Friday, March 31, 2017

Do Nuthin...

Greetings good citizen, like the title suggests...and contrary to what you think it means [I'm ALWAYS telling you it's time to strike but that's not this.]

This is the other 'do nothing'. The one where you continue to go along to get along, same as you've always done.

How do you suppose things are going to work out?

Damn serious question in light of the population boom and a failing commerce system. [not two independent factors but A is driving B]

What's it going to be like for you and yours? Same old, same old? Or will you continue to 'tighten your belt' until it cuts you in two?

Thought experiment time: Which would you give up first, living indoors or eating regularly?

Probably be a combo, at first. You'd start skipping meals to save the shack then, when you got hungry enough and it finally dawned on you that NOBODY is going to buy your house for what you owe on'd let 'em repossess...


Oh, I forgot, the population bomb ain't going to get you! You're 'too valuable', your employer will make sure YOU have enough to get by...but you still have to LIVE HERE with all of the EXPENDABLE PEOPLE. [The ones who can't afford to buy your house because our boss is moving to Mexico to 'save money'. There aren't any jobs that pay the kind of money your buyer would have to make to qualify for a mortgage on your house, nevermind the place is a DUMP compared to what they can buy for HALF THE MONEY!] [let's sing the thank heavens for HELOC's song!]

But you've 'walked away' and mailed the keys to the bank, now you live in your 'land yacht'...which is problematic in itself because the wife won't let you in the bedroom due to your snoring and your kids [that can't find jobs that pay enough so they can live on their own] are sleeping on the couch.

So you're taking turns sleeping in the SUV when the weather sucks and sleeping in a makeshift tent when it doesn't. [You'd buy a real tent but the lot is just big enough for the RV and real tents cost money you don't have. Since you gave up the shack, food got a lot more expensive!

But hey, at least 'politics' aren't wearing you down! Your parents voted for Ronnie Reagan and your family has voted Republican ever since.

Imagine how much worse it would be if LBJ had stood for re-election? Probably wouldn't even have the RV!

Still, every once in a while you ponder what's wrong with people? The government broke the unions and people did nothing, then the government dismantled welfare and still the people did nothing now if you can't live on what the gig pays, tough, you're on your own!

Just like it should be...right?

You're living 'the life' [until it rains] and you didn't have to do ANYTHING...just sit back and let it happen!

Now there are 2,100+ billionaires...and you can remember back to when there was just one...J. Paul Getty back in 1972! {think about what that implies if you're old enough to remember...}

They have since 're-jiggered' history to include Rockefeller as the very first...but that's the same thing they did to create 'the cheaper there'.

Good thing people are stupid or they'd figure out 'the cheaper there' CAN'T EXIST!

[If food is priced by the pound it doesn't matter who mints the money it all costs the same and that's the only 'flexibility' there is between economies!]

There's no such thing as faster employees and they are certainly no smarter anywhere else [lucky for the capitalist!] Even funnier, the people who live in the (artificially) 'cheaper there' think the capitalists are crazy!

How frightened would they be if the knew they were correct?

But, as today's 'thought experiment' take a walk down what do you suppose avenue and imagine how things will turn out if the rest of us just 'go along for the ride...'

Don't matter cuz there's a reckonin' comin' in the morning? Ain't it nice God is going to wait until we've all had a 'good night's sleep before he tosses us wholesale into the lake of fire and brimstone?

Do you wonder who God would catch up in the RAPTURE? I do...and I can't think of a single one of you he'd 'save'. Since I don't believe in that nonsense, he sure ain't gonna save my sorry backside.

Or are you the 'practical sort' too and you figure a 'natural catastrophe' is lurking in the not too distant future...a plague that wipes 3/4's of us out.

One where the survivors band together and rebuild it all, just like it was!

Or do you think Space will cause the sun to collapse the world's power grid and martial law will cause the government to kill all those 'malcontents' and then we'd rebuild 'er just like she used to be! [see the pattern here? TOO MANY of the nitwits among us IMAGINE a 'simpler world' where things are 'better' simply because they believe it once existed! Worse, it is the imagined world of THEIR grandparents and it never existed for them either!]

So are you gonna sit there and imagine (or pray for) the great 'by and by' to come along and rescue you from desolation alley or are you going to starve to death because NOBODY is doing ANYTHING about the 'population bomb' that threatens to end us in a few short decades?

All you have to do is NOTHING!

I'm certain no one is pleased to let these ideas invade their consciousness but it needs to be known that 'inaction' comes at a price as well.


Thursday, March 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen, some of you have grown up never remembering a time when we WEREN'T at war. Others do but can't see the difference because we have [since WWI] poured everything we had into the military-industrial complex.

Now we are locked in 'War without end' and NOBODY [including our feckless media] is asking the crucial question of 'What does victory look like?'

Worse, it's the 'causes of war' that remain completely unclear. Why are we conducting this 'police action' in the oil producing regions of the world when indeed, the real 'police' should be handling it?

Oh, that's right...the militants are 'armed'.

How do you suppose THAT happened? If we look back at every 'armed conflict' over the past hundred years it remains a mystery as to who, precisely, 'armed' the opposition [against all odds and common sense I might add!]

Let's repeat the mantra, shall we?


Who do you suppose wants the rest of us to remain 'ignorant'? Short answer is 'war profiteers' but the larger answer rolls back to the flag-draped morons that stand ever ready to go to war, the 'militant right'...sometimes referred to as 'Congressional Hawks'

While we tend to lump the 'conservo-whackos' into one group, they protest this 'broad brush' treatment of their party and claim SOME OF THEM aren't 'ever ready' to declare war at the drop of a hat [dropping the gloves is another matter altogether!]

Which is to acknowledge a majority of 'independents' [the ones responsible for conservative victories across the nation like to consider themselves 'Socially liberal but Fiscally conservative!'

Repeat the mantra!


When money is ONLY USEFUL TO THE INDIVIDUAL, WTF does 'fiscally conservative' even mean? Does it mean let the bums starve? or that other favorite piece of conservative advice...get a job!


If the job you've got doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

STUPID IS PERMANENET, IGNORANCE CAN BE FIXED...BUT YOU HAVE GOT TO WANT TO! [fix the ignorance. Accepting the pabulum is choosing to remain ignorant.]

I sometimes marvel why people don't want others to know they have two brain cells still in contact with one another because a world that has been overrun by the mentally crippled isn't the fault of intelligence, it is the product of RESENTMENT!

People DON'T LIKE being stupid but that's how they have been raised! How pathetic is it that most of you remain ignorant of your own ignorance?


Is the answer to 'why is the war in the Middle East expanding' as simple as, 'There are still Muslims there!'

WTF is wrong with you! Can't understand normal thinking? [although I'm sure some of you have reached that conclusion about me long ago...]

If I don't challenge your intellectual integrity then the tendency to 'go back to sleep' overcomes even the best of you and our species NEEDS YOU, now more than ever!

The self-serving among us never shed a tear over the lives they squander, worse, they honestly believe what they do is 'more humane' because famine and pestilence are far worse.

Why would there be famine and pestilence? Because the 'freakishly selfish' won't give up their private gardens so others may live!

No benevolence here, good citizen...just freakish greed on a monstrous scale!

War is not a 'natural thing' but it has proven useful over the centuries as a 'political tool', often when it came to depriving the first peoples of the land and the resources they had come to rely on. [and our politicians labeled THEM the 'savages'...]

So we arrive at a conundrum. Why war in the planet's oil producing region? The product is sold by the barrel on the global marketplace and the people living there have little use for it other than the INCOME IT PRODUCES! [FOR THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH!]

Are we actually murdering the people that SHOULD BE reaping the economic benefit of the resource being extracted from their land?

Which raises yet another sticky subject...if land has value, who does it belong to?

Isn't the answer 'all of us'?

So why the hell are we murdering the native people of the oil bearing regions?

Oh, that's right, so the war profiteers can afford to go on vacation with their kids and their girlfriends! [the wives go someplace else with their boyfriends and EVERYBODY is 'happy' a decidedly twisted sort of way.

While YOUR CHILD gets blown to pieces and cobbled back together like FRANKENSTIEN to 'protect' the robbing S.O.B's 'interests''re supposed to take 'patriotic pride' in your injured progeny's 'sacrifice'?


The question remains, good you want to remain 'blissfully ignorant' or do you want to cure your STUPIDITY?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Your life on the Res...[reservation]

Greetings good citizen. Did it ever occur to you that those running things have/are treating you the same way they treat the Native peoples they stole this land from?

The parallels are uncanny. Just as this statement implies, they treat neither group with respect...a very foolish move when it comes to the muscle used to oust the original peoples.

The irony is not lost on the dispossessed, karma works like that and karma is something they appreciate/understand.

It's pale face that 'doesn't get it'...and that's what makes it so hilarious!

What parallels am I talking about? Notice most 'reservations' are located in 'bad lands' where the natives COULDN'T support themselves...just as most ghettoes are 'economic wastelands' where there are no jobs...and the ones there are you can't live on?

This is the 'keep 'em dependent' strategy. If you want to survive, you WILL 'go along to get along'...ghetto/res, same shit, different name.

Then there's the 'broken' educational system. Did you know 90% of kids have no frickin' clue that the US is a capitalist nation?

Worse, they also equate liberuls with commies...

Wonder why we live in a 'screwed up' nation? It's not the people, it's the criminal morons running things!

This is the beginning of the 'general brainwashing' so they will remain ignorant of the abuses capitalism heaps upon them and their shiftless parents...who are EVERY generation's's not the people running things. It's the 'peasants' fault!

Don't look now but that guy in the's a peasant and he looks remarkably like YOU!

Is it any wonder they treat you like an imbecile? They purposefully raised you to BE ONE!

You aren't supposed to think, you're supposed to do as your told and shut up!

Um, in not necessarily a sidebar because it is 'on topic', my son and I had the discussion about money and incentive.

Why would I share innovation if I didn't personally benefit from it?

How many of YOU believe the same way? [I'm betting most of you because you were raised to be 'money-motivated' capitalists, always on the lookout for that million dollar idea that would free YOU from the drudgery of having to work for a pathetic is that?

Now let me slap you upside the head like you so richly deserve! Reverse that and THINK for a minute...has the BILLIONS collected for various diseases produced even ONE CURE?

It's not MONEY that cures disease, it's RESEARCH...when 90 cents of every dollar goes towards 'administration/fundraising' how much 'research' do you think is actually going on...and how many DECADES have these foundations existed?

Like the War on Drugs, guess what happens to these extremely lucrative foundations the MOMENT a cure is found...

[Legalize/control drugs and the entire drug/prison complex goes poof!]

Further proof you are intentionally raised like 'mushrooms' [kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of bullshit!]

Those in charge only have one goal and that is 'More for Me', the rest of us can go twist in the wind!

If you want to escape The Res we need to put those who treat the rest of us like WE ARE criminals where they belong, into exile.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


The above is some serious 'food for thought'...those of you still capable of thinking really should try it!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Rich people that give bad advice

Greetings good citizen, one of the staples used by storytellers everywhere is the 'benevolent' master that let his chauffer 'eavesdrop' on him so the poor servant could 'piggyback' on his investments.

Since cell phones are a reasonably recent innovation and moguls seldom 'shared rides' given even that arena was deemed a 'competition' [who had the most 'attentive' servant as well as who had the 'nicer' car...everything is a competition to our 'self-professed betters'] 'wealthy servants', like time travel is myth created by overly romantic writers...swallowed whole by people who frequently get lost in thought because they don't go there very often...

So when it comes to Guru's dispensing 'advice' [often these 'Gurus' only claim to fame is the wealthy people they allegedly rub elbows with... dishes out advice like this he obviously isn't thinking A.) practically and B.) long term.

The housing market is still a shambles thanks to the overvaluations of late 2000's...where the 'greater fool' has driven prices well beyond affordability of the 'average' paycheck.

We can give Mr. Robbins some wiggle room by taking the stance that when he says 'Millennials' he isn't referring to ALL of them, just the wealthy ones.

What kind of 'advice' is this? Isn't the whole point of 'income property' to garner enough rent to pay the mortgage with that favorite of all asset classes, 'other people's money'?

With rents in lockstep with mortgages, who the Puck is going to rent from you?

Not Mr. Robbin's problem but YOURS...isn't it?

Maybe we should find out how much 'income property' Mr. Robbins owns before pursuing his investment advice.

On a planet that is rapidly 'shrinking' due to exploding population growth, buying property is probably the worst investment advice possible.

Sounds great [if you are one of those people cited above that frequently gets 'lost in thought']

We are rushing towards the time when that apex of 'individual freedom' [also the leading cause of debt slavery] will be impossible because the wages necessary to support THE EXISTING SYSTEM would blow prices so far out of kilter as to result in social collapse on an epic scale!

Don't believe it? We're ALREADY THERE!

WTF good citizen? There's stupid and then there's this!

It staggers the mind to think that this guy retains his mantle of 'self-help guru' while dispensing tripe such as this!

Not that I need to remind YOU that all capitalists are SHAMELESS.

Let's take a look at 'the future' as we walk YOU back to the 'reservation'.

We have a HUGE population problem that nobody is doing anything about [for which we should be THANKFUL considering the savagery of the morons currently in charge.] Then we look across the technology horizon [where future jobs will come from] and what do you see?

Automation and longevity RESEARCH...which is spooky since our 'for profit' social model dictates innovations are bestowed ONLY UPON THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD THEM...which leaves the 99% where, precisely?

Leaving the 'perpetual war' and the 'privatization' of space exploration alone the 'future' looks mighty bleak for a majority of the population.

Truth be told it sure doesn't look like the folks in charge have a clue what to do with all those people...or even the people we have now.

I keep pointing to this ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, hell, I even worked out a solution to the problem! but until YOU or the people in charge DO SOMETHING we're going to see a lot of people DIE NEEDLESSLY!

I don't know about you but I sure don't want to watch MY KIDS DIE!

Pretty sure you don't either but it's not a topic you spend a lot of time pondering, is it?

We still have time to do this 'the easy way'...wait another year and it will be too late.

Thus do I modify my 'normal' sign-off:

If any of us are going to survive this, I need to get inside a lot more heads than just yours!



Pass it on!

Monday, March 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, today's media environment is so convoluted that some things when they finally surface make you have a 'no wonder' moment.

Did you catch the latest? The ultra conservative firebrand Tomi Lahern has been PERMANENTLY BANNED from her role as host of The Blaze for her 'pro-choice' stance.

What came sneaking out of the woodwork with that announcement? The, er, 'head' of the hypercritical and decidedly anti-democratic broadcast is none other than that libertarian whack job, Glen Beck!

It is my personal opinion that Libertarianism is a mental disorder afflicting psychopaths planet-wide but for some reason the psychiatric community hasn't been successful in making this dangerous diagnosis stick because those afflicted are not (directly) a menace to themselves, just to others.

Like a lot of disorders, this one is primarily restricted to the very rich so this disorder is ignored by the professional community.

I belabor the obvious when I ask YOU how you like living in a society where the lunatics are in charge?

In this much it sort of redefines the term 'useful idiot' and, of course, these useful idiots are themselves being 'manipulated' by other, more dangerous psychopaths.

If the world [as presented to us by the media 24/7] doesn't make sense, you have your answer. You are correct, you aren't losing your mind...but you are losing just about everything else!

Um, switch mental gears with me good citizen as I just had a brief exchange with one of my siblings on an unrelated matter that impacts this line of discussion directly.

It is a 'given' that you are being 'distracted' by the greedy few who want an 'automated' world [because robots work tirelessly for FREE.] This is a 'hooray for me and F-you' move that if we fail to 'nip it in the bud' will put our species right behind the eight-ball!

You just slammed on your mental brakes because you're thinking 'nobody is that stupid!' but take a good look around yourself and ask that exact question AGAIN!

You are, in fact, neck deep in Quantum STUPID.

Does perpetual war make sense? But we have it! [it's a proven fact you can't 'win' a war against an 'idea'. especially when you (purposely) keep stoking the causes behind that idea!]

Yet YOU 'accept' that the (bat-shit crazy) government has waged precisely this type of war and have done NOTHING to stop it!

{Largely because you BELIEVE YOU CAN'T}

In the infamous words of Mary Kay Ashe...if you think you can, you can...and if you think you can't, YOU'RE RIGHT! [meaning you have defeated yourself without even trying!]

I will once again repeat my instructions as to what YOU need to carefully because you have to do PRECISELY what I say...NOTHING!

Sit down, take a load off and don't lift a finger!

This is called a STRIKE.

Don't march in the streets or head to the welfare office [good luck finding one!] Just park it and wait.

So easy it's ridiculous but it won't be funny after three days.

That's when the riots start.

Most of you won't be out of food in three days but you'll be out of certain things and some of you just can't imagine facing the day without that first cup of coffee...or the internet.

On the third day you need to take that bag of rocks you've been collecting and head out to the closest overpass...the rocks are for the 'strikebreakers'; do I need to tell you what to do with those rocks?

Don't worry about the cops, they will have their hands full dodging bullets and trying to put the fires out at their houses [because they are breaking the strike too!]

Um, probably a good idea to take your 12 gauge with you to the overpass, some of those cops are highly motivated and [wrongly] believe THEY ARE THE LAW when the ONLY thing they understand is 'COMPLY OR DIE!'

Things get 'more interesting' from here but like the freshly unemployed Tomi Lehern, if you comply, you're gonna die!

Time for a really NEW DEAL...and you ain't going to get it from the nutjobs running things since 'Morning in America!'

Thank YOU for letting ME inside your head,


Sunday, March 26, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I was listening to the radio yesterday and what do I hear? An advertisement...for a degree in 'homeland security'.


Bad enough the 'nitwit president' implemented the office after he rammed the 'Patriot Act' through what passes for Congress these days but now you can get a degree in an occupation where NOBODY KNOWS what the agency does?

We have TV shows where (deputized) Homeland agents basically get themselves out of trouble...but that show is written by 12 year olds so the viewing public doesn't expect much.

So I was somewhat shocked to hear that some profit-oriented moron is offering a degree in nobody knows what?

Are they actually going to teach 'how to secure the 'homeland'?

Secure it from what? 'Terrorists'?

How frightening is it that 'terrorists' aren't clearly defined? TODAY the feckless media conflates 'terrorist' with Muslim but tomorrow it could be anyne, English teachers or Hippies; anyone could be/labeled 'a terrorist' fact there's an old saying that goes, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

What do YOU suppose motivates the Freedom Fighter? Could it be an overbearing POLICE STATE where jack-booted thugs with 'extra police powers' to jail the 'suspicious' [specifically those who speak out against the jack-booted thugs] as 'potential terrorists'?

We have more police forces than you can shake a stick at and apparently they're all doing it wrong because NONE of THEM succeeds at 'keeping us safe'...

But that's mostly a 'perception problem' because they aren't there to keep US safe, they exist to protect the ONE PERCENT!

Ironically, it also answers why we have 3 dozen 'special police forces' that the public knows about there are dozens more lurking in the shadows because the people running things are BATSHIT CRAZY!

Our 6 TRILLION dollar government has the FBI, the CIA and the NSA...why/who needs 'homeland security'? EVERY STATE has a STATE POLICE on top of local police forces, then don't forget prisons and guards.

Think someone is a little 'ha-ha' for 'security'...and half of 'em DON'T KNOW THE LAW never mind why they even exist!

We are literally SWIMMMING in 'alphabet soup' out there in the real world and NONE OF IT is there to protect YOU!

How frightening is it good citizen that we literally want to say 'drop the gun and nobody gets hurt...although IF ANY PART of this 'alphabet soup' darkens YOUR doorstep you can quite literally kiss your ass good-bye. NO REASON GIVEN.

This is the 'handiwork' of those 'pretending' to keep us all safe.

Time for a change good citizen, and we'd best do it BEFORE some clueless 'oh-oh squad' turns up on our doorstep demanding we come out with our hands over our heads and you STILL face 50-50 odds of getting shot ANYWAY!

This nonsense has to stop, preferably BEFORE we start handing our degrees in 'paranoia'!

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fix the problem, not the blame...

Greetings good citizen, when 'real trouble' darkens the horizon we don't hesitate, we leap up to address the problem. After the situation is under control, then the 'blame game' starts.

With this as a given, do you sometimes feel like a cow in a chute, with no place to go but forward...knowing full well that every step you take brings you closer to your doom.

Well, good citizen, that isn't going to change until WE FIX THE PROBLEM!

Because right now all we can do is play the 'blame game', the tools we need to fix the problem are out of our reach.

Naturally, we have a 'different problem' and that is the one where 'we' disagree on what the problem is...[so sayeth the media, that is owned by who? The One Percent!]

People who have convinced themselves they are neither seem to believe the problem is the Liberals...despite the destruction of the global economy via fictitious trade deals being ushered in and overseen by conservatives, the party of the One Percent.

How did we arrive at this crazy conclusion? Allow me to refer you to the connecting piece of information...disinformation comes from the media that is owned by the One Percent.

This is the same media that insists we're 'divided', when in fact we could hardly be more UNITED against our common foe, the people destroying our lives to enrich themselves!

[Do we need a flashlights and a team of bloodhounds to track down this 'mysterious enemy'?]

NO, it's the freaking ONE PERCENT!

Worse, they aren't 'hiding' they are in your face telling anyone that is paying attention if they don't like it they can just go suck it!

Nah, nah, can't do anything about it because I AM the system and what I say goes!


How unfortunate for the rest of us STUPID still doesn't see?

You have to IGNORE stupid, seems like there's a lot of them but that's an illusion, magnified by One Percent owned and operated MEDIA!

I preach to the choir because you know our woes have nothing to do with 'liberals and conservatives' and everything to do with 'rich and poor'.

How pathetic is it that the peasants believe the destitute are beneath them?

Why can't humanity see that [but for my ass-licking ways], there go I?

While a lack of empathy is closely associated with psychopathic behavior, it is also a strong indicator of stupidity...and we have no shortage of 'nuthin' go up top' in our society....starting in the newsrooms.

If we fail to 'fix the problem', fixing the blame only serves the self-serving [I don't need to parse that for those bright enough to comprehend what it means.]

Let's fix the problem before they end us, shall we?

Thanks for letting me inside your head [those of you who still have one!]


Friday, March 24, 2017

Mc Jobs

Greetings good citizen, not so terribly long ago , companies took the time to 'break in' new employees now it seems they just break them until they find people who actually know what they're doing.

You see good citizen, capitalism is about 'profits for the shareowners' and it's more profitable to have workers working instead of training them: but people aren't born knowing how to handle power when the desperate get a chance to earn a steady paycheck, they do what we all do so well, we lie.

While the article is a criticism of how corporate America behaves it is also another black mark on a system that places little value on its producers.

What this article highlights is a specific industry in one state but the problem, like that of refugees, is GLOBAL!

I'm going to stop because I don't need to hit the intelligent with a baseball bat to convince them of the obvious, that capitalism has FAILED!

In fact, if we back up a step we'd see that a majority of the problems facing our 'civilization' can be traced back to our system of commerce and the people who run it.

Those who call themselves 'Captains of Industry' when 'Masters of Misery' is much closer to the mark...

Still, with too few championing revolt, the majority of you keep your heads down and do the best you can with what you have to work with.

Um, in a 'sidebar' to the few individuals that missed me yesterday, I offer this apology and explanation of my absence.

My son took me to the movies and we saw Logan. I'll refrain from any spoilers although the people fabricating 'entertainment' these days have decided it is ALL FANTASY, just like what passes for the NEWS.

So the film has plot holes you could drive an ocean liner through but taken on it's surface it is quite 'entertaining' with action scenes that dazzle! Naturally, part of the 'amazement' is how a little girl can do that to an adult that out masses her by a factor of twenty.

Worse, the film [slated to begin at 1:00 didn't start until 1:30 because of all of the 'previews']...and what a load of tripe is coming. EVERYTHING is a 're-tread'. Even that 'one trick pony' Ridley Scott found a fool willing to finance yet another edition of Alien! Spoiler Alert, [this new one is a direct rip off of Alien 2]

Next, we then have the bullet-proof Apes of Planet of the Apes fame where we can all marvel at how Apes manage to build a civilization WITHOUT OPPOSABLE THUMBS?

Let's not leave out the new thriller set on the International Space Station, LIFE...where we see what happens when a black man tazes a petri dishful of white protoplasm. It kicks his ass...and escapes into the station...

Did I mention we're neck deep in STUPID around here...and Hollywood ain't helping!

In this much the truth is terrifying, if YOU are unable to sort fact from fiction then our existence is whatever they tell you it is!

Some of you DON'T HAVE A MIND TO RECLAIM, the few that do are sinking fast so it's nut-up or shut-up time.

Leaves us facing quite a 'bad' is it [the disconnect from reality] and what will happen when the feed telling us what to think goes dark...then what?

We may soon find out when half the population loses its already feeble mind.

Um, have a nice weekend and don't forget to load the 12 guage!

Thank you for letting me inside, er, that head of yours...or what passes for it.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the people running things only care about number one, if you can't make it IN THEIR WORLD, TOUGH!

When our smokestacks went cold the jobs shipped overseas were supposed to be replaced with 'service industry jobs' that were often parodied as we'd cut each other's grass or sell one another houses until we reached the end of the chain then it would start all over again! [this is what earned conservatives their 'whacko' designation...]

Well, good evidenced by the massive 'failure to launch' epidemic [massive numbers of young adults unable to secure jobs that pay a living wage] the shuttering of retail should come as no surprise. The retail sectors' customer base has been decimated by the 'gig economy'.

Why get dressed if you can buy whatever you want online and NOBODY WILL SEE YOU! If nobody sees you, nobody will know your clothes are in tatters and your shoes are held together with duct tape...

Because we have a 'new reality''s a broke/broken one no less!

Gone are the low paying 'service industry' jobs we were told would replace the old manufacturing jobs that are poisoning China for generations to come. Welcome to the gig economy where we will all 'subcontract' to do whatever the few willing to pay for it wants...and ALL that implies.

If YOU can't make ends meet in this 'challenging environment' it's not THEIR problem, it's YOURS!

Which is to point out, the failure of capitalism to support our booming civilization will eventually solve itself. Whether or not you'll survive this 'shake-out' is a different issue altogether. [ACT or be acted upon!]

Worse, you may very well survive but wish to hell you hadn't! [especially if the only thing you have going for you is you're 'good looking'...]

Hard to believe we need a place called hell, isn't it?

So, good citizen as the clueless lead civilization over the cliff, what do you intend to do? Lead, Follow or get out of the way?

Capitalism is 40 years past its 'sell-by' date...if you don't smarten the heck up, you're gonna get poisoned right along with everybody that depends on YOU!

What can you do when the system you're living under only benefits the people running it?

Do I need to spell it out for you? What part of S-T-R-I-K-E don't you understand?

It won't stop/YOUR DEAL won't change until YOU present an united front that makes them understand YOU AREN'T GOING TO PUT UP WITH THE BS ANYMORE!

If we can't do that, we're all dead anyway.

Nice to have a 'choice'...isn't it?

You can only re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic so many times before the water sweeps you away and you die in the icy North Atlantic.

There is a 'better way', all we need do is shuffle the deck the right way after we purge the animals among us from our midst.

Don't kid yourself, they will NEVER SURRENDER. In this we'll be giving them something they'd NEVER give us...'fair warning'.

Somehow, get out of the stock market doesn't quite seem like any kind of a warning at all. 99% of us only have pension money in the speculative markets...and we've all written that off as a 'bad investment' already anyway.

We may as well have written 'steal me' on each installment because you know that's what was going to happen to it ultimately.

Time to take a match to this manure pile.

We won't get a fair deal until we make it for ourselves!

Guess what, tomorrow might be too late, there is truly no time like the present!

Like today's link, the handwriting is on the wall. Is it the penmanship or the stupidity that prevents you from heeding the message it is sending? [When retail fails, capitalism is toast.]

Worse, think of the teeming masses the live in their cars, how do they get online, a smart-phone? And what do they do about a shipping address?

Just saying good citizen, this has ALREADY gone too far!

Rise up and put a stop to it or it will END YOU!

Not that any of you pay any attention to about yourself? Or are you convinced that thinking is above your paygrade and you can't do anything until the man/woman that lives inside the TV tells you to!

AAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [scream of mental anguish, in case you were wondering...and you probably weren't.]

Better now [you should try it!]

Thank you for letting me inside your head.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do you see what I see?

Greetings good citizen, the answer to today's rhetorical question is another question...what the hell are we looking at? We have our 'change agent' beleaguered and besieged by a hostile media and a rabid legislative environment that is read to explode...not because he 'bungled' but because he's still running for office instead of running the country...[something we can only assume he was told he WOULDN'T have to do!]

As the polls continue to tell us how unpopular the incumbent is [the most unpopular president EVER] where do you think his 'handlers' are going with this whole 'the Russians did it!' thing?

Was Pence their play all along? He didn't have the octane to win the general election but now that his 'empty suit' is a heartbeat away from the oval office, all they have to do it remove the guy that had no genuine interest in the job in the first place [Never confuse criticism with leadership] and 'their boy' is home free. [Might even get his tookus re-elected!]

The problem with rigging elections is you can fool SOME OF THE people but not all of them and, after repeating 'the formula' a half a hundred times, it's starting to 'wear thin' and get tattered around the edges.

The 'instantaneous' news cycle has rendered the old way of doing things obsolete. Too many people are aware that something isn't 'as represented', especially with the 'rinse & repeat' positions of the politicians.

People are AWARE of the tens of millions of homeless people the government does NOTHING about while it spends billions fighting made up wars...and people aren't cool with it, lucky for the spitballers, people aren't yet quite sure how to go about fixing the problem.

BUT [and it's a mighty big one] even the spitballers KNOW where this is headed, [it's happened countless times before.]

Ropes and light poles. [also known as torches and pitchforks]

Left to our imaginations is how maybe that is 'baked in' to the process, that the 'handlers' know pissing off the people is a necessary component of maintaining control over them. Let them shed some 'innocent blood' and get it out of their system...except that was then and this is now.

And people no longer 'fear god'.

Worse, they've never dealt with numbers like this before. They're only HOPING the 'old formula's' work...

I suspect they want things to 'come to a head' BEFORE an alternative to our daily bite of the excrement sandwich makes itself known.

So what are we looking at? How sad is it that most of you think it's a 'useless question', if they're 'up to something, we'll know what it is when they're ready to spring it on us...and not a moment sooner.

For reasons unknown, that DOESN'T frighten you...[but air forceless, navy-less terrorists HALFWAY AROUND THE PLANET scare you spitless!]


But I digress...back to the issue at hand...what the hell are we looking at?

Again, the answer is 'time will tell'.

Is there cause for concern?

Again, up to the individual. Most of you are easily spooked by imaginary threats but the same people remain oblivious to very real threats breathing down their necks...go figure?

Like I said, when there is something to know, they'll tell us what we know.

Just something to ponder as I thank you for letting me inside your head,


Monday, March 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, it seems the ever clueless have tumbled to the fact that money ISN'T the be all, end all. We [especially the exceptional ones] Murikins are just plain 'disappointed'.

No longer in control of their destiny, the average American feels as though they somehow landed on a garbage scow headed to Shit-i-stan.

Is this really the case or is it a 'perception problem'? That's what the Republicans are telling us, our shitty attitude is the direct result of our 'outrageous expectations' so OF COURSE WE'RE DISAPPOINTED!

Principle among our 'outrageous expectations is a 'good job'. Why don't you selfish, no good low-lifes wake up to the fact there are three times as many workers than jobs! You can't ALL have 'good jobs'...hell, do the math. If you have a job at all you're already ahead of the game.

Did you expect it to pay a 'living wage' too?
[Dem jobs is reserved for de 'good Republicans', the ones that (unlike you) don't belly-ache all the time and happens to be related to the rest of us...]

Ah, wake up and smell the nepotism!

Is that what's troubling you, Bunky? Or is it the realization that there's no way off this stinking garbage barge except to leap into the nearest pile as it's being tossed overboard? [How long can YOU tread water?]

The luxurious captain's and (comparatively) luxurious crew's quarters (when compared to yours) are out of reach because those positions are 'hereditary'.

But that's not how we roll here in the land of the Duped and the home of the Witless! [is it?]

Of course it is, we've seen it parodied right under our very noses countless times and STILL we fail to comprehend it is US we are seeing on the stage, acting like fools.

You're a tribe of 'superstitious peasants' that goes along to get along [or the other savages will tear you apart for disagreeing with them!]

{All hail the 'anonymity' of the Internet...or I'd be dead/mute as well!]

Happiness comes from within but I dare say most of you aren't mentally equipped for 'satisfaction'. 'Contentment' isn't what makes you, well, YOU!

Your perpetual state of 'dissatisfaction' is what drives you to...what precisely? Kill yourself? Oh, if only it were that easy!

Can't kill yourself, you're the biggest coward you know! [besides it would mar that careful cultivated 'never surrender' persona you've been posing for all your life.]

Most of you could care less about Happy, never mind satisfaction. Most of you wouldn't know karma even when it is in the process of biting you on the ass!

Who made you this [pathetic] way? Our 'anything for a buck', heartless and pitiless society, that's what does it.

Isn't your 'motto' LIFE IS TOUGH AND SO AM I! [and personally, you think you're TOUGHER! your squeenie little head anyway...]

Well, you wouldn't know what to do with happiness either [not that a perpetual state of happy is possible outside insanity.]

In the end good citizen, the 'Happy' puzzle is indeed a rhetorical one, you won't be 'truly happy' until you leave this miserable existence behind. [reflect on that one for a few moments, eh?]

Where the MOST you can hope for is eternal nothingness.

But we don't know that for sure. So it is we wait in quiet desperation for our turn to journey onward into the unknown.

Can you tell it's Monday?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, March 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, you know what you have to do and when you have to do it although often we are called upon to shift what is important to us so some larger purpose can be achieved.

Sort of ironic that I can point out the need to break with the current 'stacked deck' that beats 99% of us to pulp on a regular basis but when the self-important 'they' demands that you fall on your knees, you'll do it without asking questions...

So, what's more important, breathing or your children? No one is 'threatening' your kids but leaving them here to figure it out for themselves [like your parents did to you] isn't doing them any good.

How do you teach your children the importance of being 'kind' in a world dominated by the axiom of 'no good deed goes unpunished?'

Are you setting your children up for success or failure by teaching them to 'do unto others?' [and I don't mean as you would have them do unto you...using the 'kill 'em with kindness' strategy that is only intended to 'put 'em to sleep' while you lift their watch & their confusion over why you're being so nice.]

Man's inhumanity to his fellow man is legendary, a cycle that won't end until we put HUMANITY FIRST!

We need to purge society of humans that are good with 'preying' upon other humans. Shunning them is one thing but we probably need to take stronger action if you take my meaning.

Again, time presses as the schedule is full so I gotta run.

Thanks for letting me inside your head, if only to give you something to ponder.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Don't take any wooden nickles...

Greetings good citizen, once again the schedule dictates I won't have time for a 'proper post' , between work and social obligations I'll be chasing my tail most of the day.

So, what would be helpful in a brief post? An extension of yesterday's admonition to stop being a chump!

What a wonderful world it would be if people learned to trust their own judgement. Problem with that is we are 'too used to' being told we're WRONG!

You are NOT Wrong [unless you're a conservo-whacko, which returns us to the axiom 'stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.']

Think about your 'mantra' (popularized by the freakin' Libertarians) The one about your being 'socially liberal' and fiscally conservative?

Do you have a clue what those two stances represent?

On the surface it translates to your aren't disturbed by other people's 'personal preferences' [socially liberal] your 'fiscally conservative' meme means you believe in 'responsible spending'...

What does it REALLY mean?

Socially Liberal [in conservo-speak] actually means you don't give a shit about the rights of others, that you could care less about human trafficking or the debt driven social model that has been foisted off upon us (you included.)

And let's take a look at 'fiscally responsible'...shall we? It means having all the money they want for a 'strong military' and no money for those made destitute by the conservative's bungling of the economy.

DON'T EVER REPEAT THAT AWFUL MEME! {Of being 'socially Liberal and fiscally conservative because it SCREAMS 'and I'm an idiot although I'm pretty sure you figured that out without my telling you!

So, good citizen...nix to the wooden nickels thing, okay?

Trust YOUR judgement.



Friday, March 17, 2017

Laws? What Laws???

Greetings good citizen, as the over-coddled pay to get things the way THEY like them [remember, the global economy is in tatters because THEY created 'the cheaper there' that doesn't really EXIST!

Worse, good citizen, with the selling of 'the cheaper there' they also stole YOUR GRIP ON REALITY!

If you'll fall for a ruse like that, what else are you, [sorry but here it is] STUPID ENOUGH TO SWALLOW?

Shall we count the FRAUDS they have perpetrated on you or are you doing the math in your head?

Shall we start with the 'Forever War' or move on to the mortgage mess with all of its interwoven cheats like houses as piggy banks or the latest swindles revolving around medical marijuana?

Will the endless quest for 'the greater fool' ever cease?

Not as long as YOU sit there and take it...and you will because you HAVE NO REAL CHOICE!

The Jokers are running the asylum and you'd do well to be very afraid!

So we return to the subject at hand...What Laws?

Each new administration acts like it's the first to arrive and what went before is inconsequential...they are/become their own 'Imperial Presidency'.

Romneycare, the healthcare plan the 'Token President' is credited with will go down in history as a gift to the insurance companies. The newly christened 'Make Murika Great' healthcare plan is what we had before 'mandated insurance' and is a step backwards from where we should be, single payer.

But what is America if we don't 'safeguard the profitability of the shareowners?' [a really massive boondoggle since ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!]

It's safe to say you buy into the fraud because most of you are too heavily invested in it to back out now...but what if, like the mortgage market, the whole thing was due to collapse in the face of the failure of the greater fool market?

If nobody is fooled, who will buy?

Already a problem because the greatest fool is sitting in the White House, not realizing the swamp he's been raging about drained itself thirty years ago.

The only thing lefts are some truly grotesque leeches that the morons running things can't figure out how to exterminate.

Don't even try to figure that one out, it's beyond your mental horsepower rating...sucker!

It's a damning indictment but if the foo shits...ya know?

Wake up people cuz this isn't a dream, it's a god-damn nightmare!

It's only gonna get worse until we put a stop to it.

Just something for you to think about as you prepare for the weekend...such as it has become.

What? Oh, How long are you going to be a chump? My bad, I keep forgetting you're a little on the stupid side.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Blind, Deaf and Dumb

Greetings good citizen, you should all KNOW what the terms in today's title mean but why do I feel compelled to explain them? Probably a personal fracture manifesting itself. If you can't figure them out, look them up!

Among today's many headlines was this story regarding the budget 'blueprint' submitted to congress for their consideration.

First thing to keep in mind is Mr. Trump DID NOT pen this budget personally, his 'handlers' did!

In fact, the people 'pretending' to run things commonly are so divorced from the actual work of honing the details to make the plans they call 'mandates' work as to be totally ignorant of them.

We live in a 'delegated world' good citizen where appointees, who report to other appointees and designated department heads make decisions that effect your everyday life OFTEN WITHOUT EVER BEING SEEN BY THE PERSON UNDER WHOSE AUTHORITY THEY ARE ENACTING THEM!

The honest answer to why this nation is so screwed up is we have FAR TOO MANY 'loose cannons' rolling around!

Why? The answer once again is 'deniability'. They SO FEAR prosecution that they delegate responsibility to the few that don't give a crap what the outcome affects!

This isn't justice nor is it due process...this is the inmates running the asylum!

How sad is it these self-important morons have been playing 'do as I say and not as I do' for more than forty years?

How frightening is it good citizen that this whole 'illusion of representation' we've been sold has become the longest running puppet show in history?

Too many 'loose cannons' [authority vested in people with mental deficiencies and axes to grind] making legislation that isn't necessary because they are TOO STUPID TO KNOW BETTER!

We pretend to elect a new leader every four years but it's the 'appointees' that run things and we have ZERO input/control over what these morons do...worse, neither does the leader we supposedly elect so WTF?

Isn't it time we remove the self-interested from the corridors of power?

ABOLISH CONGRESS, let the people that must live under the law decide! [Who thought it was a good idea to remove this power from the governed? Oh yeah, it was the criminals that founded this great cluster F***!]

Can't be prosecuted if you ARE the law!

The nation's frustration over the direction of our 'rudderless' civilization won't end until we purge the feckless from their seats of power.

How do we make THAT happen? by making their nominal 'bosses' accountable!

The law will only get goofier until we do.

In fact the single largest complaint on everyone's lips is 'unaccountability'.

They didn't screw around in the old days.

I'd LIKE TO say this is only 'common sense' but those running with scissors, making laws that make NO SENSE prove continually there is no such thing as 'common sense'.

Because sensible people have nothing in common with the power hungry freaks that seek political power!

So which one are you...or are you all three?

One thing is for sure, we have no room in our political process for anyone afflicted with even one of these deficiencies. Stop being so 'literal': people with perfect vision can still be blind and people only hear what they want to hear, making them effectively 'deaf' and let's not even get started on 'dumb'...

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It has begun...

Greetings good citizen, does it grind your gears when people in positions of authority interpret the law as they wish, when they wish?

One of the major problems tearing civilization apart is 'special provenance' when it comes to the law. If YOU kill someone, even in self-defense, you WILL stand trial for murder...not so when someone wearing a tin badge tazes someone to death.

That murder gets a pass because it was committed 'in the line of duty', same thing goes for the 'suspect' found shot in the back while wearing handcuffs.

The 'pat response' to this judicial leniency often given in these cases is "I have to work with these people every day..."

So the message is...if you want to get away with murder, get a gun and a badge. The judge won't touch you because he has to get along with 'you people'.

Understand, this is a fairly new wrinkle only evident since Morning in America [when police were mandated to wear bullet-proof vests as part of their job] and became all to real after The Patriot Act was implemented.

This above the law behavior is precisely what tore apart the Empires of old and ours will be no exception.

No irony is lost on the fact that crime began to rise as the OWNERS of this nation returned to their bid to monopolize the world's markets.

If there is an Elephant in the room, that's it!

We also can't discount the out of control rise in the global working aged population we're being told 'more education' will keep them in check.

The jobs don't exist...and the body armor doesn't cover their heads. Not that they care. [If you don't like the answer, talk to the hand!]

If anybody has the right idea it's the One Percent. They know full well a LOT of law enforcement will die in the coming battle against 'the rabble'. It's okay, they're expendable.

But I digress, the problem with giving ANY nitwit an inch is they'll take a mile, making an already toxic situation worse when cops start handing out tickets BECAUSE THEY CAN!

Remember, the judge isn't going to take your side because HE has to work with these people...and he's reasonably certain YOU aren't going to find out where he lives and slap him silly for not siding with you.

It's the old 'path of least resistance' strategy...understand, first and foremost, YOU will ALWAYS be the path of least resistance.

Until you're not (and they are certainly going the right way for that to become reality.)

Civilization is hanging by a thread, and you can see the signs of 'implosion' everywhere.

I will repeat the ironic warning from the 60's...THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED.

Keep your eyes peeled, it has begun!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: Not the revolt, the 'uprising' preceding the revolt has begun.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Out of touch

Greetings good citizen, now that the usurpers [of the Reagan palace coup fame] have succeeded in trashing any semblance of political unity what will become of the 'ungovernable land?'

Understand the deliberate destruction of the public trust coupled with dismantling of the global economy isn't being perpetrated for nothing...OR we are experiencing a revolution so radical that even the perps don't appreciate the gravity of their actions.

Politics are the vehicle we use to reach consensus, if politics are poisoned, there can be no agreement and without agreement there can be NO DEMOCRACY!

But that's NOT what's on the table, is it good citizen? It's not Democracy that's on trial here, it's CAPITALISM! [and, by extension, the laws governing money that have left us in the brink of social collapse!]

This isn't Neverland, good citizen. we can't simply click our heels together three times and wish for some idyllic past THAT NEVER EXISTED!

Yet many seem prepared to do exactly that with all of this talk of 'alternative facts' and their denial of reality.

But that's not you, good citizen. You visit here for Anti-Venom.

I suspect most weren't expecting how crazy things would become when the lies supporting capitalism began to unravel as we are seeing around the planet.

The more 'fantastic' this exercise in self-delusion becomes, the crazier things are going to get so buckle up good citizen, it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets any better.

Just something else to consider as we commence another work week that we really shouldn't be doing if we are earnest about saving ourselves and our children.

[You really should be on strike.]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Action vs. do nothing

Greetings good citizen, the self-interested that act in their own best interests want you to lean back and enjoy the ride. They don't want you interrupting their plans or even considering your lot in life, the direct product of their ill-considered machinations.

Nope, sit there and shut up...and most of us do [because we wouldn't know where to begin if we were to make our displeasure known.

Who would you tell? Some temp intern that works in the office of your elected representative? [Might as well tell the toilet your problems and pretend to flush them away when you're done for all the good that would do.]

Perhaps I'm too young to remember a 'responsive' elected official but you sure can't find one now [if it isn't campaign season and even then, they are only interested in addressing issues nobody else cares about.

Bring up a mess their inaction created and watch them do the sidestep! It's ALWAYS the other party's fault! [How convenient for them?]

El Trumpo was supposed to break the 'gridlock' so emblematic in Washington in our post 'Morning in America'society. [Keep voting Republican, fools!] We can already see how that's going to work out. [Same old, same old anyone?]

Once again I belabor the obvious when I point to the fact there are NO democrats/liberals in politics. They don't exist, they were defunded by the same interests that have decimated the global economy.

The 'Progressives' are some unknown quantity recruited by the conservatives to PRETEND to oppose them...but the simple minded can't see that so they believe these imaginary 'liberuls' are the fly in the ointment.

"We HAD TO write it that way or the liberuls would never let us pass it!"

How fortunate for those running this CF that their constituency doesn't think? [Even more fortunate is how the ones that do don't have a clue where to begin?]

Which brings us to the other elephant in the room...what going to happen in 2020?

You got it, MORE OF THE SAME!

What are you going to do about it?

Come on, it's a gimme...hell, it's part of the title of this piece (chicken little!)

Alright, name calling isn't fair and your 'inaction' allows you to 'fight another day'.

Which brings us to the other wildcard. When it is TIME TO FIGHT, WILL YOU?

Probably not...or perhaps if only to defend you and yours from the mindless mob [but if you find yourself there it's already too late.]

Just think how 'wise' I'll look then? Newsflash good citizen, I have zero interest in looking either smart OR wise, I want to put an end to the recklessness that is tearing our society apart.

Capitalism MUST END, the sooner the better or the capitalists will kill us all!

The people running things know they are onboard the Titanic but they have no idea [besides a return to monarchy] on how to 'fix' things...and again monarchy ain't the answer!

Rebel, an old, dear friend of mine was fond of saying, "If you've got a better idea we'd all love to hear it!" but he was being facetious, he knew nobody is interested in rocking the boat...most of all YOU!

[Not a 'blanket condemnation'. Some of you would switch in a heartbeat, the rest of you fear losing what you've fought so hard to gain/steal [mostly steal] when in the end you and yours would be FAR better off after the change.]

Good news for my supporters, Anti-Venom is roughly a third complete so your 'handbook' to the coming revolt will be available soon!

Be sure to get a copy before the greedheads ban it!

[Isn't sedition fun?]

Thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head,


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturation overload

Greetings good citizen, welcome to the mandated cover-up of the failure of capitalism via 'government statistics'. Now the BS is getting mighty deep as they attempt to gloss over how bad things have gotten.

Today's headlines cheer the low [but wildly inaccurate] unemployment rate and the addition of 235,000 jobs last month...which sounds like progress until, again, you start doing the math.

In order to keep up with an ever expanding labor force, the economy needs to add that many jobs PER WEEK. [Something it hasn't done since Reagan took over and unemployment got a 'facelift' to make the Republican's look good!]

You have to keep your eye on the ball good citizen! The population is exploding and with it the dire need for participation in the labor force! Why are we experiencing a [global] 'refugee crisis'? Because of the failure of capitalism!

Wouldn't be happening if THEY did things 'correctly'. [Job One: Scrap capitalism...mother nature doesn't have a cash register...and if a paycheck is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us!]

What's fueling the 'wars/civil strife' around the globe? Failure to launch. Kids unable to start a life of their own because they have been 'priced out of the market'. [IQ test, who has the power to do that?]

That, good citizen, is the number one political 'hot potato' on the planet! [Yet NOBODY IS ACKNOWLEDGING IT! If they ignore it, it doesn't 'go away'...]

If YOUR kids aren't living in our basement it isn't likely this issue is even on your radar because it sure is absent from the political dialog in this country...and when your grand-kids...the one currently growing up in YOUR basement finally reach the age where they want to leave the nest...what do you think is going to happen?

Or have you already 'resigned yourself' to the idea the only solution to this problem is the 'ultimate solution'?

Understand, the people responsible for ignoring the 'Elephant in the room' are planning to sail away to safety while the world they mismanaged is incinerated. Don't worry, they already know just how many nukes to use and where to target to avoid/minimize nuclear winter.

If you cringe at the idea of exile...the idea of subjecting those too destitute to make their way to their 'safe haven' [ever notice 'the tropics' contain zero targets of military interest? Think that's a coincidence?]

Some of you believe there are 'too many people' and in your crooked little mind, secretly agree that we need a terrible war or a plague or a famine or pestilence...just pick a horseman?

This is twisted thinking of those who would rather KILL than SHARE.

Grow the fuck up!

The very people you hope to exterminate are the ones who will likely solve the problem of getting off this rock before we overrun it's carrying capacity!

Understand, genetics is funny but it is very rare for genius to be born to the stupid [even rarer for the stupid to recognize and accept what genius has to tell them, so narrow minded and greedy are the stupid.] that if we exterminate those with better ideas our chance to survive is greatly diminished.

In order to flourish as a species we must free ourselves of the tyranny of greed. The More for Me mindset [bent on exterminating the best of us] has to go.

We must stop letting the stupid make choices for us.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: there is power in truth...if you possess the courage to embrace it.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Greetings good citizen, it becomes increasingly apparent that even economists [especially ones lucky enough to secure employment with the government or the media have] zero clues as to what they're talking about.

That’s changing. Over the last 15 years, according to a new study, men have been as likely to move into predominantly female jobs as the other way around — but not all men. It’s those who are already disadvantaged in the labor market: black, Hispanic, less educated, poor and immigrant men. While work done by women continues to be valued less, the study demonstrates, job opportunities divide not just along gender lines but also by race and class.

Why Men Don’t Want the Jobs Done Mostly by Women JAN. 4, 2017

Republican Men Say It’s a Better Time to Be a Woman Than a Man JAN. 17, 2017

How to Beat the Robots MARCH 7, 2017

More Women in Their 60s and 70s Are Having ‘Way Too Much Fun’ to Retire FEB. 11, 2017

The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It’s Automation. DEC. 21, 2016

Um, what's 'wrong' with this picture is the assumption that people a half a step from dumpster diving are replacing roles traditionally filled by females.

Has nothing to do with anything...such is the nature of 'desperation'.

How quaint that the media continues to sell such notions as 'man's work' and 'women's work'?

These days we are seeing a scramble to fill jobs that pay a steady income so people can enjoy the LUXURIES of living indoors and eating [somewhat] regularly.

What we are not seeing here in print is how some folks are working two and three of these 'women's jobs' and STILL not making 'ends meet'.

In yet another heavily ignored statistic we are sinking in a sea of 'working poor'.


The 'More for ME crowd has a LOT to answer for...while our politicians dodge left and right whenever the topic is raised.


Let's take our list of 'related stories one by one, shall we?

Pink collar jobs...the real reason NO ONE wants them is they are typically low paying, dead end jobs.

Gender Inequality...Well, this is coming from the most 'dis-advantaged' group on the planet, republican men, who also believe the 'fairy tales' the media spews! [especially about men's work & women's work.] to beat robots? The 'formula' for beating robots is a little more complicated than slipping on an apron and heading out to the woodshed to whittle duck calls by hand.

[Actually, robotics are a net positive, it's our 'system of commerce' that needs an 'extreme makeover!']

Fulfilled...what a load of crap!...granny is sticking around so she doesn't have to eat cat food or dumpster dive.

Um, Robot Revolution...once again, we're doing it wrong!

The [capitalist's] 'ideal employee' doesn't need a break, never asks for a raise and will work in the dark & the cold without ever complaining once...problem is it's half of the capitalist 'formula for success'.

In order for robots to be 'useful' you need 'paying customers' and another thing your robot will never do is buy what it makes!

If you can't 'close the loop' your society falls apart.


This is why 'economics is more closely related to voodoo than science...because in 'real science you can't ignore 'inconvenient facts'. Like robots don't buy what they make...

But moron capitalists continue to believe this is 'someone else's problem'...

Well guess who someone else is?

Got a mirror?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Patriots and terrorists

Greetings good citizen, back in the 70's 'patriotism' was tearing this nation apart. THE government [never call it 'ours' unless you're a card carrying member of the One Percent] was sending 'OUR' children to die in a 'police action', just as they are today in W.'s 'war on an definition'.

How can ANYBODY with two brain cells still in communication with one another call themselves a 'patriot' when there is nothing even REMOTELY Patriotic about what THE Government is YOUR NAME I might add.

W. famously argued that we were fighting them over there so we wouldn't have to fight them over here...ignoring the fact that NOBODY has EVER succeeded in SWIMMING ACROSS EITHER OCEAN...and NONE of our so called enemies have navies!

But hey, it's all about keepin' Murika SAFE and you can never be too careful [or too stupid apparently.]

But the 'public' is apparently 'okay' with our rabid greedheads invading foreign nations and helping ourselves themselves to their 'natural resources' at gunpoint.

That's what they did and that's what they're doing...ain't nuthin' patriotic bout it.

Same people are already responsible for taking the food out of children's mouths and you can't get much lower than that! Homelessness is rampant, thanks largely to Mr. Hamilton's 'new' banking clever yet so toxic!


YOUR children 'terrorize' the citizens of foreign lands so the greedheads can force their resource owners into unfavorable 'deals' that make the greedheads RICHER while you and your children DIE!

May not sound 'right' to you but you aren't particularly SMART.

While the hucksters are wrapping this in the flag and selling it as an 'honor' to travel the world, MURDERING for the business interests of the One Percent, it makes YOU into the biggest idiot on two feet!

For some bizarre reason you keep forgetting who that object between your shoulders belongs to. You have to learn to THINK FOR YOURSELF as well as STAND UNITED for what's RIGHT!

Murder is still murder when you slaughter the innocent.

The resources the greedheads need to keep their Ponzi schemes rolling do nobody else any good but you're too stupid to see.

So I repeat the hymn...Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Living Wage

Greetings good citizen, as automation decimates the wage earning ability of the, er, 'working class' [the people that do all of society's 'heavy lifting'] it appears our politicians have zero interest in preserving our workforce, thereby insuring 'social stability'.

WHY do our politicians think the only thing ANYBODY is interested in is TAX CUTS? [That will allegedly yield 'trickle down' but has yet to happen!]

Are we supposed to be wetting ourselves over potential terrorist attacks our unwise foreign policy instigates or do we tremble in fear over which nation our trigger happy president will goad/insult into a nuclear exchange?

In the meantime government regulation is being trashed wholesale in a futile attempt to stimulate the economy!

What is wrong with these people?

Perhaps a better question is what's wrong with YOU?

[The answer, naturally, is nothing...because YOU have ZERO CONTROL over what the meat puppets in DC do.]

I don't need to tell YOU that the members of our society [actually ALL of them] need a 'living wage' to become full-fledged members of society.

Does anybody else notice only the do-nothing owner class is doing more than just treading water [while a large percentage of us are drowning due to the inequity of capitalism]

Understand, if we don't take steps to return equity to our society the myopic policies of those who 'pretend to govern' will result in civilization ripping itself to pieces.

Pretty straightforward stuff here but since 'Morning in America' nobody's listening.

Actually they are...the One Percent is waiting for the thud of society collapsing.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Greetings good citizen, once again we are confronted with the reality of if YOU won't stand up for yourself, NOTHING is going to happen.

What f'n planet do our so-called Republican lawmakers live on that they [like their mirror image rivals that call themselves 'progressives'] think the public is clamoring for MORE PRIVATE INSURANCE PLANS (With zero controls on rates)

WTF? Are THEY brain damaged or is it YOU that can't communicate clearly?

We WANT SINGLE PAYER, just like every other advanced nation!

Under A Simple Plan healthcare is free. Society pays you to do what you do and that's it...your money is for YOU!

Why can't our CAPITALIST LEGISLATORS get this simple idea right? Nuthin' go up top or would the investors lose their shirts if we basically went to a 'self-insured model'?

Bad news stock market zillionaires...come the revolution the stock markets around the world go 'poof' abolished along with every other 'Me First' cockamamie scheme intended to bilk the public out of what's rightfully theirs!

Is mandated Insurance any more attractive than...[pretty much what we had before] if you can't afford it, tough? Go find someplace to die!

Is this the best that the alleged alternative to liberalism can do?

No way like the old way huh?

If you can't afford it [and ya have to be able to afford it if ya want the 'tax credit'...] too bad?

Does that sit just fine with you? [Conservatives seldom visit this blog so I can't be too hard on you]

To the folks that DO 'have a care', this is what living with the decisions of the STUPID gets you...and there's only one way to change that.

IF we assume that the ONLY people who see/care about what's going on are the folks in charge [the mouth-breathers need 'constant supervision' they can't do what YOU DO because THEY aren't smart enough.] Then we truly are a 'minority' albeit a VERY IMPORTANT ONE.

WE need to band together because WE HAVE THE POWER to bring this mess to a screeching halt simply by making ourselves 'scarce'.

We ARE the lynch pin that glues the bottom to the top. Who makes the troops march, WE DO!

Sick of being a 'wind up toy' used to screw everyone else with? Because when the smoke clears, you'll be the one 'on top'.

Have more than one synapse in touch with one another? Congratulations, you're the new boss!

We MUST put a stop to this STUPIDITY, Stat!

Until then we shall have to conspire in secret, plotting how best to bring the feckless to their knees.

The whole picture changes if you view it the way the self-interested do [that the MAJORITY of us are stupid...not just a little either. In many cases it's PROFOUND!]

Learn something new everyday!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, March 6, 2017

Vanishing act

Greetings good citizen, 'less regulation' is the battle cry of the Republican/Conservative party. When they 'repealed' the anti-usury laws [extremely quietly] under W. the only 'public good' it created was for the loan-sharking industry...but understand, the law wasn't repealed to make loan sharking 'viable' again, BANKS are no longer limited on what they can charge either...

So it is our neophyte President is repealing legislation across the board without any regard for why the laws were instituted in the first place!

What do you suppose will happen when they repeal the prohibition on murder? [Given the Conservo-WHACKO philosophy that ALL REGULATION is BAD!]

Hey, here's a good one. What will YOU do when they repeal ALL taxes EXCEPT income taxes on payroll? Will you start murdering Liberals? [good luck finding one, by the way.]

Now repeat the mantra, good citizen: STUPID is PERMANENT, Ignorance can be fixed.

While they are telling us that the 'TRUMP ADMINISTRATION' is repealing legislation, wholesale what they mean is TRUMPS BACKERS are getting their 'payback' in the form of repealing legislation implemented to PROTECT you!

Let me repeat myself: ALL MONEY IS FUNNY! So 'facilitating' pretty much IMAGINARY cost savings does humanity ZERO GOOD.

So we chant: STUPID IS PERMANENT, Ignorance can be fixed!

Only STUPID PEOPLE march in the streets expecting things to may as well shout at the sky if you don't like the weather for all the good it does anyone.

They [used to] let you march in protest because it provided an alternative to ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING!

Is THIS the 'change' you were hoping for when you cast your ballot for the 'outsider'? [What part of BILLIONAIRE don't you get?] STUPID IS PERMANENT, Ignorance can be fixed.

How long will we let them get away with pretending we are at the mercy of the mentally challenged?

In what should be a lead pipe cinch, we should ignore citizen's united and, for the protection of our species, enact legislation the prohibits ANYONE who doesn't have an IQ of 100 [average] from voting.

Letting the stupid make decisions they don't understand puts our entire species at risk [of extinction.]

Did you see that video by George Carlin on youtube? The one where he asks why we find ourselves in a perpetual state of 'education reform'?

Let's ask the STUPID what they think of that video. [Understand, good citizen, these are the same people News Corp has scared spitless we will have a Zombie Apocalypse any day now...

Do we REALLY want these people voting?

Worse, did the 'fortunate few' ask themselves the same question a few decades ago when they found a 'willing sap' to be their 'meat puppet'? [The 'B list' actor Ronnie Reagan.]

They obviously decided they would let us pretend to vote but the decisions that mattered needed to be made by 'wiser heads'

How tragic is it that these are THE SAME 'wiser heads that brought us PAYDAY LENDERS?


STUPID IS PERMANENT, Ignorance can be fixed!

So which one is it going to be good citizen...[like YOU have a choice.]


Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rabbit Hole

Greetings good citizen, funny how simple thought experiments can lead to major novels. Can you imagine the conversation that started the novel 'Alice in Wonderland'?

How deep is a given rabbit hole? I'm betting the answer remains rhetorical because nobody has done a definitive study on various breeds of rabbits and actually exhumed their habitats with the precision of an archeological dig.

Besides, in this context, the comparison remains rhetorical.

The 'rabbit hole' is an allegory for the question of 'what is being hidden from us?' Like our real world counterpart, we can't see inside but we can make guesses.

One of the rabbit holes that perplexes us the most is the one that keeps the trains running and the delivery trucks rolling. We KNOW this is the product of people showing up faithfully and doing what they're paid to do.

What we don't know is who makes the decisions and why?

Why is there a shortage today and a glut tomorrow? (often rapidly followed by another shortage...followed by a 'calm period' where the rest of us are milked like cows as they [the decision-makers] bilk us for what they can get...and our courts do NOTHING.)

Just that sentence alone tells you we are living in a world run by rapacious Rand-ite Libertarians who are as clueless as they are greedy.

Do we ask 'who blinked' or were the 'less than vigilant's' corpses swept under the rug while they were preparing their case?

MUCH of what you witness everyday is a crime yet it has been going on so long you ignore it as 'business as usual'.

YOU have lost touch with the basic tenants of 'what's important' [liberty, freedom, prosperity FOR ALL, not just the self aggrandizing few!]

Yessiree Bob, we is bein' led by a pack of criminals...but they also made themselves 'the law' so there is NOBODY to prosecute 'em!

Consider your position well.

I provide but one example but you can put together countless we must ask ourselves, 'miscarriage of justice' or corrupt system?

Your, er, 'conclusion' matters deeply to the kind of world YOUR CHILDREN will inherit.

NONE are more deeply deluded than those who believe this is 'God's Will'. It is the Will of EVIL calling itself God.

Had enough? let me know when you're ready to DO SOMETHING About it [like go on strike...who is the RETARD that keeps leading protest marches and getting people arrested/doused in pepper spray...did you see the latest video? The cops have the stuff in gallon bottles! Who saw THAT coming?

Somebody did because that's a lot of irritant to use on the solitary hapless citizen!

Yet another 'awkward fact'...the blue wall doesn't exist to protect YOU, it exist to protect THEIR REAL BOSSES, the ONE PERCENT.

Worse, WE PAY THEM FOR IT! [figuratively speaking.]

The blue wall MUST FALL. [The world will be a safer place.]

Our civilization is seriously 'off track' and it's going to take a major overhaul to get us back where we belong...fighting TOGETHER, not one another! [This is how the criminal escapes justice.]

These pieces that defy what you've been taught to believe are the most difficult ones to publish but it appears most of you dismiss the truth because you don't recognize rational're too caught up in preserving your crumbling empire.

Step out of line and it all goes 'poof'...just like its going to anyway. Their promises are no good and you'll be lucky to collect half of what you've got coming to you. [While karma pays you back double at every left turn you take and every blind eye you feign.

In a paraphrase, don't let ME judge you, that is not my purpose/intent...only YOU can judge what you have done and where that leads...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Playground politics

Greetings good citizen, not that this is new and in some cases parents have actually taught their kids how to wait until the teacher is distracted to (or to cause that distraction to happen) so they could get away with whatever scheme they had dreamt up?

Look at out political environment since 'Morning in America' and tell me it doesn't seem like we've all been transported back to the playground [elementary school] and the teachers assigned to 'keep the peace' have all snuck off behind the dumpster to share a joint(...or three?)

Once again I ask my readers, where are the adults? Why, regardless of who we elect, do we get more defense spending and less social services? Why do our politicians think we need more, expensive and convoluted ways to teach the three 'R's' when the 'new math' they were taught is an obvious failure?

WTF good citizen, are the inmates running the asylum?

What did YOU learn at YOUR parents knee? Chances are YOU didn't teach your kids to 'circumvent' authority nor did you set the extremely bad precedent of telling them it was okay to lie to strangers thinking it would never dawn on them that this meant it was okay to lie to YOU if it meant avoiding punishment...

Yup, you'd never do THAT...did you have to go back later and try to undo it? No...oh well. Now that's what I call a Class A self-inflicted wound.


Now you're soaking in it. Do we need to visit the mirror again?

Just a tiny thought experiment here but WHERE DID YOU THINK 'Weasels' came from?

It's sort of a breeding thing. Most weasels are proud of their duplicitous nature and how easily others are fooled but think again. Most people can spot a weasel from a mile away.

Ironically, it is the one thing most of us take our kids aside and warn them about.

Yet we're neck deep in weasel behavior so something's not taking...or is this due to the eye that never blinks. The one that made parenting so much easier? [It's also the same medium that RELIGIOUSLY portrays parents as CLUELESS...ever wonder why your own kids DON'T LISTEN TO YOU?

The kids learn from that thing and we are living with the results.

Understand good citizen, IF WE DON'T start filtering what impressionable young minds are processing/exposed to, they won't have the tools necessary to cope with the 'real world'.

How pathetic am I since I'm a member of the first generation to be raised by the 'electric babysitter'? But in it's 'infancy' TV wasn't as TOXIC as it is today.

Between the thought leaders on social media to the tripe twelve year olds are writing for television these days we must 'pull the plug' on 'reckless programming'.

How sad is it that there are no adults to make those decisions? Have we already doomed our civilization at the altar of predatory merchandising?

Sure looks that way.

I will repeat [hoping that maybe, this time it will sink in to some of you] Thank you for letting me inside YOUR HEAD!


PS: If not us, who, if not now, when?

Friday, March 3, 2017

State of Fear

Greetings good citizen, as unrest grows over unpopular GOVERNMENT policies, POLITICIANS are looking to 'stiffen' legislation and legal response towards activities said politicians find 'threatening'.

ONCE AGAIN I point to the IDIOCY of 'protesting'. Want the self interested to stand up and take notice? GO ON STRIKE! SHUT DOWN THE PUBLIC RESOURCES THAT MAKE COMMERCE POSSIBLE!


WTF people...are you TRULY STUPID?

This isn't about 'patriots and oppressors, it's about Slavers vs SLAVES...and guess what side 99% of you are on?

Makes the ONE PERCENT LOOK PRETTY STUPID, doesn't it? [but who keeps doing the same thing, each time expecting a different result? YOU!]


I'd thank you for trying to let me inside your head but the folks LEADING you INTO THE STREETS are MORONS!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Celebrity President

Greetings good citizen, there is a long history of 'celebrities' running [usually mock campaigns] for the top office in the land which should tell you something about the 'illusion of representation' our political process fosters.

So it is that our 'dazed and confused' public rumor mills started this rumor, prompting the associated denial you'd expect from a sensible woman of her stature.

What an honor to become the nation's first black female president but the job is about a lot more than becoming a footnote in the history books.

Again, I find it appalling that the 'general public' [or a least the people the media holds up in front of the camera as being 'average Americans'] have NO FREAKIN CLUE who is qualified to be the leader of this [or any other for that matter] nation!

More, er, 'disturbing' is the lack of a consensus on what qualities such an individual needs to be versed in.

It is alarming in the extreme that ALL of the REPUBLICAN [including the winner] candidates ran for 'Commander-in-chief' although The Donald did 'out-schmooze' the pack with his decidedly DEMOCRATIC/LIBERAL campaign platform!

No irony should be lost that El Trumpo ran on issues TRADITIONAL REPUBLICANS pretend don't exist!

Now that he's been elected he's handing out pork like there was no tomorrow and surprise, surprise, the f'n stock market is BOOMING!

It was long ago proven that Wall Street has NOTHING TO DO with Main Street yet our moronic pundits continue to report stock market leaps like they were indeed measuring the 'life-blood of the nation'

Further proof that stupid is permanent.

How many of YOU realize the rich getting richer does YOU absolutely ZERO GOOD?

So few? I'm not surprised because there are A LOT of stupid people out there.

How many times can they convince you that voting Republican and getting identical results to the last time yet doing it AGAIN believing each time things will be different? It is the textbook definition of insanity!

Face facts good citizen, you may not be insane but too many of your Facebook friends are...

Since I post a link to these essays on Facebook it is fitting at this point to remind you that it is never my intention to tell you what to think, but rather to provide you with something to think about.

If someone didn't disturb the furniture in that complacent world you hide in, you'd choke to death on the dust!

Shake it up a little, a 'fixed mind' is a terrible waste!

That said, how many of you will be surprised if Oprah [like Trump] turns up on the ballot in the next dozen years (seeking a tri-fecta.)

The Republican's keep running Demo-men yet the job is to preserve YOUR LIBERTY and build a nation where all are free to pursue a life of quiet fulfillment.

Life shouldn't be filled with the desperate urge to go to work if only to escape the constant complaining of your spouse either regarding the state of the house you share or the perpetual lack of funds you chronically suffer from.

Neither one is 'accidental'. Your hand to mouth existence isn't a 'bad break', it is so others can live the good life AT YOUR EXPENSE...but you don't hear the politicians talking about that on the campaign trail, do ya?

Things won't get better until you refuse to put up with their BS!

Think about it.

Oh, and don't be a moron thinking this isn't 'anybody's fault'. It is DELIBERATE and it is definitely the One Percent's fault!

Telling yourself that poverty is a 'perpetrator-less crime' is like pretending God can see 'everything...sometimes'.

Wake up and smell the horseshit!

Thanks for letting me intrude on your bubble,
