Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, as the government shut-down stretches onward the nitwit in chief once again demonstrates his blindness to just how much this nation relies on government support.

That has left a small but growing number of tenants, like Ms. Wormley-Mitsis, in limbo. Landlords, especially smaller management companies operating on narrow margins, have begun pressuring poor, disabled and elderly tenants who cannot afford to make up the difference.

On Friday afternoon, a TriState Management employee in Newport, Ark., taped notices on the doors of 43 federally subsidized tenants, demanding that they cover the gap between what they typically pay and the full rent.

“As of Feb. 1, 2019, all tenants will be responsible for full basic rent,” the letter said. “We will extend the due date for the rent to the 20th of the month. This will remain in effect until the government opens up.”

Amanda Neeley’s heart sank. The three-bedroom home she shares with her daughter and granddaughter goes for a monthly rate of $505, of which she is required to pay $110. The rest — which her landlord now wants her to pay — is supposed to be picked up by the federal government under a program intended to help out the rural poor.

The MYTH 'America Works' is precisely that, a myth.

Doesn't have to be this way but in a society run by criminals this is what you end up with, charity instead of justice...just so the banksters can hold your life hostage.

Make no mistake, can't pay, the politicians will subsidize you as they pretend to address the injustices perpetrated by the predatory commerce system. Did you see how quickly we returned to jobs that don't pay enough to live on?

Now with brick and mortar collapsing, enlarging an already vast ECONOMIC DESERT what are YOU going to do when it finally lets go and prices go berserk? [Remember we live in the land of the 'highest bidder' not that any sane person wants it this way.]

Like Preznint Pussygrabber, the 'low mental wattage/horsepower' types keep forgetting we are all just a couple of meals away from becoming ruthless savages. [Zero irony that the truly stupid are already halfway there despite being the least fierce.] Talking tough and being tough are polar opposites. Knothead shoots his mouth off hoping he never has to back any of it up.

Again with the irony, it's the Rock of Gibraltar types that crack first. Like conventional wisdom tells us, it's the 'quiet types' you have to watch out for.

Preznint Pussygrabber is ALWAYS shooting his yap off, so what does that tell you? Somebody's going to cold caulk the bastard while the cameras are running and that will be the end of the orange gasbag.

Wonder if they will be able to photoshop the smirks off the faces of the secret service contingent because every one of them secretly wants to be the one to give the loudmouth what he richly deserves.

So today's news item [red meat for the low intelligence types who think welfare queen is a choice and not an outcome our predatory commerce/banking system forces on people.]

Back to the more 'practical' side of the jobs debate, why hasn't the economy ground to a halt because of all the jobs employers can't fill because the workforce doesn't possess the required skill set [like willing to work for free, like many federal workers are doing SOLELY to preserve their PENSIONS!]

How many jobs do you think there really are? Ten thousand...and the rest are what they wish they had, for a total of 250,000 when the number of working aged unemployed dwarfs that number [at last look, it's hard to locate a genuine number these days, the figure hovers around 154,000,000 as the population heads for the 400,000,000 mark. [That's another number that's hard to find because the truth is frightening!]

That said, the most frightening factor in play is the 'fantasy vs the reality', the Owner class pretending the collapse we are witnessing is due to 'laziness' when the facts are it's their greed and incessant belt tightening that has shattered faith in a 'system' that is too predatory to survive.

Here is where we lose the idiots. Everybody knows survival is dependant on mutual cooperation and that without the division of labor concept the 'die off' will be catastrophic.

So, how do we work 'for somebody' if capitalism collapses?

Did I mention idiots? These are people too dim to understand what a 'middleman' is. The OWNER is a middleman totally unnecessary to the process.

I am sorely tempted to ask what should be totally unnecessary and that is, of course, How stupid are you?

ALL ASP does is eliminate the middlemen. No more owners, no more cops and no more bankers/insurance companies. Builders build, for a paycheck. Drivers drive, for a paycheck, stores sell, for a f'n paycheck! NOBODY needs a f'n bank when houses and cars are gimmes!

YOU won't have/need a 'credit card' because debt is illegal...so you also won't be able to buy and sell because it has nothing to do with job one.

It is here we separate the morons from the intelligent.

What is 'job number one?'

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Short answer, SURVIVAL! Job one NEVER changes!

Only a moron believes it is their job to work to make somebody else rich. [And there is capitalism in a nutshell.]

Um, There is still too much shit in there so I'll thank you to take it someplace else and dump it where nobody will fall in it.


See this? This is that piece of your soul I tore off last time...did you miss it?

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