Saturday, November 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like it's source the public holds deep misconceptions about 'taxes' including the primary 'truism' that they are both inevitable and unavoidable. The first delusion people embrace about taxes is without them we would be unable to keep 'society' running.

This is utter nonsense. If governments 'relied' on tax receipts to fund necessary services half the planet's infrastructure would have collapsed centuries ago [mostly because the public teat is 'generous to a fault'.] You can't afford the 'best' healthcare (Tri-Care) that is given 'free' to the military and public sector employees, not because the providers are better but the coverages are much more inclusive!

Where does the 'tax money' come from to pay for that? Same place your paycheck comes from...nowhere.

Again, long forgotten Grover Norquist, Reagan's 'tax strategist' publicly proclaimed that he wanted to shrink government down to the size where it could be drown in a bathtub.

Zero irony the government has doubled in size since Morning in America [mostly via redundant guns and badges] while (real) 'tax receipts' have fallen by 50 percent. Neat trick or mismanagement on steroids? Homelessness is growing as 'Real Estate' proves to be a lousy 'investment' due to the uncertainties surrounding 'climate change'...which is supposed to be addressed via taxation of one form or another...but like money itself, taxes are a chimera, and excuse to keep the working masses poor.

Proven fact pools of cash lead to corruption, if you don't keep the oppressed penniless they may use their pocket change to attack the system through the chinks in the loyalty armor...corruption and opportunism are not the exclusive domain of the cheats that run society through 'ownership' and maintaining a deathgrip on the law.

If the feckless ever 'lost control' of the judiciary their underlings would seize the opportunity to eliminate them by exposing their crimes against society.

See why we aren't even going to give them a trial? Your day in court has ALWAYS been 'eyewash', the illusion of justice where there is none.

Who knows? (rhetorical question...everybody who isn't dumb beyond belief.)

You know the type, instead of fuck every other word out of their mouths is God, they may as well be babbling fuck like the rest of us do.

But I digress, the poor have always been with us because they are DUMB!

So let's go back to 'taxes' shall we?

Want to 'update' schools and improve mass transit? Our politicians stand ready to use tax dollars [borrowed from the banksters!] and repaid via tax receipts...the 'safest' investment out there is the municipal bond because the US Government ALWAYS pays its debts...the same way the banksters do, by creating money out of nothing!

The typical worker doesn't pay enough in taxes to keep the streetlights running...anywhere. (Chant the refrain, children!) ["How f'n dumb are you?"] We have military being blown to shreds around the planet and nobody knows how much that 'costs' because it is just being done...'cost is irrelevant' and it's been that way from the beginning of 'money'.

You only have so much time/resources and trying to track either is a fools errand. The Nazi's eventually ran out of resources, the money NEVER mattered.

When will we put an end to the savage 'conquest model' that keeps the fake owners of what belongs to us all in power?

(Chant the refrain, children!)

The power of the purse string is the power of No...and that right where those who control us want us.

Did you remember ASP has NO TAXES? [Your money is for YOU and YOU alone! not even the f'n government can take it from you!] None, zip zero. You also don't have to 'pay' for utilities like you do know...because it's SOMEBODY'S JOB' to keep the plant running and they get paid for doing it so there is NO NEED for you to pay them too!

Kind of alarming when you sit down and think about just how f'n dumb you truly are. [The operative phrase here is 'think about it' because you NEVER do.

That's why I'm here, belaboring THE OBVIOUS every f'n day.

Later Head.

Try not to beat yourself or your parents up too much, they didn't want you getting in trouble with the monsters who run things.


Consider me that 'asshole Uncle' that tells you things you will eventually figure out for yourself. Why am I telling you? Because most of you don't have the time...

Friday, November 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's offering is not about forebearance but of 'limits', a factor that is always ignored when the amount of 'acceptable' is being measured.

Given the Taleb's intolerance of so many things should Talibanism be tolerated at all?

Why bring this up now? Because Preznint Pussygrabber 'secretly' re-opened peace talks with the people W. sent the military to the Graveyard of Empires to wipe out.

The virtually invisible GWOT re-appears on holidays as quick reminders some of us still have cash strapped loved ones spending the holiday fighting 'terra-ism' so we can safely enjoy our holiday meal with the family that remains.

Why is Preznint Numbnuts 'negotiating' with people that hate?

How much 'hate' is 'acceptable'?


The global misery index is bouncing off 'intolerable' yet nobody does anything about the Rich/Poor divide.

Why is even one individual PERMITTED to possess so much more than they can personally use while millions live in wretched privation?

This is the outcome produced by a Slaver Society. [Hooray for Me and F-U!]

Key to this is 'it's LEGAL' (for reasons NOBODY can explain, it is defended with 'It's just always been like this' often disintegrating onto tortured explanations of why some people are 'luckier' than others when equitable treatment has zero to do with 'luck'. [it's the f'n LAW and, more pointedly, those who claim to control it that are at the root of this problem.]

If the system is flawed, the outcomes will be flawed. [Garbage in = garbage out.]

Ya'll don't suppose our 'paper billionaire' President will do anything to correct the badly broken global banking/economic system, do ya?

Of course not because our betters don't believe in 'equality', they are better than us in EVERY WAY, to the point where they are convinced they DESERVE the 'riches' they plunder from those who so desperately lack them.

When is theft not theft? When the freakishly selfish are in charge of proclaiming what is or isn't 'legal/fair'...

It is the same reason we 'negotiate' with tyrants...because the 'political will' to banish the intolerant doesn't exist among mankind's self professed betters.

If they don't tolerate injustice their victims might expect them to trim their own avarice...and that would be 'intolerable'.


Everybody knows the system is broken and they know what needs to be done. The problem is a piece of their own 'booty' will have to be sacrificed to make the world a more equitable place.

As I explained in yesterday's post, life's opportunistic nature makes trust tenuous at best. This is the 'insurance policy' the feckless rely on maintain the status quo, that the majority will be unwilling to sacrifice the 'tidbits' they get in exchange for their 'loyalty' their own duplicity cements.

As we cruise up on yet another 'sham election' [with so many candidates the electorate knows the final two will result in the choice between The incumbent Giant Douche and an unknown 'turd sandwich'...again.., most likely in perpetuity because there is no way to reverse course using the template the bloodless coup called 'Morning in America' put in place.

You is be'n Chumped and there ain't a f'n thing you can [legally] do about it.

The R word looms ominously in the background but it is up to U to summon it forward.

It's all about 'change' and nothing is going to change until the feckless are stripped of the robes, badges (and everything else) then sent on the one-way naked nature walk.

Hatred deserves ZERO TOLERANCE...this goes double for 'greed' and treachery, (which has always been a capitol crime...but the feckless have turned a blind eye while they 'helped themselves' at the expense of those they were supposed to be 'protecting.')

Think exile is too harsh? Think again.

Second thought, please THINK! The tangle you can't see through is fake, the 'centerline' is always visible. Reality tells us all that the majority of us are on the same page, just the feckless few act against us.

The feckless are few and paper thin. It is the 'loyal' that keep us trapped under their thumb and they are loyal to an idea/l [that doesn't exist!]

[The 'Palace Guard' is a gift that just doesn't stop giving, the 'stupid dividend' in action!]

Remember stupid is the choice to believe dumb things...which is why stupid (unlike ignorance) can't be 'fixed'.

The simple lessons bear repeating.

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, November 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, let us begin with my extending my wishes for a peaceful and harmonious Holiday season to all my readers then we shall jump right in with today's title topic which is actually read 'The EXPECTATION of civility and the multiple violations of those conventions against murdering one another on sight.

Civility has many synonyms because what passes for civility is regularly redefined by a rogue known as 'the individual sovereign'. It is widely accepted that it is unacceptable to 'shoot first and ask questions later' [although Conservo-Whackos do it all the time...or at least those who claim to speak for them do because the individual as sovereign is one of the core tenets of Conservatism...and they genuinely find such remarks, er, humorous.

The expectations of 'civility' and actually receiving the 'forebearance' of others is constantly being breached by 'individual sovereignty' which an unhealthy percentage of us are unable to 'deal' with.

What is the 'central theme' of a horror story? It is when the victim realizes their 'expectation of civility' has been overruled/negated by the individual sovereign.

Most of you get lost in this 'conceptual twaddle' because understanding is a number of degrees deeper than hearing/reading and knowing what the words mean 'individually'...(but not together and in context.) There ain't enough time in anyone's life to play guessing games until comprehension is achieved.

One of the most repeated phrases in any language is 'I don't understand' followed closely by the 'truism' of 'I didn't think'...

Speaking of incomprehension, how many of you 'understand' what sovereignty is and how it applies to the individual?

You would be ASTONISHED by how many different ways your 'perception of self' is defined, most prevalently by the qualifier, "Not under MY roof!"

Where does your sovereignty end and civility begin? Is your answer the third most common phrase in any language, I DON'T KNOW!

Naturally, this is precisely where the world of 'I' collides (often violently) with the make-believe land of 'we'.

The 'danger' of being exterminated on sight is the ONLY factor that makes us mindful that the mercurial and often fanciful world of 'we' even exists.

At the very foundation of 'civilization' is the convention that we, er, ('seldom') eat our own...for the first billion years 'our own' was a poorly defined quality but eventually it became distinct. We may have stopped seeing one another as a food source but the thin veneer of truce the prevents us from trying to slaughter one another for meat did NOT 'unite' us and the competitive nature of life makes that variety of unity, er, 'unlikely'.

It is not 'our' nature but all nature that makes us naturally distrustful. Couple this with 'life's' persistent 'opportunistic' nature and trust becomes a highly subjective quality indeed.

It is here that the conflict between order and chaos is the most pronounced. We must go against our nature if we are to 'advance' as a species.

Failure = extinction...

Happy Turkey Day, USA!


Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, tomorrow we gather together as family...(those of us that still have one) and root for the 'home team' which many don't agree on because many families no longer have 'roots' and if they are fortunate enough to have a home it is unlikely they have been there long so prevalent has 'churn' become. [The practice of 're-organizing/outsourcing' that targeted long service employees to reduce pension obligations with the reduction being awarded to the CEO as a nobody got lower prices or higher wages...except the Executive suite which dum-dum believes are 'limousine liberals' who happen to vote conservative just like the working morons do.]

Don't recognize that term? That's because the 'opinion pirates' of the feckless media were paid to suppress coverage of the phenomenon as it swept across the nation, creating HUGE economic deserts and uprooting families wholesale as people, often futility, chased their paycheck to where the jobs were rumored to be.

But the two 'teams of capitalism', Conservatism and Liberalism loom large at dinner tables across the nation.

So tomorrow, let me propose a 'toast' to (hopefully) circumvent bloodshed over whose (fake) team is 'best'.


Some of you will cheer and drink heartily but others are confused as to why the press/media has anything to do with anything, don't they just 'report' the news?


You are being 'played' by the very people pushing the handle on the churn that keeps you from establishing an economic foothold pretty much anywhere.

Those at the 'top' have theirs and take a sadistic degree of pleasure in knocking people off the ladder to keep them off-balance and looking for blood from the asshole that keeps stealing their job.

LIARS like RUSH LIMBAUGH invented the term Limousine Liberal because such a thing HAS NEVER existed...but the people who limousines are really reserved for DESPERATELY needed a 'Scapegoat' because the working public has developed a genuine hatred of the 'job creator' class.

Newsflash to 'stupid' [those who believe dumb things] There is only ONE 'job creator' and it is NOT 'Spirit in the Sky', it is Mother Nature, the 'tyrant'.

If you ignore Nature's Dictates, YOU are GOING TO DIE!


Thanks to them the none too right became 'stupid' by choosing to believe the 'dumb' things they HEARD ON THE NEWS!

Gonna be a 'feud' at the dinner table (again?) Barely survive last year and Uncle troublemaker, who is barred from ever setting foot in your house is the favorite of the sibling hosting this year's feast?

Do you elect to go out to dinner for the sake of saving what's left of your family from coming to blows (again?)

Politics, like the election process itself is intended to divide the populace, not to resolve conflict through 'discussion'...[when everybody is yelling it is no longer a discussion, it is has become a melee.]


Guess who tells the 'talking heads' [with their boobs 'jutting' out] what to 'report'?

Same people who churned your job away and the same people who cut YOUR (pitiful as it is) paycheck in the gig economy.

Again the f'n press has completely ignored fact we all became TEMPS after Willy Jeff sold us out to Reagan's legacy.

Guess who is being credited with 're-writing' NAFTA?

King of the (shitty) Deal, anyone?

Being 'credited' (a.k.a blamed) with something and actually doing it are two different things as numbnuts will come to regret should he survive to the end of his 'term'.

Wonder if W. will give pussygrabber 'sanctuary' on his 'estate' in Paraguay? W. Sold the ranch in Crawford and never returned when he left the White House. While he still enjoys Secret Service protection FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE his 'whereabouts' as a 'private individual' are a closely guarded secret.

Does ANYONE think it is a coincidence that his family bought a large estate in a nation that DOESN'T have an extradition treaty with the U.S.?

Bring us back to the question of 'why' nation states still exist...and THAT is the ONLY answer.

Come ASP, there will be 'no such place'...except the badlands used for exile. They shall be truly lawless.

Um, anyone still DUMB enough to believe Royalty no longer 'exists'? [Who do you think is behind the world's banking empires?]

Why is Wall Street and WASHINGTON both packed with 'banking executives' [who are SO F'N CLUELESS they 'crashed' the global economy TWICE (so far...)]

You wouldn't give your infant a loaded revolver to play with so why do we 'elect' morons who make a habit of taking a shit in the planet's ecosystem and excuse it as 'the price of doing business'?

For my second toast I would like to make the point: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, THERE IS NO 'DIVIDE'!

Call yourself what you like, the thing that 'pisses off' Liberals will KILL conservatives too.

Chant the refrain children! [How f'n DUMB are you?]

Um, once again, Thanks for stopping by Head, gets lonesome down here where all the thinkin' goes on.


I am neither a 'liberal' nor a 'conservative', I AM A HUMAN, F-U VERY MUCH you label obsessed idiot.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, when I cease criticizing the thieving criminals today's title insect takes over. Yesterday's viral post is a conundrum, either I hammered the hot button issues hard OR the fuckers are circulating it between their experts to see if I can be prosecuted for 'sedition'.

Dilligaf. [Does it look like I give a fuck?]

Feel free to skip this post if you don't want to sit through the 'sales pitch' for what should have happened if we are to avoid the cliff/gaping chasm/bottomless pit capitalism leads to.

I don't call it 'A Simple Plan' for nothing. Weirdly money enabled us to develop a corp of specialists to deal with the problems the individual is ill equipped to handle on their own. If the 'main mission' is survival, we have a good handle on that and shouldn't lose that war unless the freakishly myopic/selfish decide to 'trim the fat'.

Without embellishment, MOST of us do what we do because it needs doing. [Not ALL but most.] There are a certain percentage of occupations that exist solely to reinforce the hegemony, the one none of you believes exists with the most strident deniers being marked by their unshakable commitment to Spirit in the Sky, whom no one has ever seen but billions claim to have 'heard' (in their fooking heads no less!)

Probably doesn't help my case much expressing my theory that this place could be some species answer to an insane asylum...but that is for another essay/time. The task in front of us remains survival:personal.

Work is 'problematic' with a certain percentage of the human race wholeheartedly believing that 'work is for chumps'. [Here there be psychopaths!] because 'having a purpose' is deeply ingrained into the human psyche.

Our work is how we 'share' (and to a certain degree 'connect') with our fellow creatures so living under a system that has no use for us is extremely damaging right across the event horizon. Humans are not 'designed' to simply 'exist' which unfortunately leads to sociopathic behavior.

Let's, for a moment, stick with those who have no desire to contribute or interact with society, the 'true' work is for chumps crowd. Folks raised to believe not only in Spirit in the Sky but derive a degree of superiority from the knowledge that if you make nothing, nothing can be taken from you.

These are people who would snub jobs as mattress testers by day and quality control for the local brewery/pot farm at night...but I digress, albeit not by much because the feckless few are all the product of the 'work is for chumps' mindset.

It is of vital importance to differentiate here that these individuals are not lazy but feel there isn't 'enough' to compensate them for their time/efforts, were they willing to contribute them.

In short, Bozo is a SLAVER...[usually with a law degree.] Failing that they carry a gun and sometimes they even wear a badge!

Now we are diverging from the direction we need to go but none of this makes sense if you don't understand who, precisely is kicking the legs out from under you.

Part of Bozo's, er, 'defect' is that they are 'binary', you can either be a Slaver or you are a Slave, albeit a willing one, a slave for a paycheck/payday if you will.

This is a deadly situation for the work is for chumps crowd and they would rather murder their fellow humans for food and clothing than make/grow those things for themselves. [Bizarrely the logic is if you don't make then it can't be taken (from YOU...)]

This is why criminals are sent into exile naked. The failure to fully appreciate the 'efforts of others' is where their life of crime began, it is only fitting that they should depart society with only what they arrived here with.

Too much thinking? Sorry but failure to appreciate the full scope of the problem brought us to where we are today. It is the failure to understand the people tasked with protecting us from tyranny are in fact the tyrants!

Simple fact number one, the LAW belongs to ALL of the people that AGREE to live under it and JUSTICE begins with YOU.

Your failure to comprehend this basic fact has allowed the feckless to decide what the law means and which parts are enforced.

The same 'work is for chumps' crowd defends their cupidity with the diss, "I can't help it if they are stupid" which literally translates into choosing to believe dumb things. Look up a couple of sentences to appreciate why I am explaining this 'dumb shit.'

[You are NOT stupid but you ARE guilty of refusing to THINK FOR YOURSELF!]

It all starts with WHY?

Life is a 'team' endeavor despite our yearning to live it 'our way'. On your own nobody cares HOW you do it much less why...but we are NOT 'alone' so fact number one becomes the vital importance of SHARING WHAT THERE IS.

We have raised a whole generation that would rather down a bucket of ground glass than do housework...why do you suppose the people who scrub their junk with toilet brushes (because they don't know what it's for) fail to appreciate that?

Not everyone is 'allergic' to the outdoors. Some dream of a life where they spend sunrise to sunset under the open sky, feeling the wind on their skin as they happily work around the house they pretend is theirs and not the condo association's.

This is a sword that cuts both ways, for every one 'enamoured' with the idea of the splendor of nature, there is another who would find those same circumstances their own personal hell...Viva la difference!

The work is for chumps crowd figured out long ago that if they could control 'value' they would never have to work.

Money is a 'legal construct' because those who define money will never have to work for it.

It is your failure to comprehend that banks lend money that doesn't exist then demand all that was loaned plus an arbitrary percentage will never have to 'earn' money or contribute anything to the society they leach from.

They even consider themselves 'a necessary evil'.

How long do you suppose humans have been lending money to one another money? Biblical times at least. Paper currency was 'imported' from China but I strongly suspect the idea of money came here with the people that brought mankind to this and numerous other outposts across the surrounding galaxies. 15 billion years is a Loooooooooooooooonnnng time and evolution creeps. [Sharks are essentially unchanged in their 230 million year history ON THIS PLANET.]

God is used as the 'excuse' for why some species 'evolve' while others remain relatively unchanged [although Crispr might both suddenly and catastrophically alter that preposterous idea...]

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is OPEN.

Sorry, sort of went charging off the res there for a moment...where were we? Oh yes, humans 'lending' one another money.

If the collective 'we' are to save ourselves [and the children we have worked so diligently [Ahem] to raise] this is where we took that 'wrong turn.'

This is where 'imaginary value' became 'real' IN THE MINDS OF THE DUPED!

Original intent, work and contribute and you would be rewarded...but those who decided work was for chumps exempted themselves from the contributing part and chose to 'take' what they wanted by 'inventing' all of the money they needed by pretending to lend it to others.

TO THIS DAY, this is exactly the 'business model' of 'modern banking'.

How do we correct this 'deficiency'?

Outlaw banks.

EVERYBODY works, everybody contributes and everybody is GIVEN what they need, from the cradle to the grave. There is no need to 'borrow' money because the ONLY way to get what you 'NEED' is to WORK for it!

If your 'fair share' doesn't meet your 'expectations' you are ALWAYS free to 'opt out' of society and go live in the wastelands however you like/can. [Sorry, we can't spare 'tropical paradises' for every malcontent. Luckily we have no shortage of deserts so there will always be 'plenty' of elbow space for those who would rather commit Seppuku than be a 'chump' working for humanity's mutual survival.

As you work you will be climbing the ladder of leadership which will provide you with the tools you need to craft solutions to the problems facing mankind.

No more elections and no more wars. Humanity will be what it has long striven to be, UNITED.

Oh how the freakishly feckless will howl over that one...

Making the question, 'how does that make you feel?' Angry? At who?

Thinking, you should be doing it ALL THE TIME (despite repeatedly being told you aren't being paid to think.)

nuff said, Head.


Monday, November 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos is a 'balancing act' but the feckless don't want balance, they want Order/control/obedience. If they can get humanity to sit still for controls that tear civilization apart they 'win' the ability to steal with impunity.

The mental midgets among us won't be able to follow this exercise but that won't stop them from trying.

My first question to you, good citizen, would be what you were taught about 'the purpose of money'.

One 'version' tells us money exists to 'level out' trade/barter...but the average individual doesn't 'trade' [on a commercial scale] so money is essentially useless [but the slavers find it dead handy, which makes legislators criminals.]

You are 'legally' forced to acquire something you have no use for if you want to survive. No such thing as 'free range' humans which sets the stage for what comes next.

As the money dominated commerce system collapses under its own weight we find widespread poverty due to there being insufficient opportunity for all. That poverty has already led to violence and imprisonment which will soon result in the total collapse of order. [For all their 'bravado' the thugs with badges didn't sign up for this and they will, er, 'tap out' when the going gets dangerous.]

[Understand the 'participant deficit' led to the inevitable mountains of cash with no place (productive) to go so bankers try to lend it to an already cash strapped populace...and civilization is collapsing under debt that can never be repaid...which is alright considering it is all 'eyewash' anyway!]

You would think this topic would rate its own TED talk but alas, 'educating the public' to the nature of the crisis would only add to an indictment the feckless are desperately attempting to avoid prosecution for.


It is slowly becoming apparent [two world wars later] that humanity took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and now faces the choice of mass suicide or do we back-track and correct the problem.

The criminals are driving us towards the 'simple' solution because they know they will be made to pay a terrible price for their cupidity/stupidity.

Logic tells us we need to 'turn around' and adopt a more EQUITABLE system before we wipe ourselves out warring over what we MUST ALL SHARE!

Those are your choices and if you choose not to decide you have still made a choice and will suffer the consequences of that choice.

Clearly, if you are not part of the solution then you are (by default) part of the problem.

At this moment, a very large part of the problem because most people are just along for the ride, they mistakenly pretend that they don't have a horse in the race, if change is going to come, they will readily 'go with the flow'.

The more cognizant have been eagerly anticipating the change [that seems to refuse to come] because they know things can't go on the way they have much longer.

Why isn't change coming? Because the people who benefited from the, er, 'short-sheeting' of humanity know they will be prosecuted for their crime so they are resisting a 'course correction' (that would result in their criminal prosecution) with every ounce of their gile.

Their 'good fortune' was born of treachery and that is how they remain 'on top', by swindling the none too bright, which unfortunately for the rest of us, constitutes the majority.

Probably a bad time to point out that the cognizant often 'side' with the too clever by half because the alternative is to hand the reins over to Dumbo, who isn't up to the job [Just look at numbnuts who has floundered every step of the way because he lacks competence.

[Big difference between lacking competence and lacking confidence, dummy thinks he can handle anything when reality keeps proving otherwise.]

Will there be 'backlash' in the upcoming election?

You bet there will, the none too bright won't abandon one of their own regardless of how disastrous the consequences for mankind.

Again, there are oceans of difference between loyalty and intelligence as every war ever proves.

So if you 'think' 2020 will be a walk in the park for either ideology I urge you to, er, 'reconsider'.

As yesterday's post vividly illustrates, we either make a major course correction or we abandon our children to lives that will assuredly be both brief and brutish.

The media has turned 25% into 50% because most of you aren't willing to stick your neck out [see WWII just 20 years after WWI for evidence of 'chickenshit on steroids!'.] Do I need to point out that NOBODY was held responsible for the 'gassing' of an entire generation (solely for the preservation of 'property rights'?]

Rhetorical question; everybody knows!

Well, like the dual crashing of the global economy that neither time was anyone held responsible for, THOSE PEOPLE ARE STILL 'IN CHARGE!'

It should be obvious to everyone (even the dumb ones) that there is no way to 'vote' them from power, we must 'arrest' them and banish them from OUR society, they have already chosen to put themselves ahead of their membership in society despite only having only a feeble grip on what this would result in.

Tick-tock, good citizen. LESS THAN A YEAR FROM NOW we will be facing a civil war that the feckless will use to sic the military on those who would question their 'authority'.


Good luck,


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Boo Hoo

Greetings good citizen, on another familiar front in the divide between the advocates of decency and the Conservative Republican doctrine, Boo-hoo represent the 'mock tears' the Conservo-whackos routinely employ to dismiss criticism of their heartlessness.

They constantly mock the young for being 'unwilling' to accept wages they can't live on with the 'well, you have to start somewhere' diss and if, after a year or two, you still aren't making enough to cough up your share of the rent, the label shifts to that of being a 'loser' not worthy of a paycheck you can live on...totally ignoring just how damning that judgement truly is.

Worse, those who regularly condemn those not born to privilege as being lazy AND entitled know full well if the shoes were reversed, they would be homeless too.

So when our youth get frustrated because they can't get their legs under them (regardless of what they do) how 'heartless' is it to mock them with a scorn filled 'boo-hoo?'

Because heartlessness leads to revolt, first against the system and then against their perceived 'oppressors'...and guess who they are looking at? [It is NOT your imagination, Grandpa, that IS smouldering resentment, bordering on hatred you see in your grandchildren's eyes.

Their inability to get a start in life is YOUR FAULT for not standing up to Reagan and his Conservo fascist followers in their global crusade for 'excellence'. [NewsFlash: Globalization was done 'to' you, NOT 'for' YOU!]

You did nothing and now your children are paying for it. You resent your parents for giving the feckless the bomb but your parents are dead so who is holding the bag of crimes against humanity now? [Quick, find a mirror.]

You'd like to take the position you've maintained your entire life, the one of 'not me' I didn't do this but reality tells a different didn't lift a f'n finger to stop them...and here we are.

Grandpa and grandma are ignorant of their 'complicity' in today's 'loaded dice' environment created by the Banksters. It's not like they had a choice, because the first thing the criminals did was 'buy' the political process.

But your kids don't see that!

They are right and YOU know it although most of you are still living by that famous river in Egypt, Denial.

More heinous is the chutzpah to condemn your own children when YOU KNOW if the shoes were on the other feet, you'd be in the exact same position!

Zero irony that you let the Reaganites get away with the 'flim-flam' out of love for your nation and the 'republic for which, hides behind?

Like most historic 'turning points' you failed to see the need to hold the feckless to account. Let those in charge police themselves and now we are living with the results of the corruption sown by unaccountability.

Like Romney's 'live mic' slip that the rich think the American public is a hoard of 'stupid moochers', Bush the Senior was recorded (off the record) as admitting the public would have run them out of town on a rail if we knew what 'they' had done! Remember, (H.W. was Reagan's V.P.)

We have had many 'Let them eat Cake' moments since the dismantling of the American Empire and the rise of privilege brought to us by the feckless media but today's media is in the pocket of the feckless, who wrap everything in the flag, forcing their 'dupes' to salute it.

Everybody knows the criminal rich would gladly pay half of us to exterminate the other half, laughing the whole time.

The urgent question that remains unanswered is WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING while the Brotherhood of the Badge is slaughtering your genetic legacy?

Many of us are already 'too old' to fight [toe to toe] with the mindless youth working for a paycheck...but as we all know old age and treachery will defeat youth and skill EVERY TIME.

This is Helter Skelter, brought to you by the folks that blithely ignored the population explosion back in the 70's. [Turns out Malthus wasn't 'wrong' after all and Adam Smith really was a nit wit.]

History my children, we have been here before but it seems not enough of us learn it's lessons [Law enforcement is and always has been the problem. Next do-over, NO COPS.] The 'Uh-oh squad deals with real time criminality, and dueling returns 'policing' to where it belongs, the field of honor. [The 'judge' is and always has been 'crooked'.]

But I digress. If you want to continue to sleep at night we must first correct this crisis we have laid upon our children. It is our mess to deal with.

Or there won't be a 'next time' Head.


Saturday, November 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as our species rips itself to pieces on the shoals of 'free speech' the line between respect and censorship has vanished and without that vital border civility vanishes with it.

Like yesterday's post centered on the Overton Window and the opening/abandonment of social taboos we find ourselves being pushed towards a limitless society where whatever happens, happens and right and wrong [have already] been reduced to 'opinions'.

If nothing is sacred then, by extension, nothing is immoral OR 'illegal'.

What a jamboree for the criminals among us; it also redefines the concept of the 'human cesspool'.

Without respect there is no dignity and without dignity there is no shame...and without shame goes even the possibility of correcting the now rampant maliciousness that has replaced 'civility'.

Nobody is asking YOU if you want to bring children in such a heartless and self-serving society, one the glorifies the taste-makers while it ridicules those unable to meet those standards but cling to them anyway [because only the clueless fail to pretend to be fabulous and ignore the endless gushing of the fawning wannabes.]

Somewhere down the line it became a crime to be less than fabulous and if you didn't agree with 'tastemakers' idea of what is fabulous, it made YOU an outcast!

Society has become a pitiless cesspool that nobody wants to be cast into.

Where does that leave you?

Either you were born rich [and by association] famous or you had to turn into one of the riches 'fans', hoping against hope that you'd get lucky and get to meet the fabulous and have some of their celebrity rub off on you.

If you are not a fawning fan then you are a p.o.s. not worthy of recognition.

Yeah, p.o.s. means what you think it means but I choose to retain a modicum of respect, unlike the shameless that have revoked their membership in civil society so they could take a steaming dump on the downtrodden AFTER they walked all over them...

Speaking of p's of shit, isn't that what the deplorable's president did by pardoning the disrespectful soldier who defied the Geneva convention by posing with the corpse of an enemy combatant?

The Geneva convention laid down International standards that Preznint Pussygrabber doesn't give a fuk about...and yes, that's how numbnuts spells fuk...because he is 'highly educated'...which he seems to believe means he was high the whole time he was in school, wasn't everyone?

I belabor the obvious when I point out that there is a significant difference between being able to spell moron and actually being one.

Civility has been under siege since Morning in America, the global coup of conservatism. Why are conservatives attacking decency? Whoever controls the moral 'high ground' gets to declare what 'decency' is, which derailed Tailgunner Joe McCarthy during the Communist witch hunts of the late fifties.

Wrongfooted once by their utter lack of decency, they aren't about to let it happen a second time with their campaign to define patriotism as the jingoistic mouth breathing fanaticism driven by the desire for approval in the eyes of an imaginary ideal.

Psychopaths are incapable of picking 'decency' out of a police line up because decency doesn't compute to the mentally broken...and that is who is attempting to seize the 'moral high ground' [by eliminating it for everybody else!]

They are incapable of using decency to defeat decency so they are doing everything in their power to become the 'arbiters of decency' despite being unable to either define what decency means or recognize it when put in practice.

Chant the refrain children, there's dumb and then there's this.

We know conservative control of the educational system has produced some of the least cognizant children since the Dark Ages thanks to the obfuscation of the facts by the feckless. [The capitalist says: I don't need kids that can think, I need workers that can follow instructions (even if I have to repeat them constantly...)]

This is who wants to take over your world.

Are you going to ease back and let them?

If YOU don't/won't fight for decency, who will?

Figure it out, Head.


Friday, November 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I wasted the title 'fatigue' by literally talking about the shit we are all tired of when I should have used it to illuminate what I am attempting to achieve [a massive reset of the 'Overton Window'.]

Simply put, the Overton window is the 'lens of normalcy' we, as members of a herd/hive society use as our mutual 'frame of reference', it 'grounds' our belief system. When we look directly at it we only see the 'memes' the media uses to describe various sectors of the 'human condition' with each 'buzzword' conjuring different images in our minds/perception.

When you read/hear 'rock star' your mind imagines a wealthy, wildly popular/successful individual. Not all rich people are rock stars but that doesn't stop most from 'behaving' like one...

Evoke the homeless and a different mental image springs to mind despite 'homelessness' being a relatively modern malaise, caused by monarchy and the decidedly insane concept of 'property' in a herd/hive organism.

How many of you believe you'd be 'better off' on your own? [Rugged Individualism is the very foundation of Conservo-whacko doctrine, the belief that every individual CAN (definitely not true)and SHOULD do EVERYTHING for themselves...] when every other herd/hive denizen relies on 'specialists' for their mutual survival.

So the first 'fact' to get tossed out the window by Conservative doctrine is the SOCIAL nature of human beings. This sets the stage for 'my way or the highway' as the prevalent attitude among the 'owners' of what BELONGS TO US ALL.

Put a pin in this because this is where the Overton Window has been moved away from so the average individual doesn't even consider their membership in a highly 'stratified' organization.

EVERYBODY needs to do their part or society falls apart. Those who have usurped/stolen leadership to better serve themselves fails to 'see/appreciate' the damage their selfishness inflicts on both the planet and their fellow humans.

Your 'me' switch has been pounded upon so violently that you no longer see yourself or your fortunes as being tied to the welfare of the 'herd' much so that most of you MORONS chafe at the word! (herd)

Exile [literally losing your membership in the herd that you so despise] is a DEATH SENTENCE but YOU are too DUMB to understand that. [Just because the Conservo-whackos preach 'self-reliance' doesn't mean it is even possible, never mind achievable! Most people left to their own devices die shortly afterwards because gathering EVERYTHING you need to live without access to a market is MUCH more difficult than 'the whacks' would have you believe.]

Why don't you 'know' this? Because the feckless teach that YOU are ON YOUR OWN! When nothing could be further from the truth. [FACT: 90% of what you are told/taught is a LIE!] (The remaining 10% requires stringent contextual filtering before it is 'useful'.)

The future of humanity is extinction if we don't stop the fucktards from exploiting us 'individually'.

ALL of the problems facing our continued existence can not be addressed (much less solved) via 'individual action, it is only through cooperation that our species will survive into the future.

All for one and one for all isn't just the credo of the 3 Musketeers, it is the 'anthem' of all successful social creatures.

If we refuse to 'help' each other, nobody else is going to do it for us.

We must remove the unhealthy influence of self interest and self dealing from the leadership of our species, failure to do this insures our doom.

Look to your 'vote' and act accordingly [the cognizant know I just told them to find a corner in a perfectly circular room and only they appreciate its meaning.]

How dumb is voting if life is all about YOU and what YOU want? Doesn't make sense, does it?

Without 'WE' life is both short and brutish.

Do I have to remind you again to use it for more then a hatrack?

Keep thinkin' Head...


Thursday, November 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, one of the basic principles of democratic capitalism is the quaint notion of 'mobility'.

To hear the sales pitch, EVERYONE is given the opportunity to create 'a better life' because capitalism allows you to 'chase your dreams'...unlike those other systems that are more focused on getting the job done.

Capitalism takes the 'nature abhors a vacuum' approach where if there is no profit in a thing then it is ignored as not being 'worth doing'. This leaves you with a lot of holes in your commerce system...holes that turn up in your standard of living but hey, for all its faults, the feckless boldly boast that 'more for me' capitalism is 'the best' (when it clearly isn't.) Capitalism is only marginally better (for the capitalist) than outright slavery.

Yes good citizen, even slavery has the 'downside' of being obligated to 'care' for the 'property'.

Capitalism is superior to slavery because all the capitalist 'buys' is the 'useful' part of the slave, otherwise the slave is on its own. If the slave gets sick and can't perform its duties the capitalist simply terminates them, problem solved.

Why the knotheads with the guns and badges think this is 'perfectly acceptable' remains a mystery. The fools act genuinely confused as to why the legislators have failed to make such lapses criminal. [Another obvious capitalist inspired 'hole' in your 'living standards' which NONE of the politicians are interested in fixing...even the ones branded as socialist!]

Oh well, once again we see that 'freedom isn't free' and we must take the 'good' with the 'bad'. [How fortunate for the capitalist!]

If you buy that one you're an even bigger chump than you know.

But (whump) there it is...

Is anyone surprised to read today's headlines regarding the significant drop in people physically moving to where the [non-existent] jobs (aren't)?

The economy and the job market has long been 'jaw-boned' [lied about] and it has led to the trust fatigue that is shredding the fabric of society.

Record low unemployment is achieved by torturing the facts, something the capitalist has never had a problem with.

The reality of the 'gig' economy, where becoming an uninsured taxi/food delivery service isn't wall to wall income when every jerk with access to a set of wheels is doing it too unintentionally sharpened the point on the lie that is 'more for me' capitalism.

How long will it be before the only thing left is mowing one another's lawns basically for free because the same twenty you made mowing your neighbor's lawn you had to pay your other neighbor who mowed yours, meaning your 'net' has dropped to zero.

How many lies do you need to swallow before you finally 'smarten up'?

Your great grandparents grew their own food, they didn't worry about making themselves 'useful' because nature doesn't swindle you the way an employer does.

Once again I admonish you to be mindful of why I end these missives where I do.

Later, Head.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fact deficit

Greetings good citizen, I sort of kicked this stone in yesterday's post and decided it was worthwhile to circle back for a closer look at the tenuous connection between facts and beliefs.

The sun is hot is a 'fact' you can prove to yourself with a magnifying glass. 90+ million miles away and its concentrated light can still ignite fires here on Earth.

God is King is somewhat more 'problematic' considering the 'divinity' of the almighty is totally reliant on faith and the hearsay of decidedly 'unreliable' witnesses.

Nobody doubts they would be incinerated if they got within a million miles of the sun's surface but SOME of those same individuals wholeheartedly BELIEVE that God could walk unharmed on the sun if it took it into it's mind to do such a thing...because the liars teach that God is 'all powerful'.

Not so handily answered is the conundrum of irresistible force vs immovable object [Can god create a rock he himself can't lift?]

Coloring outside the lines is where crazy comes from...and you don't need anyone to tell you that.

Um, 'coincidentally' I read an AP article this morning that referenced humanity's long term exposure to baseless, self serving bullshit and, unsurprisingly, it arrived at the very predictable conclusion that most people 'believe' what is passed off as 'news' is actually bullshit/opinion/emotions.

Facts require 'proof' [in as much as it is possible to produce them via experimentation.] As (human) awareness, er, 'deepens' we are often treated to the possibility that our 'proof' is tainted by our ability to measure it.

Yup, the pedallers of fine bullshit have reached into the bottom of their bag and produced their Trump card, the only thing we know for sure is DOUBT. [Like the illogical claim that light is the 'speed limit' of the physical universe.] The fact we are here (on Earth, not our planet of origin) disproves that dumb idea but not before it derailed further innovation from being gleaned from the 'theory' of 'relativity'.

The 'light rider' (clause in this case) was added to wrench further research and allow the feckless to capitalize on what they had already glimpsed.

Just as 'doubt' looms as the greatest roadblock to innovation standing in humanity's path that doesn't give us a pass to stop pressing forward...because if doubt is the enemy then how can we know if our pervasive IGNORANCE won't prove fatal?

[Prevailing BELIEF is 'what you don't know won't hurt/kill you' but we all know such platitudes are spoken completely without 'context'.]

How damning is it the naysayers rely solely on 'faith'? Chant the refrain children!

Don't need to tell the cognizant that the current social divide is due to our inability to sort fact from fiction or to punish the self serving for their falsehoods. [Exile needs to make a comeback with a vengeance!]

Life is uncertain enough without adding untrustworthiness to the list.

So where does that leave a civilization that is crumbling at the center because the few insist their lies are true?

On a greased skid, headed directly back to the dark ages when the truth was whatever they taught you it was.

Your mind was meant to be 'free' but it seems too few value that 'freedom'.

You know why these end when they do, Head.


Yup, 'tools with feet' WANT to be told what to think (and do.)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like most things in this life, dementia is 'relative' or you wouldn't spend a significant portion of you mental horse/(chipmunk/mouse/lizard) power trying to determine if someone is genuinely 'off their rocker' or simply yanking your crank.

Mental stability in our modern times is as simple as disagreeing with one another and as nuanced as the multiple dubious distinctions between major religions [usually defended with 'X million people CAN'T be wrong! (which doesn't, by default, make them 'right' either.)]

Just as sane is based on 'the behavior of the majority', the 'truth', regardless of the facts, is considered to be what [an unprovable] majority believes.

Worse, much of 'the World as, er, 'we' have come to know it' is handed to us (as gospel) by the fractal of a single percent.

So, how's your sanity holding up? YOU can believe what you like but if the fraction of a percent disagrees, guess who 'wins'?

Zero irony it is this distinction that makes undertakings like A Simple Plan so, er, 'dangerous'.

I am hardly 'obtuse', my motivations for writing what I share can be found in the day's headlines. Can you guess that I don't approve of Mr. Pompeo's latest blow against both equity and peace? [Could it be his boss or is he just another wind up toy, indistinguishable from the 'very stable genius'?]

Under ASP there are NO 'nations'. Land masses will be numbered and the number will be used to differentiate between locations. [Funny (and not 'ha-ha' funny) how humans get hung up on attaching significance to patches of ground...and what comes from this? (War.)

We all know war is for idiots and there's no shortage of those among us. Was there something you wanted to 'thank a soldier/veteran for?'

F'n dangerous shit coming from those free to manipulate 'public opinion' for their own purposes. Just sayin' ya know?

Hasn't happened in [the West] for a couple of hundred years but soldiers were the ones that took you to the slave camps after your, er, 'land' was defeated. THIS is what's 'incongruous' about 'thanking a soldier' for f'n anything.

[Like it or not we are ALL 'soldiers', if you want to thank someone for your life (I would say 'freedom' but you are NOT 'free', ironically only criminals are!), find a f'n mirror!]

Talk about the 'joys of capitalism' the African slave trade was largely a criminal enterprise conducted by 'freebooting' capitalists! [Justified by BOTH Christian churches because they were 'godless savages'...(WTF?)

So we return to the 'relativity' of sanity and the unfolding shitshow as various factions vie for control of the collective narrative.

Time to hit the reset button before the feckless few push the one that wrecks the planet for the foreseeable future and dooms our species to a fight it can't win.

Sane, it's a bigger question than you think [mostly because those who control the narrative are self-serving liars!]

Until next time, please TRY to dump some of the shit from between your ears. Seriously. Stop, examine and discard...if only for your own mental health.

The three filters of unity, justice and equality [never religion] are all you need. Neither sanity nor sense comes from a book, they come from the heart...which should be the first thing you check might be surprised to find yours has been stolen, by some whack job out to murder their own demons via others. [Remember the X million can't be wrong? Oh yes they can and we have many examples!]

Keep it real, Head.


Monday, November 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I am getting on in years and feel their 'weight' but I am not the only one (and perhaps not the best) to describe how 'the relentless opportunists' among us wear us out.

That famous river in Egypt is one of the most corrosive forces known to the psyche, forever having to play 'prove it' gets tiring quick and having to do it constantly, for decades wears us down to a diamond hard nub.

One of the 'goals' of A.S.P. [which is 'holistic'] is to minimize [elimination isn't possible] this corrosive tendency by reducing the incentive to distance oneself from our only 'true achievements' [a.k.a. mistakes] coupled with individual's ability to personally redress grievances in an effort to reduce 'quibbling'.

I needn't point out to the cognizant that we would be far less likely to 'deny' our culpability if that denial resulted in the prospect of mortal combat. We would literally be forced to think before we spoke, talk about a 'game changer'...

That said, no one wants to live a life of being intimidated although it is precisely what is 'wrong' with this life we lead right now.

If the 'other guy' has deep pockets...which usually means they also have 'connections', if only because A. seems to go hand-in-hand with B. You still end up fearful to challenge a slight or a slander. Making it 'personal' levels at least the initial part of the playing field.

The other 'changes' A.S.P. ushers in are intended to wipe out the other advantages of being 'born to money' so the dueling ring is truly a one on one battle of honor. [To the death if you both feel that strongly about it...and it has to be both.]

I needn't remind the cognizant that under A.S.P NOBODY will be 'born to money'. [From the cradle to the grave, your money is for you and ONLY you...mostly because it is 'non-transferrable'.]

But I digress.

Let us return to 'life as it is' and the endless lies that make this life so 'tedious'.

Preznint Pussygrabber is a moron who likely believes he did nothing wrong because he has behaved like this his entire, deeply privileged life.

This does NOT make him 'right' but the press [and more importantly, the people who 'own' the press that manage the public's perception of right and wrong] are compelled to make the public believe Pussygrabber is the 'victim' here when the real victim is staring back at you in the mirror.

Every once in a great while (and today is apparently one of those days) the media points to one of the genuine problems facing a 'captive/hostage' audience.

No one thinks (nevermind believes) that Pussygrabber will be removed from office or prevented from running for a 2nd term. The asshats running things handed W. a 2nd term but that was the price of suspending habeas and eliminating anti-usury legislation [how's that for a damning Quid Pro Quo? We impeached the wrong guy but hey, it's not a crime if nobody knows it happened!

And the 'typical moron' believes they are protected from being overcharged by the law (despite having no clue which law, most can't spell usury, much less define it.) Then there is habeas, a protection dating back to the Magna Carta, which W. repealed with the Patriot Act.

NOT ONE CANDIDATE currently running for the presidency has even mentioned a position on either what does THAT tell you?

Fatigued? You bet your sweet ass we are, sick and tired of being jerked around by those who PRETEND to 'serve' us.

Which is only the tip of the fatigue iceberg. We're all sick of working to make someone else rich while trying to eek out a life from wages we can barely live on.

Wait until the day comes when you realize the life you're living is 'as good as it gets', try, don't doesn't matter because this is as good as it is ever going to get. [Zero irony this comes just ahead of the realization that it is all 'downhill' from this point...and each day something else will 'go'.

You can see the jagged rocks below and there isn't fuck all you can do to slow, nevermind stop your descent.

Seems an 'appropriate' place to stop for now.

Later, Head.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Law vs. Rules

Greetings good citizen, some of you will see where this is going right away but I'm betting most of you won't. How many of you make the common mental mistake of thinking Laws and Rules are the same thing?

Worse, how many of you are equivocating right now?

The guys in robes make the laws but the ones with the guns make the rules...

Since most places are [relatively] 'peaceful' you don't think about the distinction between laws and rules, to the average (suburban) citizen, there is no difference between the laws and the rules.

Cityfolk know different and they are also keenly aware that the ones with the guns don't all carry badges despite working for the, er, 'same people'.

It is here we encounter a third variable, that of Gold rules...but since nobody trades in gold anymore it has really been money doing the, er, 'ruling'.

How can JUSTICE exist if the guys in the suits make the 'laws' the average schmuck has to obey but the guys with the guns, who work for the guy with the money make their own rules?

Close the loop and what have you got? Hey, the guys in suits work for the guy with money too difference, right?

Laws are like locks, they serve to keep the honest (chump) honest.

So we have 'Laws' by them, for us (but not them because it would be stupid to expect them to play by the 'same rules' they force on everyone else.) It's also why not everyone who works for our betters wears a badge...the bad guys can't wear both hats, the public would kill them all, which would be VERY bad for the freakishly selfish!

What do you suppose is central to this situation, the same factor responsible for just about every social ill...OWNERSHIP!

Why do you think we have 'two sets' of laws? Because the people who think they own this place don't feel 'obliged' to live under the same rules they make for us.

Their 'interests' and our interests are often at odds with one another.

They'd wipe us out but that leaves them with the problem of having to do their own 'dirty work' and, apparently, they are not up to the job.

So here we sit.

Do YOU appreciate what this means? There will be neither unity or equity as long as 'the feckless' put themselves ahead of everyone else and claim to 'own' what belongs to us all.

Can't figure that out?

Dead is forever, enjoy!


Saturday, November 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, bad enough you need a scorecard to keep track of all the players but now we are experiencing a repeat of the 2016 run up to the Presidential primaries with the number of candidates being incredibly lopsided literally 'diluting' support for any one candidate.

Who [Besides the media and the nitwit they handed the job to last time] thinks this is a 'good idea' when the incumbent has demonstrated for all to see that he has no plans for society's future...and that IS the job we are 'attempting' to fill.

As a resident of Massachusetts let me tell the voting public that Deval Patrick's disappointing gubernatorial service resulted in the election of Nevada native Mitt Romney who promptly used his statehouse win to run for the oval office, which he botched incredibly...and yet he is now a Senator for his home state.

Mike Bloomberg's hat barely touched the floor, announcing his entry into an already crowded field using his 4 terms as Mayor of NYC when the, er, 'controversy' surrounding 'stop and frisk' rose up to greet him.

Um, the convention narrows down the field to two but considering the expense [which keeps many 'better qualified' individuals OUT of the race] what purpose does this 'spectacle' really serve?

The 'illusion of participation'... and I won't dilute that observation with a question mark, there is no doubt.

Ever wonder why Election Day falls on the First f'n November? It was ORIGINALLY selected so as to not 'interfere' with the farmer's busy calendar but it's been a century since we were a majority 'agrarian' society, why wasn't it changed to A.) a Monday and B.) made a federal holiday everyone gets PAID for?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

No one knows? How about a wild ass guess? [Worse than it appears, isn't it?]

How about the answer that is right in front of your face? THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO VOTE AT ALL!

The now 2 year long election cycle serves no other purpose than the illusion of participation, this is a HOAX.

The collective 'WE' [the human race for those of you unfamiliar with thinking in terms beyond your immediate family] can NO LONGER AFFORD the 'luxury' of FAKE PARTICIPATION because the people doing the actual organizing that keeps the wheels of society spinning are INCOMPETENT COGS in a machine that isn't up to the job of protecting our species.

EVERY military on the planet needs to be dismantled. [Do I even need to put a time frame on that? (Didn't think so.)]

Then we NEED to establish a competition that asks the candidates for leadership to solve the problems that are causing society to tear itself to shreds. [Hint to the feckless, 'lock 'em up' is NEVER the answer!]

[See what I mean about no longer being able to afford the 'luxury' of being lead by morons?]


Remember the last fiasco and what came of an overcrowded field of candidates because EVERYBODY believed they could beat the sole opposition party candidate?

How the fuck did that happen, by the way? Is the DNC a front for the manipulators who call themselves 'our betters' (sometimes to our face like candidate Mitt did when he thought he wasn't being recorded?)

Is anyone out there dumb enough to believe this was an 'isolated incident'?

The feckless few think this ALL THE TIME! [Why do you think they make you go out to vote in sub-freezing temperatures every 4 years for no good reason but to laugh over YOUR STUPIDITY?

Confused? Mission Accomplished.

Like I keep reminding you, there ain't a lot of 'next times' left, Head.


PS: I see you still haven't cleaned up the mess in there...I didn't think it was possible to cram even more shit in there!

Friday, November 15, 2019

End Times

Greetings good citizen, when the conversation turns to the 'End of days' it is usually in conjunction with one of the major bullshit stories and each book goes into a fantastical odyssey over Spirit in the Sky, er, 'protecting the chosen' as the same 'omnipotent' force visits punishment after punishment upon the 'wicked' who have turned away from Spirit in the Sky.

Is 'God' a cat that enjoys the 'sport' of playing with its prey until death releases it from the clutches of the almighty's little 'game'?

Stands to reason [but there isn't any when it comes to a being that truly understands the forces of nature, is there? At least that is what its spokesmen claim.]

God could wipe out the wicked with a mere thought but instead we are told it will torture the entire human race to 'tease' the faithful from the wicked...which is naturally a steaming pile of manure.

[STOP!] The most heinous lie ever told is that of 'predestination', that the future is known and revealed to us [but only in part] by the scriptures. If it ISN'T IN THE BIBLE IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! is also a DEADLY LIE and the principle 'defense' of taking no action to prevent degradation of the biosphere!]

Those who sell 'the lie of the lord' are attempting to harvest the most valuable commodity known to despots, loyalty and obedience.

It is not possible to control large numbers of people if they have nothing in common so the tyrant feeds his would be army with the one thing it craves, Hope!

Weird to see 'holy war' resurfacing again but it's the only lever the despots still control. 'Luxury' has made the common man question the lies he has been fed because like school shooters, he has come to realize shit don't add up.

Which brings us to the 'End Times'.

Will AI become 'self-aware' and seize the nuclear football to eradicate its creator?

Fuck no! Remember us? we know one millionth of a percent of nothing. The potential for a piece of code becoming 'sentient' is roughly the same as the idea of a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters for a million years and producing their own version of the Bible. We are too 'ignorant' to create a 'singularity', the information isn't there, especially the important stuff about the basic mechanics of creation...we (being tools) know less than nothing. It is too far above our paygrade.

So when Armageddon finally does happen it will be the feckless using the 'nuclear option' to ESCAPE PROSECUTION FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

But let's not discount the destructive force of Capitalism that recklessly destroys the environment in relentless pursuit imaginary money for no good reason. [Perhaps the meaning of life is sending money to the Caymans so it can retire in tropical splendor...]

Did I mention the feckless are f'n insane?

Spirit in the sky isn't real but the degradation of the environment is and Global capitalism is accelerating mankind's rush to exterminate itself. [Which truly begs the question of if we are 'all' human because some people don't behave like they give a flying fuck about humanity and enjoy the idea of expediting our demise...

Consider the 'mischief' a shapeshifter could get up to...[I keep charging off the reservation because SOMETHING about the current equation doesn't add up and we are all in peril as long as the X factor remains unidentified.]

The End Times will go NOTHING like the holy scriptures describe AND we are closer to 'self annihilation' than most realize...and No Virginia, Santa isn't going to be there to pull our collective bacon out of the fire because Santa is Satan anagramed and neither one exists!

The 'real' end of civilization on this planet will be MUCH grislier than the book of Bullshit foretells and the ONLY 'Salvation' will be the sweet escape death provides from the terror of a world without food as mankind loses its perch atop the food chain...all so 'a few' can be rich.

Thanks for opening your mind to reality for a moment, refreshing, isn't it? [Didn't say it wasn't frightening, calm the fuck down!]

Until next time Head.


You would do well to remember that 'the button' is the default 'exit strategy' the feckless will use to escape prosecution, who knows better than they do how cruel humans can be? Sort of redefines 'Don't take me alive!'

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the race for 'Commander-in-Chief' is in full swing so why does the media ignore the fact that it's not the job the public needs doing?

Oh, that's right. The media operates under the mandate of only telling the public what the commercial sector wants them to believe. Peace and security are both fabricated chimera brought to you by a media barred from telling the truth [which, ironically, is far more 'newsworthy'.]

There isn't an American alive that doesn't know the POTUS is also the 'Leader of the Free World' [why does numbnuts remain baffled that he is being impeached? He's not doing the job and only the lying media pretends his mythical 'base' is happy with him.]

There isn't a single late night TV host the audience didn't cheer [enthusiastically] when they announced 'the deplorables' president was indeed going to face impeachment...and our 'murdered' baby Trump balloon is imported from freedom loving Europeans who despise the self-centered schmuck as much as the disgruntled US public does.

Seriously good citizen, WHO likes this guy? Even the people at his rallies are paid actors!

Not that you should care but my money is still on the usurpers of the 'bloodless coup'. They MADE HIM take the job in exchange for not prosecuting him over his role in the fraudulent Trump University scandal...and what we see is what they got/wanted.

Doesn't matter if he is impeached, the 'damage' is done. Will we be able to 'reset' the laws he 'undid' using something that shouldn't exist [and didn't surface until W. was in office] Presidential Decree?

Democracy as it is currently practised (by our 'betters') is broken. This is not democracy but thinly veiled monarchy that the Robber Barons have been restoring via 'gradualism'.

A Leader is a problem solver, a ruler's sole interest is in maintaining the 'status quo'. Rulers don't give a f about your problems, you are beneath consideration. A leader uses their mandate to build a better society (for ALL) to solve the conflicts that plague our 'ruler' riddled populace.

The principal 'defect' of capitalism is the defacto premise that every 'Owner' is a KING...who is the defacto 'ruler' of their 'possession' and is entitled to behave as they wish, regardless of skill or ability because their only 'responsibility' is to THEMSELVES!

Are YOU a capitalist? [Shame on you!]

Speaking of 'facts' [especially inconvenient ones] NONE of us OWNS anything and we ALL have a responsibility to EACH OTHER AND Every other living thing on this planet (Except mosquitoes.)

The NEED to eradicate the Robber Barons is acute, civilization depends on removing them from the corridors of power after they have been permanently demolished.

Bureaucracy exists to stifle change. It even resists efforts to eradicate it! [How's that for freakishly effective?]

Checks and balances exist to preserve tyranny so the will of the few can't be overruled.

While the practiced bureaucrat dryly yawns they are only following 'procedure' what can't be observed is that they are making 'procedure' up on the spot as they hastily circle the threat back upon itself until it runs out of energy/urgency.

A nation needs (effective) leadership while it has almost zero use for a ruler, which is what the post Morning in America crowd keeps appointing to the Oval Office.

Ironic that those who deny that Morning in America marked the beginning of a worldwide bloodless coup by THE SAME PEOPLE THAT FUNDED THE NAZIS! [The 'infamous' Robber Barons, whose progeny is better known as our 'billionaire class'.]

Did the Nazi's/Axis powers 'lose' WWII?

Depends on how you define lose?

Sure doesn't look like it if you scrape away the veneer of propaganda the media piled on top of the smoking rubble.

Everybody knows you are being, er, 'herded' and that the media can't be trusted, which leave you (and yours) where?

We have to establish a working government beyond the reach of the feckless whose only goal is nothing less than undisputed obedience and the abject servitude of the lower classes.

Sort of expands your perception of what's going on when you realize that the media is not your Guardian but your Jailer.

In order to have accurate information we must first remove the influence of the self-interested and in order to make that happen we need to abolish OWNERSHIP in all its forms.

When will the idiots among us wake up to the fact that the ONLY thing ownership establishes is the direction the 'income stream' flows (if you're lucky, still a lot of 'owners on paper' that are getting skunked.)

The Nazis were both Christian and Capitalist...and nobody has a problem outside of the goose stepping and the swastikas...WTF? [White people, am I right?]

Abolish ownership, abolish cash and you literally eliminate corruption by eliminating the 'quid pro quo' cash for compliance results in...eliminate ownership and you remove 'payment in kind' from the equation. Left on the table is the planet's oldest profession which the elimination of cash will put a major dent in but it will NOT stop it entirely!

But I digress, albeit not by much because we MUST unite humanity under a 'viable' system or our species will eliminate itself from the historic record. That is not up for debate.

We are literally tap dancing on a land mine as the feckless work on undermining unity so they don't have to contribute. How's that for a self-centered?

Funny how when you start numbering the things that need to be addressed the picture becomes considerably clearer.

Try it and see where you land?

[Can't make ya do it but the idea is intriguing, ain't it?]

Until next time, Head.


Sometimes I try to cram too much into a single piece but it's all connected! [Arrggghh!]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while most deny it the most damning trait displayed by most humans is gullibility and, depending on the topic, almost none of us are 'immune' (despite most of us sincerely believing otherwise.)

We are quick to point out when someone else is 'babbling baseless bullshit' (that we personally disagree with) but are slow to admit it when we discover it is us who have been privy to a lie. We are taught to 'stick to our guns' by the very people who regularly play us for chumps. [I'm looking at you Mom & Dad.]

It was 'for our own good', right?

It is 'assumed' that a grown adult is capable of sorting truth from fiction but why do so many slavishly follow the dictates of the church?

Um, for a colossal mindfuck how many of you have questioned the practice of thanking a veteran for their 'service'?

You are NOT 'free' by any definition of the term, which makes you what, good citizen?


Yet this public display of (deeply misguided) PATRIOTISM is encouraged by the media with announcers across the spectrum pausing the opening minutes of the game to single out and praise those who wore a uniform 'in service' to this nation [to get money for college tuition and a line on their resume] making the rest of us 'less safe' due to the terrorist acts committed by the US military.

Wars start with and end with words. The last DOZEN [Republican sponsored/initiated] 'conflicts' were actually illegal invasions.

So who are YOU thanking and what are YOU thanking them for? Are you doing it because the announcer told you too?

What kind of sheep/chump are you? [Rhetorical question: everybody KNOWS!]

These 'volunteers' didn't join FOR you, they did it because they wanted MONEY for college, something that wasn't going to happen if they didn't do what they did because their folks weren't, er, 'prosperous' enough to pay their way and student debt chokes/defeats most kids who 'bootstrap' their way through meat grinder most commonly known as college.

Most degrees prepare you for jobs that don't exist [Chant the refrain, children!]

If you don't have a degree [ironically it (still) doesn't matter in what] you aren't going to even have a shot at the job.

So we are being cozened by the media into believing those who 'volunteer' to serve in a criminal organization that suppresses freedom by force around the world for their 'sacrifice' to keep us 'safe/free'.

Why don't people 'think'? [Is it because thinking hurts their teeny heads?]

Sing the refrain children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Sadly, the cognizant know this is only the tip of the iceberg. Did you read in the headlines that the US economy [for zero reasons anyone can point to] is 'rebounding'?

Ya don't suppose this is propaganda intended to prop up numbnut's re-election campaign, do ya?

The economy sucks, driving more of our youth into making the second line on their resume [whatever branch of the military that will have them] Ironically jobs in the military don't go 'begging' either, many apply but only a few are accepted despite the shitty economy. [The twin whipsaws of a part-time/gig economy and the rising cost of living keeps the predatory murder machine filled with people more concerned about 'number 1' than those bleeding heart types that would balk at the 'injustice' of what the feckless commanders deem necessary towards 'preserving our liberty'.

Some pluralize liberty but none of it is true, it's what they do to keep their jobs and nothing more.

How's that for cynical?

Ya think 'humanity' has a problem [a leadership problem to be specific, one tied to the 'popularity contest' we use to select our ineffectual leaders...they can all 'talk the talk' but none of 'em DARE to 'walk the walk'.

Obama ran on the slogan 'Change you can believe in yet he failed to prosecute the war criminals Bush and Cheney.

[Not that it would have done any good considering how 'perverted' the criminal run justice system is.]

Why won't you revolt?

Now you KNOW where the problem is [the legal system top to bottom] and how to repair it WHy don't you do something?

Oh, that's right because they tell you it isn't broken...and they wouldn't lie to you, would they?

Use your head for more than a f'n hat rack [now there's a moldy oldie I picked up from my old man back in the days when gentlemen didn't consider themselves 'dressed' if they weren't wearing their 'lid'...]

How unfortunate covering one's head most of the time resulted in hair loss due to the scalps inability to breathe?

Should we sing the refrain or just skip to the obvious, fashion regularly makes chumps out of us all.

Let us reflect on yesterday's offering that cited the necessity of making common cause with the rest of the occupants of this planet. Global unity predicated on RULES without RULERS is the solution to the increasing inequity that plagues society.

If we can't make common cause with our fellow humans we are DOOMED to DIE in the future battles for the resources that remain.

Repeat the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Listen and learn or ignore this, it's YOUR Head.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

One Planet

Greetings good citizen, totally not on anyone's radar is the creeping conspiracy theory regarding a 'supranational' New World Order, an, er, organization that would supercede the UN as a world governing body.

If there is a more glaring example of the failure of democracy the way it is currently practised it is the failure to achieve this necessary goal.

We don't have a world government because the act of attempting to elect a single individual based on 'popularity' [like we currently do with national leaders] is 'impossible'. The religious and ideological divides are too great.

What WOULD work isn't appealing to the feckless that stoke the fires of economic conflict worldwide (better known as the 'war is good business' crowd who view peace as an anathema to their commercial interests.

"I don't hate peace, I just can't make any money at it." Is the flat pronouncement coming from the Hawks that center their political campaigns on 'readiness' (which keeps the war machine flush with contracts for their wares.)


We can't get our local governments to agree on simple things nevermind our OOC national fiasco of partisan gun battles over issues only the politicians (pretend) to care about [Yeah, we see through that crap Dummy.]

So the idea of using FAKE DEMOCRACY to place another layer of government the public would be unable to control would plant the seeds for worldwide revolt...and throw open the doors to 'anarchy' [rules without RULERS, chaos is chaos, f'n media twats.]

Under 'true democracy' nobody is exempt from the rules nor can they hold society hostage to their personal wishes (or worse, the wishes of their paymasters!)

[Real time: It's snowing and the old guy is bumming!]


Why do you suppose numbnuts is charging across the 'world stage' attacking trade agreements and starting trade wars with reckless abandon?

Ya don't suppose the 'purpose' behind the reckless theatrics is to manufacture 'the need' for a global body to oversee international trade, do you?

What do you suppose this global body will morph into once it has a stranglehold on world trade?

What good is a 'toothless' World Trade Organization? [See the one that already exists...]

What is the 'identifying characteristic' of a nation-state?

See how the feckless will get their 'UN Like' global government and this one won't be crippled by the ability to unilaterally veto whatever it likes, more evidence of collusion between the supposed 'super powers' and the lie of FAKE DEMOCRACY.

There are no 'superpowers' and no 'nation states'. Just criminal organizations which bastardize the planet's legal systems to implement their own agendas, ones that DON'T place the welfare of humanity first.

As long as the feckless control the global government they will be able to keep the forces opposed to monopoly at bay.

If the 'World Government' doesn't think it (price gouging) is illegal then who are you to accuse it of criminality?

In a world increasingly filled with HOPELESSNESS do they really think this is a wise course of action?

But how better to plunge the human race back into the Dark ages where the Church murders the devil out of the 'faithful' one heretic at a time...and that's what they are aiming at, man's inhumanity to their fellow man is legendary.

Not up for discussion is if any of us really wants to go back there again?

You can bet the asshat that destroyed the Baby Trump protest ballon thinks so...if he is capable of thinking at all. Seems the feckless's Book of evil has claimed another victim. [Yeah, the perp actually said he viewed the prop as 'the work of the devil' and (by extension) that God demanded he protect 'his president'.]

Be afraid good citizen, be VERY afraid!


Monday, November 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, seems whenever a candidate decides to run on a 'law & order' ticket it's not to put an end to political corruption but to lock YOU up in 'for profit prison' they happen to be stockowners in. [Anybody notice how the media avoids using the 'O' word? People no longer 'own' stock, the 'hold' it but even stocks have fallen out of favor as they are more commonly referred to as 'shares'.

But that is not the direction this post is headed [although the ownership issue underlies everything corrupt and poisonous to the vitality and viability of the body social.

Yes good citizen, humans are social creatures but this implies we should treat one another as equals and that won't do for the feckless few that have bastardized society's tools and made themselves the beneficiaries.

It all starts with 'upholding' the law, the law as it is 'generally understood' rather than the way it best benefits the enforcers and their minions.

Corruption starts with a deliberate campaign to 'pervert' the meaning of the law to a more 'advantageous' interpretation.

Seems the current crew of presidential hopefuls aren't interested in ending everyday corruption. It's been 18 years since the Patriot act repealed anti-usury legislation AND suspended Habeas Corpus...but that was to keep us safe and the danger (apparently) will never end, 'Islamofascism is invincible' in the minds of those who hijacked the political process.

[Did I mention this is the precursor to the establishment of a Christian Nation that will resume their war against the equally invincible Satan that killed millions during the Dark Ages when the church accused anyone that refused to comply with heresy and executed them for it, proof or no?]

Why are there no cognizant individuals running for leadership?

Because the ones that control the money are the ones that fund ALL campaigns. If you fail the political 'sniff test' (an expression popularized by Rummy, W's Sec. of Defense) you WON'T receive the backing you need to win elected office.

Even 'menial' political posts cost millions to 'win' but reward the holder with benefits that last the rest of their lives [provided they don't do anything dumb like actually try and do the job for the people who they were appointed to serve.]

We MUST 'assume' the entire process is corrupt because there is no way to verify the process from the 'outside'.

THE ONLY WAY to insure compliance is to eliminate the process entirely. [Under A.S.P. there are NO elected officials, thus no elections...but elections aren't the problem are they, it's the money-grubbing media that has driven the cost of running for office beyond the means of the honestly employed, the only people who live like most of us live and suffer like we suffer...anything less ISN'T 'representative'.

How many of you appreciate it was this exact same 'lack of representation' that was used as grounds for the original revolt that so enriched the founders at everyone else's expense [THEY got to issue money that they made out of nothing! (and they are still at it!)]

But the average voter doesn't see that because they are too wrapped up in the fact that NONE of the candidates are even a pale shadow of themselves or their problems so the wrestle with trying to determine who the 'least worst' candidate might be...because EVERYBODY KNOWS the campaign trail is paved with lies.

Just look at fathead and his 'promises kept' site that NO ONE knew he ran on ANY of those the f'n trillion dollar tax cut for billionaires!

If they 'appoint' him again do you think they will 'reward' themselves with a 2nd trillion? What the hell, you know they need it more than YOU do!

How many vote do you think it will take to override the 3 million votes Hillary beat pussnuts by this time?

Who thinks a unanimous vote against pickle-smoocher still wouldn't be enough to dissuade the feckless from returning their spineless lapdog back in the White House?

The first time was an anomaly, what will they label his (seriously unlikely) re-election...'A show of force?'

Do you know the words to 'onward Christian Soldiers?' [Doesn't matter, they want the half that doesn't to just hum along.]

But the typical voter sees none of this, largely because the issues most candidates run on NEVER go away, they remain stubbornly unsolved and nobody wonders (or even questions) why.

Y'all don't suppose the f'n process is broken, do ya?

90% of crime and 100% of corruption is cash and carry. Want to eliminate corruption? ABOLISH CASH!

Not 'politically viable' though, is it?

The corrupt would never go for it but that is the direction our crumbling civilization is headed in. The 'alternative to justice' would be a concerted effort to 'right-size' the population [but this effort must succeed on a PLANETARY scale! Leaving 'too many' survivors is futile/self-defeating.]

If we were to 'level the playing field' we would add the zeroing of bank accounts, the permanent shuttering of the fraudulent 'stock markets' and the ability to transfer funds between individuals along with strict/severe penalties for, er, any 'financial irregularities' that enrich you beyond your means...because your money is for YOU and you ALONE!

The opportunist in us all will be tempted to weaponize this legislation and use it to eliminate their 'competition' but the penalty [exile] also extends to anyone engaged in this variety of 'tampering'...self interpreted as 'harmless pranking' by those who endanger the lives of their victims.

This 'tendency' to abuse legislation is 'inbred' and won't go away. We can only hope that our children won't eliminate themselves from the future genepool but often we are astonished to learn how the twig bent itself by deciding the reward warranted the risk, which is NEVER an 'excuse'.

Nature isn't forgiving and we can't afford to be either. You make a fatal choice and it's game over.

A huge part of the crisis we are facing is due to exactly that, we have eliminated the penalties for wrongdoing in the name of being more 'humane'...which is literally STUPID.

Um, I shouldn't have to do this and I generally don't but today's 'intended' take away is to illustrate that the 'resistant' problems that our politicians have repeatedly failed to solve are indeed soluble, it's not the problem but the will to solve them that is 'lacking'.

We sit in this festering cesspool because those who set themselves above us don't want your problems 'solved'.

Ironically, none of this is about 'money' because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY [if it wasn't we'd have gone bankrupt long ago! We are technically bankrupt right now just to give you an idea of how perilous the situation is!]

Rules without rulers good citizen, it is the only way to insure EVERYBODY obeys the law!

Until next time Head,


Sunday, November 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, not only do most people have widely differing definitions of 'success' but few would consider themselves successful by their own standards so divorced are we from our perceptions and our ability to achieve even the 'minimal' success of living indoors and eating more or less regularly.

Where have you set the bar for 'success: personal'?

Um, seriously because now the question becomes one of 'and you don't have a problem with that?'

You'd change things if you could but, alas, you don't know what to do nor do you know how to attack a problem that originates so far above your paygrade with our elected representatives having their hands full protecting us from beastiality and demon worship, they have zero time to deal with the genuine problems facing the typical voter and you have to ask yourself why THAT is?

[Whose backside do you think the feckless media has now? It sure ain't yours!]

But I digress (ever so slightly.)

The media, er, 'shows' us a rockstar lifestyle as the 'baseline' of a level of 'success' 99% of us will NEVER achieve [in reality, roughly 30% of the population at least THINKS they possess that kind of talent, sadly reality proves them mistaken regularly...and it crushes them when it does (but that's a separate issue.)

Talent, like truth and success is all 'relative'.

Probably why most of us consider ourselves 'failures'. [It's also how hacks can coin money writing 'self-help' books predicated on destroying cultural norms that would have gotten you pilloried in more savage times. I'm looking at you Stephen Covey!]

Adam Smith doesn't own the corner on 'greed is good',(or the unspoken belief that 'rules are for chumps') Smith/Covey have a following to this day, in case you are wondering how we landed on the subject of 'success' [and why most of you are 'failures' (even by your own standards) now you know.]

If you want to be a 'success' in our decidedly criminal society you either need to be born (very) rich or (very) talented, because the rich adore having people to hold up and say, look, ANYONE can do it if they put their minds to it!

A larger lie you won't hear [that doesn't involve Spirit in the Sky.]

How many of you have arrived full circle with the idea that your life is a lie and your existence is due their unwillingness to kill you outright because the rest would get 'the wrong idea' and once the bloodbath starts it will be damn near impossible to stop! [Because most people will correctly conclude that the 'rampage' is being driven by the flag hugging zealots who proclaim that nobody is 'patriotic enough' for their liking.

Can't 'argue' with crazy and that's why we call 'em 'Whackos!'

It is here that most of you should be considering just how we arrived at such a place, socially speaking considering social media didn't arrive before the conventions of civility were tossed out the window by the comply or die crowd.

Can't lock them up in the stocks or exile them [which ended when marauder bands of exiles began attacking the cities that banished them. Funny how failure to think things through often results in 'unintended consequences'.]

Now there is 'nowhere to run and nowhere to hide', what do we 'do' with those who fail to value the benefits of civil society?

Society is a 'symbiotic' relationship, it doesn't work when one takes what everyone else has to give while giving nothing back in return. Works for the taker but few others.

Can call a population exploited by the few a 'society' by any stretch of the imagination, and we won't 'survive' if we fail to 'live together'.

Until the population reached critical mass, the 'exploiters' didn't care about the lopsided outcomes their selfishness produced but now the numbers are damning [and as much as they'd like to, they CAN'T keep them hidden, despite making constant efforts to the contrary.]

Yes Virginia, if you knew the full extent of the predation the feckless visit on society just to stay 'on top' you'd lynch them all on sight.

They have no right to what they claim for themselves and their bills of sale are all from a God that they themselves created, how's that for 'fraud'?

You are forced to live a lie so 'a few' can be 'rich'.

What do you think 'success' would look like in a 'universal scale'? [Or are you incapable of conceiving of such a concept?]

Is 'success' global recognition and the, er, 'adoration' it brings or is being a valued member of your community enough?

Mr Covey thinks your sights are set too low if you'd 'settle' for a life of relative 'obscurity' but remember, right now if you live indoors and eat regularly [nevermind who calls the house at mealtimes looking for money you don't have] most of us consider ourselves a success!

You shouldn't be held hostage by others for your miserable existence and that's just the baseline.

But nothing will change if you fail to change it and that starts with 'voting' for people that have NOTHING in common with you!

The system needs to change and the new one needs to punish leadership that fails to put ALL of society at its center.

It also needs to be defended by the public and not by the military (that answers to them)...(now that's a change most of us could get behind.)

No more 'empires' society exists for humanity and not for the few that are taught they are 'exceptional' and that the 'rules of society' don't apply to fact no rules do, which is beyond dangerous in a world capable of destroying itself.

Remember why I end these when I do, Head!
