Sunday, March 26, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I was listening to the radio yesterday and what do I hear? An advertisement...for a degree in 'homeland security'.


Bad enough the 'nitwit president' implemented the office after he rammed the 'Patriot Act' through what passes for Congress these days but now you can get a degree in an occupation where NOBODY KNOWS what the agency does?

We have TV shows where (deputized) Homeland agents basically get themselves out of trouble...but that show is written by 12 year olds so the viewing public doesn't expect much.

So I was somewhat shocked to hear that some profit-oriented moron is offering a degree in nobody knows what?

Are they actually going to teach 'how to secure the 'homeland'?

Secure it from what? 'Terrorists'?

How frightening is it that 'terrorists' aren't clearly defined? TODAY the feckless media conflates 'terrorist' with Muslim but tomorrow it could be anyne, English teachers or Hippies; anyone could be/labeled 'a terrorist' fact there's an old saying that goes, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

What do YOU suppose motivates the Freedom Fighter? Could it be an overbearing POLICE STATE where jack-booted thugs with 'extra police powers' to jail the 'suspicious' [specifically those who speak out against the jack-booted thugs] as 'potential terrorists'?

We have more police forces than you can shake a stick at and apparently they're all doing it wrong because NONE of THEM succeeds at 'keeping us safe'...

But that's mostly a 'perception problem' because they aren't there to keep US safe, they exist to protect the ONE PERCENT!

Ironically, it also answers why we have 3 dozen 'special police forces' that the public knows about there are dozens more lurking in the shadows because the people running things are BATSHIT CRAZY!

Our 6 TRILLION dollar government has the FBI, the CIA and the NSA...why/who needs 'homeland security'? EVERY STATE has a STATE POLICE on top of local police forces, then don't forget prisons and guards.

Think someone is a little 'ha-ha' for 'security'...and half of 'em DON'T KNOW THE LAW never mind why they even exist!

We are literally SWIMMMING in 'alphabet soup' out there in the real world and NONE OF IT is there to protect YOU!

How frightening is it good citizen that we literally want to say 'drop the gun and nobody gets hurt...although IF ANY PART of this 'alphabet soup' darkens YOUR doorstep you can quite literally kiss your ass good-bye. NO REASON GIVEN.

This is the 'handiwork' of those 'pretending' to keep us all safe.

Time for a change good citizen, and we'd best do it BEFORE some clueless 'oh-oh squad' turns up on our doorstep demanding we come out with our hands over our heads and you STILL face 50-50 odds of getting shot ANYWAY!

This nonsense has to stop, preferably BEFORE we start handing our degrees in 'paranoia'!

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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