Greetings good citizen, most of you could care less about ten minutes from now, never mind what your kids will be facing 20 years from now...although if you think about it don't you wish somebody had been paying attention to what was going on twenty years ago to head off the CF we are currently mired in?
In regards to today's title, I found this (apparently encore) article in today's FASHION section of the NY Times. For those of you disinclined to click through it is but another piece that points to a future that needs a lot fewer humans than we already have on hand.
Does anyone know what this is a 'recipe' for?
Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Honestly good citizen, how do you feel about chasing your next meal down with a stick? How many of those hunts would you exhaust yourself with before you decide Fluffy has been asking for it for quite a while now? If it's not YOUR pet and it's edible. Hunger is a formidable foe.
If you hail from my former specialty, manufacturing chance are excellent you've already been made redundant several times mostly due to A LACK OF CUSTOMERS for the products you used to produce [robots don't buy what they make!]
Let the moron who bought the robots eat them!
Economics 101 Children. NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert', once specialized humans rely on their specialty remaining relevant!
'Starting over' at the proverbial 'bottom' is a non-starter for most and widely met with 'tough titty, if you don't like it, starve!' by the systems benefactors.
That aside, we have a whole generation that has NEVER gotten it's feet under it, they don't have anything to lose because they were born into a world that had no 'use' for them.
Did I mention that capitalism is a hot house plant that only (barely) survives under ideal circumstances?
If not for 'government largess' [hand-out programs] capitalism would have devolved back into the murderous tyranny it supplanted. Yes good citizen, people cling to capitalism because it IS 'better than the alternative', tyrants that would have you preform unspeakable acts for just the chance of being rewarded.
Yeah, the 'old ways' [like the god fearing Dark Ages] were worse...but not a LOT worse. Getting stiff-armed and calling it 'progress' is ironic indeed because it is neither!
What's behind the Epic Fail we call 'economics'? Commerce has become driven by MONEY rather than it's 'true' driver, NEED! Money is (and always has been 'incidental'.) For all of the self-important A-holes who shriek about 'losing money', they have lost sight of the fact that money is meaningless.
Being 'money centered' is a MENTAL DISORDER!
[Anyone who finds that humorous has even bigger problems upstairs...]
Like our 'mass murder' problem that guns created, AI is on a track to eclipse [and possibly supplant] our gun affliction.
We are already living with the effects of 'unmitigated automation'. We have an economy that is choking on excess capacity as planners find themselves in uncharted waters due to the incredible shrinking 'customer pool'.
How pathetic is it good citizen we live in a world run by MORONS who are FIXATED on MONEY?
Happy Holidays folks! [Would that it were confined to just Christians!]
In regards to today's title, I found this (apparently encore) article in today's FASHION section of the NY Times. For those of you disinclined to click through it is but another piece that points to a future that needs a lot fewer humans than we already have on hand.
Does anyone know what this is a 'recipe' for?
Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Honestly good citizen, how do you feel about chasing your next meal down with a stick? How many of those hunts would you exhaust yourself with before you decide Fluffy has been asking for it for quite a while now? If it's not YOUR pet and it's edible. Hunger is a formidable foe.
If you hail from my former specialty, manufacturing chance are excellent you've already been made redundant several times mostly due to A LACK OF CUSTOMERS for the products you used to produce [robots don't buy what they make!]
Let the moron who bought the robots eat them!
Economics 101 Children. NOBODY can live in an 'economic desert', once specialized humans rely on their specialty remaining relevant!
'Starting over' at the proverbial 'bottom' is a non-starter for most and widely met with 'tough titty, if you don't like it, starve!' by the systems benefactors.
That aside, we have a whole generation that has NEVER gotten it's feet under it, they don't have anything to lose because they were born into a world that had no 'use' for them.
Did I mention that capitalism is a hot house plant that only (barely) survives under ideal circumstances?
If not for 'government largess' [hand-out programs] capitalism would have devolved back into the murderous tyranny it supplanted. Yes good citizen, people cling to capitalism because it IS 'better than the alternative', tyrants that would have you preform unspeakable acts for just the chance of being rewarded.
Yeah, the 'old ways' [like the god fearing Dark Ages] were worse...but not a LOT worse. Getting stiff-armed and calling it 'progress' is ironic indeed because it is neither!
What's behind the Epic Fail we call 'economics'? Commerce has become driven by MONEY rather than it's 'true' driver, NEED! Money is (and always has been 'incidental'.) For all of the self-important A-holes who shriek about 'losing money', they have lost sight of the fact that money is meaningless.
Being 'money centered' is a MENTAL DISORDER!
[Anyone who finds that humorous has even bigger problems upstairs...]
Like our 'mass murder' problem that guns created, AI is on a track to eclipse [and possibly supplant] our gun affliction.
We are already living with the effects of 'unmitigated automation'. We have an economy that is choking on excess capacity as planners find themselves in uncharted waters due to the incredible shrinking 'customer pool'.
How pathetic is it good citizen we live in a world run by MORONS who are FIXATED on MONEY?
Happy Holidays folks! [Would that it were confined to just Christians!]
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