Greetings good citizen/fellow human, how you view the world governs your decision-making process with most people intellectually understanding that joining a crowd dashing about heedlessly is a bad idea they (miraculously) think [for no good reason] that they will know 'when' it's time to run...or time to fight.
How will they know?
Because everyone else will be running around like their hair is on fire! [This might not be a good time to bring up STUPID...]
Now, tell the truth. Your 'plan' is to hope you hear about events starting somewhere else, providing you with 'advance notice', isn't it?
Problem is every day brings a fresh slice of disaster to the headlines, how will you know which one is the real deal? [See above.]
So, er, 'warning you' that waiting until panic strikes is a bad idea and telling you that we have already received SEVERAL massive shoves towards panic [but the docile public resists panic because restoring order after disaster is difficult even under ideal conditions.
Funny how nobody noticed that Nixon defunded Civil Defense, (tip of the spear) opining (at the time) that preparing for nuclear war was futile.
Is there even one politician out there saying EVERYBODY needs protection from a nuclear strike and not just those who can afford to stock their own shelters?
Yeah, the thieves aren't worried about the coming nuclear war where the planet's population is reduced from several billion to less than one overnight because their 'hideaways' are all stocked up and ready to go. [they hope...and many of them will be wrong but that's the chance you take! (contractors are capitalists too and if they can get a 'deal' on materials whose gonna know except the people that stake their lives on those materials performing 'as advertised'.)
Yeah, who can you trust in an increasingly predatory world?
Um, I'm reasonably certain most of you don't dwell on what we have all been taught to consider 'unthinkable' [it should be but consider WHO told us...they are the same people that would exterminate us like vermin.
Nuclear war with who has ALWAYS been the 'wrong question'. Once the criminals head for the 'mattresses' it will be fire at will and most of it will be, ironically, automated. [How much of this performs as 'as planned' is a wildcard, some of the ICBM's will be intercepted before everything goes tits up and the submarines will seek out and eliminate any 'pockets of organized resistance'.
The 'unthinkable' is ideal because there won't be any way to tell who started it and who got the worst of it. The information will exist in the sky but how are we going to retrieve it before the criminals wipe the records?
We won't.
So it is here we have to insure the criminals 'pay the price'. The survivors will make their way into the countryside and happen upon the well provisioned [and heavily armed] fortresses of the criminals and be forced to work for their salvation.
In the early days radioactive storms will take a huge toll on anyone without shelter and will result in a countryside littered with corpses.
Most people don't appreciate what will happen to their bodies as they legs are microwaved into uselessness.
Radiation sickness is the result of having portions of your anatomy literally cooked while still inside you.
Cooked things are dead and soon your organs will take you with them. Bacteria won't wait for the rest of you to die.
If you have a few 'idle moments' on your hands, roll around the idea of how you might 'thin the herd' without anybody finding out about it?
If you aren't feeling mildly panicked right now I suggest you have your head examined. This danger is real if you look at it from the rest of the world's point of view and the 'loose cannon' at the helm of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile.
The ONLY thing you have right now is the misguided notion that 'wiser heads' will prevail.
It was already too late when the Donald announced he was running.
Just something else to ponder...if I were going to do it, this is how and WHO I would have picked.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind...
How will they know?
Because everyone else will be running around like their hair is on fire! [This might not be a good time to bring up STUPID...]
Now, tell the truth. Your 'plan' is to hope you hear about events starting somewhere else, providing you with 'advance notice', isn't it?
Problem is every day brings a fresh slice of disaster to the headlines, how will you know which one is the real deal? [See above.]
So, er, 'warning you' that waiting until panic strikes is a bad idea and telling you that we have already received SEVERAL massive shoves towards panic [but the docile public resists panic because restoring order after disaster is difficult even under ideal conditions.
Funny how nobody noticed that Nixon defunded Civil Defense, (tip of the spear) opining (at the time) that preparing for nuclear war was futile.
Is there even one politician out there saying EVERYBODY needs protection from a nuclear strike and not just those who can afford to stock their own shelters?
Yeah, the thieves aren't worried about the coming nuclear war where the planet's population is reduced from several billion to less than one overnight because their 'hideaways' are all stocked up and ready to go. [they hope...and many of them will be wrong but that's the chance you take! (contractors are capitalists too and if they can get a 'deal' on materials whose gonna know except the people that stake their lives on those materials performing 'as advertised'.)
Yeah, who can you trust in an increasingly predatory world?
Um, I'm reasonably certain most of you don't dwell on what we have all been taught to consider 'unthinkable' [it should be but consider WHO told us...they are the same people that would exterminate us like vermin.
Nuclear war with who has ALWAYS been the 'wrong question'. Once the criminals head for the 'mattresses' it will be fire at will and most of it will be, ironically, automated. [How much of this performs as 'as planned' is a wildcard, some of the ICBM's will be intercepted before everything goes tits up and the submarines will seek out and eliminate any 'pockets of organized resistance'.
The 'unthinkable' is ideal because there won't be any way to tell who started it and who got the worst of it. The information will exist in the sky but how are we going to retrieve it before the criminals wipe the records?
We won't.
So it is here we have to insure the criminals 'pay the price'. The survivors will make their way into the countryside and happen upon the well provisioned [and heavily armed] fortresses of the criminals and be forced to work for their salvation.
In the early days radioactive storms will take a huge toll on anyone without shelter and will result in a countryside littered with corpses.
Most people don't appreciate what will happen to their bodies as they legs are microwaved into uselessness.
Radiation sickness is the result of having portions of your anatomy literally cooked while still inside you.
Cooked things are dead and soon your organs will take you with them. Bacteria won't wait for the rest of you to die.
If you have a few 'idle moments' on your hands, roll around the idea of how you might 'thin the herd' without anybody finding out about it?
If you aren't feeling mildly panicked right now I suggest you have your head examined. This danger is real if you look at it from the rest of the world's point of view and the 'loose cannon' at the helm of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile.
The ONLY thing you have right now is the misguided notion that 'wiser heads' will prevail.
It was already too late when the Donald announced he was running.
Just something else to ponder...if I were going to do it, this is how and WHO I would have picked.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind...
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