Saturday, December 2, 2017

Thought Experiment

Greetings good citizen, How do you suppose the majority of the public would vote on the issue of tax cuts for the wealthy that are going to blow a trillion and a half dollar hole in the federal budget?

If not for 'corporate welfare' 90 % of capitalist commerce would be tits up, especially farming!

So the businesses remain open but their employees can no longer afford to work there because it costs them more in taxes than they're paid!

Would YOU vote for it? Because what you're doing is subsidizing're paying the capitalists to screw up. Worse, they'll still be able to deduct their screw ups!

Some of you don't understand what I mean when I tell you that you won't be able to afford to keep your job the further down the food chain you go, the more 'subsidies' your rely on [over 40 % of Americans are on some form of 'food assistance' because their miserable jobs don't pay them enough to live on!] Now the 'working poor' are going to have zero deductions and the people who do all of the 'heavy lifting' in our society are going to get hit with tax bills that will bankrupt them.

They will be faced with choices like pay the IRS or pay the heat the IRS or buy food [tragically food assistance isn't enough by itself, you still have to buy most staples like bread & milk!] or you'll have to sell your car [a money sink if there ever was one but with 'personal transportation' comes 'freedom'.] Maybe its time for people on food assistance to wake up and smell the napalm...

Heaven forbid you have a 'health situation' your dealing with because now it's going to be the choice of pay your taxes or somebody is gonna die!

The IRS doesn't care if your job doesn't pay you enough to live on...all they know is you owe and depending on who you work for it may cost you your job! [It's SOP these days to do a 'credit check' on prospective employees because people who have trouble paying their bills are considered 'security risks'.

All of these 'hoops' have been put in place to check the exploding population but they are the equivalent of putting your pinky finger in a leaking dike [completely worthless from a practical point of view.]

But let's step away from the Republican Tax bill and look at our 'representatives' for a moment. How can they be so out of touch? For 40 years the Republican have been responsible for massive tax breaks for the already wealthy and the ONLY thing we have to show for it is 1,800 f'n BILLIONAIRES!

This leads us to the topic of how do we 'fix' this mess and the answer remains...we can't! It has to be 'fixed' by the people we send to Washington and if they don't there isn't a thing we can [legally] do about it.

How nice for them, they are above the law and some of them even enjoy Secret Service protection...because a frustrated public might just take it into their heads to exact revenge on those who promise reform and only deliver 'more of the same'.

Naturally, the 'target' is higher than the meat-puppets that grovel for scraps from the elite. They don't need the Secret Service, they have 'professional protection' [but even that isn't 'fool proof' which is why the guilty love their anonymity!]

There is no way to tell if the 'war' has already begun. We'd like to think some civic minded group has taken up the cause but they must be getting their butts handed to them because they aren't even slowing down the feckless. [The fact that the feckless control the courts doesn't help either.]

Permit me to belabor the 'not so obvious': IF you are waiting for the proverbial to hit the rotational device it will be too late. Buy a coffin and start sleeping in it.

If you think you can 'prep' your way out of this repeat the above, the only thing stockpiling does is paint a target on you. If you don't know how to find food you're already dead.

If you're unwilling to fight [and foolishly think you can protect your loved ones through 'compliance', best to go buy them all coffins NOW because nobody is gonna bother later. A mass grave is as good as it's going to get.

If you think they won't kill you...think again.

Your meat-puppet passed this tax bill as surely as they drove a dagger through your heart...didn't you see that smile? THEY will be rewarded for their, if they let you live, will be expected to do the drudgery until you can't anymore, then your kids get to do it because you will left to rot where you drop.

Baffles me that most of you fail to understand what's at stake. Apparently the term 'playing for keeps' is lost on you.

Again, not 'what to think' but 'something to think about'.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, remember to help yourself to all the free samples you can carry!


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