Friday, March 17, 2017

Laws? What Laws???

Greetings good citizen, as the over-coddled pay to get things the way THEY like them [remember, the global economy is in tatters because THEY created 'the cheaper there' that doesn't really EXIST!

Worse, good citizen, with the selling of 'the cheaper there' they also stole YOUR GRIP ON REALITY!

If you'll fall for a ruse like that, what else are you, [sorry but here it is] STUPID ENOUGH TO SWALLOW?

Shall we count the FRAUDS they have perpetrated on you or are you doing the math in your head?

Shall we start with the 'Forever War' or move on to the mortgage mess with all of its interwoven cheats like houses as piggy banks or the latest swindles revolving around medical marijuana?

Will the endless quest for 'the greater fool' ever cease?

Not as long as YOU sit there and take it...and you will because you HAVE NO REAL CHOICE!

The Jokers are running the asylum and you'd do well to be very afraid!

So we return to the subject at hand...What Laws?

Each new administration acts like it's the first to arrive and what went before is inconsequential...they are/become their own 'Imperial Presidency'.

Romneycare, the healthcare plan the 'Token President' is credited with will go down in history as a gift to the insurance companies. The newly christened 'Make Murika Great' healthcare plan is what we had before 'mandated insurance' and is a step backwards from where we should be, single payer.

But what is America if we don't 'safeguard the profitability of the shareowners?' [a really massive boondoggle since ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!]

It's safe to say you buy into the fraud because most of you are too heavily invested in it to back out now...but what if, like the mortgage market, the whole thing was due to collapse in the face of the failure of the greater fool market?

If nobody is fooled, who will buy?

Already a problem because the greatest fool is sitting in the White House, not realizing the swamp he's been raging about drained itself thirty years ago.

The only thing lefts are some truly grotesque leeches that the morons running things can't figure out how to exterminate.

Don't even try to figure that one out, it's beyond your mental horsepower rating...sucker!

It's a damning indictment but if the foo shits...ya know?

Wake up people cuz this isn't a dream, it's a god-damn nightmare!

It's only gonna get worse until we put a stop to it.

Just something for you to think about as you prepare for the weekend...such as it has become.

What? Oh, How long are you going to be a chump? My bad, I keep forgetting you're a little on the stupid side.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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