Sunday, January 20, 2019

Snow day

Greetings good citizen, fellow human, today is a snow day. I get a break from plotting the progress of our collapsing society and you get to watch football or some other mindless activity. [I won't be watching, I'm sixty + years old and have never watched an entire game, why start now?]

Freezing rain on top of a few inches of snow [yet another 'only in New England' it's both raining and snowing!] It's weather like this that makes your typical New Englander marvel when they hear a flatlander exclaim they'd love to live in Boston! Why our mind replies! The weather SUCKS here! You wear an overcoat eight months out of the year and you sweat (profusely) the other four!

Not that the weather is the only thing that stinks.

But if you live here you already know and if you don't words don't do it justice so I once again waste my breath and your time.

Go enjoy something that challenges your mind, maybe collect a few things you'll need when you have to spend two weeks in your basement after the global 'sneak attack' initiated by the banksters on the behalf of the evil oligarchs.

Me, I have to get this crap out of the driveway before the temperature drops into the single digits is the day I wish on every nit wit that says I've always wanted to visit Boston! [For the record, Logan is closed due to ice...



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