Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rabbit Hole

Greetings good citizen, funny how simple thought experiments can lead to major novels. Can you imagine the conversation that started the novel 'Alice in Wonderland'?

How deep is a given rabbit hole? I'm betting the answer remains rhetorical because nobody has done a definitive study on various breeds of rabbits and actually exhumed their habitats with the precision of an archeological dig.

Besides, in this context, the comparison remains rhetorical.

The 'rabbit hole' is an allegory for the question of 'what is being hidden from us?' Like our real world counterpart, we can't see inside but we can make guesses.

One of the rabbit holes that perplexes us the most is the one that keeps the trains running and the delivery trucks rolling. We KNOW this is the product of people showing up faithfully and doing what they're paid to do.

What we don't know is who makes the decisions and why?

Why is there a shortage today and a glut tomorrow? (often rapidly followed by another shortage...followed by a 'calm period' where the rest of us are milked like cows as they [the decision-makers] bilk us for what they can get...and our courts do NOTHING.)

Just that sentence alone tells you we are living in a world run by rapacious Rand-ite Libertarians who are as clueless as they are greedy.

Do we ask 'who blinked' or were the 'less than vigilant's' corpses swept under the rug while they were preparing their case?

MUCH of what you witness everyday is a crime yet it has been going on so long you ignore it as 'business as usual'.

YOU have lost touch with the basic tenants of 'what's important' [liberty, freedom, prosperity FOR ALL, not just the self aggrandizing few!]

Yessiree Bob, we is bein' led by a pack of criminals...but they also made themselves 'the law' so there is NOBODY to prosecute 'em!

Consider your position well.

I provide but one example but you can put together countless we must ask ourselves, 'miscarriage of justice' or corrupt system?

Your, er, 'conclusion' matters deeply to the kind of world YOUR CHILDREN will inherit.

NONE are more deeply deluded than those who believe this is 'God's Will'. It is the Will of EVIL calling itself God.

Had enough? let me know when you're ready to DO SOMETHING About it [like go on strike...who is the RETARD that keeps leading protest marches and getting people arrested/doused in pepper spray...did you see the latest video? The cops have the stuff in gallon bottles! Who saw THAT coming?

Somebody did because that's a lot of irritant to use on the solitary hapless citizen!

Yet another 'awkward fact'...the blue wall doesn't exist to protect YOU, it exist to protect THEIR REAL BOSSES, the ONE PERCENT.

Worse, WE PAY THEM FOR IT! [figuratively speaking.]

The blue wall MUST FALL. [The world will be a safer place.]

Our civilization is seriously 'off track' and it's going to take a major overhaul to get us back where we belong...fighting TOGETHER, not one another! [This is how the criminal escapes justice.]

These pieces that defy what you've been taught to believe are the most difficult ones to publish but it appears most of you dismiss the truth because you don't recognize rational're too caught up in preserving your crumbling empire.

Step out of line and it all goes 'poof'...just like its going to anyway. Their promises are no good and you'll be lucky to collect half of what you've got coming to you. [While karma pays you back double at every left turn you take and every blind eye you feign.

In a paraphrase, don't let ME judge you, that is not my purpose/intent...only YOU can judge what you have done and where that leads...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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