Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do you see what I see?

Greetings good citizen, the answer to today's rhetorical question is another question...what the hell are we looking at? We have our 'change agent' beleaguered and besieged by a hostile media and a rabid legislative environment that is read to explode...not because he 'bungled' but because he's still running for office instead of running the country...[something we can only assume he was told he WOULDN'T have to do!]

As the polls continue to tell us how unpopular the incumbent is [the most unpopular president EVER] where do you think his 'handlers' are going with this whole 'the Russians did it!' thing?

Was Pence their play all along? He didn't have the octane to win the general election but now that his 'empty suit' is a heartbeat away from the oval office, all they have to do it remove the guy that had no genuine interest in the job in the first place [Never confuse criticism with leadership] and 'their boy' is home free. [Might even get his tookus re-elected!]

The problem with rigging elections is you can fool SOME OF THE people but not all of them and, after repeating 'the formula' a half a hundred times, it's starting to 'wear thin' and get tattered around the edges.

The 'instantaneous' news cycle has rendered the old way of doing things obsolete. Too many people are aware that something isn't 'as represented', especially with the 'rinse & repeat' positions of the politicians.

People are AWARE of the tens of millions of homeless people the government does NOTHING about while it spends billions fighting made up wars...and people aren't cool with it, lucky for the spitballers, people aren't yet quite sure how to go about fixing the problem.

BUT [and it's a mighty big one] even the spitballers KNOW where this is headed, [it's happened countless times before.]

Ropes and light poles. [also known as torches and pitchforks]

Left to our imaginations is how maybe that is 'baked in' to the process, that the 'handlers' know pissing off the people is a necessary component of maintaining control over them. Let them shed some 'innocent blood' and get it out of their system...except that was then and this is now.

And people no longer 'fear god'.

Worse, they've never dealt with numbers like this before. They're only HOPING the 'old formula's' work...

I suspect they want things to 'come to a head' BEFORE an alternative to our daily bite of the excrement sandwich makes itself known.

So what are we looking at? How sad is it that most of you think it's a 'useless question', if they're 'up to something, we'll know what it is when they're ready to spring it on us...and not a moment sooner.

For reasons unknown, that DOESN'T frighten you...[but air forceless, navy-less terrorists HALFWAY AROUND THE PLANET scare you spitless!]


But I digress...back to the issue at hand...what the hell are we looking at?

Again, the answer is 'time will tell'.

Is there cause for concern?

Again, up to the individual. Most of you are easily spooked by imaginary threats but the same people remain oblivious to very real threats breathing down their necks...go figure?

Like I said, when there is something to know, they'll tell us what we know.

Just something to ponder as I thank you for letting me inside your head,


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