Greetings good citizen/fellow human, welcome once again to Happy Acres [planetary insane asylum]...truth be told, you never left.
Today's odyssey begins where we always begin, with the declaration that the mind is 'peculiar' beyond imagining.
It seems capable of an infinite degree of self-deception and instantly adopting whatever fad seems to be winning at the moment (so powerful is fear of missing out.)
With that as our starting point is it any wonder all of these journeys end in the same nothingness that gives birth to fresh insanity?
Today's topic, if you hadn't guessed, is the mind's ability to deceive itself. [The Jedi Mind Trick? You do it to yourself... constantly, how's that for twisted?]
Did I mention this is Happy Acres?
(Nothing here but free range loons!)
Would the capitalists sit there and marvel over how it doesn't go broke?
[All the while missing the fact that the one thing they have in common with the rest of the insane is neither one has ANY money...]
But I digress, albeit minimally.
Specifically I wished to hold up the mind's ability to convince itself it fits a certain criteria in light of zero evidence.
I refer to the myth of the 'vanishing middle class', those mysterious individuals that are neither rich or poor, those lucky folks that 'kinda' made it.
Many who are convinced they are 'middle class' don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of [but they got a fuckin' TV and that makes'em somebody!] (How pathetic is it they think this because the tiny people inside the box said so?)
While cognitive abilities vary widely from individual to individual AND there is ZERO consensus on what a 'baseline' is so people just 'assume' they are one or the other.
Making this whole deception complete is the tendency of the well off to fake being 'just like everyone else.'
If there is one thing they KNOW it is the DANGER of standing out.
This is why we DESPERATELY need to HOMOGENIZE and 'level out' if we are to survive as a species.
[The part YOU need to understand is anything pointed out here in Happy Acres is studiously ignored, despite the mind's disturbing tendency to convince itself it is something it isn't.]
Critical to this HOMOGENIZATION is setting a baseline like the one set under A Simple Plan.
We live under a system where being unemployed has become 'normal' while those leading civilization (over the nearest cliff) convince themselves we aren't bright enough to notice that they are sparing no expense in their efforts to automate the rest of us out of existence.
Money is fiction but how fortunate for the feckless that we have an overabundance of stupid?
Both of these factors need to be reined in. Derail the buying and selling and return money to its SINGULAR useful purpose.
If we can't share this planet [and the cosmos for that matter] we will forced to conclude that we are incapable of living with one another and MUST kill one another on sight.
War is all about 'more for me' something that can NEVER be tolerated. [How many of you realize that a whole planet is not enough for a single immortal?] Sounds silly on the surface but we are 'naturally selfish' because our primary drive is 'self-preservation'.
Females have mellowed this tendency and 'naturally selected' for family but they haven't erased the human tendency for selfishness driven by self preservation.
Can the denizens of Happy Acres overcome their destructive self-importance and recognize the contributions of others in the overall goal of survival?
At the 'ideal baseline' EVERYONE contributes and they all draw from the fruits of our collective productivity, again, with the realization that no contribution is more 'important' than any other. Sure, er, 'saving lives' is important but it is NOT 'more important' than refuse disposal.
Sure, it takes longer to learn how to perform surgery but if you find yourself living in a dung heap, disease is going to get you long before you need to have yourself lobotomized.
The 'baseline' we are striving for is EVERYONE contributes therefore providing them with the ability to withdraw from the collective pile. [Why is it so difficult to understand this basic's not, what we're fighting is the tendency of 'I've got mine, F-U!']
Haven't got a job, 'not MY problem'...then you wonder why you can't walk down the street without getting mugged!
The F'n baseline is WRONG!
It is this baseline that sets the standard for exile. If you 'convince yourself' that you are more important, then you will be provided with the opportunity to do EVERYTHING yourself.
Your membership in society will be withdrawn and you will be 'on your own.'
That is what 'self-importance' buys you.
Once again, constant reader knows why I end these where I do,
Death to the self-important.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, um, the staff asks that you refrain from using your poop as paint! Play nice and enjoy your day,
Today's odyssey begins where we always begin, with the declaration that the mind is 'peculiar' beyond imagining.
It seems capable of an infinite degree of self-deception and instantly adopting whatever fad seems to be winning at the moment (so powerful is fear of missing out.)
With that as our starting point is it any wonder all of these journeys end in the same nothingness that gives birth to fresh insanity?
Today's topic, if you hadn't guessed, is the mind's ability to deceive itself. [The Jedi Mind Trick? You do it to yourself... constantly, how's that for twisted?]
Did I mention this is Happy Acres?
(Nothing here but free range loons!)
Would the capitalists sit there and marvel over how it doesn't go broke?
[All the while missing the fact that the one thing they have in common with the rest of the insane is neither one has ANY money...]
But I digress, albeit minimally.
Specifically I wished to hold up the mind's ability to convince itself it fits a certain criteria in light of zero evidence.
I refer to the myth of the 'vanishing middle class', those mysterious individuals that are neither rich or poor, those lucky folks that 'kinda' made it.
Many who are convinced they are 'middle class' don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of [but they got a fuckin' TV and that makes'em somebody!] (How pathetic is it they think this because the tiny people inside the box said so?)
While cognitive abilities vary widely from individual to individual AND there is ZERO consensus on what a 'baseline' is so people just 'assume' they are one or the other.
Making this whole deception complete is the tendency of the well off to fake being 'just like everyone else.'
If there is one thing they KNOW it is the DANGER of standing out.
This is why we DESPERATELY need to HOMOGENIZE and 'level out' if we are to survive as a species.
[The part YOU need to understand is anything pointed out here in Happy Acres is studiously ignored, despite the mind's disturbing tendency to convince itself it is something it isn't.]
Critical to this HOMOGENIZATION is setting a baseline like the one set under A Simple Plan.
We live under a system where being unemployed has become 'normal' while those leading civilization (over the nearest cliff) convince themselves we aren't bright enough to notice that they are sparing no expense in their efforts to automate the rest of us out of existence.
Money is fiction but how fortunate for the feckless that we have an overabundance of stupid?
Both of these factors need to be reined in. Derail the buying and selling and return money to its SINGULAR useful purpose.
If we can't share this planet [and the cosmos for that matter] we will forced to conclude that we are incapable of living with one another and MUST kill one another on sight.
War is all about 'more for me' something that can NEVER be tolerated. [How many of you realize that a whole planet is not enough for a single immortal?] Sounds silly on the surface but we are 'naturally selfish' because our primary drive is 'self-preservation'.
Females have mellowed this tendency and 'naturally selected' for family but they haven't erased the human tendency for selfishness driven by self preservation.
Can the denizens of Happy Acres overcome their destructive self-importance and recognize the contributions of others in the overall goal of survival?
At the 'ideal baseline' EVERYONE contributes and they all draw from the fruits of our collective productivity, again, with the realization that no contribution is more 'important' than any other. Sure, er, 'saving lives' is important but it is NOT 'more important' than refuse disposal.
Sure, it takes longer to learn how to perform surgery but if you find yourself living in a dung heap, disease is going to get you long before you need to have yourself lobotomized.
The 'baseline' we are striving for is EVERYONE contributes therefore providing them with the ability to withdraw from the collective pile. [Why is it so difficult to understand this basic's not, what we're fighting is the tendency of 'I've got mine, F-U!']
Haven't got a job, 'not MY problem'...then you wonder why you can't walk down the street without getting mugged!
The F'n baseline is WRONG!
It is this baseline that sets the standard for exile. If you 'convince yourself' that you are more important, then you will be provided with the opportunity to do EVERYTHING yourself.
Your membership in society will be withdrawn and you will be 'on your own.'
That is what 'self-importance' buys you.
Once again, constant reader knows why I end these where I do,
Death to the self-important.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, um, the staff asks that you refrain from using your poop as paint! Play nice and enjoy your day,
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