Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Better late than never...

Greetings good citizen, once again I beg your forgiveness for the tardiness of this post! I was out late last night and had an early job this morning so there was no time...

Flipping that rock over, I'm off tomorrow so I will have the time to pen a real blockbuster for your enjoyment!

But that still leaves us last night's presidential address to congress. I don't know about the rest of you but I don't recall this as being a 'regular thing'.

Sure, there's the SOTU but this congressional 'browbeating' usually takes place behind closed doors if I remember correctly.

But it seems as though we were treated to a televised version so he could pander to his base.

Again, I was stunned by the 'lack of substance' his address contained. Is he the president of the United States or is he [like his last dozen predecessors] the President of Richistan?

We already outspend all of the nations in the world COMBINED in military might yet he wants to spend MORE?


We have TENS OF MILLIONS of homeless people and unemployment [real unemployment] approaching fifty percent with forty percent of young people UNABLE TO FIND A JOB THAT PAYS THEM ENOUGH TO MOVE OUT OF THEIR PARENTS HOUSE!!!

Um, a half a trillion dollars IS NOT going to solve that problem but making housing a 'gimme' will!

Where do you suppose that half trillion dollars is going to end up? It is going where all the rest of the 'scrip' printed by the counterfeiters in the treasury goes, into the off-shore accounts of the ONE PERCENT!

What is the message YOU got from that TRIPE about our 'broken education system' and his intent to fund 'for profit' education at the taxpayers expense?

HOW WILL WE PAY FOR THIS? [Is he stupid or is he CRAZY?...I know, the answer is BOTH but for some bizarre reason he thinks we haven't caught on...yet.]

This is what that MORON Reagan did to healthcare when he 'privatized' it.

Once again, take it from someone old enough to REMEMBER, I lived through this, I was THERE! These TRADE DEALS El Trumpo is so down on, guess who implemented them? REAGAN!

The world you wake up to every day has nothing to do with is 100% lying conservo-whackos who did this TO YOU!

But too many of the simple among us listen to Limbaugh and think, he has a point [only because he's white like them.] Otherwise he puts the whacko in conservatism, the rabid, stark raving mad variety that feels without thinking.

The world that is marginalizing you at every turn is due to your letting others 'think' and make decisions for you!

Which is to say tomorrow's post is going to be a beaut...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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