Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the people running things only care about number one, if you can't make it IN THEIR WORLD, TOUGH!

When our smokestacks went cold the jobs shipped overseas were supposed to be replaced with 'service industry jobs' that were often parodied as we'd cut each other's grass or sell one another houses until we reached the end of the chain then it would start all over again! [this is what earned conservatives their 'whacko' designation...]

Well, good evidenced by the massive 'failure to launch' epidemic [massive numbers of young adults unable to secure jobs that pay a living wage] the shuttering of retail should come as no surprise. The retail sectors' customer base has been decimated by the 'gig economy'.

Why get dressed if you can buy whatever you want online and NOBODY WILL SEE YOU! If nobody sees you, nobody will know your clothes are in tatters and your shoes are held together with duct tape...

Because we have a 'new reality''s a broke/broken one no less!

Gone are the low paying 'service industry' jobs we were told would replace the old manufacturing jobs that are poisoning China for generations to come. Welcome to the gig economy where we will all 'subcontract' to do whatever the few willing to pay for it wants...and ALL that implies.

If YOU can't make ends meet in this 'challenging environment' it's not THEIR problem, it's YOURS!

Which is to point out, the failure of capitalism to support our booming civilization will eventually solve itself. Whether or not you'll survive this 'shake-out' is a different issue altogether. [ACT or be acted upon!]

Worse, you may very well survive but wish to hell you hadn't! [especially if the only thing you have going for you is you're 'good looking'...]

Hard to believe we need a place called hell, isn't it?

So, good citizen as the clueless lead civilization over the cliff, what do you intend to do? Lead, Follow or get out of the way?

Capitalism is 40 years past its 'sell-by' date...if you don't smarten the heck up, you're gonna get poisoned right along with everybody that depends on YOU!

What can you do when the system you're living under only benefits the people running it?

Do I need to spell it out for you? What part of S-T-R-I-K-E don't you understand?

It won't stop/YOUR DEAL won't change until YOU present an united front that makes them understand YOU AREN'T GOING TO PUT UP WITH THE BS ANYMORE!

If we can't do that, we're all dead anyway.

Nice to have a 'choice'...isn't it?

You can only re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic so many times before the water sweeps you away and you die in the icy North Atlantic.

There is a 'better way', all we need do is shuffle the deck the right way after we purge the animals among us from our midst.

Don't kid yourself, they will NEVER SURRENDER. In this we'll be giving them something they'd NEVER give us...'fair warning'.

Somehow, get out of the stock market doesn't quite seem like any kind of a warning at all. 99% of us only have pension money in the speculative markets...and we've all written that off as a 'bad investment' already anyway.

We may as well have written 'steal me' on each installment because you know that's what was going to happen to it ultimately.

Time to take a match to this manure pile.

We won't get a fair deal until we make it for ourselves!

Guess what, tomorrow might be too late, there is truly no time like the present!

Like today's link, the handwriting is on the wall. Is it the penmanship or the stupidity that prevents you from heeding the message it is sending? [When retail fails, capitalism is toast.]

Worse, think of the teeming masses the live in their cars, how do they get online, a smart-phone? And what do they do about a shipping address?

Just saying good citizen, this has ALREADY gone too far!

Rise up and put a stop to it or it will END YOU!

Not that any of you pay any attention to about yourself? Or are you convinced that thinking is above your paygrade and you can't do anything until the man/woman that lives inside the TV tells you to!

AAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [scream of mental anguish, in case you were wondering...and you probably weren't.]

Better now [you should try it!]

Thank you for letting me inside your head.


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