Greetings good citizen, you should all KNOW what the terms in today's title mean but why do I feel compelled to explain them? Probably a personal fracture manifesting itself. If you can't figure them out, look them up!
Among today's many headlines was this story regarding the budget 'blueprint' submitted to congress for their consideration.
First thing to keep in mind is Mr. Trump DID NOT pen this budget personally, his 'handlers' did!
In fact, the people 'pretending' to run things commonly are so divorced from the actual work of honing the details to make the plans they call 'mandates' work as to be totally ignorant of them.
We live in a 'delegated world' good citizen where appointees, who report to other appointees and designated department heads make decisions that effect your everyday life OFTEN WITHOUT EVER BEING SEEN BY THE PERSON UNDER WHOSE AUTHORITY THEY ARE ENACTING THEM!
The honest answer to why this nation is so screwed up is we have FAR TOO MANY 'loose cannons' rolling around!
Why? The answer once again is 'deniability'. They SO FEAR prosecution that they delegate responsibility to the few that don't give a crap what the outcome affects!
This isn't justice nor is it due process...this is the inmates running the asylum!
How sad is it these self-important morons have been playing 'do as I say and not as I do' for more than forty years?
How frightening is it good citizen that this whole 'illusion of representation' we've been sold has become the longest running puppet show in history?
Too many 'loose cannons' [authority vested in people with mental deficiencies and axes to grind] making legislation that isn't necessary because they are TOO STUPID TO KNOW BETTER!
We pretend to elect a new leader every four years but it's the 'appointees' that run things and we have ZERO input/control over what these morons do...worse, neither does the leader we supposedly elect so WTF?
Isn't it time we remove the self-interested from the corridors of power?
ABOLISH CONGRESS, let the people that must live under the law decide! [Who thought it was a good idea to remove this power from the governed? Oh yeah, it was the criminals that founded this great cluster F***!]
Can't be prosecuted if you ARE the law!
The nation's frustration over the direction of our 'rudderless' civilization won't end until we purge the feckless from their seats of power.
How do we make THAT happen? by making their nominal 'bosses' accountable!
The law will only get goofier until we do.
In fact the single largest complaint on everyone's lips is 'unaccountability'.
They didn't screw around in the old days.
I'd LIKE TO say this is only 'common sense' but those running with scissors, making laws that make NO SENSE prove continually there is no such thing as 'common sense'.
Because sensible people have nothing in common with the power hungry freaks that seek political power!
So which one are you...or are you all three?
One thing is for sure, we have no room in our political process for anyone afflicted with even one of these deficiencies. Stop being so 'literal': people with perfect vision can still be blind and people only hear what they want to hear, making them effectively 'deaf' and let's not even get started on 'dumb'...
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
Among today's many headlines was this story regarding the budget 'blueprint' submitted to congress for their consideration.
First thing to keep in mind is Mr. Trump DID NOT pen this budget personally, his 'handlers' did!
In fact, the people 'pretending' to run things commonly are so divorced from the actual work of honing the details to make the plans they call 'mandates' work as to be totally ignorant of them.
We live in a 'delegated world' good citizen where appointees, who report to other appointees and designated department heads make decisions that effect your everyday life OFTEN WITHOUT EVER BEING SEEN BY THE PERSON UNDER WHOSE AUTHORITY THEY ARE ENACTING THEM!
The honest answer to why this nation is so screwed up is we have FAR TOO MANY 'loose cannons' rolling around!
Why? The answer once again is 'deniability'. They SO FEAR prosecution that they delegate responsibility to the few that don't give a crap what the outcome affects!
This isn't justice nor is it due process...this is the inmates running the asylum!
How sad is it these self-important morons have been playing 'do as I say and not as I do' for more than forty years?
How frightening is it good citizen that this whole 'illusion of representation' we've been sold has become the longest running puppet show in history?
Too many 'loose cannons' [authority vested in people with mental deficiencies and axes to grind] making legislation that isn't necessary because they are TOO STUPID TO KNOW BETTER!
We pretend to elect a new leader every four years but it's the 'appointees' that run things and we have ZERO input/control over what these morons do...worse, neither does the leader we supposedly elect so WTF?
Isn't it time we remove the self-interested from the corridors of power?
ABOLISH CONGRESS, let the people that must live under the law decide! [Who thought it was a good idea to remove this power from the governed? Oh yeah, it was the criminals that founded this great cluster F***!]
Can't be prosecuted if you ARE the law!
The nation's frustration over the direction of our 'rudderless' civilization won't end until we purge the feckless from their seats of power.
How do we make THAT happen? by making their nominal 'bosses' accountable!
The law will only get goofier until we do.
In fact the single largest complaint on everyone's lips is 'unaccountability'.
They didn't screw around in the old days.
I'd LIKE TO say this is only 'common sense' but those running with scissors, making laws that make NO SENSE prove continually there is no such thing as 'common sense'.
Because sensible people have nothing in common with the power hungry freaks that seek political power!
So which one are you...or are you all three?
One thing is for sure, we have no room in our political process for anyone afflicted with even one of these deficiencies. Stop being so 'literal': people with perfect vision can still be blind and people only hear what they want to hear, making them effectively 'deaf' and let's not even get started on 'dumb'...
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
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