Sunday, December 17, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the war of ideas is being won by the ignorant and embraced (at least momentarily) by the terminally thoughtless.

This 'division' the media keeps pointing to and NOBODY is working to correct keeps getting worse with each bit of 'propaganda' the president's 'propaganda chief' [for those of you not paying attention, that is Bannon's OFFICIAL job title!] creates.

How many of you believe propagandists [people that are trained in 'selling' a particular point of view] have no place in the public square?

There was and has been a long standing 'tradition' of employing 'strategists' solely to 'buff the image' of capitalism and the way of life it produces [for the fortunate few.]

Be ye ignorant, thoughtless or both, humanity's inability to deal with being 'played' [for a fool] is at the heart of our playground fight over the 'nature of reality'.

We live in a place where NOTHING is 'as presented'.

We could rationalize this as the cost of living in a race of 'lying opportunists' but nobody is willing to admit they aren't being straight-forward because their reputation is already fragile enough.

Only under the most dire of circumstances can you get people to tell it like it is. [and even then the tale is less than 75% reliable.]

When 'making the sale' spells the difference between eating and going without, the truth be damned.

Did I mention we're doing this wrong? I think it might have come up once or twice...

Most of us treat honesty like 'perfection', it's a 'goal' not a destination. If you fall a bit short, you're running about average.

But how much is 'a bit short' varies considerably depending on the topic.

The average citizen doesn't understand the 'war on facts' being waged by the lying liars who are paid to lie on the behalf of the wealthiest among us. After FOUR DECADES of tax cuts [resulting in a national school system that ranks 27th worldwide] they want us to believe that THIS TIME the trillion dollar hole they plan on blowing in the budget will, for the first time since it was proposed by St. Ronnie [his tax cuts were abject failures too!] will produce widespread prosperity!

Nobody but our bought and paid for politicians believes this but, hey. The only way to stop them from robbing the treasury is to start stringing them up by the light poles! [Supreme Court first.]

Followed by the directors of the FBI and the CIA and the head of every lobbying firm and 'think tank' across the nation.

I suppose after the first dozen or so we could give 'em a choice between hanging and exile, with exile location number one being 'decidedly inhospitable' because of the lack of 'prep time'.

Yeah, we're all sitting here, watching the Republicans pass tax legislation that is so unpopular nobody wants it [because it has NEVER worked in the past.] but there isn't anything we can do to stop them...because the people who 'own' the government have placed their lapdogs beyond our reach.

Our 'trouble' with government has always been government's control of money. Once seized, the government danced to the tune of those holding the purse strings!

THus do we get tax breaks but only for those who truly don't need them.

The question on everyone's mind is, 'Why do they think we will let them live here, are they that stupid?'

Naturally the answer is, they won't and they aren't. They will take their billions and spend them somewhere else.

The tax cuts have NEVER BEEN 'for you', they are being done TO you. Even when St. Ronnie cut taxes years ago the cost of living sucked up what the average worker got and then some.

Only morons think otherwise...but we had that covered with 'ignorant and thoughtless' which pretty much sums up the morons, doesn't it?

The real 'shorthand' at play here is every time government trims taxes it is a signal to commerce to raise prices.

Every tax cut we've gotten since 'Morning in America' has been devoured by 'inflation'.

I guess I'm just flapping my fingers here, brings us back to our original question of which do you suppose we'll run out of first, light poles or rope? [no shortage of people who need their necks stretched!]

Thanks for letting me inside your head. You need to remember nothing will get better until you get up and do something about it!

Too bad lynching produces near immediate results but it's 'unsanctioned' nature makes it murder rather than what it really is, 'justifiable homicide'.

Letting the criminals dictate what's permissible has produced this mess. Time to take justice back!


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