Greetings good citizen, it becomes increasingly apparent that even economists [especially ones lucky enough to secure employment with the government or the media have] zero clues as to what they're talking about.
Um, what's 'wrong' with this picture is the assumption that people a half a step from dumpster diving are replacing roles traditionally filled by females.
Has nothing to do with anything...such is the nature of 'desperation'.
How quaint that the media continues to sell such notions as 'man's work' and 'women's work'?
These days we are seeing a scramble to fill jobs that pay a steady income so people can enjoy the LUXURIES of living indoors and eating [somewhat] regularly.
What we are not seeing here in print is how some folks are working two and three of these 'women's jobs' and STILL not making 'ends meet'.
In yet another heavily ignored statistic we are sinking in a sea of 'working poor'.
The 'More for ME crowd has a LOT to answer for...while our politicians dodge left and right whenever the topic is raised.
Let's take our list of 'related stories one by one, shall we?
Pink collar jobs...the real reason NO ONE wants them is they are typically low paying, dead end jobs.
Gender Inequality...Well, this is coming from the most 'dis-advantaged' group on the planet, republican men, who also believe the 'fairy tales' the media spews! [especially about men's work & women's work.] to beat robots? The 'formula' for beating robots is a little more complicated than slipping on an apron and heading out to the woodshed to whittle duck calls by hand.
[Actually, robotics are a net positive, it's our 'system of commerce' that needs an 'extreme makeover!']
Fulfilled...what a load of crap!...granny is sticking around so she doesn't have to eat cat food or dumpster dive.
Um, Robot Revolution...once again, we're doing it wrong!
The [capitalist's] 'ideal employee' doesn't need a break, never asks for a raise and will work in the dark & the cold without ever complaining once...problem is it's half of the capitalist 'formula for success'.
In order for robots to be 'useful' you need 'paying customers' and another thing your robot will never do is buy what it makes!
If you can't 'close the loop' your society falls apart.
This is why 'economics is more closely related to voodoo than science...because in 'real science you can't ignore 'inconvenient facts'. Like robots don't buy what they make...
But moron capitalists continue to believe this is 'someone else's problem'...
Well guess who someone else is?
Got a mirror?
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
That’s changing. Over the last 15 years, according to a new study, men have been as likely to move into predominantly female jobs as the other way around — but not all men. It’s those who are already disadvantaged in the labor market: black, Hispanic, less educated, poor and immigrant men. While work done by women continues to be valued less, the study demonstrates, job opportunities divide not just along gender lines but also by race and class.
Why Men Don’t Want the Jobs Done Mostly by Women JAN. 4, 2017
Republican Men Say It’s a Better Time to Be a Woman Than a Man JAN. 17, 2017
How to Beat the Robots MARCH 7, 2017
More Women in Their 60s and 70s Are Having ‘Way Too Much Fun’ to Retire FEB. 11, 2017
The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It’s Automation. DEC. 21, 2016
Um, what's 'wrong' with this picture is the assumption that people a half a step from dumpster diving are replacing roles traditionally filled by females.
Has nothing to do with anything...such is the nature of 'desperation'.
How quaint that the media continues to sell such notions as 'man's work' and 'women's work'?
These days we are seeing a scramble to fill jobs that pay a steady income so people can enjoy the LUXURIES of living indoors and eating [somewhat] regularly.
What we are not seeing here in print is how some folks are working two and three of these 'women's jobs' and STILL not making 'ends meet'.
In yet another heavily ignored statistic we are sinking in a sea of 'working poor'.
The 'More for ME crowd has a LOT to answer for...while our politicians dodge left and right whenever the topic is raised.
Let's take our list of 'related stories one by one, shall we?
Pink collar jobs...the real reason NO ONE wants them is they are typically low paying, dead end jobs.
Gender Inequality...Well, this is coming from the most 'dis-advantaged' group on the planet, republican men, who also believe the 'fairy tales' the media spews! [especially about men's work & women's work.] to beat robots? The 'formula' for beating robots is a little more complicated than slipping on an apron and heading out to the woodshed to whittle duck calls by hand.
[Actually, robotics are a net positive, it's our 'system of commerce' that needs an 'extreme makeover!']
Fulfilled...what a load of crap!...granny is sticking around so she doesn't have to eat cat food or dumpster dive.
Um, Robot Revolution...once again, we're doing it wrong!
The [capitalist's] 'ideal employee' doesn't need a break, never asks for a raise and will work in the dark & the cold without ever complaining once...problem is it's half of the capitalist 'formula for success'.
In order for robots to be 'useful' you need 'paying customers' and another thing your robot will never do is buy what it makes!
If you can't 'close the loop' your society falls apart.
This is why 'economics is more closely related to voodoo than science...because in 'real science you can't ignore 'inconvenient facts'. Like robots don't buy what they make...
But moron capitalists continue to believe this is 'someone else's problem'...
Well guess who someone else is?
Got a mirror?
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
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