Saturday, January 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, watched the man we all love to hate on his usual Friday night forum and watched with admiration, wondering if I could match his tenacity as he rubbed right up against the things he's dying to say but can't.

That said this is in no way intended to put words into Mr. Mahar's mouth [he's got plenty of his own but he can't use them all.] One 'mis-step' and we'll all be watching re-runs Gilligan's Island in his current time slot. That said, it's part of what makes 3M worth watching, they are the three that will skate up to the blue line and stop just short of icing the puck.

You could almost see Bill biting his tongue as they discussed the 'value' of a border wall. Why does America need one? Are Americans the only ones STUPID enough to believe people actually WANT to come here? [The ones that shamelessly wrap themselves in the flag love to pretend that there is something here for others to envy although they'd be hard pressed to identify it.

Can ANYBODY point to the nation that LOVES repression and thrives on drudgery? (you're soaking in it!) [what is your evidence for making such an outrageous claim, that you are completely brainless?]

Nope, I half expected Bill to blast Ann Coulter with the truth and ask her why she thought these people felt the need to escape their homelands? What were they expecting to be different here?

Naturally she would spout conservo-whacko talking points about becoming 'welfare queens' but that shit don't float no more. It is becoming increasingly evident that capitalism leaves far too many people stranded on the sidelines despite all the happy talk coming from the right wing war machine.

Land of the free and the home of the brave is one of the biggest lies ever told. If you aren't being screwed for everything you're worth the only thing you are good for is stopping bullets!

But the 'real motto' of the feckless capitalist wouldn't win hearts and minds like land of the free and home of the brave...although you'd be hard pressed to find either here in the armed and cowering land that sleeps with one eye open...

Like I keep saying, 'survival' is ALWAYS job one!

The 'sin' here is you are all hoping SOMEONE is coming to save you when you NEED TO save yourselves!

The one hired to protect you is holding you down while the ones they are supposed to be protecting you from empty your pockets, deflower your daughters and murder your sons.

Yeah, it's a muzzle I couldn't wear although I didn't know Bill blogged, have to snoop around and see what I can turn up. Maybe he speaks more 'freely' on his own site although I doubt it, he lives in the spotlight and is therefore under constant scrutiny.

Yeah, I couldn't do what he does, that said we are both vital to the process of freeing ourselves from the rule of the feckless.

Again, the cognizant know this but apparently don't know how to explain to their less intelligent 'acquaintances' that they are being played/duped by people that only want one thing out of them, obedience.

If YOU want to live that way, fine but don't get in my way...this boy lives on his feet, not on his knees.

[Again, only the intelligent know why our self styled superiors demand that you kneel to can't fight (effectively) on your knees.]

Just another little tidbit from your old pal Gegner,

Addios until next time!

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