Greetings good citizen, like the title suggests...and contrary to what you think it means [I'm ALWAYS telling you it's time to strike but that's not this.]
This is the other 'do nothing'. The one where you continue to go along to get along, same as you've always done.
How do you suppose things are going to work out?
Damn serious question in light of the population boom and a failing commerce system. [not two independent factors but A is driving B]
What's it going to be like for you and yours? Same old, same old? Or will you continue to 'tighten your belt' until it cuts you in two?
Thought experiment time: Which would you give up first, living indoors or eating regularly?
Probably be a combo, at first. You'd start skipping meals to save the shack then, when you got hungry enough and it finally dawned on you that NOBODY is going to buy your house for what you owe on'd let 'em repossess...
Oh, I forgot, the population bomb ain't going to get you! You're 'too valuable', your employer will make sure YOU have enough to get by...but you still have to LIVE HERE with all of the EXPENDABLE PEOPLE. [The ones who can't afford to buy your house because our boss is moving to Mexico to 'save money'. There aren't any jobs that pay the kind of money your buyer would have to make to qualify for a mortgage on your house, nevermind the place is a DUMP compared to what they can buy for HALF THE MONEY!] [let's sing the thank heavens for HELOC's song!]
But you've 'walked away' and mailed the keys to the bank, now you live in your 'land yacht'...which is problematic in itself because the wife won't let you in the bedroom due to your snoring and your kids [that can't find jobs that pay enough so they can live on their own] are sleeping on the couch.
So you're taking turns sleeping in the SUV when the weather sucks and sleeping in a makeshift tent when it doesn't. [You'd buy a real tent but the lot is just big enough for the RV and real tents cost money you don't have. Since you gave up the shack, food got a lot more expensive!
But hey, at least 'politics' aren't wearing you down! Your parents voted for Ronnie Reagan and your family has voted Republican ever since.
Imagine how much worse it would be if LBJ had stood for re-election? Probably wouldn't even have the RV!
Still, every once in a while you ponder what's wrong with people? The government broke the unions and people did nothing, then the government dismantled welfare and still the people did nothing now if you can't live on what the gig pays, tough, you're on your own!
Just like it should be...right?
You're living 'the life' [until it rains] and you didn't have to do ANYTHING...just sit back and let it happen!
Now there are 2,100+ billionaires...and you can remember back to when there was just one...J. Paul Getty back in 1972! {think about what that implies if you're old enough to remember...}
They have since 're-jiggered' history to include Rockefeller as the very first...but that's the same thing they did to create 'the cheaper there'.
Good thing people are stupid or they'd figure out 'the cheaper there' CAN'T EXIST!
[If food is priced by the pound it doesn't matter who mints the money it all costs the same and that's the only 'flexibility' there is between economies!]
There's no such thing as faster employees and they are certainly no smarter anywhere else [lucky for the capitalist!] Even funnier, the people who live in the (artificially) 'cheaper there' think the capitalists are crazy!
How frightened would they be if the knew they were correct?
But, as today's 'thought experiment' take a walk down what do you suppose avenue and imagine how things will turn out if the rest of us just 'go along for the ride...'
Don't matter cuz there's a reckonin' comin' in the morning? Ain't it nice God is going to wait until we've all had a 'good night's sleep before he tosses us wholesale into the lake of fire and brimstone?
Do you wonder who God would catch up in the RAPTURE? I do...and I can't think of a single one of you he'd 'save'. Since I don't believe in that nonsense, he sure ain't gonna save my sorry backside.
Or are you the 'practical sort' too and you figure a 'natural catastrophe' is lurking in the not too distant future...a plague that wipes 3/4's of us out.
One where the survivors band together and rebuild it all, just like it was!
Or do you think Space will cause the sun to collapse the world's power grid and martial law will cause the government to kill all those 'malcontents' and then we'd rebuild 'er just like she used to be! [see the pattern here? TOO MANY of the nitwits among us IMAGINE a 'simpler world' where things are 'better' simply because they believe it once existed! Worse, it is the imagined world of THEIR grandparents and it never existed for them either!]
So are you gonna sit there and imagine (or pray for) the great 'by and by' to come along and rescue you from desolation alley or are you going to starve to death because NOBODY is doing ANYTHING about the 'population bomb' that threatens to end us in a few short decades?
All you have to do is NOTHING!
I'm certain no one is pleased to let these ideas invade their consciousness but it needs to be known that 'inaction' comes at a price as well.
This is the other 'do nothing'. The one where you continue to go along to get along, same as you've always done.
How do you suppose things are going to work out?
Damn serious question in light of the population boom and a failing commerce system. [not two independent factors but A is driving B]
What's it going to be like for you and yours? Same old, same old? Or will you continue to 'tighten your belt' until it cuts you in two?
Thought experiment time: Which would you give up first, living indoors or eating regularly?
Probably be a combo, at first. You'd start skipping meals to save the shack then, when you got hungry enough and it finally dawned on you that NOBODY is going to buy your house for what you owe on'd let 'em repossess...
Oh, I forgot, the population bomb ain't going to get you! You're 'too valuable', your employer will make sure YOU have enough to get by...but you still have to LIVE HERE with all of the EXPENDABLE PEOPLE. [The ones who can't afford to buy your house because our boss is moving to Mexico to 'save money'. There aren't any jobs that pay the kind of money your buyer would have to make to qualify for a mortgage on your house, nevermind the place is a DUMP compared to what they can buy for HALF THE MONEY!] [let's sing the thank heavens for HELOC's song!]
But you've 'walked away' and mailed the keys to the bank, now you live in your 'land yacht'...which is problematic in itself because the wife won't let you in the bedroom due to your snoring and your kids [that can't find jobs that pay enough so they can live on their own] are sleeping on the couch.
So you're taking turns sleeping in the SUV when the weather sucks and sleeping in a makeshift tent when it doesn't. [You'd buy a real tent but the lot is just big enough for the RV and real tents cost money you don't have. Since you gave up the shack, food got a lot more expensive!
But hey, at least 'politics' aren't wearing you down! Your parents voted for Ronnie Reagan and your family has voted Republican ever since.
Imagine how much worse it would be if LBJ had stood for re-election? Probably wouldn't even have the RV!
Still, every once in a while you ponder what's wrong with people? The government broke the unions and people did nothing, then the government dismantled welfare and still the people did nothing now if you can't live on what the gig pays, tough, you're on your own!
Just like it should be...right?
You're living 'the life' [until it rains] and you didn't have to do ANYTHING...just sit back and let it happen!
Now there are 2,100+ billionaires...and you can remember back to when there was just one...J. Paul Getty back in 1972! {think about what that implies if you're old enough to remember...}
They have since 're-jiggered' history to include Rockefeller as the very first...but that's the same thing they did to create 'the cheaper there'.
Good thing people are stupid or they'd figure out 'the cheaper there' CAN'T EXIST!
[If food is priced by the pound it doesn't matter who mints the money it all costs the same and that's the only 'flexibility' there is between economies!]
There's no such thing as faster employees and they are certainly no smarter anywhere else [lucky for the capitalist!] Even funnier, the people who live in the (artificially) 'cheaper there' think the capitalists are crazy!
How frightened would they be if the knew they were correct?
But, as today's 'thought experiment' take a walk down what do you suppose avenue and imagine how things will turn out if the rest of us just 'go along for the ride...'
Don't matter cuz there's a reckonin' comin' in the morning? Ain't it nice God is going to wait until we've all had a 'good night's sleep before he tosses us wholesale into the lake of fire and brimstone?
Do you wonder who God would catch up in the RAPTURE? I do...and I can't think of a single one of you he'd 'save'. Since I don't believe in that nonsense, he sure ain't gonna save my sorry backside.
Or are you the 'practical sort' too and you figure a 'natural catastrophe' is lurking in the not too distant future...a plague that wipes 3/4's of us out.
One where the survivors band together and rebuild it all, just like it was!
Or do you think Space will cause the sun to collapse the world's power grid and martial law will cause the government to kill all those 'malcontents' and then we'd rebuild 'er just like she used to be! [see the pattern here? TOO MANY of the nitwits among us IMAGINE a 'simpler world' where things are 'better' simply because they believe it once existed! Worse, it is the imagined world of THEIR grandparents and it never existed for them either!]
So are you gonna sit there and imagine (or pray for) the great 'by and by' to come along and rescue you from desolation alley or are you going to starve to death because NOBODY is doing ANYTHING about the 'population bomb' that threatens to end us in a few short decades?
All you have to do is NOTHING!
I'm certain no one is pleased to let these ideas invade their consciousness but it needs to be known that 'inaction' comes at a price as well.