Greetings good citizen/fellow human, it is often the repeated theme that perhaps says more about 'The Human Condition' than any other single character flaw and that, unfortunately is stupid.
The Brits are coming across as being 'bi-polar', wanting Brexit while rejecting the terms such an act brings.
The 'failure' here is to appreciate that Britain is a small collection of Islands located in the icy North Atlantic...but when I was a boy it was a statement of fact that 'The sun never set on the British Empire'...bizarrely, 1999 put an end to that. [How many of you know that was the year Britain's 99 year lease on Hong Kong expired...and if it hadn't a decidedly robust Communist China was going to take it back and stiff arm whoever objected.
By the turn of the last century Britain had pretty much divested itself of it's far flung colonies and protectorates [largely because the crown was hemorrhaging money! A global empire is a logistical nightmare, especially when the 'purpose' of that empire was to keep the mother nation in all of the 'trade goods' it could use/exploit...again, only a tiny percentage of Britons had 'access' to this imperial wealth.]
Well as the population grew, the Empire shrank and prospects dwindled for the typical Brit. The 'failure' here is one to recognize that this wasn't an isolated phenomenon. The pre-WWII allies were all in a swoon caused by the broken economies left behind by the feckless banksters.
The monarchists, having been thwarted in their attempt to conquer the world [ask the question of where did the Nazi's get the MONEY and the finger points to, surprise, the people that 'used to' own the world and everything on it] and saddle it with predatory capitalism...[Yes Virginia, the Nazis were first and foremost Capitalists, (then Christians, then White supremacists!) ironically it is rapidly becoming apparent that capitalism is failing world wide and they have nothing to replace it with except a return to monarchy or an authoritarian dictatorship that makes no bones about who is 'privileged' and who isn't.
Same shit, different TITLES, same PEOPLE.
Counterintuitive but this whole shitshow is built on 'loyalty'. The predators are united (if only in guilt.)
Also difficult to fathom is how much better everyone's lives will be once we convert to ASP and put an end to F-U, Pay Me!
YOU will be GIVEN EVERYTHING you need to live and guaranteed a job that pays a living wage! Poverty will be a thing of an evil past, a dim memory...but so will 'audacious wealth' because the ONLY way to GET money will be to WORK for it and the ONLY place to spend it will be at the STORE...which will have (almost) EVERYTHING. [You will still be obliged to 'work for' companionship, failing that there will be no shortage of masturbatory aids available. Buy your ugly miserable ass a sex doll ya pervert!]
YOU will NEVER have a penny in your pocket because you are forbidden to buy and sell [there is no reason for you to] and neither will anybody else. [because ALL crime is 'cash and carry'.] That said there will still be crime because there willalways still be stupid people who think they are 'clever'.
When you spend your money it is simply erased from your account, nobody 'gets' it. [Money's 'true purpose' is that of 'regulator'.]
That's why if YOU get caught trying to pass 'scrip' (money 'substitute') YOU will be exiled, no questions asked.
But I digress, somewhat.
Back to Brexit...
'Trade' relies on having something to trade and comparatively speaking the British Isles produce some of the finest goods of their kind...just not a lot of them. This is where F-U, Pay Me falls on its face. The 'middle men' are killing them.
The individual only has their labor to sell and labor is CHEAP almost anywhere and automation makes it even cheaper/less valuable!
Like I said yesterday, the name of the game remains the same regardless, survival. If what you have to sell isn't worth enough to survive on, what are you going to do?
Prison means you'll survive but it's a wretched life so clearly, survival alone isn't the goal but there are too many of us to live off the land and a single accident/incident can bankrupt us. [Not under ASP where healthcare is free and insurance doesn't exist because nobody 'owns' anything, leaving no one 'liable'.] Wanton recklessness will have its own reward, the 'stupid' will pay for their lack of forethought.
In that respect 'the herd' will be 'self-thinning'.
Pre WWII many people came from farming families [they worked the land and fed themselves.] The 'War Machine' created jobs fighting an 'imaginary war' and it was thought to be the vehicle that would 'save' capitalism!
Unfortunately the plotters weren't able to anticipate the stupid and capitalism turned predatory [due to their failure to limit money.]
The typical Brit only sees the 'invasion' of their homeland by people who not that long ago were loyal subjects of the crown. They fail to see the rapidly expanding Economic Desert the media persists in turning a blind eye to.
Due to this failure the typical European sees the third world trying to escape into the First as ingratitude for their 'freedom/independence'. First we gave them their freedom and here they are taking MY job!
Parse that and ask yourself if we haven't got a first class STUPID problem on our hands?
There are jobs aplenty and housing for all IF we ELIMINATE the 'middle men'. Sadly capitalism is an incurable disorder and we may well be forced to physically eliminate its die hard can't teach a closed mind anything.
While I posit that most of my followers are intelligent enough to comprehend the forces at work, I suspect I kid myself at how many of you read the entire post.
If you only put one bullet in the gun you had best shoot yourself.
Thanks once again for, er, 'looking' [the reading part is 'assumed'.]
Now I'm beating you with the damn thing and you're asking yourself 'what damn thing is he talking about?'...
Reading is fundamental.
The Brits are coming across as being 'bi-polar', wanting Brexit while rejecting the terms such an act brings.
The 'failure' here is to appreciate that Britain is a small collection of Islands located in the icy North Atlantic...but when I was a boy it was a statement of fact that 'The sun never set on the British Empire'...bizarrely, 1999 put an end to that. [How many of you know that was the year Britain's 99 year lease on Hong Kong expired...and if it hadn't a decidedly robust Communist China was going to take it back and stiff arm whoever objected.
By the turn of the last century Britain had pretty much divested itself of it's far flung colonies and protectorates [largely because the crown was hemorrhaging money! A global empire is a logistical nightmare, especially when the 'purpose' of that empire was to keep the mother nation in all of the 'trade goods' it could use/exploit...again, only a tiny percentage of Britons had 'access' to this imperial wealth.]
Well as the population grew, the Empire shrank and prospects dwindled for the typical Brit. The 'failure' here is one to recognize that this wasn't an isolated phenomenon. The pre-WWII allies were all in a swoon caused by the broken economies left behind by the feckless banksters.
The monarchists, having been thwarted in their attempt to conquer the world [ask the question of where did the Nazi's get the MONEY and the finger points to, surprise, the people that 'used to' own the world and everything on it] and saddle it with predatory capitalism...[Yes Virginia, the Nazis were first and foremost Capitalists, (then Christians, then White supremacists!) ironically it is rapidly becoming apparent that capitalism is failing world wide and they have nothing to replace it with except a return to monarchy or an authoritarian dictatorship that makes no bones about who is 'privileged' and who isn't.
Same shit, different TITLES, same PEOPLE.
Counterintuitive but this whole shitshow is built on 'loyalty'. The predators are united (if only in guilt.)
Also difficult to fathom is how much better everyone's lives will be once we convert to ASP and put an end to F-U, Pay Me!
YOU will be GIVEN EVERYTHING you need to live and guaranteed a job that pays a living wage! Poverty will be a thing of an evil past, a dim memory...but so will 'audacious wealth' because the ONLY way to GET money will be to WORK for it and the ONLY place to spend it will be at the STORE...which will have (almost) EVERYTHING. [You will still be obliged to 'work for' companionship, failing that there will be no shortage of masturbatory aids available. Buy your ugly miserable ass a sex doll ya pervert!]
YOU will NEVER have a penny in your pocket because you are forbidden to buy and sell [there is no reason for you to] and neither will anybody else. [because ALL crime is 'cash and carry'.] That said there will still be crime because there will
When you spend your money it is simply erased from your account, nobody 'gets' it. [Money's 'true purpose' is that of 'regulator'.]
That's why if YOU get caught trying to pass 'scrip' (money 'substitute') YOU will be exiled, no questions asked.
But I digress, somewhat.
Back to Brexit...
'Trade' relies on having something to trade and comparatively speaking the British Isles produce some of the finest goods of their kind...just not a lot of them. This is where F-U, Pay Me falls on its face. The 'middle men' are killing them.
The individual only has their labor to sell and labor is CHEAP almost anywhere and automation makes it even cheaper/less valuable!
Like I said yesterday, the name of the game remains the same regardless, survival. If what you have to sell isn't worth enough to survive on, what are you going to do?
Prison means you'll survive but it's a wretched life so clearly, survival alone isn't the goal but there are too many of us to live off the land and a single accident/incident can bankrupt us. [Not under ASP where healthcare is free and insurance doesn't exist because nobody 'owns' anything, leaving no one 'liable'.] Wanton recklessness will have its own reward, the 'stupid' will pay for their lack of forethought.
In that respect 'the herd' will be 'self-thinning'.
Pre WWII many people came from farming families [they worked the land and fed themselves.] The 'War Machine' created jobs fighting an 'imaginary war' and it was thought to be the vehicle that would 'save' capitalism!
Unfortunately the plotters weren't able to anticipate the stupid and capitalism turned predatory [due to their failure to limit money.]
The typical Brit only sees the 'invasion' of their homeland by people who not that long ago were loyal subjects of the crown. They fail to see the rapidly expanding Economic Desert the media persists in turning a blind eye to.
Due to this failure the typical European sees the third world trying to escape into the First as ingratitude for their 'freedom/independence'. First we gave them their freedom and here they are taking MY job!
Parse that and ask yourself if we haven't got a first class STUPID problem on our hands?
There are jobs aplenty and housing for all IF we ELIMINATE the 'middle men'. Sadly capitalism is an incurable disorder and we may well be forced to physically eliminate its die hard can't teach a closed mind anything.
While I posit that most of my followers are intelligent enough to comprehend the forces at work, I suspect I kid myself at how many of you read the entire post.
If you only put one bullet in the gun you had best shoot yourself.
Thanks once again for, er, 'looking' [the reading part is 'assumed'.]
Now I'm beating you with the damn thing and you're asking yourself 'what damn thing is he talking about?'...
Reading is fundamental.
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