Saturday, January 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, while a dwindling number of voters think the sitting 'Idiot-in-Chief' is the victim of a 'witch hunt', 'Preznint Pussygrabber', the self-made celebrity that doesn't know the difference between famous and infamous [neither do his nit-wit followers/supporters but Jim Jones had thousands of 'followers' too...and they drank the Kool Aid anyway! So being a Trump supporter isn't something that will eventually put them on the 'right side' of history...]

One of the central themes of this blog is the high degree of self-delusion that the continually [politically] re-imagined education system dispenses.

Yup good citizen, the education system is 'overseen' by politicians and increasingly by partisan ones.

Perhaps more disturbing is how charter schools are gutting the funding earmarked for public schools.

'Privatized' education is just like any other system removed from public control, you lose control over what the students are taught in favor of 'lower costs' [even if those benefits are measured heuristically with empty claims that the kids perform better on 'standardized tests' [because the charter school uses easier tests and 'teach to the test!']

Ironic that we all know cheaper isn't 'better' but we go along with the empty claims that it's 'good enough' because it saves funding for other, er, 'more worthy' goals like higher administrator pay, enhanced administrator pension plans and streets named after beloved local educators.

[Corruption doesn't stop at City Hall nor is it limited to the Dr's office. The 'license to steal' pervades the entire capitalist system we are taught to embrace from childhood. (In case you are wondering why this attack is focused on that particular aspect of society.)]

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...and seldom will you meet a larger, more self-important Asshole! [The world of 'I' has consumed them.]

What you need to understand is this provides us with 'hope' for the future.

The 'neck deep in stupid' phenomenon is largely artificial!

That said the 'immersion in hate' [spewed by right-wing media] won't stop until WE stop it.

Why do most of us suspect punishing those who 'advertise' on conservative networks won't have much effect or be nearly as effective as sabotaging their transmission facilities.

In the balance here is judges too fearful to sentence murderers, this is 'justice'?

How much more will society 'corrode' under the abusive authoritarians? Had the shoes been on the opposite feet the judge would have sentenced the victim to life without the possibility of parole [Well, he sort of got that, didn't he?]

Um, were it up to me the judge would have been sentenced to exile, the cop along with her.

Talk about chutzpah, they interviewed the cop's wife who expressed her fear that someone would exact revenge upon her husband for things he was trained to do in the performance of his 'job'.

Um, if murdering civilians is part of the new 'job description' I think we need to look a lot closer at who and how judgeships are handed out.

Many of the problems plaguing society stem from unqualified individuals usurping positions of power so they can execute their own agenda.

But once again I preach to the choir, this is not news to the cognizant.

So the question reverts to 'how long are WE going to let this go on?'

Cue closing number



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