Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I keep pointing to the elephants in the room and the feckless media keeps ignoring them. The most pressing elephant happens to be OVERPOPULATION and just because it isn't in the headlines it doesn't mean They aren't getting ready to do something about it...

A few posts ago, a couple of paragraphs down [around where most posts go screaming 'off the reservation'] I pointed to how the feckless would escape the fate they are forging for themselves. They would BOTH nuke us AND unleash biological weapons they have already immunized themselves against on the angry masses.

Scientists went against all logic and 'rescued' the smallpox virus, they are now going to go the next step and weaponize diseases leaving the rest of us to wonder WTF is WRONG with these people?

There is no 'good reason' to permit this.

Oh, by the way...for those of you too 'single factor' to recognize this, they have just declared war [on the 'surplus population' that Dicken's made famous in his classic, Scrooge.]

But that's just 'crazy talk!' [like yesterday's topic of cynicism, is it still cynical if it's true?]

Nukes are bad enough but weaponizing diseases [that have the potential to wipe out humanity] is psycho.

[Although it was likely here that you first read the 'opinion' that we are the abandoned 'mental defectives' of some branch of humanity attempting to rid itself of its morons!] We all tested positive for the 'stupid' marker. [Truth be told it is optimistic in the extreme to even speculate that ANY branch of humanity would be capable of advancing enough to find the marker that prevents rational thought and then actually executing a plan to rid themselves of those so tainted.]

What we are dealing with here is the far more likely outcome of our collective 'single-factor-ness'.

Demonstrating the typical failure to think things through, the feckless will liberate themselves from the surplus population only to find they are incapable of doing their own 'heavy lifting' [and the 'immune' will perish.]

Actually the real 'problem' with playing god is the likelihood that the virus will mutate after it has been weaponized, making the vaccine useless.

But if we are too stupid to prevent the feckless from 'playing' with forces they are too feeble to comprehend, perhaps it is no more than we deserve.

Stephen King's The Stand is based on the 'accidental escape' of weaponized flu case anyone needs a preview of 'coming attractions'.

Governments are established to PROTECT THE PUBLIC! So WTF is this BS?

After the nukes there won't be a news network [or a healthcare network] to combat the weaponized diseases that they only THINK they immunized themselves against.

Society, we're doing it WRONG [and most would agree it's a little too late in the game to be having that epiphany...]

Um, if you can point to the play it is no longer a 'conspiracy'. This isn't a question of who or cui bono? Everybody knows the feckless are but a half a step ahead of the hangman.

They won't hang if the get us first.

The question here is will those that remain be able to found a new society given their treacherous values?

Not a society I'd want any part of.

Um, lets just say some days the 'gift of knowledge' is more uplifting than others...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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