Monday, December 18, 2017


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is one few of us even contemplate never mind remember to be thankful for. Strife appears to be our lot in life and if it's not one thing it's another! You'd never know by reading me that I am basically a 'stoic' individual, a que sera, sera type that doesn't sweat the small stuff but that's the hell of it, isn't it?

Some of you consider me to be a pants/hair on fire kind of guy that's always pointing to the deplorable manner in which we deal with one another. [My, er, 'singling out' certain issues doesn't make them any less important.]

Nor, in a majority of the cases, does 'everybody do it'. Certain 'classes' of people behave in particular ways which is definitely not an excuse for reprehensible behavior.

We ALL [yes even me] do the 'blind eye' thing but how many battles can you fight at once? [We all know somebody that is 'incapable' of drawing a line, EVERYTHING is an affront (or followed by a 'what do you mean by that?')]

Perfection is a journey, not a destination...which is why the feckless get to 'good enough for me' and put a fork in it, they're done. Absolutely no need to improve beyond this.

And we circle the square and return to reprehensible behavior. [If you have a problem with them then YOU have a problem, they don't 'see the need' to change!]

Because we can't kick them out of the 'club' known as society...yet.

If we all had our own planets would anybody bother to visit us? [How many would risk the flaming 'no trespassing' sign?] People may drive you crazy but a lack of human interaction is the 'express route' to the cracker factory. PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE so why isn't 'tolerance' the norm?

Does it start with 'rugged individualism' and the whole 'self-made' mindset or does this self delusion begin with the 'I don't like (and won't put up with) fill-in-the-blank?

And for some that list is ponderously long...mostly because the penalty for noncompliance doesn't exist.

Juxtapose this with the comply or die crowd, the exact opposite of the rugged individual and you are stonewalled.

People don't mind rules (so long as THEY make them!) thus does 'tolerance' elude us.

Under ASP there is a brief list of requirements beyond which you are provided with a generous amount of freedom. Principle among the requirements is the prohibition against inflicting your will upon others. Tolerance is relative to how 'picayune' YOU want to be...

If you find fault with your own proposals you've made it beyond impossible to deal with you.

Tolerance is the bedrock of friendship and friendship is what communities are made of.

If you care about your relationships with others you might want to ask those who seek out your company what they enjoy about you. If they have a hard time answering it might be time for some self assessment on what kind of friend YOU'VE been.

Other troubling tell tales run along the lines of either you pay or you drive. Few will tell you what a great listener you are and if they do perhaps it's time you started paying attention to what they are telling you...[especially if the 'great listener' award surprises you, there is no honor in being 'great at tuning others out'...despite there being SOME in withholding your judgement although if you're not paying attention in the first place...]

What a pathetic species, it's not what we enjoy about others but what we will put up with that makes people 'worthwhile'...because when we're not 'tolerating' their idiosyncrasies what we really enjoy is their 'personalities', it's what makes them 'dear' to us.

So...when we aren't in 'a killing rage' [and don't fool yourself into thinking some are 'cool as ice' most of the time, they are just better at hiding it than others] we seek out the company of those whose company we enjoy [even when those people aren't always 'delighted' to see us.]

There is another truth about humans, not only do we think of something that makes us laugh several times a day but we are also prone to bouts of rage just about as many as those that make us grin, often mindlessly.

Life is rough but we soldier on...and maybe it's this combative stance that makes us so warlike...although I stick to my assertion that 'hatred is a 'learned thing'. We don't 'hate' naturally despite being 'hot house plants' when it comes to what 'annoys' us.

Most people have a novel's worth [50,000+] of dislikes they carry around with them. You fortunately don't let it bother you [most of the time] but it does contribute to the incidents of hidden rage you regularly experience.

War/conflict holds your interest but this one will make most of your eyes glaze over, human nature drives you nuts, and reading about it only slightly less.

But there it is. Gegner is a 'student of humanity' [again a journey, not a destination and every day holds a new lesson.]

Festivus will be upon us soon, prepare!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind. You depart richer than when you arrived!


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