Saturday, March 4, 2017

Playground politics

Greetings good citizen, not that this is new and in some cases parents have actually taught their kids how to wait until the teacher is distracted to (or to cause that distraction to happen) so they could get away with whatever scheme they had dreamt up?

Look at out political environment since 'Morning in America' and tell me it doesn't seem like we've all been transported back to the playground [elementary school] and the teachers assigned to 'keep the peace' have all snuck off behind the dumpster to share a joint(...or three?)

Once again I ask my readers, where are the adults? Why, regardless of who we elect, do we get more defense spending and less social services? Why do our politicians think we need more, expensive and convoluted ways to teach the three 'R's' when the 'new math' they were taught is an obvious failure?

WTF good citizen, are the inmates running the asylum?

What did YOU learn at YOUR parents knee? Chances are YOU didn't teach your kids to 'circumvent' authority nor did you set the extremely bad precedent of telling them it was okay to lie to strangers thinking it would never dawn on them that this meant it was okay to lie to YOU if it meant avoiding punishment...

Yup, you'd never do THAT...did you have to go back later and try to undo it? No...oh well. Now that's what I call a Class A self-inflicted wound.


Now you're soaking in it. Do we need to visit the mirror again?

Just a tiny thought experiment here but WHERE DID YOU THINK 'Weasels' came from?

It's sort of a breeding thing. Most weasels are proud of their duplicitous nature and how easily others are fooled but think again. Most people can spot a weasel from a mile away.

Ironically, it is the one thing most of us take our kids aside and warn them about.

Yet we're neck deep in weasel behavior so something's not taking...or is this due to the eye that never blinks. The one that made parenting so much easier? [It's also the same medium that RELIGIOUSLY portrays parents as CLUELESS...ever wonder why your own kids DON'T LISTEN TO YOU?

The kids learn from that thing and we are living with the results.

Understand good citizen, IF WE DON'T start filtering what impressionable young minds are processing/exposed to, they won't have the tools necessary to cope with the 'real world'.

How pathetic am I since I'm a member of the first generation to be raised by the 'electric babysitter'? But in it's 'infancy' TV wasn't as TOXIC as it is today.

Between the thought leaders on social media to the tripe twelve year olds are writing for television these days we must 'pull the plug' on 'reckless programming'.

How sad is it that there are no adults to make those decisions? Have we already doomed our civilization at the altar of predatory merchandising?

Sure looks that way.

I will repeat [hoping that maybe, this time it will sink in to some of you] Thank you for letting me inside YOUR HEAD!


PS: If not us, who, if not now, when?

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