Greetings good citizen/fellow human, you'd think modern media would prevent the legacy of Dr. King from being twisted to fit the agenda of the liars but as the world becomes increasingly Orwellian, those who write history are already 'canonizing' Ronald Reagan (one of the WORST presidents in US history) who is being sold as 'the Father of modern conservatism.'
Don't look now but one of Reagan's 'disciples' currently has the government shut down in a childish display of extortion.
This is 'Modern Conservatism' in action. Numbnuts had 2 YEARS to fund a border wall without opposition but like Reagan's NAFTA or Romney's Obamacare apparently modern conservatives, (who are much fewer than advertised) are TOO STUPID to ask why Reagan, nor this successor, Bush the First, signed NAFTA into law...and we all know it is because the likes of Karl Rove made mountains of political hay pointing at the fact Willy Jeff (willingly) signed the bill into law.
People hate DEMOCRATS for what LBJ did. So when a stooge/dino like Bill Clinton came along they just added that to the stack of reasons people embrace racist conservatism as The Party of White People...because the morons still think in terms of White = good and the rest are 'sub-human'.
Dr. King preached [one would be inclined to say 'taught' but sadly you can't teach those that refuse to listen] that all humans are equals, no more and (more importantly) no less.
You'd be hard pressed to find ANYONE that (publicly) disagrees with this statement but Dr. King knew what lie in the hearts of the 'owner class'.
Not all white people are owners but the 'ownership enthusiasts' (capitalists and their bastard offspring, the Libertarians are overwhelmingly White.)
Stop grinning Asians, I see you pretending you're not there!
I hesitate to paint the Asians as pro-capitalist but they are guilty of being 'pro-success'...and torture their own kind if they don't 'keep up', a heinous crime by ANY race!
So being 'white' and being, er, 'sympathetic' to the White man's philosophy are two separate issues, so much so that those seeking to divide us use their own racism as a shield!
Worse, they will continue to ignore ownership as the cause of their ruthlessness and use racism (reverse racism) as their justification for their recklessness.
I am not red, black, yellow or brown but I am one (of the few) that puts my humanity first. [Bizarrely, so do the haters but they immediately dismiss all who aren't mirror images of themselves as being 'subhuman', just as the Europeans did to this land's natives. Truth be told, many of these self-professed superior types relegate those who are of different ethnicity to the 'sub-human category' and when taken to its extreme, only immediate family (and not necessarily all of them) are counted as human.
I belabor the obvious when I point out that the mind is a 'peculiar' thing indeed!
But here we are, on a holiday signed into law by none other than Ronald Reagan [same guy that created but refused to sign NAFTA into law] under the proviso that the holiday be 'voluntary', that employers could choose to honor the day or not [and you won't find that in the wiki either! Did I mention Orwell? How many of you know what I'm pointing to?]
How many individuals of color believe this is evidence that Modern Conservatism has their back?
What part of the word 'politics' don't you understand? [All of it apparently.]
The 'fog of (class) war' is amazingly opaque and obscures the true motives behind the ceaseless campaign by the owners to keep the poor oppressed.
Now listen to me...but you won't.
You refuse to see that you are being robbed not just of your life but your future, something our self-professed betters have a decidedly different viewpoint of.
If YOU aren't in control of your future, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!
Does that make things clearer?
Thanks once again for letting me inside you mind, and opening your eyes to the importance of SHARING this world will ALL humans, and exiling the psychopaths regardless of their outward appearance or the contents of their [empty] bank accounts.
Special Thanks to the intrepid readers who purchased my books, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Don't look now but one of Reagan's 'disciples' currently has the government shut down in a childish display of extortion.
This is 'Modern Conservatism' in action. Numbnuts had 2 YEARS to fund a border wall without opposition but like Reagan's NAFTA or Romney's Obamacare apparently modern conservatives, (who are much fewer than advertised) are TOO STUPID to ask why Reagan, nor this successor, Bush the First, signed NAFTA into law...and we all know it is because the likes of Karl Rove made mountains of political hay pointing at the fact Willy Jeff (willingly) signed the bill into law.
People hate DEMOCRATS for what LBJ did. So when a stooge/dino like Bill Clinton came along they just added that to the stack of reasons people embrace racist conservatism as The Party of White People...because the morons still think in terms of White = good and the rest are 'sub-human'.
Dr. King preached [one would be inclined to say 'taught' but sadly you can't teach those that refuse to listen] that all humans are equals, no more and (more importantly) no less.
You'd be hard pressed to find ANYONE that (publicly) disagrees with this statement but Dr. King knew what lie in the hearts of the 'owner class'.
Not all white people are owners but the 'ownership enthusiasts' (capitalists and their bastard offspring, the Libertarians are overwhelmingly White.)
Stop grinning Asians, I see you pretending you're not there!
I hesitate to paint the Asians as pro-capitalist but they are guilty of being 'pro-success'...and torture their own kind if they don't 'keep up', a heinous crime by ANY race!
So being 'white' and being, er, 'sympathetic' to the White man's philosophy are two separate issues, so much so that those seeking to divide us use their own racism as a shield!
Worse, they will continue to ignore ownership as the cause of their ruthlessness and use racism (reverse racism) as their justification for their recklessness.
I am not red, black, yellow or brown but I am one (of the few) that puts my humanity first. [Bizarrely, so do the haters but they immediately dismiss all who aren't mirror images of themselves as being 'subhuman', just as the Europeans did to this land's natives. Truth be told, many of these self-professed superior types relegate those who are of different ethnicity to the 'sub-human category' and when taken to its extreme, only immediate family (and not necessarily all of them) are counted as human.
I belabor the obvious when I point out that the mind is a 'peculiar' thing indeed!
But here we are, on a holiday signed into law by none other than Ronald Reagan [same guy that created but refused to sign NAFTA into law] under the proviso that the holiday be 'voluntary', that employers could choose to honor the day or not [and you won't find that in the wiki either! Did I mention Orwell? How many of you know what I'm pointing to?]
How many individuals of color believe this is evidence that Modern Conservatism has their back?
What part of the word 'politics' don't you understand? [All of it apparently.]
The 'fog of (class) war' is amazingly opaque and obscures the true motives behind the ceaseless campaign by the owners to keep the poor oppressed.
Now listen to me...but you won't.
You refuse to see that you are being robbed not just of your life but your future, something our self-professed betters have a decidedly different viewpoint of.
If YOU aren't in control of your future, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!
Does that make things clearer?
Thanks once again for letting me inside you mind, and opening your eyes to the importance of SHARING this world will ALL humans, and exiling the psychopaths regardless of their outward appearance or the contents of their [empty] bank accounts.
Special Thanks to the intrepid readers who purchased my books, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
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