Thursday, March 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen, some of you have grown up never remembering a time when we WEREN'T at war. Others do but can't see the difference because we have [since WWI] poured everything we had into the military-industrial complex.

Now we are locked in 'War without end' and NOBODY [including our feckless media] is asking the crucial question of 'What does victory look like?'

Worse, it's the 'causes of war' that remain completely unclear. Why are we conducting this 'police action' in the oil producing regions of the world when indeed, the real 'police' should be handling it?

Oh, that's right...the militants are 'armed'.

How do you suppose THAT happened? If we look back at every 'armed conflict' over the past hundred years it remains a mystery as to who, precisely, 'armed' the opposition [against all odds and common sense I might add!]

Let's repeat the mantra, shall we?


Who do you suppose wants the rest of us to remain 'ignorant'? Short answer is 'war profiteers' but the larger answer rolls back to the flag-draped morons that stand ever ready to go to war, the 'militant right'...sometimes referred to as 'Congressional Hawks'

While we tend to lump the 'conservo-whackos' into one group, they protest this 'broad brush' treatment of their party and claim SOME OF THEM aren't 'ever ready' to declare war at the drop of a hat [dropping the gloves is another matter altogether!]

Which is to acknowledge a majority of 'independents' [the ones responsible for conservative victories across the nation like to consider themselves 'Socially liberal but Fiscally conservative!'

Repeat the mantra!


When money is ONLY USEFUL TO THE INDIVIDUAL, WTF does 'fiscally conservative' even mean? Does it mean let the bums starve? or that other favorite piece of conservative advice...get a job!


If the job you've got doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

STUPID IS PERMANENET, IGNORANCE CAN BE FIXED...BUT YOU HAVE GOT TO WANT TO! [fix the ignorance. Accepting the pabulum is choosing to remain ignorant.]

I sometimes marvel why people don't want others to know they have two brain cells still in contact with one another because a world that has been overrun by the mentally crippled isn't the fault of intelligence, it is the product of RESENTMENT!

People DON'T LIKE being stupid but that's how they have been raised! How pathetic is it that most of you remain ignorant of your own ignorance?


Is the answer to 'why is the war in the Middle East expanding' as simple as, 'There are still Muslims there!'

WTF is wrong with you! Can't understand normal thinking? [although I'm sure some of you have reached that conclusion about me long ago...]

If I don't challenge your intellectual integrity then the tendency to 'go back to sleep' overcomes even the best of you and our species NEEDS YOU, now more than ever!

The self-serving among us never shed a tear over the lives they squander, worse, they honestly believe what they do is 'more humane' because famine and pestilence are far worse.

Why would there be famine and pestilence? Because the 'freakishly selfish' won't give up their private gardens so others may live!

No benevolence here, good citizen...just freakish greed on a monstrous scale!

War is not a 'natural thing' but it has proven useful over the centuries as a 'political tool', often when it came to depriving the first peoples of the land and the resources they had come to rely on. [and our politicians labeled THEM the 'savages'...]

So we arrive at a conundrum. Why war in the planet's oil producing region? The product is sold by the barrel on the global marketplace and the people living there have little use for it other than the INCOME IT PRODUCES! [FOR THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH!]

Are we actually murdering the people that SHOULD BE reaping the economic benefit of the resource being extracted from their land?

Which raises yet another sticky subject...if land has value, who does it belong to?

Isn't the answer 'all of us'?

So why the hell are we murdering the native people of the oil bearing regions?

Oh, that's right, so the war profiteers can afford to go on vacation with their kids and their girlfriends! [the wives go someplace else with their boyfriends and EVERYBODY is 'happy' a decidedly twisted sort of way.

While YOUR CHILD gets blown to pieces and cobbled back together like FRANKENSTIEN to 'protect' the robbing S.O.B's 'interests''re supposed to take 'patriotic pride' in your injured progeny's 'sacrifice'?


The question remains, good you want to remain 'blissfully ignorant' or do you want to cure your STUPIDITY?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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