Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, this is one of those news stories that won't go away Political corruption is pauperizing society

Raw bribery probably isn’t the issue, although insider trading based on close relationships with companies affected by legislation may be a much bigger deal than most realize. But the revolving door is an even bigger deal. When members of Congress leave their positions, voluntarily or not, their next jobs often involve lobbying of some kind. This gives them an incentive to keep the big-money guys happy, never mind what voters think.

One perverse effect of this incentive is that recent G.O.P. electoral losses may have strengthened the party’s determination to do unpopular things. Suppose you represent a mildly Republican-leaning district in, say, California or New York. Given what looks like a building Democratic wave, your odds of keeping that seat next year look low whatever you do — so it’s time to focus on pleasing your future employers on K Street.

And when it comes to the Senate, bear in mind that many senators are personally wealthy, meaning that they might be swayed by policies that enhance their personal fortunes. Which brings us to the “Corker kickback.”

All so a few can be rich.

Can't even bring myself to type WTF because this is perfectly normal...it's the 'real reason' people get into politics, so they are the ones getting paid off to sell the rest down the river.

Cynical? It's not cynicism if it's true!

How do we restore justice? It's not cynicism if you answer 'the old fashioned way' [lynching] albeit, look at what happened AFTER the Wild West was tamed...corruption EVERYWHERE!

Revolts have also yet to slay the beast of 'executive overreach'.

Only a complete overhaul of the monetary system will halt the 'What's in it for me?' crowd.

What good is government if it results in the same old payola scheme? [Vonnegut described the circle of money into power than back into money again as 'idiot's delight'...it also serves as a damning indictment of the current laws governing money and it's uses.

Yessiree Bob! We don't have us a money problem, we have us a whopper of a legal problem!

But you knew that!

Then the legal system needs to be placed 'beyond the reach' of the self-interested. [Direct democracy where the public votes directly on the laws and it is mandated that leadership [earned, not elected] NOT propose new legislation unless it is in the best interests of the public.

Only the trustworthy will achieve leadership. Your 'reputation' will precede you. The 'system' itself under A Simple Plan will weed out the cheats and liars.

Everybody has a chance but only the wise will succeed.

Most of you will be content if you achieve middle manager, locking in a sweet paygrade for the duration of your working career.

[Which is to point out that the 'ladder of success' will be much different once the 'F-you, pay me!' scheme is discarded.]

Once corruption is 'entrenched' there is but one way to root it out and that is by bloody upheaval...OR by legislation that makes corruption impossible. [The YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU scheme eliminates corruption via financial coercion. It also acts to prevent huge sums sitting in bank accounts, waiting to be converted into power, then back into money!] Admittedly, you can still be blackmailed...but now the stakes are 'personal' and the blackmailer still plays a dangerous game because blackmail remains a capital crime!

Since ALL funds in the future will be 'virtual', the 'sudden appearance' of huge sums will set of alarm bells system-wide resulting in the uh-oh squad landing on the perp with both feet.

Being suspected of having tried to 'hack' the financial system is suicidal, you'll never be promoted, you may as well volunteer to be exiled. But if that don't stop you, well good luck trying to trick your way to the 'good life'. [Suppose you do manage to cheat the fail safes and pay yourself a 'kings ransom'...if your lifestyle doesn't match your income, you're as good as dead. [Especially in a land where NOBODY is 'born to it'.]

Inheritance is a thing of the past...your money dies with you.

So your 'dreams' of becoming a 'playboy millionaire' will come to naught for in that direction lies exile.

Same deal for gold-diggers! [No such thing as 'baby factories' and if your spouse dies before your progeny are grown you are already being 'compensated' [society raises children, which is why it gets to DICTATE how many are permissible!] If you really want 9 kids, become a teacher!


People are weird and nobody is surprised over how screwed up things are but indulging people's irrational desires isn't the road to survival...and if we're talking 'big picture' here people, the 'greater good' has to win.

The current [purposefully cultivated] Hooray for me and F-you! mentality leads to extinction.

But, ironically, few of you care. You want what you want.

[Is that a hold over from the 'damn the torpedoes' mentality...more commonly known these days as the 'hold my beer and watch this!' mindset!]

Your 'inner hero' DOES NOT have your/humanities 'best interests' in mind...in fact your inner hero don't have ANYTHING goin' on up top!

Mindlessness is it's own reward.

Once again I bid you farewell leaving you far richer than when you arrived! [Because now you 'know shit'!]


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