Saturday, January 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, not only do you have no clue where you're going but you also have no idea where you've been...doesn't bode well for a gratifying conclusion to the endless quest for 'happiness', does it?

Well, you really aren't going to like the map very much but it will tell you where you are and where you are headed, it will also tell you, in no uncertain terms, where you came from.

Imagine your world [this mental image will vary wildly. Americans (and their British/Aussie cousins) envision a land that stretches from sea to sea, others imagine somewhat smaller lands although the Russians & the Chinese both have considerable chunks of land in their mental maps.

And it is here that we encounter our first, er, 'problem'.

Now label your home, not by it's given or agreed on name but by its REAL name. Do you know what its real name is?

Does your land have a human leader? [doesn't matter if you pretended to elect that leader or even if that leader pretends to listen to you, the 'meat puppets' do what they are told or they have a nice state funeral for them as the nation mourns the loss of a leader they knew nothing about.

The true name of your land is TYRANNY. Your endless journey is and always has been through tyranny and you have been led by the puppet controlled by the tyrant. What matters to you doesn't matter to the tyrant, the tyrant demands obedience and s/he gets it or s/he kills the offending party.

Comply or die should be 'familiar', you've played it every day of your life.

What's that? They don't kill people where you come from? Do they put them in prison? Please explain the difference (beside the possibility of escape, which, if you are realistic, isn't impossible in either case.)

So it is you spend your days hoping things will get better, praying to a god that doesn't exist to give you just a tiny break from your endless journey to find the happy you have only heard of but never witnessed.

But the mind is a funny thing and it deceives you easily. The look of pure joy is unmistakable but that is not the happiness you have spent your whole life looking for. The tyrants know happiness comes from within and while you have been assured that your 'reward' awaits you in the afterlife [but only if you are current in your tithes! Heaven ain't 'free' either.] The tyrants have made their Valhalla in the here and now.

Only Heroes can enjoy Paradise on Earth.

Now what does your map tell you? That you have been following the 'wrong' leader in circles. You started in Tyranny and never left despite never resting. You are always on the move and if you can't keep up you are left behind to perish.

They don't call it 'tyranny' for nothing.

How does one become a 'legend in their own mind?' Bizarrely, the only way into the privileged club is to be born there and being born one of them doesn't guarantee your place. You have to fight to stay there!

Brutal, nasty, cut-throat place this Valhalla of theirs.

They only imbibe of the best of the best in Valhalla but it comes at a stiff price and that price is you can NEVER be 'Happy' there.

Joy lights their eyes repeatedly (as their treacherous plans eliminate their rivals) but as I explained earlier, Joy is 'fleeting' at best. For every one that goes down, two take their place. [No shortage of wannabes.]

So is the final destination of the long miserable journey tyranny? Nope and it's not 'futility' either.

Hope drives you ever onward because the tyrant's hold over you is flimsy at best. What can s/he do, kill you? [You're going to die anyway, regardless so only a fool fears death.]

The unanswered question lies in the destination itself. Is it even on the map?

For most of you it is the big glowing HAPPY that isn't on the map despite your being able to see it very clearly in your mind. It's glow is blinding and its lure is irresistable! [You are only mildly put off by the unrealistic quality surrounding the thing you can't look at directly because it is blindingly bright.]

But happy, like joy is fleeting. Let us return to our map and see if there even is someplace to go. Did you notice how many places are labeled 'Crazy?' [Every one of them is someone else's Happy...]


It's right there in front of you! What do you mean you can't see it?

And there's the rub!

Few can see EQUALITY as their final destination [because you have been raised to believe that HAPPY is right next to MORE FOR ME and both are at the far edge of the map, a seemingly impossible distance away.]

EQUALITY is nestled in behind Peace and Prosperity and inside prosperity lies the burrough of Contentment. Did you notice it all lies inside Love county?

If you want contentment, you have to STOP chasing happy and following TYRANTS!

Head for EQUALITY where you can find contentment!

You (with the head full of shit) have been chasing someone else's dream.

Stop searching for happiness and start looking for equality because peace and contentment also reside there, the CAN'T be anywhere else.

Uh, and STOP following tyrants, will ya, that loser doesn't know where it's headed and it doesn't care where you want to go!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind, isn't it nice to put something in there that isn't SHIT?


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