
NOW I hope you can see the need for 'education' to be both holistic and unified. [For society to function properly, EVERYBODY needs to be on the same page. Exempting yourself from the rules the rest of us agree to live by must result in the revocation of your membership in society.
Since criminals run our current, er, 'organization' they turn a blind eye to the predatory behavior of the 'independent and proud'.
This fracture has led to a degradation of the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight.
What are those conventions? School doesn't teach them because they got pawned off on the Church and since God is so fragmented and church has become more concerned with being 'inoffensive' [it's about the money! 'friendly' churches make a lot of it!] and we return to our Elephant in the room, the 'rudderless' society.
Yeah, the military-industrial complex and it's 'Morning in America' campaign dealt society a fatal blow.
If there is to be a society to save in the future we must return to [holistic and universal] education [and keep the curriculum beyond the reach of the self-interested.]
The reason civics was removed from our children's education is it gave the feckless an empty palate where they could dictate outcomes!
Ignorance can be a powerful tool if you know how to USE IT!
and believe me good citizen, they're using it!
You are being played and it's all due to the gaping holes in YOUR EDUCATION!
Harmony can only exist when everybody is on the same page...
Don't let them drag you down [they've already helped themselves to your future and your children's...and nobody has lifted a finger to stop them!]
{It could be fixed so easily you'll gape in amazement and marvel over why it took them so long!}
We aren't dead (yet.) While there's still time you need to act!
Thank you for letting me inside YOUR head!
P.S. Thank you for the encouragement, keep those + 1's coming!
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