Monday, March 13, 2017

Out of touch

Greetings good citizen, now that the usurpers [of the Reagan palace coup fame] have succeeded in trashing any semblance of political unity what will become of the 'ungovernable land?'

Understand the deliberate destruction of the public trust coupled with dismantling of the global economy isn't being perpetrated for nothing...OR we are experiencing a revolution so radical that even the perps don't appreciate the gravity of their actions.

Politics are the vehicle we use to reach consensus, if politics are poisoned, there can be no agreement and without agreement there can be NO DEMOCRACY!

But that's NOT what's on the table, is it good citizen? It's not Democracy that's on trial here, it's CAPITALISM! [and, by extension, the laws governing money that have left us in the brink of social collapse!]

This isn't Neverland, good citizen. we can't simply click our heels together three times and wish for some idyllic past THAT NEVER EXISTED!

Yet many seem prepared to do exactly that with all of this talk of 'alternative facts' and their denial of reality.

But that's not you, good citizen. You visit here for Anti-Venom.

I suspect most weren't expecting how crazy things would become when the lies supporting capitalism began to unravel as we are seeing around the planet.

The more 'fantastic' this exercise in self-delusion becomes, the crazier things are going to get so buckle up good citizen, it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets any better.

Just something else to consider as we commence another work week that we really shouldn't be doing if we are earnest about saving ourselves and our children.

[You really should be on strike.]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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