Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Celebrity President

Greetings good citizen, there is a long history of 'celebrities' running [usually mock campaigns] for the top office in the land which should tell you something about the 'illusion of representation' our political process fosters.

So it is that our 'dazed and confused' public rumor mills started this rumor, prompting the associated denial you'd expect from a sensible woman of her stature.

What an honor to become the nation's first black female president but the job is about a lot more than becoming a footnote in the history books.

Again, I find it appalling that the 'general public' [or a least the people the media holds up in front of the camera as being 'average Americans'] have NO FREAKIN CLUE who is qualified to be the leader of this [or any other for that matter] nation!

More, er, 'disturbing' is the lack of a consensus on what qualities such an individual needs to be versed in.

It is alarming in the extreme that ALL of the REPUBLICAN [including the winner] candidates ran for 'Commander-in-chief' although The Donald did 'out-schmooze' the pack with his decidedly DEMOCRATIC/LIBERAL campaign platform!

No irony should be lost that El Trumpo ran on issues TRADITIONAL REPUBLICANS pretend don't exist!

Now that he's been elected he's handing out pork like there was no tomorrow and surprise, surprise, the f'n stock market is BOOMING!

It was long ago proven that Wall Street has NOTHING TO DO with Main Street yet our moronic pundits continue to report stock market leaps like they were indeed measuring the 'life-blood of the nation'

Further proof that stupid is permanent.

How many of YOU realize the rich getting richer does YOU absolutely ZERO GOOD?

So few? I'm not surprised because there are A LOT of stupid people out there.

How many times can they convince you that voting Republican and getting identical results to the last time yet doing it AGAIN believing each time things will be different? It is the textbook definition of insanity!

Face facts good citizen, you may not be insane but too many of your Facebook friends are...

Since I post a link to these essays on Facebook it is fitting at this point to remind you that it is never my intention to tell you what to think, but rather to provide you with something to think about.

If someone didn't disturb the furniture in that complacent world you hide in, you'd choke to death on the dust!

Shake it up a little, a 'fixed mind' is a terrible waste!

That said, how many of you will be surprised if Oprah [like Trump] turns up on the ballot in the next dozen years (seeking a tri-fecta.)

The Republican's keep running Demo-men yet the job is to preserve YOUR LIBERTY and build a nation where all are free to pursue a life of quiet fulfillment.

Life shouldn't be filled with the desperate urge to go to work if only to escape the constant complaining of your spouse either regarding the state of the house you share or the perpetual lack of funds you chronically suffer from.

Neither one is 'accidental'. Your hand to mouth existence isn't a 'bad break', it is so others can live the good life AT YOUR EXPENSE...but you don't hear the politicians talking about that on the campaign trail, do ya?

Things won't get better until you refuse to put up with their BS!

Think about it.

Oh, and don't be a moron thinking this isn't 'anybody's fault'. It is DELIBERATE and it is definitely the One Percent's fault!

Telling yourself that poverty is a 'perpetrator-less crime' is like pretending God can see 'everything...sometimes'.

Wake up and smell the horseshit!

Thanks for letting me intrude on your bubble,


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