Friday, January 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, in physics it's not the 'fall' that kills you, it's the sudden stop. It's not unusual to 'see stars' when you collide with an immovable object and in our case the 'brighter than a thousand suns' analogy might be the last thing the fortunate witness before experiencing endless darkness.

Yes, only the fortunate will actually have a nuke drop on top of them, the rest of us face death by slow cooking. [Unless you can escape to sea where the radioactive particles will sink (if you can manage to keep the deck of your boat 'clean'.)] Um, what a build up of radiation on the sea floor will do to your food source remains to be seen, will doses too low to kill them kill you? Guess it depends, doesn't it?

There seems to be a disturbing tendency that correlates with inertia inside the human psyche, it has taken decades (and downright hostile actions) to curb smoking [what this says about modern life and the marked rise in psychosis/opioid deaths is alarming but again, the feckless have no concern for mental health, especially their own.]

[Why it doesn't occur to anyone that our civilization needs a serious mental health check is baffling but the tendency for the wealthy to be psychopaths has a high correlation indeed.]

Ironically, this behavior, like hatred, is learned...worse, this one is usually 'self-taught''s okay because I said it's okay.

Remember, these are the same people who spend their days repeating to themselves, "I'm RIGHT, the WORLD IS WRONG!"

Often flying into rages over people's failure to read their tiny minds! [Often while babbling incoherently about imaginary 'common sense'...]

Um, word of caution: If you find yourself baffled by people's lack of comprehension, THEY may not the the ones that are experiencing difficulty understanding...

Get this, your head is packed to overflowing with nonsense. It only stands to reason they can't understand what YOU believe is 'normal thinking'.

Now go look up 'normal' and see if you understand what I'm getting at...

If YOU don't understand what you are saying, how the hell do you expect anyone else to? [In my own defense let me lament one more time the 'imprecision' of what passes for the language by any race.

As usual, here we are several paragraphs in and finally getting to the point of an essay, today's missive regards the increasingly sloppy quality of education. When I attended school they threw it up on the blackboard and whatever stuck, stuck. If you didn't get it tough!

Now they charge you all outdoors for an education and if the only thing you get out of it is that 'two plus two' are all words, you're 'educated'!

Probably unfair to wade into the 'educator's dilemma' but some students require a lot more effort to teach because their 'thinking parts' don't work reliably. [Hard to expect much from a creature built to dig that only needed to obey the simplest commands like Stop go/yes/no.]

Doesn't help that our 'creators' were likely telepathic and could 'teach us' what they wanted done by seizing control of our simple minds. [This 'worked' because we are their clones, purposefully dumbed down and transported as DNA.]

As teachers failed to reach students and those students taught themselves crazy things our civilization has suffered. Now that our numbers are growing exponentially these now anti-social fallacies are being passed off as 'mainstream' due to failures of the education system!

In their defense, the teachers aren't taught to correct abhorrent mindsets, heck, they aren't even instructed to acknowledge/make note of it.

In another 'breakdown' teachers aren't trained to recognize learning disabilities apart from inattentiveness. [one of the problems with mining clones that weren't interested in digging, requiring frequent 're-directing' to keep them 'on task'.]

Um, another, er, 'side-effect' of this, er, 'quality problem' is how it was dealt with by our creators, who, undoubtedly, were on a schedule and would pay the consequences for not meeting production goals. They were (and it 'transferred to us, the objects of this action) 'cavalier' about 'terminating' any unit that failed to function 'to expectations'.

This resulted to man's 'inhumanity' to his fellow man [because 'we' repeatedly witnessed humans being slaughtered like they were just animated meat...and expected to ignore it if they didn't want to suffer the same fate.]

Worse, there are those among us who still feel the same way. [That people who don't agree with them are 'expendable'.]

So the 'fall' in today's title refers to the drop in expectations/standards when it comes to our failed education system, something that won't fix itself because we can't get our 'meat puppets' to get their heads out of their master's undergarments.

For 'change' to come it must ride the tide that sweeps away the 'entrenched filth.'

Ironically, even those responsible for the dropping standards will welcome change. [Who doesn't like Fresh Air?]

Hatred, like stupid is a learned thing.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,



  1. Here I was worried this would 'leave a mark' but dispensing one's point of view isn't without its perils.

  2. I share some 'hard truths' here that will shake some to their core, good on you for picking this one from the archives.

  3. This resulted to man's 'inhumanity' to his fellow man [because 'we' repeatedly witnessed humans being slaughtered like they were just animated meat...and expected to ignore it if they didn't want to suffer the same fate.]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...