Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Greetings good citizen, of all the virtues honesty is valued the highest but employed the least.

Today's headlines continue to denounce the Republican tax cuts as a giveaway to those who need it least when the true objective of 'defunding the government' is to put society itself on the ropes.

It is a reckoning that will have sweeping social repercussions...considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY.

You do what you do because it needs doing, although not everything 'needs doing' Insurance is the biggest waste there is!

From permitting contractors to build in flood zones [because the public will pick up the tab to rebuild] to preventing new treatments for the ful spectrum of ailments [because they are in bed with the lobby for the current useless treatment.]

Yeah, money is a 'tool' and it is so badly misused [especially by those 'trusted' to handle it] we face social implosion over the feckless's short term goals.

If we were being 'honest' about the tax cuts, the Republican's are doing this so 'their (tax) money' isn't used to support 'surplus humanity'.

We ALL KNOW the latest tax legislation is a 'giveaway to the already wealthy, those who have more than they know what to do with, literally can't spend it but they don't want to 'fund' the general welfare...and THEY'RE RIGHT!

Taxes should be ZERO, so should the 'defense budget'. The trillion dollar war machine so vital to the nations wealthiest fortunes has to be shut down.

Banking must become a internal function of the 12 specialties, housing must become a gimme ['free' for those who don't know how to interpret the word gimme.] Transportation is also 'free' on an 'as needed' basis, fuel will cost you and no, you don't get to pick. Transportation is to get you from point A to point B as efficiently as possible. It has nothing to do with your testosterone level.

I'm being honest about the whack jobs running things that 'market' products to your emotions rather than your needs.

When we run out of fossil fuel they will be the ones who shrug and exclaim 'who knew?'


Then there's the medical thing...but wait, I'm skipping the most important part of the whole 'reshuffle', the zeroing of all bank accounts and the advent of virtual money you can only get via employment.

There is NOTHING ironic that those with the most having never worked a day in their lives [although the original theft took a considerable amount of effort and plotting.] Maintaining the conduits that keep the trough full is also a ceaseless task but one they 'delegate' to minions who are only marginally better off then the rabble without Ivy League degrees...

What is the most important lesson learned for 4 years of college? That 'gold rules' and those with the gold make the rules DESPITE ALL MONEY (INCLUDING GOLD) BEING FAKE!

Standing right behind the 'Golden Rulers' are the 'absolute rulers' who keep the stalemate alive, those are the 'guns rule' crowd. It's 'safer' to buy people than it is to force them to do it but better to cover both bases or you'll invite revolt.

Which, while we're being HONEST, does anyone else find it disturbing that our culture is practically based on the idea that we are living on the edge of revolt? [That one COULD break out at any minute and nobody would be surprised?]

Haven't noticed that? You're not paying attention. [Probably too worried about which restroom the trans-gendered are going do themselves in?]

I'm looking out my window at the circle shoveled around the fire hydrant and thinking even with that head start it would take the Fire Dept five minutes after they arrived to hook up to it before they could squirt a single drop of water on the blaze but they could have a swat team in my driveway in under two minutes.

Sure hope when the terrorists attack they don't decide to burn my house down! [Cuz that's where the Christmas tree is!]

But I digress...somewhat. [Yes, that's a reference to yesterday's bonehead that didn't even succeed in killing HIMSELF with his IED!]

In a 'related' [from today's NYT] story here's an idea, now that housing is a gimme and we have tens of millions of working aged unemployed, why not put the 'army of the unemployed' to work building firebreaks in the land that burns and shakes?

Yeah, we will be better served using earth movers to dig fire breaks and putting the rest to work 'rehabbing' the slums built by the feckless but 'unfettered' managers will figure out what needs doing, when.

Sanity has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? No political wrangling, just get 'er done! [Along with the insane mismanagement of society the politics of division will also go the way of the Dodo.] [Remember, the 'ineffectiveness' of the political process serves as cover for the rip off perpetrated by the criminals actually 'funding' [with IMAGINARY MONEY] 'society'. Welcome to Thieves World!

Anyone disagree? I once again invite you to comment but the emptiness of the comments section may make your words echo endlessly!

[Almost 3 years worth of 'dead space'!]

Most of us subscribe to the credo of 'if you haven't got anything nice to say then say nothing at all' despite it bumping head on into the other truism of 'All evil needs to succeed is for the honest to do (which includes 'say') nothing!'

So I'll close with the most timeworn of all of 'em, what are ya gonna do, fish or cut bait?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


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