Thursday, January 3, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, our patriot forefathers revolted against the 'tyranny' of (semi-delusional) monarchy 230 years ago only to see that same tyranny resurface forty years ago, fully delusional, with the bloodless coup the partisans refer to as Morning in America, the birth of the American Century [eerily similar to the capitalist Nazi's Thousand year Reich...remember, the Nazi's were first and foremost, capitalists! [Authoritarians, but there isn't another type of capitalist so the two are considered indivisible!]

Now our Uber capitalist head of state, the Criminal in Chief has shut down the government so his fellow Republicans can hang the useless Border Wall on their political foes.

Not that blatant political blackmail actually matters since Morning in America, the public no longer has ANY say in our collective future.

Voting is nothing more than eyewash and the 'news' is now full 'expectation management'.

Ya know, the 'cognizant' don't need to be told but it still needs to be SAID that what the average person BELIEVES to be Freedom is in fact an elaborate ruse.

And tick, tock good citizen, the clock is running down on just how long people are going to 'put up with' the lie.

The Church lasted just over a thousand years, but consistent 'no shows' by God flushed that lie down the tubes. Fake governments replaced the imaginary Almighty but the fake part poked through bag it was sealed in and it brought us back to square one.

Only 'the vested' believe the ruse of 'liberty' is somehow preserved under the massive tyranny we wake up to every day. [Since stupid really is, 'the vested' are the rich and their myriad 'wannabes' that imagine themselves catapulted to instant Rock Star status every Friday and Saturday/Tuesday and Wednesday [because those are the four times a week they draw the nationwide lotteries.]

How pathetic that half of them don't even play the lottery because they were taught it was the 'stupid tax (and they isn't stupid!) however, this is the same crowd that believes in 'miracles'...

But I digress.

Is this existence so dreary that we all are willing to swallow the incredible just for a chance to escape reality for a short while?

Look at what that won us...

[More disturbing is how this tendency overrides the urgency necessary to confront the thieves among us.]

How much more 'political theater' are you willing to watch before you decide you need to escape that too?

Reality, you can't escape it but still the feckless keep trying to convince you it doesn't matter, watch this!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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