Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Living Wage

Greetings good citizen, as automation decimates the wage earning ability of the, er, 'working class' [the people that do all of society's 'heavy lifting'] it appears our politicians have zero interest in preserving our workforce, thereby insuring 'social stability'.

WHY do our politicians think the only thing ANYBODY is interested in is TAX CUTS? [That will allegedly yield 'trickle down' but has yet to happen!]

Are we supposed to be wetting ourselves over potential terrorist attacks our unwise foreign policy instigates or do we tremble in fear over which nation our trigger happy president will goad/insult into a nuclear exchange?

In the meantime government regulation is being trashed wholesale in a futile attempt to stimulate the economy!

What is wrong with these people?

Perhaps a better question is what's wrong with YOU?

[The answer, naturally, is nothing...because YOU have ZERO CONTROL over what the meat puppets in DC do.]

I don't need to tell YOU that the members of our society [actually ALL of them] need a 'living wage' to become full-fledged members of society.

Does anybody else notice only the do-nothing owner class is doing more than just treading water [while a large percentage of us are drowning due to the inequity of capitalism]

Understand, if we don't take steps to return equity to our society the myopic policies of those who 'pretend to govern' will result in civilization ripping itself to pieces.

Pretty straightforward stuff here but since 'Morning in America' nobody's listening.

Actually they are...the One Percent is waiting for the thud of society collapsing.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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