Greetings good citizen/fellow humans, later than usual today because I just finished reading an article that I shared to my facebook feed that shines a harsh light on Capitalism and the fact that NOBODY on the other side of THE LAW has YOUR back.
Make no mistake about it, the 'angst' the MAGA morons feel is the recognition that the government, thanks to those who 'own it', the handful of people that paid for the multi million dollar campaigns of ALL of, er, 'their' representatives literally translates to the legal system being BY them FOR the rest of US.
When W admitted this publicly in 2004 everyone ignored it yet it was the very same structure that Reagan ushered in and handed over the keys to the REPUBLIC (now a 'kingdom') to.
Whosoever controls your money controls YOU! [You can't EVER take your eye off the ball!]
Money is supposed to work FOR you, not against you. [Under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU ALONE, you can't be taxed, fined or indebted, all three are EXILE offenses!]
What will the conservo-whackos do? Under ASP there are NO TAXES because NOBODY owns what we all need to prosper! You don't have to pay outrageous prices for DIRT! It's somebody's job to turn those resources into useful materials and society pays them to do it so YOU don't have to!
The thieves among us will lament the non-transferability of money and the prohibition against cash substitutes that they use to steal from their less intelligent victims.
A capitalist is FIRST AND FOREMOST a SWINDLER that takes advantage of your DESPERATION.
Today's piece in The New Republic shone a harsh light on the 'promises' of capitalism that prove to be deceptions from the start.
The purpose of government is to PROTECT YOU from the rapacious but it won't do that if the rapacious OWN those tasked with defending you and prosecuting the people that paid to put them in office.
Oh, and in keeping with their 'predatory nature', those who hold elected office have also been assured that if they ever turn on their masters, the predators won't hesitate to pay to have them, er, 'punished'.
Money is a very dangerous toy to let ANYONE play with [as evidenced by the feckless banksters who have already succeeded in crashing the global economy for the third time! [and the world hasn't even partially recovered from the 2nd crash!]
Fortunately, ALL money is [and ever will be, 'funny'.]
It will ALL vanish with the stroke of a will all ownership [and the debt associated with it!] (Don'tcha wish your cards weren't already maxed out?)
You have to have credit to qualify for a zero interest rate card and that's why they offer them! Because most of you are already stretched to the max!
Good thing Mother Nature doesn't need the money or we'd be fooked, bigtime. That said, the rapacious have squandered huge amounts of resources to 'justify' their massive draws on the public checking account.
Little closer to home, why do you suppose Elon Musk is being financed to create driverless vehicles? Imagine those 25,000 big rigs, at the moment independent contractors, all automated out of a job? [Genius or Sock Puppet? History will tell.]
WHO is going to buy all that SHIT if nobody has a job? [Send it back to China? They can't buy it either.]
What do they have to do to convince you they intend to KILL you and yours? [Not put a gun to your head, NEVER anything 'Un-Christian like that! Hell, they will even ask your fellow peasants to save you from starvation while they continue to complain the can't find anybody with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for less than a THAT'S Capitalism! Get out in front (of the hopelessly stupid) and stay there!]
The folks in Elwood won round one and they are gearing up for round two but we all know how this is going to play out. New fully automated warehouses will be built just west of Tornado Alley and the ones in the 'difficult to work with' Northern Heartland will be left to rust.
Just as so many boomers saw their jobs dry up and blow away through various pension swindles as insurance companies made them insurance poor and for profit hospitals bilked them for basic treatment...all thanks to Ronnie Reagan and the AMA's hijacking of the USA.
It's $200 to walk into an Emergency Room and $2,000 if they admit you [and that's if you HAVE insurance.]
Where oh where is The Donald's 'much better' (promised) alternative?
Oh, that's right, anything said on the campaign trail is a lie! [So why did numbnuts shut down the government? He's fighting for the 'little guy', right?
Quick, find a fuckin' mirror and ask yourself, "How STUPID are YOU?"
Let me know how the mirror answered...
Make no mistake about it, the 'angst' the MAGA morons feel is the recognition that the government, thanks to those who 'own it', the handful of people that paid for the multi million dollar campaigns of ALL of, er, 'their' representatives literally translates to the legal system being BY them FOR the rest of US.
When W admitted this publicly in 2004 everyone ignored it yet it was the very same structure that Reagan ushered in and handed over the keys to the REPUBLIC (now a 'kingdom') to.
Whosoever controls your money controls YOU! [You can't EVER take your eye off the ball!]
Money is supposed to work FOR you, not against you. [Under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU ALONE, you can't be taxed, fined or indebted, all three are EXILE offenses!]
What will the conservo-whackos do? Under ASP there are NO TAXES because NOBODY owns what we all need to prosper! You don't have to pay outrageous prices for DIRT! It's somebody's job to turn those resources into useful materials and society pays them to do it so YOU don't have to!
The thieves among us will lament the non-transferability of money and the prohibition against cash substitutes that they use to steal from their less intelligent victims.
A capitalist is FIRST AND FOREMOST a SWINDLER that takes advantage of your DESPERATION.
Today's piece in The New Republic shone a harsh light on the 'promises' of capitalism that prove to be deceptions from the start.
The purpose of government is to PROTECT YOU from the rapacious but it won't do that if the rapacious OWN those tasked with defending you and prosecuting the people that paid to put them in office.
Oh, and in keeping with their 'predatory nature', those who hold elected office have also been assured that if they ever turn on their masters, the predators won't hesitate to pay to have them, er, 'punished'.
Money is a very dangerous toy to let ANYONE play with [as evidenced by the feckless banksters who have already succeeded in crashing the global economy for the third time! [and the world hasn't even partially recovered from the 2nd crash!]
Fortunately, ALL money is [and ever will be, 'funny'.]
It will ALL vanish with the stroke of a will all ownership [and the debt associated with it!] (Don'tcha wish your cards weren't already maxed out?)
You have to have credit to qualify for a zero interest rate card and that's why they offer them! Because most of you are already stretched to the max!
Good thing Mother Nature doesn't need the money or we'd be fooked, bigtime. That said, the rapacious have squandered huge amounts of resources to 'justify' their massive draws on the public checking account.
Little closer to home, why do you suppose Elon Musk is being financed to create driverless vehicles? Imagine those 25,000 big rigs, at the moment independent contractors, all automated out of a job? [Genius or Sock Puppet? History will tell.]
WHO is going to buy all that SHIT if nobody has a job? [Send it back to China? They can't buy it either.]
What do they have to do to convince you they intend to KILL you and yours? [Not put a gun to your head, NEVER anything 'Un-Christian like that! Hell, they will even ask your fellow peasants to save you from starvation while they continue to complain the can't find anybody with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for less than a THAT'S Capitalism! Get out in front (of the hopelessly stupid) and stay there!]
The folks in Elwood won round one and they are gearing up for round two but we all know how this is going to play out. New fully automated warehouses will be built just west of Tornado Alley and the ones in the 'difficult to work with' Northern Heartland will be left to rust.
Just as so many boomers saw their jobs dry up and blow away through various pension swindles as insurance companies made them insurance poor and for profit hospitals bilked them for basic treatment...all thanks to Ronnie Reagan and the AMA's hijacking of the USA.
It's $200 to walk into an Emergency Room and $2,000 if they admit you [and that's if you HAVE insurance.]
Where oh where is The Donald's 'much better' (promised) alternative?
Oh, that's right, anything said on the campaign trail is a lie! [So why did numbnuts shut down the government? He's fighting for the 'little guy', right?
Quick, find a fuckin' mirror and ask yourself, "How STUPID are YOU?"
Let me know how the mirror answered...
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