Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturation overload

Greetings good citizen, welcome to the mandated cover-up of the failure of capitalism via 'government statistics'. Now the BS is getting mighty deep as they attempt to gloss over how bad things have gotten.

Today's headlines cheer the low [but wildly inaccurate] unemployment rate and the addition of 235,000 jobs last month...which sounds like progress until, again, you start doing the math.

In order to keep up with an ever expanding labor force, the economy needs to add that many jobs PER WEEK. [Something it hasn't done since Reagan took over and unemployment got a 'facelift' to make the Republican's look good!]

You have to keep your eye on the ball good citizen! The population is exploding and with it the dire need for participation in the labor force! Why are we experiencing a [global] 'refugee crisis'? Because of the failure of capitalism!

Wouldn't be happening if THEY did things 'correctly'. [Job One: Scrap capitalism...mother nature doesn't have a cash register...and if a paycheck is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us!]

What's fueling the 'wars/civil strife' around the globe? Failure to launch. Kids unable to start a life of their own because they have been 'priced out of the market'. [IQ test, who has the power to do that?]

That, good citizen, is the number one political 'hot potato' on the planet! [Yet NOBODY IS ACKNOWLEDGING IT! If they ignore it, it doesn't 'go away'...]

If YOUR kids aren't living in our basement it isn't likely this issue is even on your radar because it sure is absent from the political dialog in this country...and when your grand-kids...the one currently growing up in YOUR basement finally reach the age where they want to leave the nest...what do you think is going to happen?

Or have you already 'resigned yourself' to the idea the only solution to this problem is the 'ultimate solution'?

Understand, the people responsible for ignoring the 'Elephant in the room' are planning to sail away to safety while the world they mismanaged is incinerated. Don't worry, they already know just how many nukes to use and where to target to avoid/minimize nuclear winter.

If you cringe at the idea of exile...the idea of subjecting those too destitute to make their way to their 'safe haven' [ever notice 'the tropics' contain zero targets of military interest? Think that's a coincidence?]

Some of you believe there are 'too many people' and in your crooked little mind, secretly agree that we need a terrible war or a plague or a famine or pestilence...just pick a horseman?

This is twisted thinking of those who would rather KILL than SHARE.

Grow the fuck up!

The very people you hope to exterminate are the ones who will likely solve the problem of getting off this rock before we overrun it's carrying capacity!

Understand, genetics is funny but it is very rare for genius to be born to the stupid [even rarer for the stupid to recognize and accept what genius has to tell them, so narrow minded and greedy are the stupid.] that if we exterminate those with better ideas our chance to survive is greatly diminished.

In order to flourish as a species we must free ourselves of the tyranny of greed. The More for Me mindset [bent on exterminating the best of us] has to go.

We must stop letting the stupid make choices for us.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: there is power in truth...if you possess the courage to embrace it.

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