Thursday, January 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, we are fed a constant stream of contradictory information and recently some long ignored issues have bubbled to the surface, not because these problems have been resolved but to further muddy the water.

Won't do to have the victims become too clear eyed...the perps might get their necks stretched despite their control of the farce they call a 'justice system'.

I suspect it is the force behind the sudden surfacing of long ignored issues, try as you might life is always a 'pendulum' and the swing to the far side is unavoidable (but NOT 'inevitable'!)

How discouraging is it that despite the propaganda, the 'good guys' are a pack of clueless losers that are fighting for the wrong ideals.

Why do the 'bad guys' always win? Because THEY DON'T FUCK AROUND!

Step out of line they don't arrest you, they KILL you.

[This is why the current 'justice system' is a joke...although many of the people currently behind 'for profit' bars are there for crimes the predatory commerce system forced them to commit. It is a system the criminals themselves would devise as it neither reforms nor rehabilitates.]

It is NOT a leg up but rather an albatross hung around the citizens neck.

But I digress, "Liberty and Justice for all" are just words from a pledge that nobody takes anymore...largely because of the sheer falseness of such a declaration, it screams of hypocrisy in the same way a Slaver defiantly declares that ALL MEN are created Equal!

How sad the qualifiers for being considered 'a man' makes a mighty particular list, starting with Christian followed by being male, then by being white and ending with being 'well born'. You have to jump through all of those hoops just to qualify as a 'man' and not some morons chattel?

See a teeny problem with THEIR 'legal system'?

What do you suppose should be done to those who have mismanaged humanity's affairs for so long? Should we ask them to 'step aside'? [Remember we have already determined the secret of their success comes from their dealing in 'absolutes'.]

They don't just live by the 'comply or die' credo, they invented it!


As Preznint Pussygrabber runs across the landscape shredding everything he comes across, why do you suppose he does that?

Part of it is a willful child that has NEVER been disciplined...because wealth buys you immunity and the, er, 'respect' of the Thieves that control the law...Esq.

The 'rich' go 'unmolested' because lawyers like money and punishing those who have it will gives the monied community the 'wrong idea'. That you are more motivated by seeing 'justice' served than in being 'richly compensated'.

Considering HOW judges get appointed, you don't want to be THAT GUY.

Let us all bow our heads for a moment in acknowledgement that politics isn't the only social factor that money has ruined.

Why don't we 'fix' money?

Same reason.

So either we string 'em all up or we just wipe the board and start again at zero...and this time the 'same people' won't even be here to make it all back using that 'knack' they claim to have.

Dunno if kids these days still get that line of malarky handed to them but I remember it distinctly, 7th grade and why it fell to the history teacher to lay it on us is probably a quirk of an ever changing educational environment.

What am I talking about? Again, I don't know if they still do it but when I was in school we played the famous game where we imagined all the money in the world being divided equally between all of the people on the planet...and how, INEVITABLY, the SAME PEOPLE that had the most taken from them would make it all back plus some because THEY had a 'knack' for making money!

Zero irony 7th grade is right around the age that catholic kids are studying for 'confirmation' [or becoming an adult in the eyes of the church, a 'spin' on the Jewish tradition.]

Your young mind is on the cusp of puberty and you are eager to learn all you can about becoming an adult!

Doesn't it suck that the adults don't know anything about being adults either?

Farmers live close to the 'circle of life' and have a better grasp of the 'fragility' of life and how tough you have to be to we confront the 'handicap' of living in a society where too few of us are intimate with (and respect) life nor have we come to terms with death, personal.

This has 'derailed' society. Our leaders neither respect life nor do they possess an understanding and appreciation for what it takes to survive. Worse, our self-professed 'betters' consider the rest of us to be mindless eating and pooping machines that have no purpose.

Now how sanguine are you that idiots have their hands poised over the nuclear trigger of the largest stockpile on the planet?


For the love of your children!


Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, like yin, it is inseparable from yang so it is we find optimism followed by its opposite.

The Nitwit-in-Chief is still basing his foreign policy on the party hardliners fever dreams; there was no collusion with Russia, Iran is building nuclear weapons and North Korea isn't a threat [to Mar-a-Lago and by the way, what's collusion?]

Worse, people that can barely spell 'party' are blaming 'party politics' for the wide social rifts created by the corporate owned media!

Git ur shit straight Arnold! It's not the Democrats or the shapeshifters that call themselves 'progressives' or the idiots that follow the dictates of the right wing noise machine, the Republicans dividing the nation, it's Limbaugh, Hannity and the entire Fox News Channel!

Oh and stop saying 'Good Republican', there's no such thing! ALL politicians SUCK and so do the 'parties' they PRETEND to represent.

The decision making process IS NOT A F'N GAME! [So the media shouldn't be allowed to turn it into one!]

[Who is minding the store? Oh, that's right, the media is our 'watchdog'...too bad the asshole that OWNS the damn watchdog has taught the poor beast to bark only on command!]

That and the viewing public is to dumb to realize that the 'talking heads' are reading scripts.

Even the 'off hand banter' between cuts is scripted.

[Here the news reader gets to demonstrate their acting talent by 'owning' the lines the writer's craft for them.]

The 'news reader' is selling 'credibility', if they fail at that they might get back in front of the camera doing the weather but you have to be CONVINCING when you read the news! You have to make the public believe you were just there even when reading a days old follow up story!

Everything you say is on 'the best authority'. You may be in a soundstage miles away from the action but your doppelganger is on the scene, feeding you the blow by blow description as it happens!

Again, most people understand they are watching an actor but the shop nitwit [and every shop has one] is fond of quoting their favorite talking head chapter and verse because they are SOLD. Every word spoken by 'she of the fabulous ta's' is the gospel, truth handed down from on high!

Again, the average viewer hasn't noticed but [especially of late] if you flip through the stations between the evening new hours with the volume off you can watch 'Bra Wars!

The station with the biggest cups wins! [What's the 'axiom' here? Sex Sells!]

Almost ALL Fox News readers are females. Ironically, this is the same, er, 'demographic' that insists on being called 'journalists' [if only because it sounds 'professional' and more credible than 'news reader'.]

So the next time you prepare to school somebody on what you just heard Angel Lips tell you, think again because it was written for her to read by Scrotty Mc Boogerballs!

[Full disclosure: I do NOT watch televised news PERIOD. I prefer to read it so I can 'see the context' of the story.] I discredit a full half of what I read as hatchet pieces written by hacks with an agenda...a distinction you wouldn't pick up on if it were read to you.

Prolly wouldn't be a good time to remind you that your head is full of you know what...but now you can see where it comes from!

You are being SOLD constantly and if you are NOT a salesman (and even if you are) what you don't realize is the SALE starts with hello and the whole damn thing is the close! ABC literally means 'Always Be Closing!'

YOU are the customer and their job is to get you to BUY the tripe they are selling.

Your 'job' (not that you realized it) is to pick through the news and sort the truth from the bullshit.

For example, how many of you think, regardless of bodycount, that ANYTHING has changed in Afghanistan? Iraq is a much different place than the place we invaded 18 years ago but the alleged training grounds of the terrorists that attacked the Twin Towers is the same place it was in 2001.

Worse, how many of you morons are okay with the three way negotiations between the puppet government that won't last ten minutes after the last chopper leaves and the Taliban warlords and all of the US service members who are crippled for life thanks to the totally pointless invasion?

Worse, Afghanistan gained the reputation as being the 'graveyard of Empires', do you suppose that is why W. decided to invade? The 'endgame' here is to end US hegemony as the banksters relocate to Beijing?

How many of you will be 'surprised' to learn that Zeus doesn't live here anymore and Mount Olympus has moved from Washington DC to Beijing China?

Who is on the moon?

Once again find the nearest mirror and ask yourself 'How stupid are you?'

You will find the answer to this question is yesterday's post...(hint: with a bullet!)

So it is vengeful citizen that we must ask the more pertinent question of what will we run out of first, light poles or rope?

My vote is on rope but that's okay, the capitalists will always sell us more!

Shitty as it may be, thank you for letting me inside your head!



Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, with capitalism collapsing around the planet and no solution on the horizon 'the public' is being quoted as opining the economy and society in general is headed in the same 'wrong direction' they picked up on right after Morning in America's resulted in a global 'reverse Robin Hood'.

The fact that forty years of 'he said, she said' has altered nothing and the 'gig economy', instead of revitalizing 'F-U pay me!' has proven capitalism is on its last legs.

[Sidebar] People know they can't get rich working for someone else so 'rich' isn't the mission objective for the vast majority of us, most of us set our sights on comfortable and learn the hard way that there is no such thing.

So with the feckless 'shaking things up' with their seizure of the planet's banking system, the institution of the 'more for me' program has had the obvious result. More for Me results in LESS for (pretty much) everybody else.

Why 'work' if you won't get ANYTHING out of it?

It is here we encounter the perplexing question that I ask repeatedly and that question is 'How stupid are you?'

The answer is MIGHTY, with a bullet!

The feckless (through their gross mismanagement of the financial system) have destroyed the American Dream for all but the STUPIDEST of us AND, in a desperate (and pointless!) dash for the finish line, automated everything in sight, cutting the customer base to shreds!

Economics 101 baby, can't sell to paupers!

If your customer base is BROKE how the hell is ANYBODY going to 'prosper'?

You'd think these basics would be so obvious that they wouldn't need to be stated but I don't have a MBA so I don't know what they are teaching the MORONS these days...

Bringing us full circle with today's conundrum, how do you make something out of nothing? The only ones that have solved that equation are the banksters who can make debt out of just about anything! [Getting someone to pay it is a trick they are still working on...]

[STOP] Did you see the Trump Administration is going to abandon the START nuclear arms treaty?

Will the, er, 'trusting to a fault' not see the significance of this until they have personally witnessed 'light, brighter than a thousand suns?'

The feckless, unable to find a way to 'repair' what they have broken, will murder us all rather than surrender power.

Just my opinion. For your consideration is the option of whether you agree or not?

Takes 'clear eyes' to see the situation as it truly is and too few of you have proven, er, 'capable'.

Now for 'optimism'...I am of the [foolish] belief that once pointed at, 'the public' will wake up to reality and call for the feckless to stand down.

The 'unanswered question' here is if the feckless are in fact human at all?

Couldn't prove it by their actions.

All I can do is lay out the facts, the rest is up to you [and so far you've done NOTHING.]

Dunno what the point is in thanking you, your head is worthless IF YOU REFUSE TO USE IT!


Monday, January 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, while I poke the stick in the cage constantly I must admit that my 'perspective/point of view' is far from unique. The collective 'we' imagine the authors of our misery fall on a sliding scale that starts with apathy and cold detachment and stretches completely across the spectrum to evil and conniving.

While the 'business community' pretends that their motives are always in the best interests of humanity we somehow suspect we couldn't make a whole human out of the bunch of them. We'd have a huge pile of balls but not a single brain or a heart in the whole pile!

Our modern college educated management force is no different from the ignorant scion of wealth that inherited their positions of power (and wealth) from the courts. While the commercial arm of society professes only the highest standards of professionalism and propriety what does that actually mean? It's supposed to assure the buying public that any outcome is devoid of even the slightest emotional bias, all decisions are born of cold calculation and return on investment regardless of how long ago that investment was made.

Um, none of that is true but that's the story the Law Masters use and the rest of us are stuck with.

Again not up for debate (as long as those 'currently in possession' can stonewall us) is the 'mutual ownership' of the resources of this planet. Balanced on the edge of the finest razor is the defacto 'monetization' of ALL resources and how certain people retain 'perpetual stewardship' of what we all need to live.

The criminal comes in with how that 'money' is disbursed. 99.9% of us have to be 'content' with a paycheck while the .01% gets the contents of the world's tills that shouldn't exist in the first place. [but there's no accounting for STUPID!]

Even the Law Masters don't claim to be 'perfect' and it is also not their, er, 'purpose' to insure either fairness or justice. Their sole purpose in the scam to cheat those who produce is to insure those who stole what belongs to all of us remain in control and are well compensated for their ill-gotten gains.

Taxes? They exist solely so the feckless can be paid for what doesn't belong to them.

Not so kind when you look at it that way and bizarrely most of you were taught [by the people in charge of the education process] not to 'envy' what other have but to work hard for your own heap!

These are the very same assholes that never once point out that there isn't anybody that EVER got rich working for somebody else! despite the endless 'tales' of the guys like The Donald who started out with a 'small loan' from his father and turned it into an empire.

No small loan? The only other path is the ones the criminals regularly take, might makes right. It's always been easier to take it than it is to make it [and that's how we got a 'government' filled with THUGS.]


Just glanced up at the title box to make sure I hadn't drifted too far off course but alas I have done it again.

Today's piece is supposed to put 'their face' (point of view) on display and I naturally fell into the same old trap of looking at it from my lowly perch at the bottom of the midden where the expendable are cast.

I technically don't exist, not even as a consumer. As long as the 'non-producing' segment of society isn't in the streets rioting they are a 'non-factor'.

The 'game' is evolving. As resources are being overrun they are now broken down into grades where purity commands a premium.

What you remain ignorant of is while the vendor claims their products are 'the purest available' there is no way for you to verify that.

Besides, you aren't paid enough to be overly fussy. You can only 'hope' to get the best value for your money and if you don't there is little that you can do about it.

Do our 'betters' care about product quality? You bet they do! If people start dropping like flies their legal department has to be able to fold up operations fast enough to salvage as much profit as possible.

How's that for 'first things first?'

Um, still pretty tainted BUT, given the cesspool we are sitting in there isn't a compelling reason to expect that anything the capitalist system produces is benign.

NOTHING is (or can be) done without an eye toward profit, even war is waged based on supplying the combatants and an eye towards seizing the resources currently controlled by the loser.

Is there a 'benevolent' side of the oligarchs?

Ass-kissing aside, none that is apparent.

Um, 'they let us live' isn't quite true because if they were given a choice in the matter, we wouldn't [continue to live after our usefulness TO THEM was extracted.]

So the tendency to paint commerce as a malevolent force behind society has no visible counterpart. We have already determined that the force deployed to protect the public from the rapacious consists of the rejects the rapacious turned away [mostly because they couldn't be trusted.]

Sad indictment but like many things in life, it is what it is.

Why isn't every Tom, Dick & Harry going into politics?

You need DEEP pockets even to run for town bumpkin. Like the oligarchs rejects, those 'elected' to do the oligarchs bidding must be 'connected' and raised in only the very best 'fuk 'em all (and the dumb ones twice') tradition.

Can't catch a break? Maybe you should contemplate this thought experiment.

Can you imagine predatory capitalism with a benign starting point? Is there ANY version of this shit show that doesn't set out to screw you? Where on our imaginary map does one find Justice or that even more elusive bird, Equality?

Is justice for chumps and equality for the birds?

So, how long have you enjoyed taking long walks in the wastelands, naked?

Not your thing? Shame.

Don't say we didn't warn you and nobody believes you didn't expect something like this to happen eventually...


Sunday, January 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, the middle ground once known as 'the compromise position' has shifted continuously to the right in the media dominated plane of perception management. As society's financial condition continues to deteriorate the question goes from heading them off at the border to sending an expeditionary force to keep them where they are.

With the dawn of 'American Exceptionalism' the ancient concept of 'allies' has been discarded although as recently as the Vietnam mistake our alliances were used to drag us into a conflict that had nothing to do with us.

Sure, it was SOLD to the public as 'fighting them over there so we didn't have to fight them over here', one that was dusted off and used by an ignorant W. but the truth of the matter is this nation was already neck deep in communist sympathizers and has never been far from 'popular revolution'.

Funny how if it isn't one ideology threatening the, er, 'prosperity' of the U.S.A. it's another. Communism from the far East and Islam from the Middle East. [Your conservo-whacko would point at the threat Democracy poses to the privileged but that wouldn't sell well in Peoria.]

Funny how people with rights are a threat to the feckless everywhere, no wonder they are so paranoid (and support authoritarianism wherever it is found.)

The peculiar thing about all three of these murderous belief systems is they all are based on the protection of ownership by the privileged and that the 'faithful' will be rewarded by God for their service to this 'Divine order of things' if they make it to Heaven.

This 'uniformity' is bizarre in itself because the 'mid-point' of survival is the very existence of a 'privileged class' is an abomination. [And that explains why the privileged work so hard at insisting they DON'T EXIST; that they are merely industry's 'fortunate', blessed with both genius and plenty.

Um, nope, cuz it wouldn't happen if they had to rely on 'a' paycheck LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!

Yes good citizen, converting to a 'paychecks all around' model wouldn't solve the problem as long as banking remained in the hands of private parties.

So again we see that 'secrecy' has no place in our imaginary 'center/middle'.

You probably were taught to believe all the secrecy was there to protect your 'safety'...but it isn't YOUR safety they are worried about, is it?

[Did I lose you again? For the sake of clarity we are now examining what the 'middle' SHOULD look like if we were dealing with an honest system.]

Ever wonder why all of our ballots are secret? It's not because we are 'shy' about our politics, we will beat one another bloody over our beliefs but that isn't the reason we vote in private.

The Wall of Ignorance makes it impossible for the average individual to gainsay electoral outcomes. Why do, er, 'our' representatives vote in secret? If we knew how they really voted NONE of them would get re-elected.

In both cases we have no way of knowing if half of the 'new legislation' introduced was EVER voted on [much less read by] any of our, er, 'lawmakers' today or in the past.

A government that operates in secret is up to no good. It has been proven repeatedly that all we have is the 'illusion of transparency'.

It is also apparent that the media lies to us (at the behest of its owners) regularly.

So it is news to no one that life as we know it is a scam, a confidence where your survival relies on going along to get along and then it's no so much YOU as it is the underlings of the feckless...who do what they are told and don't ask questions.

Hanging in the balance is what the 'middle' looks like once humans have been made superfluous?

Doesn't matter when 'your input' is inconsequential to the 'desired outcome.'

Does anyone doubt for a moment that the selfish who would replace you with an automaton wouldn't unleash an army of them to wipe out the surplus population?

Only the asshole stammering to anyone that will listen about my watching too many sci-fi movies. I've worked with robots all my life, there's no 'fantasy' involved here.

Nope, the real problem lies in your ignorance. You don't believe the people that would cheat you than look at you would do this to you.

Yes, their greatest advantage lies in your disbelief/stupidity.

Is the man in the mirror you greatest enemy?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind (or at least you think it's yours.)


Saturday, January 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, watched the man we all love to hate on his usual Friday night forum and watched with admiration, wondering if I could match his tenacity as he rubbed right up against the things he's dying to say but can't.

That said this is in no way intended to put words into Mr. Mahar's mouth [he's got plenty of his own but he can't use them all.] One 'mis-step' and we'll all be watching re-runs Gilligan's Island in his current time slot. That said, it's part of what makes 3M worth watching, they are the three that will skate up to the blue line and stop just short of icing the puck.

You could almost see Bill biting his tongue as they discussed the 'value' of a border wall. Why does America need one? Are Americans the only ones STUPID enough to believe people actually WANT to come here? [The ones that shamelessly wrap themselves in the flag love to pretend that there is something here for others to envy although they'd be hard pressed to identify it.

Can ANYBODY point to the nation that LOVES repression and thrives on drudgery? (you're soaking in it!) [what is your evidence for making such an outrageous claim, that you are completely brainless?]

Nope, I half expected Bill to blast Ann Coulter with the truth and ask her why she thought these people felt the need to escape their homelands? What were they expecting to be different here?

Naturally she would spout conservo-whacko talking points about becoming 'welfare queens' but that shit don't float no more. It is becoming increasingly evident that capitalism leaves far too many people stranded on the sidelines despite all the happy talk coming from the right wing war machine.

Land of the free and the home of the brave is one of the biggest lies ever told. If you aren't being screwed for everything you're worth the only thing you are good for is stopping bullets!

But the 'real motto' of the feckless capitalist wouldn't win hearts and minds like land of the free and home of the brave...although you'd be hard pressed to find either here in the armed and cowering land that sleeps with one eye open...

Like I keep saying, 'survival' is ALWAYS job one!

The 'sin' here is you are all hoping SOMEONE is coming to save you when you NEED TO save yourselves!

The one hired to protect you is holding you down while the ones they are supposed to be protecting you from empty your pockets, deflower your daughters and murder your sons.

Yeah, it's a muzzle I couldn't wear although I didn't know Bill blogged, have to snoop around and see what I can turn up. Maybe he speaks more 'freely' on his own site although I doubt it, he lives in the spotlight and is therefore under constant scrutiny.

Yeah, I couldn't do what he does, that said we are both vital to the process of freeing ourselves from the rule of the feckless.

Again, the cognizant know this but apparently don't know how to explain to their less intelligent 'acquaintances' that they are being played/duped by people that only want one thing out of them, obedience.

If YOU want to live that way, fine but don't get in my way...this boy lives on his feet, not on his knees.

[Again, only the intelligent know why our self styled superiors demand that you kneel to can't fight (effectively) on your knees.]

Just another little tidbit from your old pal Gegner,

Addios until next time!

Friday, January 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, If you are reading this you have 'succeeded' in surviving this long as well as accomplishing a whole bunch of other seemingly unrelated goals that allow you to fish this off the net, good job! [not that you can eat it, screw it or relieve yourself on/with it, (although there's nothing stopping you...)] so from a survival point of view 'pep talks' score fairly low...although there is a lot to be said for 'motivation' (as well as clear eyed realism.)

Strip away the badge and the gun and bozo is just like you, put a badge and a gun on you and suddenly you are 'indistinguishable' from one of them. Isn't thinking wonderful?

The 'trick' employed by the forces of brute ignorance is a two way street. You fear the badge not because of who wields it but because it represents a team that won't won't quit.

So if you use their 'fear tactic' against them, they will be discombobulated. Since the whole operation relies on being able to 'trust the suit', if you are wearing one (and can successfully hide the murderous glee in your eyes) you can walk right up to them and let them have what they so richly deserve.

The typical reader must believe I am deranged or mentally disturbed to keep attacking police the way I do but this is also a function of 'unthinking'. What do you think I mean when a say give them what they deserve?

Who do you think is responsible for the misery and woe you see everywhere you look?

The one wearing the badge and the gun! [for someone whose job it is to protect you, they SUCK at it!]

They defend themselves claiming it's just a job but in doing their job, they are defending criminals...making them criminals in the process. See it differently? Ask yourself how stupid are you?

[This is why this job will vanish and dueling will return...anyone tries to stick it up your backside had best be ready to defend themselves.]

It is criminal to remove justice from the hands of the honest and aggrieved.

In a world where nobody owns anything duels will be rare, in a world where armed thugs exist to protect ownership rights there can be no justice.

Strip away 'the veneer of legitimacy' and what's left is an armed thug hiding behind an asshole holding a book of lies you can't look at without a license.

In the end the 'law' is what THEY say it is, which is something that has more to do with 'expediency' than justice.

The law, as it currently exists, has ALWAYS been handed down from on high and ALWAYS subject to 'professional interpretation'. [Just like priests and it's not a coincidence that you can't 'argue' with either!]

Sounds nice but just look around you at the cesspool this has created. You don't think our legal system created this? [How stupid are you? Rhetorical question: you can't understand the answer so it's somewhere between rock and concrete.]

The law belongs to those who must live under it.

Understand, the bedrock of conservatism is the 'Law is whatever the hell we say it is.'

Law for laws sake and justice be damned. [Worse, those who make the laws can also alter them or exempt themselves from them...and there is no justice there.

Touchy subject as most of you rely on 'the law' to protect you but that is because you don't understand the law or how it works.

You were 'taught' one thing while reality is something else entirely.

The people running this society are criminals and need to be, er, SENT to justice.

Those who fail to appreciate the benefits of civil society shall have those benefits taken from them...this is justice.

None of us will know what 'success' is until the criminals have all been sent for the naked one way nature walk.

THINKING: it's more than just something to do while you evacuate your bowels.

Every day you tolerate the criminals to live unmolested is another day you are robbed of justice.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Thursday, January 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, we all know the drill, work when YOU want to, be your own boss and make extra cash in your 'spare time'.

Well when 'the gig' is all you've got the first thing the people skimming the 'cream' off of this shit sundae will tell you is the gig was never intended to be your sole means of income. If you spend the night in the holding lot waiting to be dispatched that's on YOU!

Even the commercials show a guy who was just running to the corner for a minute decide it was a nice night out, let's turn on the app and see what happens. And shazam, he went out, got what he wanted and made enough doing a couple of quick rides to pay for it.

At least in the commercial that's how it works. Now we have furloughed federal workers trying to use the multiple gig apps to scrape up enough to survive on...all because numbnuts wants to pin another boondoggle on his ideological opponents.

[FULL STOP] TO THE BILLIONAIRES THIS IS ALL A GAME! TO YOU AND ME IT'S SURVIVAL! The Mofo's don't live as we live or suffer as we suffer and have NO PLACE in government!

[Zero irony that Trump AND Pelosi are BOTH BILLIONAIRES!]

He had two years to fund a border wall but the issue didn't 'catch fire' until his horrendous bumbling cost him (the illusion of) a veto proof margin to act with impunity. [You still aren't getting anything through congress that the oligarchs don't want to see like freedom and prosperity for the 'commoners'...and if you think that distinction disappeared you need to get your head out of your rectum. If anything it has gotten worse.]

Can't get 5 billion for a wall but he found a way to rob the treasury for a trillion?

Now that's 'talent'.

Which is to say if you set up an operation to poison the well that's what they focus on and the trouble with 'autonomous trouble' is without counter-balance it doesn't know when it's gone too far, like the current cluster f*ck.

It is so obvious this is a politically motivated stunt and stupid isn't bright enough to realize he needs to rein it in...WAY IN.

That said, those handling the 'counter-punching' are doing a masterful job.

What 'truth' do you suppose the nitwit in Chief believes the Speaker of the House doesn't want the public to learn?

The ONLY person/people that think the economy is 'thriving' is numbnuts himself and his handlers, who know what the price of honesty is.

Don't you wish we could lift Bozo's checkbook and turn him loose on the streets to see what his 'miracle' is really like first hand?

Would you poop yourself when you settled into the back seat and saw the orange one behind the wheel of the Uber you ordered?

[This is a fantasy, where would a penniless Donald get a Hyundai AND a smartphone? If this were realistic, it's The Donald's corpse that would most likely to turn up IN THE TRUNK of an Uber!]

Speaking of the 'whole story', everybody knows a 'successful' ride service provider lives behind an Ivy league university or across the street from an international airport or a block away from a major transportation hub, everybody else is sucking pond water while they wait for one of their neighbors to go on vacation and need a ride to the airport.

To digress for a moment let's return to the issue of humanity's likely origins and how we are 'over-engineered' for our purpose (that said we are also woefully lacking in the 'self-sufficiency' department.)

It is debatable if our inability to 'see' beyond the next ten minutes is a 'feature' or a 'bug'...that and our collective memory isn't worth shit. People regularly get history hysterically wrong.

If we factor in the 'enmity' between the races/ethnicities we still have 'insufficient information' to determine if Old 'El Dorado' [Earth] wasn't the host of dozens of 'pirate' mining operations, resulting in the melting pot of planetary backgrounds that wouldn't exist organically in space.

How unfortunate for us that what they were mining was starship fuel...and now it doesn't exist here anymore...not that this will 'stop' us.

The mystery deepens on the flipside of this equation, the near total absence if debris. Wrecks might have been salvaged, the hull of a starship would have to be made of some mighty stern stuff, meaning it boggles the mind to think the mining operation wasn't a 'coordinated effort' that left, taking all MOST of evidence of their time here with them. If we are the 'clones' of the crewmen, abandoned as superfluous material/an outpost of uselessness drifting in the cosmos to protect the rear from whatever got stirred up during the mining operation [or whatever else might be chasing them across the universe through eternity, could be anything.]

Like life itself, more questions than answers and 'navel gazing' as such serves no purpose considering we have our own 'bacon' to protect from the predation of the feckless.

Begging the question of whether or not we are 'fortunate' that we are our own worst enemies? [This COULD (and looks like it WILL) end most horribly (at least for some of us.)

Like my 'ponderables?', it's what we wordsmiths do!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


G C Anderson Jr on [3 titles]

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, it is often the repeated theme that perhaps says more about 'The Human Condition' than any other single character flaw and that, unfortunately is stupid.

The Brits are coming across as being 'bi-polar', wanting Brexit while rejecting the terms such an act brings.

The 'failure' here is to appreciate that Britain is a small collection of Islands located in the icy North Atlantic...but when I was a boy it was a statement of fact that 'The sun never set on the British Empire'...bizarrely, 1999 put an end to that. [How many of you know that was the year Britain's 99 year lease on Hong Kong expired...and if it hadn't a decidedly robust Communist China was going to take it back and stiff arm whoever objected.

By the turn of the last century Britain had pretty much divested itself of it's far flung colonies and protectorates [largely because the crown was hemorrhaging money! A global empire is a logistical nightmare, especially when the 'purpose' of that empire was to keep the mother nation in all of the 'trade goods' it could use/exploit...again, only a tiny percentage of Britons had 'access' to this imperial wealth.]

Well as the population grew, the Empire shrank and prospects dwindled for the typical Brit. The 'failure' here is one to recognize that this wasn't an isolated phenomenon. The pre-WWII allies were all in a swoon caused by the broken economies left behind by the feckless banksters.

The monarchists, having been thwarted in their attempt to conquer the world [ask the question of where did the Nazi's get the MONEY and the finger points to, surprise, the people that 'used to' own the world and everything on it] and saddle it with predatory capitalism...[Yes Virginia, the Nazis were first and foremost Capitalists, (then Christians, then White supremacists!) ironically it is rapidly becoming apparent that capitalism is failing world wide and they have nothing to replace it with except a return to monarchy or an authoritarian dictatorship that makes no bones about who is 'privileged' and who isn't.

Same shit, different TITLES, same PEOPLE.

Counterintuitive but this whole shitshow is built on 'loyalty'. The predators are united (if only in guilt.)

Also difficult to fathom is how much better everyone's lives will be once we convert to ASP and put an end to F-U, Pay Me!

YOU will be GIVEN EVERYTHING you need to live and guaranteed a job that pays a living wage! Poverty will be a thing of an evil past, a dim memory...but so will 'audacious wealth' because the ONLY way to GET money will be to WORK for it and the ONLY place to spend it will be at the STORE...which will have (almost) EVERYTHING. [You will still be obliged to 'work for' companionship, failing that there will be no shortage of masturbatory aids available. Buy your ugly miserable ass a sex doll ya pervert!]

YOU will NEVER have a penny in your pocket because you are forbidden to buy and sell [there is no reason for you to] and neither will anybody else. [because ALL crime is 'cash and carry'.] That said there will still be crime because there will always still be stupid people who think they are 'clever'.

When you spend your money it is simply erased from your account, nobody 'gets' it. [Money's 'true purpose' is that of 'regulator'.]

That's why if YOU get caught trying to pass 'scrip' (money 'substitute') YOU will be exiled, no questions asked.

But I digress, somewhat.

Back to Brexit...

'Trade' relies on having something to trade and comparatively speaking the British Isles produce some of the finest goods of their kind...just not a lot of them. This is where F-U, Pay Me falls on its face. The 'middle men' are killing them.

The individual only has their labor to sell and labor is CHEAP almost anywhere and automation makes it even cheaper/less valuable!

Like I said yesterday, the name of the game remains the same regardless, survival. If what you have to sell isn't worth enough to survive on, what are you going to do?

Prison means you'll survive but it's a wretched life so clearly, survival alone isn't the goal but there are too many of us to live off the land and a single accident/incident can bankrupt us. [Not under ASP where healthcare is free and insurance doesn't exist because nobody 'owns' anything, leaving no one 'liable'.] Wanton recklessness will have its own reward, the 'stupid' will pay for their lack of forethought.

In that respect 'the herd' will be 'self-thinning'.

Pre WWII many people came from farming families [they worked the land and fed themselves.] The 'War Machine' created jobs fighting an 'imaginary war' and it was thought to be the vehicle that would 'save' capitalism!

Unfortunately the plotters weren't able to anticipate the stupid and capitalism turned predatory [due to their failure to limit money.]

The typical Brit only sees the 'invasion' of their homeland by people who not that long ago were loyal subjects of the crown. They fail to see the rapidly expanding Economic Desert the media persists in turning a blind eye to.

Due to this failure the typical European sees the third world trying to escape into the First as ingratitude for their 'freedom/independence'. First we gave them their freedom and here they are taking MY job!

Parse that and ask yourself if we haven't got a first class STUPID problem on our hands?

There are jobs aplenty and housing for all IF we ELIMINATE the 'middle men'. Sadly capitalism is an incurable disorder and we may well be forced to physically eliminate its die hard can't teach a closed mind anything.

While I posit that most of my followers are intelligent enough to comprehend the forces at work, I suspect I kid myself at how many of you read the entire post.

If you only put one bullet in the gun you had best shoot yourself.

Thanks once again for, er, 'looking' [the reading part is 'assumed'.]


Now I'm beating you with the damn thing and you're asking yourself 'what damn thing is he talking about?'...

Reading is fundamental.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, as the government shut-down stretches onward the nitwit in chief once again demonstrates his blindness to just how much this nation relies on government support.

That has left a small but growing number of tenants, like Ms. Wormley-Mitsis, in limbo. Landlords, especially smaller management companies operating on narrow margins, have begun pressuring poor, disabled and elderly tenants who cannot afford to make up the difference.

On Friday afternoon, a TriState Management employee in Newport, Ark., taped notices on the doors of 43 federally subsidized tenants, demanding that they cover the gap between what they typically pay and the full rent.

“As of Feb. 1, 2019, all tenants will be responsible for full basic rent,” the letter said. “We will extend the due date for the rent to the 20th of the month. This will remain in effect until the government opens up.”

Amanda Neeley’s heart sank. The three-bedroom home she shares with her daughter and granddaughter goes for a monthly rate of $505, of which she is required to pay $110. The rest — which her landlord now wants her to pay — is supposed to be picked up by the federal government under a program intended to help out the rural poor.

The MYTH 'America Works' is precisely that, a myth.

Doesn't have to be this way but in a society run by criminals this is what you end up with, charity instead of justice...just so the banksters can hold your life hostage.

Make no mistake, can't pay, the politicians will subsidize you as they pretend to address the injustices perpetrated by the predatory commerce system. Did you see how quickly we returned to jobs that don't pay enough to live on?

Now with brick and mortar collapsing, enlarging an already vast ECONOMIC DESERT what are YOU going to do when it finally lets go and prices go berserk? [Remember we live in the land of the 'highest bidder' not that any sane person wants it this way.]

Like Preznint Pussygrabber, the 'low mental wattage/horsepower' types keep forgetting we are all just a couple of meals away from becoming ruthless savages. [Zero irony that the truly stupid are already halfway there despite being the least fierce.] Talking tough and being tough are polar opposites. Knothead shoots his mouth off hoping he never has to back any of it up.

Again with the irony, it's the Rock of Gibraltar types that crack first. Like conventional wisdom tells us, it's the 'quiet types' you have to watch out for.

Preznint Pussygrabber is ALWAYS shooting his yap off, so what does that tell you? Somebody's going to cold caulk the bastard while the cameras are running and that will be the end of the orange gasbag.

Wonder if they will be able to photoshop the smirks off the faces of the secret service contingent because every one of them secretly wants to be the one to give the loudmouth what he richly deserves.

So today's news item [red meat for the low intelligence types who think welfare queen is a choice and not an outcome our predatory commerce/banking system forces on people.]

Back to the more 'practical' side of the jobs debate, why hasn't the economy ground to a halt because of all the jobs employers can't fill because the workforce doesn't possess the required skill set [like willing to work for free, like many federal workers are doing SOLELY to preserve their PENSIONS!]

How many jobs do you think there really are? Ten thousand...and the rest are what they wish they had, for a total of 250,000 when the number of working aged unemployed dwarfs that number [at last look, it's hard to locate a genuine number these days, the figure hovers around 154,000,000 as the population heads for the 400,000,000 mark. [That's another number that's hard to find because the truth is frightening!]

That said, the most frightening factor in play is the 'fantasy vs the reality', the Owner class pretending the collapse we are witnessing is due to 'laziness' when the facts are it's their greed and incessant belt tightening that has shattered faith in a 'system' that is too predatory to survive.

Here is where we lose the idiots. Everybody knows survival is dependant on mutual cooperation and that without the division of labor concept the 'die off' will be catastrophic.

So, how do we work 'for somebody' if capitalism collapses?

Did I mention idiots? These are people too dim to understand what a 'middleman' is. The OWNER is a middleman totally unnecessary to the process.

I am sorely tempted to ask what should be totally unnecessary and that is, of course, How stupid are you?

ALL ASP does is eliminate the middlemen. No more owners, no more cops and no more bankers/insurance companies. Builders build, for a paycheck. Drivers drive, for a paycheck, stores sell, for a f'n paycheck! NOBODY needs a f'n bank when houses and cars are gimmes!

YOU won't have/need a 'credit card' because debt is you also won't be able to buy and sell because it has nothing to do with job one.

It is here we separate the morons from the intelligent.

What is 'job number one?'

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Short answer, SURVIVAL! Job one NEVER changes!

Only a moron believes it is their job to work to make somebody else rich. [And there is capitalism in a nutshell.]

Um, There is still too much shit in there so I'll thank you to take it someplace else and dump it where nobody will fall in it.


See this? This is that piece of your soul I tore off last time...did you miss it?

Monday, January 21, 2019

Prince of Peace

Greetings good citizen/fellow human, you'd think modern media would prevent the legacy of Dr. King from being twisted to fit the agenda of the liars but as the world becomes increasingly Orwellian, those who write history are already 'canonizing' Ronald Reagan (one of the WORST presidents in US history) who is being sold as 'the Father of modern conservatism.'

Don't look now but one of Reagan's 'disciples' currently has the government shut down in a childish display of extortion.

This is 'Modern Conservatism' in action. Numbnuts had 2 YEARS to fund a border wall without opposition but like Reagan's NAFTA or Romney's Obamacare apparently modern conservatives, (who are much fewer than advertised) are TOO STUPID to ask why Reagan, nor this successor, Bush the First, signed NAFTA into law...and we all know it is because the likes of Karl Rove made mountains of political hay pointing at the fact Willy Jeff (willingly) signed the bill into law.

People hate DEMOCRATS for what LBJ did. So when a stooge/dino like Bill Clinton came along they just added that to the stack of reasons people embrace racist conservatism as The Party of White People...because the morons still think in terms of White = good and the rest are 'sub-human'.

Dr. King preached [one would be inclined to say 'taught' but sadly you can't teach those that refuse to listen] that all humans are equals, no more and (more importantly) no less.

You'd be hard pressed to find ANYONE that (publicly) disagrees with this statement but Dr. King knew what lie in the hearts of the 'owner class'.

Not all white people are owners but the 'ownership enthusiasts' (capitalists and their bastard offspring, the Libertarians are overwhelmingly White.)

Stop grinning Asians, I see you pretending you're not there!

I hesitate to paint the Asians as pro-capitalist but they are guilty of being 'pro-success'...and torture their own kind if they don't 'keep up', a heinous crime by ANY race!

So being 'white' and being, er, 'sympathetic' to the White man's philosophy are two separate issues, so much so that those seeking to divide us use their own racism as a shield!

Worse, they will continue to ignore ownership as the cause of their ruthlessness and use racism (reverse racism) as their justification for their recklessness.

I am not red, black, yellow or brown but I am one (of the few) that puts my humanity first. [Bizarrely, so do the haters but they immediately dismiss all who aren't mirror images of themselves as being 'subhuman', just as the Europeans did to this land's natives. Truth be told, many of these self-professed superior types relegate those who are of different ethnicity to the 'sub-human category' and when taken to its extreme, only immediate family (and not necessarily all of them) are counted as human.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that the mind is a 'peculiar' thing indeed!

But here we are, on a holiday signed into law by none other than Ronald Reagan [same guy that created but refused to sign NAFTA into law] under the proviso that the holiday be 'voluntary', that employers could choose to honor the day or not [and you won't find that in the wiki either! Did I mention Orwell? How many of you know what I'm pointing to?]

How many individuals of color believe this is evidence that Modern Conservatism has their back?

What part of the word 'politics' don't you understand? [All of it apparently.]

The 'fog of (class) war' is amazingly opaque and obscures the true motives behind the ceaseless campaign by the owners to keep the poor oppressed.

Now listen to me...but you won't.

You refuse to see that you are being robbed not just of your life but your future, something our self-professed betters have a decidedly different viewpoint of.

If YOU aren't in control of your future, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!

Does that make things clearer?

Thanks once again for letting me inside you mind, and opening your eyes to the importance of SHARING this world will ALL humans, and exiling the psychopaths regardless of their outward appearance or the contents of their [empty] bank accounts.


Special Thanks to the intrepid readers who purchased my books, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Snow day

Greetings good citizen, fellow human, today is a snow day. I get a break from plotting the progress of our collapsing society and you get to watch football or some other mindless activity. [I won't be watching, I'm sixty + years old and have never watched an entire game, why start now?]

Freezing rain on top of a few inches of snow [yet another 'only in New England' it's both raining and snowing!] It's weather like this that makes your typical New Englander marvel when they hear a flatlander exclaim they'd love to live in Boston! Why our mind replies! The weather SUCKS here! You wear an overcoat eight months out of the year and you sweat (profusely) the other four!

Not that the weather is the only thing that stinks.

But if you live here you already know and if you don't words don't do it justice so I once again waste my breath and your time.

Go enjoy something that challenges your mind, maybe collect a few things you'll need when you have to spend two weeks in your basement after the global 'sneak attack' initiated by the banksters on the behalf of the evil oligarchs.

Me, I have to get this crap out of the driveway before the temperature drops into the single digits is the day I wish on every nit wit that says I've always wanted to visit Boston! [For the record, Logan is closed due to ice...



Saturday, January 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, while a dwindling number of voters think the sitting 'Idiot-in-Chief' is the victim of a 'witch hunt', 'Preznint Pussygrabber', the self-made celebrity that doesn't know the difference between famous and infamous [neither do his nit-wit followers/supporters but Jim Jones had thousands of 'followers' too...and they drank the Kool Aid anyway! So being a Trump supporter isn't something that will eventually put them on the 'right side' of history...]

One of the central themes of this blog is the high degree of self-delusion that the continually [politically] re-imagined education system dispenses.

Yup good citizen, the education system is 'overseen' by politicians and increasingly by partisan ones.

Perhaps more disturbing is how charter schools are gutting the funding earmarked for public schools.

'Privatized' education is just like any other system removed from public control, you lose control over what the students are taught in favor of 'lower costs' [even if those benefits are measured heuristically with empty claims that the kids perform better on 'standardized tests' [because the charter school uses easier tests and 'teach to the test!']

Ironic that we all know cheaper isn't 'better' but we go along with the empty claims that it's 'good enough' because it saves funding for other, er, 'more worthy' goals like higher administrator pay, enhanced administrator pension plans and streets named after beloved local educators.

[Corruption doesn't stop at City Hall nor is it limited to the Dr's office. The 'license to steal' pervades the entire capitalist system we are taught to embrace from childhood. (In case you are wondering why this attack is focused on that particular aspect of society.)]

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to see...and seldom will you meet a larger, more self-important Asshole! [The world of 'I' has consumed them.]

What you need to understand is this provides us with 'hope' for the future.

The 'neck deep in stupid' phenomenon is largely artificial!

That said the 'immersion in hate' [spewed by right-wing media] won't stop until WE stop it.

Why do most of us suspect punishing those who 'advertise' on conservative networks won't have much effect or be nearly as effective as sabotaging their transmission facilities.

In the balance here is judges too fearful to sentence murderers, this is 'justice'?

How much more will society 'corrode' under the abusive authoritarians? Had the shoes been on the opposite feet the judge would have sentenced the victim to life without the possibility of parole [Well, he sort of got that, didn't he?]

Um, were it up to me the judge would have been sentenced to exile, the cop along with her.

Talk about chutzpah, they interviewed the cop's wife who expressed her fear that someone would exact revenge upon her husband for things he was trained to do in the performance of his 'job'.

Um, if murdering civilians is part of the new 'job description' I think we need to look a lot closer at who and how judgeships are handed out.

Many of the problems plaguing society stem from unqualified individuals usurping positions of power so they can execute their own agenda.

But once again I preach to the choir, this is not news to the cognizant.

So the question reverts to 'how long are WE going to let this go on?'

Cue closing number



Friday, January 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, in physics it's not the 'fall' that kills you, it's the sudden stop. It's not unusual to 'see stars' when you collide with an immovable object and in our case the 'brighter than a thousand suns' analogy might be the last thing the fortunate witness before experiencing endless darkness.

Yes, only the fortunate will actually have a nuke drop on top of them, the rest of us face death by slow cooking. [Unless you can escape to sea where the radioactive particles will sink (if you can manage to keep the deck of your boat 'clean'.)] Um, what a build up of radiation on the sea floor will do to your food source remains to be seen, will doses too low to kill them kill you? Guess it depends, doesn't it?

There seems to be a disturbing tendency that correlates with inertia inside the human psyche, it has taken decades (and downright hostile actions) to curb smoking [what this says about modern life and the marked rise in psychosis/opioid deaths is alarming but again, the feckless have no concern for mental health, especially their own.]

[Why it doesn't occur to anyone that our civilization needs a serious mental health check is baffling but the tendency for the wealthy to be psychopaths has a high correlation indeed.]

Ironically, this behavior, like hatred, is learned...worse, this one is usually 'self-taught''s okay because I said it's okay.

Remember, these are the same people who spend their days repeating to themselves, "I'm RIGHT, the WORLD IS WRONG!"

Often flying into rages over people's failure to read their tiny minds! [Often while babbling incoherently about imaginary 'common sense'...]

Um, word of caution: If you find yourself baffled by people's lack of comprehension, THEY may not the the ones that are experiencing difficulty understanding...

Get this, your head is packed to overflowing with nonsense. It only stands to reason they can't understand what YOU believe is 'normal thinking'.

Now go look up 'normal' and see if you understand what I'm getting at...

If YOU don't understand what you are saying, how the hell do you expect anyone else to? [In my own defense let me lament one more time the 'imprecision' of what passes for the language by any race.

As usual, here we are several paragraphs in and finally getting to the point of an essay, today's missive regards the increasingly sloppy quality of education. When I attended school they threw it up on the blackboard and whatever stuck, stuck. If you didn't get it tough!

Now they charge you all outdoors for an education and if the only thing you get out of it is that 'two plus two' are all words, you're 'educated'!

Probably unfair to wade into the 'educator's dilemma' but some students require a lot more effort to teach because their 'thinking parts' don't work reliably. [Hard to expect much from a creature built to dig that only needed to obey the simplest commands like Stop go/yes/no.]

Doesn't help that our 'creators' were likely telepathic and could 'teach us' what they wanted done by seizing control of our simple minds. [This 'worked' because we are their clones, purposefully dumbed down and transported as DNA.]

As teachers failed to reach students and those students taught themselves crazy things our civilization has suffered. Now that our numbers are growing exponentially these now anti-social fallacies are being passed off as 'mainstream' due to failures of the education system!

In their defense, the teachers aren't taught to correct abhorrent mindsets, heck, they aren't even instructed to acknowledge/make note of it.

In another 'breakdown' teachers aren't trained to recognize learning disabilities apart from inattentiveness. [one of the problems with mining clones that weren't interested in digging, requiring frequent 're-directing' to keep them 'on task'.]

Um, another, er, 'side-effect' of this, er, 'quality problem' is how it was dealt with by our creators, who, undoubtedly, were on a schedule and would pay the consequences for not meeting production goals. They were (and it 'transferred to us, the objects of this action) 'cavalier' about 'terminating' any unit that failed to function 'to expectations'.

This resulted to man's 'inhumanity' to his fellow man [because 'we' repeatedly witnessed humans being slaughtered like they were just animated meat...and expected to ignore it if they didn't want to suffer the same fate.]

Worse, there are those among us who still feel the same way. [That people who don't agree with them are 'expendable'.]

So the 'fall' in today's title refers to the drop in expectations/standards when it comes to our failed education system, something that won't fix itself because we can't get our 'meat puppets' to get their heads out of their master's undergarments.

For 'change' to come it must ride the tide that sweeps away the 'entrenched filth.'

Ironically, even those responsible for the dropping standards will welcome change. [Who doesn't like Fresh Air?]

Hatred, like stupid is a learned thing.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Thursday, January 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, not up for 'debate' is THE PURPOSE OF COMMERCE, recently ajudged by (the bought and paid for) US Supreme court to exist to enrich its shareowners.

So you have no illusions about what you're doing and who you are doing it for, your 'job' (for as long as they need you) is to make the rich richer and if you can't live on what they pay for for your services, well that's YOUR PROBLEM.

Let's run that down because it is vitally important that you understand this and what it means.

Any job that doesn't leave you richer than Bezos is a BAD job. If it doesn't net YOU hundreds of of billions it isn't worth doing.

Why do I say this? Um, writing probably isn't the way I need to 'reach my audience' [those who stand to, er, 'inherit' this crumbling shithole.] While watching Youtube video tours of properties I'd like to retire to someday (if only in my dreams) I came upon this disturbing video that discusses jobs that will eventually disappear ruining your 'prospects for the future'...

But take heart good citizen! They also produced this video to guide the determined few to the gold mine that awaits the clever and innovative (not to mention 'connected')...because the rest of you will be shit out of luck.

Ironically, number '16' in their top fifteen video is Real Estate Broker. Um, maybe the people who produce this tripe don't have a firm grip on economic theory but 'real estate' is only 'valuable' to people that can afford to pay for it.

But wait, jobs one through four will also be automated out of existence, there isn't a good reason to employ humans who will skip steps to save time and aggravation along with insuring future breakdowns. (hooray for 'job security'!)

Totally unaccounted for is what is going to happen to the people driven out of work by automation all trying to crowd into the few remaining jobs that don't require advanced degrees and familial connections to secure and hold on to.

Because in the end it's going to take both.

Today they are calling it the 'refugee crisis'

You won't (dare) start your own venture because of the extreme dearth of paying customers. [As evidenced by the collapse of brick & mortar retail operations industry wide.]

The ONLY restaurant operations that will survive are the ones that demand payment up front for food that is ready to go. If not in fact vending machines, they will operate on the same principle.

Roadside joints will fold up like so much rubbish as restaurants start to demand credit cards up front, no credit card, no reservation and no service.

Um, capitalism as it is currently practiced doesn't recognize humanity's 'cooperative' foundation, that we all live better by 'working together'.

Humans banded together so they could take down the bigger predators that threatened their survival and livestock, they ate those predators and their farms prospered.

Naturally, 'peace' depended largely on mother nature. If the rains came and the sun nurtured the land there was no need to go stomp your neighbor for their food but hunger is something early man didn't plan for...because stupid is as stupid does and man thought/believed farming solved the hunger problem.

It didn't.

Again, the cognizant don't need a history lesson so I'll cut that one short and circle back to today's title, sufficiently open ended but I refer to the specific variety that ignores the 'symbiosis' so vital to economics and by that I specifically point at the 'paying customer' part of the equation.

People without jobs don't have 'a means' of purchasing your 'services'. So any system that blithely puts the majority of your potential customers out of work is, by definition, INSANE. It is madness to continue to utilize such a suicidal system because the only result will be widespread carnage, both social AND economic!

It boggles the mind that certain pundits ignore the relationship between economic health and a well paid populace! {I'm looking at YOU A-Lux!}

Understand we haven't had a 'well-paid' populace since Nixon opened the doors to China [something conservo-whackos tend to ignore whenever it comes up] The, er, beginning of the 'global race to the bottom' (staged AND referee'd by the global banksters) took an immediate toll on prosperity world wide.

To ignore the collusion behind this predatory move is to believe that 'Spirit in the Sky' is keeping all players in this drama 'honest'.

With history as our judge it is now plain to see that the few have conspired against the rest for their own benefit.

Either we unite against this threat or we ignore it and let them wipe the majority of us out so they can keep what they stole from us.

Again, the cognizant don't need persuading, they know where the bear shits.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your, er, 'mind'...


Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, how you view the world governs your decision-making process with most people intellectually understanding that joining a crowd dashing about heedlessly is a bad idea they (miraculously) think [for no good reason] that they will know 'when' it's time to run...or time to fight.

How will they know?

Because everyone else will be running around like their hair is on fire! [This might not be a good time to bring up STUPID...]

Now, tell the truth. Your 'plan' is to hope you hear about events starting somewhere else, providing you with 'advance notice', isn't it?

Problem is every day brings a fresh slice of disaster to the headlines, how will you know which one is the real deal? [See above.]

So, er, 'warning you' that waiting until panic strikes is a bad idea and telling you that we have already received SEVERAL massive shoves towards panic [but the docile public resists panic because restoring order after disaster is difficult even under ideal conditions.

Funny how nobody noticed that Nixon defunded Civil Defense, (tip of the spear) opining (at the time) that preparing for nuclear war was futile.

Is there even one politician out there saying EVERYBODY needs protection from a nuclear strike and not just those who can afford to stock their own shelters?

Yeah, the thieves aren't worried about the coming nuclear war where the planet's population is reduced from several billion to less than one overnight because their 'hideaways' are all stocked up and ready to go. [they hope...and many of them will be wrong but that's the chance you take! (contractors are capitalists too and if they can get a 'deal' on materials whose gonna know except the people that stake their lives on those materials performing 'as advertised'.)

Yeah, who can you trust in an increasingly predatory world?

Um, I'm reasonably certain most of you don't dwell on what we have all been taught to consider 'unthinkable' [it should be but consider WHO told us...they are the same people that would exterminate us like vermin.

Nuclear war with who has ALWAYS been the 'wrong question'. Once the criminals head for the 'mattresses' it will be fire at will and most of it will be, ironically, automated. [How much of this performs as 'as planned' is a wildcard, some of the ICBM's will be intercepted before everything goes tits up and the submarines will seek out and eliminate any 'pockets of organized resistance'.

The 'unthinkable' is ideal because there won't be any way to tell who started it and who got the worst of it. The information will exist in the sky but how are we going to retrieve it before the criminals wipe the records?

We won't.

So it is here we have to insure the criminals 'pay the price'. The survivors will make their way into the countryside and happen upon the well provisioned [and heavily armed] fortresses of the criminals and be forced to work for their salvation.

In the early days radioactive storms will take a huge toll on anyone without shelter and will result in a countryside littered with corpses.

Most people don't appreciate what will happen to their bodies as they legs are microwaved into uselessness.

Radiation sickness is the result of having portions of your anatomy literally cooked while still inside you.

Cooked things are dead and soon your organs will take you with them. Bacteria won't wait for the rest of you to die.

If you have a few 'idle moments' on your hands, roll around the idea of how you might 'thin the herd' without anybody finding out about it?

If you aren't feeling mildly panicked right now I suggest you have your head examined. This danger is real if you look at it from the rest of the world's point of view and the 'loose cannon' at the helm of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile.

The ONLY thing you have right now is the misguided notion that 'wiser heads' will prevail.

It was already too late when the Donald announced he was running.

Just something else to ponder...if I were going to do it, this is how and WHO I would have picked.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind...


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

both GOOD & TRUE

Greetings good citizen/fellow human, 'our' patriot forefathers left our fortune in the hands of MEN, both 'good and true' although history has shown that most of the founders were neither. In this lies the question of how long the royals have been plotting to escape the 'confinements' of monarchy.

Long centuries of top down rule taught the royals that there was no escaping the 'give and take' part of the equation. Treat the peasants brutally and they would teach the loyals the 'true depths' of brutality. Get the ratio of loyal to peasant wrong and find yourself supplanted.

No good citizen, while we are all trying to find a 'place in the sun', the royals wanted Easy Street, let the peasants starve, all they wanted is enough money so they can afford to pay half of us to kill the other half.

With advances in automation coupled with the, er, 'perfection' of feedlots and the 'factory farm' they no longer need to 'appease' the peasants.

The 'lessers' that carried them this far were finally expendable.

So the question returns to WHO (precisely) among our self-professed 'betters' are both 'Good & True'?

What YOU need to wake up to here is the fact that a certain class of humans has taken it into their squeeny little minds that they are somehow 'better' than the rest of us and that the collective WE now need to be drown in our own gruel...but rather than waste the 'perfectly good' nutrition/pigslop they have chosen to push us into our own cesspool.

How Good are you if you can damn the rest of humanity as a waste of toilet paper? The 'True' part has more to do with 'class' and little to do with 'character' despite what it infers.

But it is exactly these two 'qualities' that are missing from today's human equation. The ONLY place you will find them is among those who routinely terrorize the rest of us.

These terrorists are 'good' at F-U, pay Me and true (as in LOYAL) to the 'owner class'.

Well, what about YOU?

[You who IMAGINES themself to be Middle Class despite lacking both the income or the professional degree that would afford you an 'easier' lifestyle?] Zero irony that loyal criminal soldiers or the typical beat cop can buy and sell you with their pocket change...

Okay, when nobody is listening you admit that you aren't middle class, hell, when you're really low you sometimes confess to barely being working poor, a single paycheck from the living in the street and being reliant on strangers handouts.

You hate yourself for pretending but the hope is that your loyalty will be recognized and perhaps, someday, rewarded.

It will be too; but not on this side of the Pearly Gates/scales of Karma. Your refusal to act in this life will be repaid in the next.

You weren't sent here to sit on your hands, Like the song says, if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice! [and that choice will cost you!]

Like they are fond of saying in the military, I can't make you do it, I can only make you wish the fuck you had!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind so I could tear off a piece of your soul, wave it in front of your eyes and scream, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?


Monday, January 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, today the headlines offered a half dozen 'threads' I have touched upon recently but naturally I can't pursue them all in one piece except to say, as I often do, that our civilization is unravelling quicker than anyone suspects.

In an 'aside', how many of you knew that almost the entire 'rank and file' of today's media was fired right after the 2008 financial collapse?

I just learned of this from an article contributed to The Medium this morning. I also found another of my familiar 'hobby horses' prancing around in an article in this morning's VOX

The first article spoke to the power of the employer over the press while the second addresses the highly subjective nature of the job market.

In keeping with my, er, delusion, that only the truly sentient frequent these pages [and understand that my near constant denunciation of the terminally stupid ISN'T aimed at them] I also operate on the assumption that these posts serve more as confirmation rather than enlightenment.

The intelligent already know of what I point out. They may not agree with me or my proposals but they nod along as the pieces of the puzzle all thunk into place.

It's the 'out there' stuff that the cognizant find 'curious', like theories of where we came from and why were we abandoned...I have no 'answers' but my theories are at least as plausible as those put forth by the superstitious peasants left behind to cozen us with tales of endless 'faith' and a merciful, loving God that has not yet shown his ugly mug anywhere near the mortal realm.

Only deepens the mystery of why the 'Show Me' state is in the heart of the Bible Belt...

As I commented yesterday, if we were to peer into the future, a future so heavily automated that mankind's ONLY prospects for employment would be protecting the feckless from those they stole from makes you wonder if the mindless can breed that fast or if they will need to have their humanity educated out of them?

Grim as this is, the cognizant can see what lies ahead. It's not in the 'news' because the media is watched like a hawk and if you threaten the tranquility of their fetid little dystopia they've got going here you'll be 'gone' faster than you can say 'arbitration'!

Don't expect the media to 'warn' you about anything our 'betters'/'their owners' are up to, that's not happening.

Um, Is it just me or are these posts getting shorter [as we run out of 'wiggle room']?

None are so blind as those who REFUSE to SEE.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Future

Greetings good citizen/fellow human, I'm a few days late to the predictions for the future party but it's a game you can play anytime. Part of what inspired me to title this page the Futurist was all of the predictions made during the whiz-bang era that missed the mark entirely [or how abruptly the whiz-bang era fizzled out after the wizard of Menlo Park was repurposed to invent 'secret' stuff for the military.

How many of you are wondering who 'the wizard', er, was? {Thomas Edison, of course!}

Much more likely the 'whiz-bang' era ended because the banksters (hard to call it 'biggest' fraud, the housing crisis is on a similar level) was hitched to it.

Yes good citizen just as owning a house would 'relieve' you from ever have to work again, the parade of technological advances of the 'Roaring 20's' were going to make everybody in America rich if they owned STOCKS!

The resultant cascading systemic failure caused by buying stocks 'on margin' brought the whole global finance system down and the Great Depression began. While they are calling the collapse of 2007 where the combination of CDO's and the everlasting rise of home equity was to make everybody that could fog a mirror rich (if they owned a NICE home!) ended in what is today called the Great Recession.

It took WWII to end the Great Depression [mostly because 90% of Europe was bombed to rubble.] Unlike the original, NOBODY has been punished nor has any action been taken to prevent the recurrence of the crisis, and while it's unlikely the banksters are going to rope the masses into another stock market scheme [but never say never!] the door is still wide open to screw the soon to be rarified creature we once called 'homeowners'.

Yeah, let's start our prediction game with that as my 'opener'. Part of the capitalist 'yoke' is the worker's need for shelter. I'm going to enhance this prediction by adding with the bar will drop for who is granted housing as part of their 'compensation package' and since nobody is going to pay anyone enough to afford a single family dwelling, Here's the 'tricky part' because automation is RADICALLY reducing the numbers of 'working humans', thus the 'need' for supervisors will drop precipitously. The ONLY field the looks stable is [to a degree because even that can be automated.] is machine repair.

And even then, with 'streamlining' it will eventually become more efficient to scrap and replace rather than repair malfunctioning equipment.

So WHAT besides feeding the soon to be dwindling masses, would humans be 'required' for?

We (again a prediction!) have already reached a precipice where we [if anyone dared] would be asking what we 'need' to train humans to do? Roll that all the way back to kindergarten and see how your eyes bug out! Yeah, it's that bad.

Never too soon to throw another Capt. Obvious into the mix: WE can't afford predatory capitalism, it's already 100 years beyond its 'sell by' date and needs to be thrown out! It's TOXIC.

Self-driving vehicles is the big tip off there. When the global race to the bottom gets that low, cutting the cab driver's balls off [UBER] is also 'proof positive' that the 'system' is on its last legs [in case anyone thinks I'm 'winging' these.]

So, how far away are we from euthanizing the unborn? [How bad is the privilege thing? It all hinges on what 'our betters' think they can get away with...]

Make no mistake about it, mandatory sterilization [like pets and it will be sold the same way, 'responsible parents' that love their children will have them sterilized!] is only heartbeat behind a return to authoritarianism.

Want to have nightmares tonight? Imagine Trump as that new fuhrer!

The media is still mute but the cognizant know the 'immigrants' are running not from war but the ever expanding economic desert!

Here's an 'out there' prediction for you. The first 'immortal' [theoretical since this, er, 'youngster' can still be killed] already walks among us.

Again, you'd think cracking that barrier would be big news but I posit this breakthrough will remain one of many 'best kept secrets' until the scientists can figure out how to armor such a creature, making it truly 'immortal'. [Pretty safe bet that part hasn't happened yet...or we'd know already!]

Mars is pie in the sky. How badly would you have to pollute the atmosphere to raise the temperature from 250 degrees below zero? I'm pretty sure that level of 'greenhouse gases' would be toxic to humans as they exist here on Earth. Prior to introducing oxygen producing species [without the hassle of engineering organisms that can tolerate temperatures that cold, nevermind thrive without water.]

Yeah, eyewash for the foolish, just like the variety of democracy they let us practice, it's the 'illusion' of self-government...

No matter how often I point at the puppeteer it still doesn't incentivize you to act in the protection of your children and maybe that's part of human fatalism. We struggle so hard against one another we just can't see another way.

Is humanity's well already poisoned?

The next few years will tell the story.

[Sidebar: I have been gathering items I'd like to read and I find it disturbing how many of you [that tell me you don't read] are reading disturbing 'what if' books in preparation for the collapse of civilization.

You, nor the writers of that tripe, can prepare you for what's coming [if the brave among us don't head it off!]

I have a good idea what kind of asshat reads that tripe and it is written specifically for them. Alt-Right is breeding monsters and those monsters are coming for anyone that can't defend themselves or doesn't appreciate what they are up against.

The word 'fair' isn't in their vocabulary. If you have ANYTHING they want they will take it an leave you [and anyone else that stands in their way] bleeding out in a ditch.

These are people who know 'God Damnit' is a curse but for the life of them they don't understand why? [Think zero religious indoctrination.]

Yes good citizen, I have read the ingredients on a stick of chewing gum and unlocked the secrets of the universe...

Thanks once again for opening your mind...hey, it looks like there is less than there was in there (but I'm still not going in until you wash that thing out though!)


Saturday, January 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow human, not only do you have no clue where you're going but you also have no idea where you've been...doesn't bode well for a gratifying conclusion to the endless quest for 'happiness', does it?

Well, you really aren't going to like the map very much but it will tell you where you are and where you are headed, it will also tell you, in no uncertain terms, where you came from.

Imagine your world [this mental image will vary wildly. Americans (and their British/Aussie cousins) envision a land that stretches from sea to sea, others imagine somewhat smaller lands although the Russians & the Chinese both have considerable chunks of land in their mental maps.

And it is here that we encounter our first, er, 'problem'.

Now label your home, not by it's given or agreed on name but by its REAL name. Do you know what its real name is?

Does your land have a human leader? [doesn't matter if you pretended to elect that leader or even if that leader pretends to listen to you, the 'meat puppets' do what they are told or they have a nice state funeral for them as the nation mourns the loss of a leader they knew nothing about.

The true name of your land is TYRANNY. Your endless journey is and always has been through tyranny and you have been led by the puppet controlled by the tyrant. What matters to you doesn't matter to the tyrant, the tyrant demands obedience and s/he gets it or s/he kills the offending party.

Comply or die should be 'familiar', you've played it every day of your life.

What's that? They don't kill people where you come from? Do they put them in prison? Please explain the difference (beside the possibility of escape, which, if you are realistic, isn't impossible in either case.)

So it is you spend your days hoping things will get better, praying to a god that doesn't exist to give you just a tiny break from your endless journey to find the happy you have only heard of but never witnessed.

But the mind is a funny thing and it deceives you easily. The look of pure joy is unmistakable but that is not the happiness you have spent your whole life looking for. The tyrants know happiness comes from within and while you have been assured that your 'reward' awaits you in the afterlife [but only if you are current in your tithes! Heaven ain't 'free' either.] The tyrants have made their Valhalla in the here and now.

Only Heroes can enjoy Paradise on Earth.

Now what does your map tell you? That you have been following the 'wrong' leader in circles. You started in Tyranny and never left despite never resting. You are always on the move and if you can't keep up you are left behind to perish.

They don't call it 'tyranny' for nothing.

How does one become a 'legend in their own mind?' Bizarrely, the only way into the privileged club is to be born there and being born one of them doesn't guarantee your place. You have to fight to stay there!

Brutal, nasty, cut-throat place this Valhalla of theirs.

They only imbibe of the best of the best in Valhalla but it comes at a stiff price and that price is you can NEVER be 'Happy' there.

Joy lights their eyes repeatedly (as their treacherous plans eliminate their rivals) but as I explained earlier, Joy is 'fleeting' at best. For every one that goes down, two take their place. [No shortage of wannabes.]

So is the final destination of the long miserable journey tyranny? Nope and it's not 'futility' either.

Hope drives you ever onward because the tyrant's hold over you is flimsy at best. What can s/he do, kill you? [You're going to die anyway, regardless so only a fool fears death.]

The unanswered question lies in the destination itself. Is it even on the map?

For most of you it is the big glowing HAPPY that isn't on the map despite your being able to see it very clearly in your mind. It's glow is blinding and its lure is irresistable! [You are only mildly put off by the unrealistic quality surrounding the thing you can't look at directly because it is blindingly bright.]

But happy, like joy is fleeting. Let us return to our map and see if there even is someplace to go. Did you notice how many places are labeled 'Crazy?' [Every one of them is someone else's Happy...]


It's right there in front of you! What do you mean you can't see it?

And there's the rub!

Few can see EQUALITY as their final destination [because you have been raised to believe that HAPPY is right next to MORE FOR ME and both are at the far edge of the map, a seemingly impossible distance away.]

EQUALITY is nestled in behind Peace and Prosperity and inside prosperity lies the burrough of Contentment. Did you notice it all lies inside Love county?

If you want contentment, you have to STOP chasing happy and following TYRANTS!

Head for EQUALITY where you can find contentment!

You (with the head full of shit) have been chasing someone else's dream.

Stop searching for happiness and start looking for equality because peace and contentment also reside there, the CAN'T be anywhere else.

Uh, and STOP following tyrants, will ya, that loser doesn't know where it's headed and it doesn't care where you want to go!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind, isn't it nice to put something in there that isn't SHIT?


Friday, January 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen/fellow humans, later than usual today because I just finished reading an article that I shared to my facebook feed that shines a harsh light on Capitalism and the fact that NOBODY on the other side of THE LAW has YOUR back.

Make no mistake about it, the 'angst' the MAGA morons feel is the recognition that the government, thanks to those who 'own it', the handful of people that paid for the multi million dollar campaigns of ALL of, er, 'their' representatives literally translates to the legal system being BY them FOR the rest of US.

When W admitted this publicly in 2004 everyone ignored it yet it was the very same structure that Reagan ushered in and handed over the keys to the REPUBLIC (now a 'kingdom') to.

Whosoever controls your money controls YOU! [You can't EVER take your eye off the ball!]

Money is supposed to work FOR you, not against you. [Under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU ALONE, you can't be taxed, fined or indebted, all three are EXILE offenses!]

What will the conservo-whackos do? Under ASP there are NO TAXES because NOBODY owns what we all need to prosper! You don't have to pay outrageous prices for DIRT! It's somebody's job to turn those resources into useful materials and society pays them to do it so YOU don't have to!

The thieves among us will lament the non-transferability of money and the prohibition against cash substitutes that they use to steal from their less intelligent victims.

A capitalist is FIRST AND FOREMOST a SWINDLER that takes advantage of your DESPERATION.

Today's piece in The New Republic shone a harsh light on the 'promises' of capitalism that prove to be deceptions from the start.

The purpose of government is to PROTECT YOU from the rapacious but it won't do that if the rapacious OWN those tasked with defending you and prosecuting the people that paid to put them in office.

Oh, and in keeping with their 'predatory nature', those who hold elected office have also been assured that if they ever turn on their masters, the predators won't hesitate to pay to have them, er, 'punished'.

Money is a very dangerous toy to let ANYONE play with [as evidenced by the feckless banksters who have already succeeded in crashing the global economy for the third time! [and the world hasn't even partially recovered from the 2nd crash!]

Fortunately, ALL money is [and ever will be, 'funny'.]

It will ALL vanish with the stroke of a will all ownership [and the debt associated with it!] (Don'tcha wish your cards weren't already maxed out?)

You have to have credit to qualify for a zero interest rate card and that's why they offer them! Because most of you are already stretched to the max!

Good thing Mother Nature doesn't need the money or we'd be fooked, bigtime. That said, the rapacious have squandered huge amounts of resources to 'justify' their massive draws on the public checking account.

Little closer to home, why do you suppose Elon Musk is being financed to create driverless vehicles? Imagine those 25,000 big rigs, at the moment independent contractors, all automated out of a job? [Genius or Sock Puppet? History will tell.]

WHO is going to buy all that SHIT if nobody has a job? [Send it back to China? They can't buy it either.]

What do they have to do to convince you they intend to KILL you and yours? [Not put a gun to your head, NEVER anything 'Un-Christian like that! Hell, they will even ask your fellow peasants to save you from starvation while they continue to complain the can't find anybody with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for less than a THAT'S Capitalism! Get out in front (of the hopelessly stupid) and stay there!]

The folks in Elwood won round one and they are gearing up for round two but we all know how this is going to play out. New fully automated warehouses will be built just west of Tornado Alley and the ones in the 'difficult to work with' Northern Heartland will be left to rust.

Just as so many boomers saw their jobs dry up and blow away through various pension swindles as insurance companies made them insurance poor and for profit hospitals bilked them for basic treatment...all thanks to Ronnie Reagan and the AMA's hijacking of the USA.

It's $200 to walk into an Emergency Room and $2,000 if they admit you [and that's if you HAVE insurance.]

Where oh where is The Donald's 'much better' (promised) alternative?

Oh, that's right, anything said on the campaign trail is a lie! [So why did numbnuts shut down the government? He's fighting for the 'little guy', right?

Quick, find a fuckin' mirror and ask yourself, "How STUPID are YOU?"

Let me know how the mirror answered...
