Saturday, December 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the people of the nation are being herded down the chute to their inevitable slaughter by some VERY well financed people. Only hardened political news junkies had ever heard of Brietbart before Steve Bannon appeared like a sucker fish attached to THE DONALD, pushing him into the political arena that most are still unsure if he had any real intentions of running and now look at him, talk about your 'fish out of water!'.

Make no mistake about it, the people who put Trump [and Barry and W. and Willie Jeff AND St Ronnie] in the White House are the same people behind the assassination of JFK and the 'abdication' of LBJ.

'Morning in America' goes all the way back to the civil rights movement and FDR.

But that's beside the point, after failing to 'capitalize' on crashing the global economy the first time they decided to do it again 80 years later and we can only wonder HOW they were able to do that.

They were able to do it for the same reason NOBODY was prosecuted either time they trashed the global economy...they are running things.

But I digress, the non-single factor already knows this, what they don't know is what to do about it...because it is quickly becoming apparent that NOBODY is rushing in to rescue us from the evil people intent on driving the rest of us OFF OF THEIR PLANET!

Yes good citizen, the feckless have had enough of the rabble 'questioning' their god given authority! [Left unchecked, these people have started believing their own LIES!

Um, Steve Bannon dresses like he's homeless but his employers are paying him lavishly to stand in Karl Roves shoes. It begs the question of how did this 'hobo' end up rubbing elbows with a guy that won't let you in his house unless you slip on protective booties?

It is evident by looking at him that 'reason and logic' don't mean anything to him, he's a man with a job to do and he's gonna get it done!
Criminals one and all but criminals that have seized the highest ground of all, they run the government and with that they get to 'pack' the justice system with their criminal cronies.

What kind of criminals are we talking about? Well, not only did they [during Willie Jeff's term] REPEAL THE NEW DEAL, but during W's 'reign' they repealed the f'n MAGNA CARTA!

Yes good citizen, jurisprudence has been dialed back over a THOUSAND YEARS with the wave of a pen.

Yet here YOU are, sitting on your thumbs. [If you have to ask what your thumbs are doing up your backside, help yourself to a 'I'm stupid' sign on your way out...]

They are going to make their play and all of the signs say they are going to do it SOON. Will it be disease or will they use the stockpile of nukes they had us build for them?

Probably both...and once it starts nobody will be checking the targeting computers to see who bombed who...because in the end there are only two players, the rich and their victims.

Unsurprisingly, no matter how many times you are told 'you're gullible' it bounces off, you refuse to believe it.

Well wake up and smell the napalm! They ARE coming for you and if you sit there waiting for someone else to 'save' you, you're gonna die!

The worse news is there's no place to run, no place to hide.

Fight or die where you [likely] sit.

Just listening to what this lizard brained knuckle dragger has to say and how he says it should be enough to convince you that he doesn't have anyone's back but the people who are paying him to do this...[what does it say when the guy is intent on taking out the moderates in his own organization? If you aren't positively rabid you aren't 'loyal' to his cause...and what 'cause' do you suppose that is?

These are the same people seeking to blow a trillion and half dollar hole in the Federal Budget so who do you think he's working for, god?

They are going to 'start over' and if they let you live it will be to clean their toilets and take out the trash.

They are 'too good' for menial tasks like that.

This is genocide but the feckless will call it 'survival of the fittest' when they are the furthest thing from it!

You can beat these clowns but you have to get your thumbs out of your backside and ACT!

How much more do you need to see?

Look at your grandchildren and ask yourself if you are doing right by them.

It's a two-edged sword and as always, the 'choice' is YOURS!

How ironic to be in the position of having to plead for the future of humanity while pointing out you perpetual gullibility?

In the end it is you who needs to decide who is selling you a bill of goods.

The only thing I get out of this is life, I have nothing to gain. [In the very best case scenario, I will be appointed 'arbiter of the change', the overseer of the implementation of A Simple Plan. All I get out of that is the same world your children will thrive in. It's not for ME, it's for US!]

Thanks for stopping by opening your mind,


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