Greetings good citizen, the 'War on Christmas' [another innovation brought to you by the 'Morning in America' crowd] How many of you remember Karl Rove [talk about 'disappeared'!] and the other players that went by the moniker 'History's Actors'?
Which is to point out that it's NOT over. You are still having your buttons JAMMED just as hard as they can so you won't be paying attention to the big screwing that's already a fiat accompli!
It's too late to derail the bad tax plan. The cuts to vital social services that will result as the badly broken and mismanaged 'system' struggles to cope with too many members and not enough contributors.
What system are we talking about here, good citizen? The 'move the wealth to the top' system, sometimes referred to as the 'more for me' system {although nobody is actually named 'me'} making it that much more troubling. It's formal name is 'capitalism and it's supporters [the ones who rake in all the money that aren't named 'me'] challenge the rest of us to come up with a 'better' way.
A 6 year-old could do it but 'our betters' don't want a different system [unless it improves/increases 'their share' of the economic pie!]
Intuition tells us that a six year old did indeed invent Capitalism and modeled it after their favorite board game, Monopoly but that would be backwards.
I digress [a little] and I belabor the obvious.
People marvel at the 'brilliance' of feeding such a large population with only a few workers [freeing up the rest for 'other work'] The dirt in this formula is the way it denies opportunity to so many for little or no reason.
If we step backwards in history we'd discover that 'agrarian man' toiled from sun to sun during the warm months to put away food for the cold months when the land was 'unproductive'. There was still the task of keeping warm and the livestock to fed but other than that there wasn't much else to 'do' [although we all know they kept 'busy']
Which leads us to the celebrations centered on the halfway to spring mark, the winter Solstice.
I have zero truck with Spirit in the sky since it was 'created' to justify man's inhumanity to his fellow man, yes good citizen, God's 'nickname' as it were is 'God the Oppressor'.
The church spent more time 'bending you to god's will' than anything else. The most productive masons in history were those ministering to those building a 'stairway to Heaven'.
So it was this 'time of peace and good will' [mostly due to inclement weather and the 'uncertainty' of the seasons] was dedicated to our collective salvation.
Where did it come from the idea that we were born 'bad' and prone to, er, 'wickedness'?
Same people who conjured up God out of thin air also pee'd in your proverbial corn flakes with frightening regularity. All you heard from the holy man was how pathetic humankind was...while in private he would shriek with laughter over how gullible we all were! [Usually in conference with his 'co-conspirators' the royals, god's chosen.]
People knew there was 'collusion' between church and state but there wasn't anything they could do about it until the church [a haven for rogues] started preying on the subjects and the peasants demanded the king protect them.
In some cases the kings response was to make church attendance mandatory.
So those of you with Jesus in your hearts and conservatism on the brain, you had best stop and learn the lessons of HISTORY.
The original thrust of the Republican Revolution [led by Ronnie Reagan] was to return America to its perceived 'Christian roots'.
Note Trumps 'adventures in the Middle East' are aimed at bringing about the 'End Times' [and the global misery they predict!]
They can't help it if you're STUPID. It's up to YOU to prove them WRONG.
The rogue actors littering the world stage with mistrust and fear do so to keep you focused on the need to protect yourself...but you are guarded by the very people you need to be protected FROM, those who claim they are on a 'mission from God'.
After they turn the planet to glass and 'god' doesn't return, what then?
Will they say 'sorry' or oops?'...(not that it matters after the fact.)
Society is walking a tightrope (and it has never led to Heaven despite what the 'holy-rollers' tell you.)
The whole situation lends credence to the notion that this planet is basically a repository for the mentally unstable a wiser civilization rid themselves of.
Would be irony in the extreme if we were exiles, wouldn't it? [Keep looking for the mother ship, it has to be around here somewhere!]
Was our survival an accident or where 'the others' that taught us how to care for ourselves the original missionaries [building their own 'stairway to Heaven'?]
You know what the missionary quid pro quo is don't you? You adopt THEIR religion!
It's okay, they're 'saving your soul'! [How can you ever thank them enough!] Don't worry, the missionaries have it covered, they're willing to 'trade'...
But again I digress (a little.)
Um, can the holidays really be 'happy' if you're being played and you know it? [But there's nothing...(legal) you can do about it?]
Just something to ponder as we traditionally gather with those we love and celebrate the passing of another year of toil, tears and Pyrrhic victories.
Celebrate the season and revel in your HUMANITY!
[Take the bad with the good and carry on...the point is you have to know what victory looks like to actually achieve it! [Thus A.S.P., eyes on the prize people!]
Enjoy the holidays!
Which is to point out that it's NOT over. You are still having your buttons JAMMED just as hard as they can so you won't be paying attention to the big screwing that's already a fiat accompli!
It's too late to derail the bad tax plan. The cuts to vital social services that will result as the badly broken and mismanaged 'system' struggles to cope with too many members and not enough contributors.
What system are we talking about here, good citizen? The 'move the wealth to the top' system, sometimes referred to as the 'more for me' system {although nobody is actually named 'me'} making it that much more troubling. It's formal name is 'capitalism and it's supporters [the ones who rake in all the money that aren't named 'me'] challenge the rest of us to come up with a 'better' way.
A 6 year-old could do it but 'our betters' don't want a different system [unless it improves/increases 'their share' of the economic pie!]
Intuition tells us that a six year old did indeed invent Capitalism and modeled it after their favorite board game, Monopoly but that would be backwards.
I digress [a little] and I belabor the obvious.
People marvel at the 'brilliance' of feeding such a large population with only a few workers [freeing up the rest for 'other work'] The dirt in this formula is the way it denies opportunity to so many for little or no reason.
If we step backwards in history we'd discover that 'agrarian man' toiled from sun to sun during the warm months to put away food for the cold months when the land was 'unproductive'. There was still the task of keeping warm and the livestock to fed but other than that there wasn't much else to 'do' [although we all know they kept 'busy']
Which leads us to the celebrations centered on the halfway to spring mark, the winter Solstice.
I have zero truck with Spirit in the sky since it was 'created' to justify man's inhumanity to his fellow man, yes good citizen, God's 'nickname' as it were is 'God the Oppressor'.
The church spent more time 'bending you to god's will' than anything else. The most productive masons in history were those ministering to those building a 'stairway to Heaven'.
So it was this 'time of peace and good will' [mostly due to inclement weather and the 'uncertainty' of the seasons] was dedicated to our collective salvation.
Where did it come from the idea that we were born 'bad' and prone to, er, 'wickedness'?
Same people who conjured up God out of thin air also pee'd in your proverbial corn flakes with frightening regularity. All you heard from the holy man was how pathetic humankind was...while in private he would shriek with laughter over how gullible we all were! [Usually in conference with his 'co-conspirators' the royals, god's chosen.]
People knew there was 'collusion' between church and state but there wasn't anything they could do about it until the church [a haven for rogues] started preying on the subjects and the peasants demanded the king protect them.
In some cases the kings response was to make church attendance mandatory.
So those of you with Jesus in your hearts and conservatism on the brain, you had best stop and learn the lessons of HISTORY.
The original thrust of the Republican Revolution [led by Ronnie Reagan] was to return America to its perceived 'Christian roots'.
Note Trumps 'adventures in the Middle East' are aimed at bringing about the 'End Times' [and the global misery they predict!]
They can't help it if you're STUPID. It's up to YOU to prove them WRONG.
The rogue actors littering the world stage with mistrust and fear do so to keep you focused on the need to protect yourself...but you are guarded by the very people you need to be protected FROM, those who claim they are on a 'mission from God'.
After they turn the planet to glass and 'god' doesn't return, what then?
Will they say 'sorry' or oops?'...(not that it matters after the fact.)
Society is walking a tightrope (and it has never led to Heaven despite what the 'holy-rollers' tell you.)
The whole situation lends credence to the notion that this planet is basically a repository for the mentally unstable a wiser civilization rid themselves of.
Would be irony in the extreme if we were exiles, wouldn't it? [Keep looking for the mother ship, it has to be around here somewhere!]
Was our survival an accident or where 'the others' that taught us how to care for ourselves the original missionaries [building their own 'stairway to Heaven'?]
You know what the missionary quid pro quo is don't you? You adopt THEIR religion!
It's okay, they're 'saving your soul'! [How can you ever thank them enough!] Don't worry, the missionaries have it covered, they're willing to 'trade'...
But again I digress (a little.)
Um, can the holidays really be 'happy' if you're being played and you know it? [But there's nothing...(legal) you can do about it?]
Just something to ponder as we traditionally gather with those we love and celebrate the passing of another year of toil, tears and Pyrrhic victories.
Celebrate the season and revel in your HUMANITY!
[Take the bad with the good and carry on...the point is you have to know what victory looks like to actually achieve it! [Thus A.S.P., eyes on the prize people!]
Enjoy the holidays!
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