Sunday, March 12, 2017

Action vs. do nothing

Greetings good citizen, the self-interested that act in their own best interests want you to lean back and enjoy the ride. They don't want you interrupting their plans or even considering your lot in life, the direct product of their ill-considered machinations.

Nope, sit there and shut up...and most of us do [because we wouldn't know where to begin if we were to make our displeasure known.

Who would you tell? Some temp intern that works in the office of your elected representative? [Might as well tell the toilet your problems and pretend to flush them away when you're done for all the good that would do.]

Perhaps I'm too young to remember a 'responsive' elected official but you sure can't find one now [if it isn't campaign season and even then, they are only interested in addressing issues nobody else cares about.

Bring up a mess their inaction created and watch them do the sidestep! It's ALWAYS the other party's fault! [How convenient for them?]

El Trumpo was supposed to break the 'gridlock' so emblematic in Washington in our post 'Morning in America'society. [Keep voting Republican, fools!] We can already see how that's going to work out. [Same old, same old anyone?]

Once again I belabor the obvious when I point to the fact there are NO democrats/liberals in politics. They don't exist, they were defunded by the same interests that have decimated the global economy.

The 'Progressives' are some unknown quantity recruited by the conservatives to PRETEND to oppose them...but the simple minded can't see that so they believe these imaginary 'liberuls' are the fly in the ointment.

"We HAD TO write it that way or the liberuls would never let us pass it!"

How fortunate for those running this CF that their constituency doesn't think? [Even more fortunate is how the ones that do don't have a clue where to begin?]

Which brings us to the other elephant in the room...what going to happen in 2020?

You got it, MORE OF THE SAME!

What are you going to do about it?

Come on, it's a gimme...hell, it's part of the title of this piece (chicken little!)

Alright, name calling isn't fair and your 'inaction' allows you to 'fight another day'.

Which brings us to the other wildcard. When it is TIME TO FIGHT, WILL YOU?

Probably not...or perhaps if only to defend you and yours from the mindless mob [but if you find yourself there it's already too late.]

Just think how 'wise' I'll look then? Newsflash good citizen, I have zero interest in looking either smart OR wise, I want to put an end to the recklessness that is tearing our society apart.

Capitalism MUST END, the sooner the better or the capitalists will kill us all!

The people running things know they are onboard the Titanic but they have no idea [besides a return to monarchy] on how to 'fix' things...and again monarchy ain't the answer!

Rebel, an old, dear friend of mine was fond of saying, "If you've got a better idea we'd all love to hear it!" but he was being facetious, he knew nobody is interested in rocking the boat...most of all YOU!

[Not a 'blanket condemnation'. Some of you would switch in a heartbeat, the rest of you fear losing what you've fought so hard to gain/steal [mostly steal] when in the end you and yours would be FAR better off after the change.]

Good news for my supporters, Anti-Venom is roughly a third complete so your 'handbook' to the coming revolt will be available soon!

Be sure to get a copy before the greedheads ban it!

[Isn't sedition fun?]

Thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head,


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