Thursday, May 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, received another communication from the 'OUR revolution' people and amazingly it is apparent they didn't get the memo about draining the F'n swamp!

What is this 'fascination' with committees? Then they purposefully create committees at cross purposes with one another?

This is 'progress'? [if you ask me and no one is, this is the One Percent, via their meat puppet Republican arm, pissing in the faux democrat's granola.]

Add to this nonsense the idea of letting all 50 states draw up their own guidelines and you have a recipe for what already plagues politics, gridlock.

Worse, they made up a short list of 'State Priorities' (each with a committee to organize supporters and raise public awareness) Is anyone amazed that not one of the issues plaguing our lives made it onto this short list?

The ORIGINAL list was topped by INCOME INEQUALITY but since the wealthy are expected to foot the tab for this Kabuki dance it's no mystery that that this 'priority' vanished.

Just a suggestion here but overall equality, like the variety 'suggested' as the foundation of our legal system [where EVERYBODY is 'equal' in the eyes of the Law (but that's not true because law enforcement is almost NEVER held accountable) unless it screws up and the powerful are accidentally subjected to said 'equal treatment'.]

The H.A.E. is the tool that will combat this tendency of considering some pigs to be 'more equal' than the rest of us. [Human Anti Exploitation Law for those of you who can't remember acronyms if your life/freedom depended on it...]

We (as a species) can't move forward without a level, unobstructed playing field.

Those who are convinced this is their world and their life leave the rest of us no choice but to eject them from society. Either we all march together or you take the long walk alone.

In this respect there is no room for 'parties', your 'lifestyle choices' must be separate from the path of human development!

Somehow I suspect you aren't going to find a political interest group out there in support of removing the greedy hands of the self-interested from the helm of the human race.

Leaderships positions should only be awarded to those who possess the vision to devise workable solutions to the problems facing humanity. This is what the tests will determine.

I get to pick the low hanging fruit of abolishing cash thereby eliminating corruption. None of this is possible if corruption isn't ELIMINATED.

Banking becomes an internal function of the division that employs you. Since the ONLY way to obtain money is to work for it {and that goes for EVERYBODY} you have no way to transfer funds PERIOD. Being in possession of 'cash substitutes' is an exile offense, being caught trading them is automatic exile.

That's how 'hard line' we have to be to eliminate corruption. Um, since there is no cash you should literally have nothing in your pockets.

Chances are slim that an edible will be used for barter since they will be universally available and nobody would risk exile for something easily and legally obtainable. [Yet some people are incredibly DUMB.]

Oh and scams will be EVERYWHERE! That won't go away. Getting over on the unsuspecting is what gets these A-holes out of bed in the morning, [talk about twisted nevermind 'broken'.]

The good news here is Mr. 'I can't help myself' won't be able to use his character flaw as his defense at his hearing. If you can't adapt to an honest lifestyle you will be eliminated from the future genepool via exile.

I digress but do so to demonstrate what we would HOPE the political class would be aiming at in their quest to reform electoral politics.

One thing is certain: this BS can't go on.

Worse, even if the 'faux Dems' score a major upset in the upcoming midterms, NOTHING will change and we will be faced with another 'poisoned well' in just two more short years.

Beneath it all the feckless One Percent know they can't keep pulling the same stunt [stolen elections] and continue to get away with it.

People have already lost faith in the corrupt process that produces horrible consequences EVERY TIME. [Since and starting with Nixon.]

We can no longer tolerate leaders without vision who turn a blind eye towards justice [that's the stain on the Obama 'residency'] He promised change then changed nothing.

If you want more of the same then go to the polls and flip/circle the R or the D and walk away thinking you've done your 'civic duty' knowing full well you ain't done nuthin!

The idea of CHANGE frightens you but the fact that change is COMING and if you aren't part of the solution you are by default part of the problem.

ACT before you are acted upon!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how is it when we resort to being crude, all of a sudden it's a joke?

I have never thought Roseanne was 'funny' so I never watched her show. That said I have never laughed at anything Jerry Seinfeld has said/done and if a movie has Adam Sandler or Will Farrell in it I don't watch it...(the list is getting longer, I'm just pointing at famous 'unfunny' people.)

Who cracks me up? Jim Jefferies, Bill Cosby and George Carlin. I am also partial to John Oliver and Wyatt Cenac.

But this isn't about who I think is funny/humorous. It's about the disturbing phenomenon of holding up racial intolerance as something to laugh at.

Considering the original Roseanne was (in my opinion) dreck, we can only wonder who was behind it's resurrection. Zero irony that Roseanne comes from the first wave of shows that turned TV into a entertainment wasteland, none of those programs were watchable.

Like the current president, who only succeeded at being the 'least worst choice', people watched Roseanne, not because it was 'good' but because the alternatives were worse.

Just like the most recent elections, neither was an 'accident'.

If you refuse to fund entertainment what you end up with is dreck.

Considering money = will and is the ultimate 'intangible', now perhaps you better understand where 'dumbing down' comes from. ['Cost' may have been the surface excuse but underneath it was the push to avoid anything that stimulated the intellect even modestly.]

First push was to frighten the viewer, the secondary focus was to intimidate [which is why every third show was a police procedural, H/Bollywood always gets their man!] and finally to ridicule with a ceaseless, unrelenting attack on intellectualism. The rich weren't thinkers, they were 'lucky' and they took that to the bank, sucka!

If you wanted to be rich you'd best work on getting 'lucky' because thinking would only cause you grief.

Thus did jokes become cruder and aimed at social/political targets.

Those who rob you blind certainly don't want thought provoking programming that might shine a light upon their crimes...

If TV made you think you might be tempted to actually try it. [Writing, by default, requires intellect, even if you write poorly or your subject matter is insipid. If you can't string two thoughts together you've got nothing to write about.]

Not for nothing, most people consider writing to be 'punishment', to the point essays were often assigned to 'unruly' children by teachers who knew they'd struggle with the assignment.

Yeah, where do you suppose the idea of piling on extra work as punishment came from?

[It is the foundation of the prison/industrial complex!]

Can't find work? Prisoners work for free. Think about that the next time you're bumming change on commons after your unemployment runs out.

But the world of 'entertainment' exists so you DON'T think! You watch the tube to escape your shitty reality and listen to jokes that you don't find funny and wonder to yourself how this tripe ever got on the air, who greenlit this tripe?

Why it was the thieves that work for the criminals running things.

The quicker you wake up to that FACT the sooner something gets done about it.

The part that really should disturb'd have thought of this yourself if you'd just used your head for more than a F'n hat rack!

The JOKE (such as it is), is on YOU!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's piece is an easy one, trust...because since Morning in America there is only one word that follows today's topic and that word is NOBODY.

The environment sparked by the 'Forever War' has evoked a 'drop-a-dime' culture because you can't trust ANYONE anymore, particularly trigger happy, non-lethal murdering and guilty regardless police.

Trust No One is the new national motto. The ones you need to watch out for are those 'thinker' types because they just twist shit all out of shape. If we tell you not to trust somebody , that is where you start!

Nothing worse than questioning the questioners!

Good People know that the first amendment protects you from being lied to? That's why if you hear it on the news it HAS TO BE TRUE...and 'trustworthy'!

Fox actually advertises it's coverage is 'fair and balanced' and who are you going to believe if you can't believe the media?

Unlike those other countries that don't have the first amendment to protect them, over they they are raised to trust no one!

Which explains why they don't have half of the things that we've got an take for granted...


I was going to drive this into the ground but I suspect I have made my point already.

WHO can't you trust? People you have NOTHING in common with. Pretty short list, right? Where is all of this 'paranoia' coming from? Them who took theirs and yours too.

Those who believe you should spend your days in 'quiet desperation' while you spend your nights praying to a God that doesn't exist for 'deliverance' (or at the very least some divine justice)

You, with your heart full of 'righteousness' and your head full of nonsense are apparently incapable of defying those who make your life worthless.

See the 'problem'? Of course you don't. Things are as they are 'supposed to be', you are just waiting for the 'magic' that will set you free without your having to do anything.

Then, of course, there is the 'trust' thing.

How can you trust somebody not affiliated with the media who obviously detests the government and the institutions established by our forebearers to keep us safe! Why should we trust a 'questioner'?

You'd be correct that there is more than 'doubt' being offered here and you have personally experienced the lies of those who butter their bread at your expense.

Why does this clown think you can do anything to alter your fate?

Why should we 'trust' him?

I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm telling you to trust YOURSELF.

What's the constitutionally protected media telling you? Sit, stay, heel and now here is what happened today that we CAN tell you about because we can't tell you the things that would make you grab your shotgun and gather on the town green; cross the street and lynch all of the people working in town hall!

Drive to the State House, rinse and repeat, then converge on Washington, DC...

Nope, while the constitution protects 'free speech' it doesn't entitle you to the TRUTH because even the founders DIDN'T TRUST MOST OF YOU!

What the feckless few did 'count on' was your 'gullibility', that you'd 'trust' them the same way you trust God!

[Didn't we start this exercise with the admonition 'Trust No One'? Well that goes double for 'Spirit in the Sky!']

Spirit in the Sky is brought to you by the same people who swear that your first amendment rights protects you against liars, like them.

Still, the 'trust game' is fraught with duplicity. FOR THE MOST PART you can trust those who don't stand to gain from your situation. If something happens to you, they gain nothing...which is the case for MOST of us.

Pretty sad indictment of our species but the one thing man is legendary for, even beyond his cruelty, is his duplicity and base untrustworthiness.

Because of this we ALL have 'trust issues'.

Be that as it may, the trip is long and tedious. Failing to make common cause with one another only makes it that much more difficult (but not impossible.)

We can overcome our innate selfishness (by penalizing the 'freakishly selfish') but to put it into practice we must first seize the justice system. The shitshow we call life is 'judged' by the freakishly selfish and that pot has gone toxic.

Won't fix itself, thus do I pen these missives to the 'man in the mirror'.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, May 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as living standards sink into the abyss, civility follows suit. Unsurprisingly, the latest headline involving humans being savage to one another comes to us from the 'hospitality' sector.

The already beaten to their limits restaurant worker is not someone to screw with. If your occupation involves kissing the ungrateful's ass for the bulk of your pay you're already face to face with one of the most downtrodden people you're likely to meet...but wait, it gets worse.

Service personnel who DON'T have to deal directly with the customer depend on a SHARE of the server's tips. Now let the management start commandeering the tips and you've got yourself some downright surly service personnel.

But the customer sees/knows none of this. With the typical customer never personally experiencing the ordeals that are routine for battle-hardened service personnel.

So when a customer throws hot coffee at the server because they don't appreciate the server's 'attitude' they know not what they do but that is still no excuse.

Yeah, this 'king of the hill' BS has to go. Like RESPECT, it's a two way street yet those who hold the financial 'upper hand' routinely degrade those who are held hostage for their due.

Still, there is a decided hierarchy regarding occupations with a marked gulf between people who physically labor and those who never lift a finger.

[Worse, those that make the most do nothing discernible and what they are rumored to do smacks of fraud.] (I direct your attention to the nation's capitol for a glaring example.)

RESPECT is hard won and like friendship, it must first be given to be returned.

It is here we encounter the collision between King of the Hill and its effect on general civility.

Yup, the pendulum has been swinging, driven by the 'least' of us [the self-important] towards treating perceived lesser individuals with less than due decorum.

So it is people have been less civil, which rolls downhill.

Meaning our society of 'mimics' copy the treatment they receive from their betters [who only respect the almighty $]

There's a funny thing about money. People don't respect it as much as they respect the POWER money can buy. [Thanks completely to the mismanagement of a system developed to facilitate specialization and it is this initial fraud that needs to be prosecuted in a manner the perpetrator never imagined possible.]

We all know people that disrespect anyone that doesn't have power over them, it one of the factors that make the crass among us chase a badge, stupidly thinking it will 'protect' them somehow.

Did I mention people are 'strange'?

RESPECT is a hard lesson that comes at a price. Most of us don't learn that lesson when it happens to us so we learn resentment instead.

Confused? Think back in that catalog of personal humiliations you can't quite forget about and look at it through the 'RESPECT' lens, had you been respectful wouldn't the whole situation have turned out differently? Too late now to alter the past but it's never too late to LEARN from an experience.

It's quite remarkable how vividly you can remember these tiny doses of humiliation and not be able to remember where you put your car keys ten minute later!

Like people, the mind is a close second under the weirdness category...

When I post back to back 'mental pieces' it makes me feel like I need to remind the reader that it is never my intention to tell you WHAT to think but rather to provide you with something to think about...

Thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, May 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, since the dawn of ability to share our thoughts with others of our kind there has been disturbing tendency to not want to know what the messenger has to share.

What we have to share is important and we take great pains to make ourselves understood [with most of us failing miserably, either shouted down because someone else wanted to speak or botched by our own poor command of the awkward skill we call speech.]

What you say is often not what the other person hears/comprehends.

Even putting it in writing seldom saves you. No matter how meticulous you are, someone will always take something out of context.

Hard to pin it down actually. Part of it is words that have multiple meanings and part of it is perceptual difficulties, either the individual don't understand the word or they were taught only half of it's possible meanings.

That said, the 'imprecision of speech' is driven by the limitations of intellect.

We need a much larger vocabulary than we already have just to begin to curb the mis-communication dilemma.

It is here we encounter the phenomenon of just because we CAN talk to one another doesn't mean we SHOULD.

Add to that the tendency to lie...which is often couched as 'exaggeration' when initially discovered and most people are dumbfounded when embellishments result in discovering the whole tale was a falsehood.

Like how did you get saddled with settling for a paycheck while 'fatso the liar' gets unending 'income streams'?

This ironically is not via his 'mastery' of communications nor his adeptness at fabricating falsehood but at his connection to his fellow fabricators who pretend to administer 'justice'.

Yup, even the 'Order of the Robe' isn't beyond fabricating when it meets their needs. [Think that's bad, Spirit in the Sky is a total fabrication and you're expected to 'tithe' (give 10% of your income) to the lying bastards!]

It is 'theorized' that certain hive dwelling insects possess rudimentary communication abilities but they (as close as researchers can tell) can't convey abstract ideas.

Insects also work themselves to death but that's a whole other kettle of fish...

Are you still with me?

Didn't think so, esoteric pieces don't capture the imagination of the passionate types.

And the shocker here is how from the beginning the ability to communicate has been used to 'lie'.

So useful is this ability that it was nurtured until we arrive at present day and wonder why the first person to open his fat yap wasn't bludgeoned to death [for lying.]

How ironic that the first comprehensible word was likely 'no'. Followed by the shortest word, 'I'.

Three letters and a world of shit later we arrive at the here and now, wondering how it all went wrong?

Walk it back children!

Thanks once again for letting me open your mind,


Saturday, May 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as we prepare to, er, 'celebrate' our glorious war dead [those who gave their lives protecting the feckless' interests wherever they might be] Memorial Day is perhaps better known (in the Northern Hemisphere) as the official beginning of Summer. Pretty much most people understand that nobody mourns those who faced death at the behest of people that wouldn't spit on the best part of them. So it is we have our first headline:

Trump Moves to Ease the Firing of Federal Workers

The president aims to peel back labor protections and curb the power of government unions, which assailed the actions.

Most people could care less if unions were abolished, they did NOTHING to save jobs [unless you were an E-board member.] How were the once powerful unions 'defanged'? A JUDGE decided unions had to fight 'independently'. That was the moment the unions should have flexed their muscles and purged the corrupt justice system but the valiant suffer from the same problem as the rest of us do, they are not too bright.

So as they move to make us ALL 'employees at will' [meaning you can be terminated for any reason, including the boss taking exception to your shit-eating grin that had nothing to do with him.]

THIS IS NOT "JUSTICE"! Just as being forced to accept 'arbitration' when the arbitrator works for the opposition. Or let's look at this whack-job, what law school did this clown graduate from, Whatsa matta U?


"I look at it in a real micro way. You owe me for that dead kid."

PETE ORPUT, the chief prosecutor in Washington County, Minn., on the practice of treating overdose deaths as homicides, sometimes charging the victim’s friends, family or fellow users.

Understand this is the same level of the justice system that has [nationwide] routinely refused to prosecute cops that gun down unarmed civilians.

MOST od's are due to impurities that even the user has no clue how to assess and some of 'em are flat out charging those 'known to associate' with the deceased is a literal 'witch hunt' [that primarily seeks to fill for profit jail cells] and is beyond the purview of a moronic prosecutor looking to make a name for himself.

Hemp neck ties all around or at the very minimum, exile. This isn't justice by any stretch of the imagination, it is what happens when the 'Do as I say (and not as I do) crowd seizes power.

Ironically, the unions protecting civil servants are the last ones standing...because the unions protecting commercial workers were easier to attack.

We are currently living in a 'post union' environment. It has decimated our economy and lowered our standard of living considerably.

Nobody would care if they started throwing cops off the cliff but you know it won't be them, of all employees, those are their 'enforcers' so 'The Blue Wall' is a beast of their making. That said, the 'Brotherhood of the Badge' has their own way of dealing with 'dissidents'.

In this respect you know it will be teachers and firemen who will find themselves 'churned' [terminated because they have too much pension money coming to them and the new chief gets to pocket whatever he trims from the force] just like the feckless C.E.O.'s pocketed their newly redundant workers pension funds.

Here we have a name, a location AND a confession.

[One step at a time and it's usually the dumb ones first.]

One of the greatest dangers facing our civilization is our government is being, er, 'run' by a guy most of us didn't vote for.

But conservatives are always complaining about 'tyranny of the majority'.

Is what we're experiencing now 'payback'?

Because like it or not this is what rule by the minority looks like...and they DON'T have anyone's best interests in mind but their own.

How do we restore 'balance'? [Bizarrely the feckless few have zero interest in EQUALITY which is why things are so fouled up.]

What's the base concept behind 'unions'...unite, right?

Well united we stand and divided the tyrants reign.

If you are incapable of making common cause with your fellow humans you had best try and join your pig-headed friends.

Be True.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Friday, May 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, just as the meaning of words has raised new controversy around the 'intent' of the 2nd Amendment [that the well regulated militia it specifically refers to was for slave OWNERS, who feared being outnumbered and overrun by those they exploited for personal gain.]

Well, while nobody has taken issue with it yet, allow me to bring to your attention the lowly 'ruler' and how the ubiquitous straight edge got it's, er, 'nickname'.

You don't suppose teachers started calling it a 'ruler' because it was used to beat undisciplined children with, even the term 'unruly' sprang out of this, er, 'practice' that our beat them into submission 'rote' (repetition) teaching method used to employ.

Bizarrely, since the overpopulation crisis achieved general awareness in the late 60's teachers stopped worrying about class success ratios and became more comfortable with being 'classroom monitors' where it no longer mattered if the kid understood, they'd pass anyway, even if they were profoundly dumb.

Yes good citizen, the overcrowded labor market was made 'self-regulating' that way. If a kid wasn't bright enough to 'go along to get along' then they were still considered capable of digging their own grave. [Perpetual poverty has proven to be prematurely fatal 100% of the time.]

Naturally today's topic isn't about how wooden straight edges got their name, it's about rulers that are, er, 'ineffective'.

Why the hesitation? Because it's not entirely true, the people behind those we elected to make decisions in our name without ever consulting us are doing (pretty much) what their Masters ask of them.

The fact they haven't started a civil war is mostly due to a deft media that has diffused obvious heavy-handedness before the perpetually confused public could rally against it.

How many times can you say 'Oops' before it becomes a pattern and no longer a 'one-time' mistake?

Ironically, nobody has/is apologizing for the 'ruler'.

These days it would take a considerable amount of parsing to connect the 'lord of the classroom' to 'the Master of all they surveyed'.

Once upon a time [less than three hundred years ago, in fact] Rulers were still 'omnipotent'. [Think that's bizarre, it been less than a hundred years since women were liberated from being 'chattels'.]

Most of you are ignorant as to just how 'DARK' the dark ages really were!

But fear not, the Republican usurpers [of 'Morning in America' fame] plan on refreshing all of your memories sooner than any of you imagine (as soon as the 'forever emergency' enters its next phase.)

You needn't scratch the surface of the one percent's veneer too deeply to reveal that a woman's place remains somewhere between barefoot, pregnant and the kitchen.

Needless to say money has damaged men's minds beyond repair (not that you won't find your fair share of 'liberated' females who equate cash with 'freedom' [when nothing could be further from the truth.]

Who cares? Certainly not you! We don't have Rulers anymore. This is a democracy where we elect our leaders and they do whatever their major campaign contributors tell them to do. [Somehow your 'vote' got lost in the shuffle, it no longer matters.]

The 'process' is gamed. It runs on money and the one percent controls over fifty percent of it...any questions? No, in fact they DON'T have 'anything better to do'. The 'more for me' crowd isn't known as the 'Freakishly Selfish' for nothing!

They are both myopic and relentless.

Their single greatest fear is that someone will come along and level the playing field they consider 'theirs' for far too long.

All it takes it the stroke of a pen and the exile of some hundred thousand self-serving idiots.

In all, each nation/state will produce in excess of a million exiles each during the first year of 'true democracy/self-rule'. This bird didn't fly itself, its riddled with (mostly mindless) operatives.

Which is to belabor the obvious, declaring freedom and actually establishing it are two separate issues. Thus are the first moves critical.

The H.A.E. removes the 'job as hostage' from the slaver's tool belt. Your right to membership can't be held hostage [and if it is the wrong people are back in charge!]

Abolish banking and money will be restored to its one useful purpose of allowing the 'specialist' to build the kind of life they want to live!

Commerce doesn't exist to enrich its owners, it exists solely as a means of distributing goods and services to where they are needed.

Money serves to restrict access to 'high demand' products. Rarity is a fact of life and we can't all have the very best all of the time [as the One percent is fond of demonstrating...]

Once their sticky fingers are permanently removed from the till, the distribution of life's 'finer things' will be regulated via how much of your 'money' you want to part with?

Nobody GETS the money, once you spend it it is merely erased from your account.

It disappears back to where it came from, nothingness. [Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register.]

Understand, when money = prosperity; this lays the foundation for people = property. Now toss machine labor into this mess and watch the pot boil over in an economic catastrophe of epic proportions!

Problem is the 'ignorant' among us PRETEND not to believe we have returned to being the 'vassals/subjects' of the 'artificially wealthy'.

Our rulers ignore the problems they inflict upon society as they feather their bed at our expense. [Where is all of the opium coming from?] Who keeps arming the 'terrorists'? Who keeps trafficking humans? why doesn't the justice system address any of these issues? you KNOW the answer!]

How do we get rid of the 'Freakishly Selfish'?

A Simple Plan, and idea whose time is overdue!

Humanity UNITE!

Thanks for letting the truth inside your head,


Thursday, May 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the 'faux democrats' crumble because they decided to let each state do its own thing...

But again if you still travel to the polls on election day you aren't considered bright enough to understand the implications of this 'strategy' just as the Tea Party exists to swill liquor and curse about how the damn liberals ruined Murika.

[Bizarrely their job is to bitch, not 'do'.]

Which is to point out neither knows what it's talking about.

If we boil away the BS, what's left is the ancient divide between the rule makers and the ruled.

What really rankles is how the rule makers started using the rules to enrich themselves [and they have been 'unstoppable' ever since.]

Not that they will continue to 'get away with it'. The opposition is building momentum daily as the feckless pick up the tempo of their campaign to deepen the divides between the governed.

This 'Our Revolution' is just one more 'in your face stupid' measures attempting to get out ahead of the growing distrust of 'corporate governance'.

Let me break it down for you because the part most of you fail to appreciate is the CLOCK is running here and every day more and more workers are getting tossed overboard, their paychecks being divided between the fat cats and the shareowners.

Commerce is about SURVIVAL, it is NOT about 'winners and losers' (despite the feckless' attempts to make it that way)

When GOVERNMENT FAILS to enforce this basic duty or worse, sides with the 'owners of commerce' that are seeking to maximize returns that THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO! This makes the people who keep the cogs turning, er, 'resentful' indeed [as evidenced by their constant grumbling about the feckless' scapegoat, the 'liberals'.]

Like commies, most people wouldn't know a liberal from a Martian, or a unicorn for that matter.

This isn't about liberal and conservative, it's about Rich Ruler vs. Poor 'subject'. [You only thought you got elevated to worker but once the ruler took over the government you were once again demoted to humbler than even you think subject.]

As the social frustration level continues to rise (mostly at the 'ineffectiveness' of government) we reach a dual crossroads. One is the failure to recognize that the government is EXCELLING at DENYING YOU protections, their new job is not to protect you from the rapacious but to prevent the rapacious from being prosecuted for their crimes! In that respect, those who have usurped government's powers have been incredibly effective.
The second is the level of ignorance you have been immersed in. You don't know what the government is SUPPOSED to do so you aren't sure how to judge them!

Not that our 'pretending to be asleep at the switch' media that hasn't failed...bigtime.

Nobody can bear to look at Dorian Gray's portrait after 5 decades of conservative fueled, globalized, debt-driven consumerism. It's ugliness rivals that of the Gorgon.

Back to 'tick-tock'.

You think it's too late but it's not, The feckless tried to run us off the cliff and return us to despotism, which is on the rise world-wide, but they hit the guardrail and haven't been able to penetrate it (yet.)

The thing to recognize here is the problem is LEGAL, to solve the problem we must first regain control of the legal process.

SCOUNDRELS like the ones currently in charge can't tolerate the light of day...and that's where the solution lay, in removing the cloak of secrecy that shrouds so many government functions.

ASP is 100% transparent just as it is 99% democratic. Certain sacrifices like not letting the too stupid to understand vote are unavoidable but the founders allowed slavery using their 'blind-eye'...

Absolute Liberty, like absolute power is NOT desirable (as has been repeatedly demonstrated by the feckless.)

So it is we would exclude certain members from participating as well as reserving the right to revoke anyone's membership in our 'civil society'.

W. ordered 'detention facilities' built back when we had no idea what they'd be used for, we still don't know but you can bet your boots they aren't empty or abandoned.

We've been dancing ever closer to the edge of the true purpose of this post and that would be your REFUSAL to act on what you know to be true.

You keep telling yourself if something were really 'wrong' someone (other than you) would be doing something about it.

Well, they have but you are kept ignorant of this by the bought and paid for media.

The REAL revolution will NOT be televised, or even mentioned by the media because there are a lot of angry people out there just waiting for the storm to begin!

When it does hit it will be because a major metropolis is in flames and the police have been overrun.

Until then, mum is the word.

Thanks for opening your mind and accepting the truth,


Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, from a 'mission accomplished' point of view those whose aim it was to frustrate voters by taking the civility out of civic obligations succeeded in poisoning the well of social discourse.

One would think and the conservative even pretends that they have legitimate objections to the issues they hold dear but no, it's not an 'argument' they offer, it's rejection, plain and simple. When pressed for an explanation they usually come up with the same tired variant of weakening the moral fabric of society.

They can't get more specific and become indignant when pressed. Suddenly it's 'smartypants' picking on the poor 'morally upright' kid.

What brought this on? I received an e-mail from the Our Revolution people telling me where I could go online to 'rubber stamp' THEIR agenda...

In it was a list that opposed a series of hot button issues 'our' politicians were unable to defeat when their campaign contributors submitted them to congress (usually attached to an 'appropriations bill', the 'new way' to get unpopular legislation passed.)

As I read the list I didn't see a single 'solution' to any of the social problems facing society. The very first issue was 'income inequality' but there was not even a suggestion as to how they would go about resolving this issue.

So who are our 'self-professed' revolutionaires and like the 'they came out of nowhere' 'progressives', did they think 'rebranding' themselves is all it would take to win back confidence in the 'defunded and defunct' Democrats?

Like the decidedly 'tone deaf' founders of the "We hold these truths to be self-evident' fame, the White Men decided that they spoke for every white man (the rest don't count!)

WTF? Isn't this how the whole CF got started?

Because as close as I can tell, 'Our Revolution' is simply more of the same, re-branded. Everybody knows the symptoms, why the patient is 'sick' but this agenda they put forward doesn't offer a single (workable) solution.

Actually it didn't offer ANY solutions, workable or otherwise.

If they spelled out what they intended to do about the mess the opposition has made of the nation it would drive their already wary followers into the arms of their opponents.

Especially since the objective behind 'Our Revolution' is NOT to oppose the status quo but to further divide those who do.

What does it tell you that the 'crumpled like a paper cup' Bernie Sanders sits at the head of this 'faux revolution'?

You all know what I would do to correct the social and economic problems facing our society. [Exile the feckless, outlaw cash, prohibit ownership because despite capitalist doctrine to the contrary, survival isn't competitive, it's 'cooperative'! If survival were competitive we'd be obliged to kill one another on sight.

Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope'!

That said I don't see a lot of 'support' for OR. It is ubiquitous on Facebook as the people who get paid to do such things snipe across the political no man's land at one another...and it literally is 'no man's land'.

The public has given up on politics because it has become obvious the process is corrupt and the people defending it are in league with those who would enrich themselves at our expense.

NOBODY likes being taken for a CHUMP.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it is long past time to stand up and let the feckless know we aren't going to be pushed around by their profits before people actions and attitude.

Cooperation and loyalty are two way streets. Your loyalty and especially your diligence is EXPECTED but when it it time to reap the rewards for you years of loyalty all of a sudden it's 'sorry Charlie'...

But that's only the half of it. Did you ever wonder WHY we demand a Trial by jury? Because back in the 'bad old days' the king would let one of his people sit in judgement of a situation and it was a foregone conclusion who this 'crony' would side with.

The 'jury of your peers' is there to level out that bias, which is why our legal system avoids going to trial like the plague!

Now we have the birdbrains our bought and paid for representatives appoint to jobs for life [with pay and benefits YOU can only DREAM about!]

As you can see from the article you are still being denied a trial by a jury of your peers...because the one-way dead-end control freaks running things don't care about justice or your rights.

So instead of your peers, you get an 'arbitrator' who is paid by the people giving you the shaft...

Do you even need to participate in this kabuki dance to foresee the outcome?

This isn't justice, this is talk to the hand.

there is only ONE solution to this and it's called the power of NOPE!

Ain't doin' it and you aren't going to do it either.

When Reagan fired PATCO the PLANET should have gone on strike. UNITED WE STAND.

It really is us vs them and they will push us as hard as they can to get their way...and you don't need to look very hard to see the results of shut up and do it or I'll get someone else to!

You'd like to think it wouldn't come to this but I suspect most of you know we're overdue for rope and light pole time.

YOU will NOT get your 'due' until you stand up to them and tell them *NO MORE! [While many of us would relish the opportunity to tell the boss off, EXPERIENCE teaches us that this is futile. Say what you like the boss won't listen because they don't have to, the COURTS have their back!

JOHN JAY did NONE of us (non-lawyers) a favor.

Nobody needs the implications of kids shooting up schools across the nation explained to them. It is a prominent symptom of a society without JUSTICE.

What message does the Gorsuch decision send to the working classes (who are thankful they have jobs for the moment.)

A job that pays a living wage is your RIGHT and there is no shortage of things that need doing! There is zero reason for poverty but we have it forced upon us so we won't refuse their abuse.

I think it's time to snap their whip hand off at the wrist and show them who is really in charge! It's not a matter of who works FOR who but who works WITH who!

Remember the LCD is SURVIVAL, anybody putting their survival ahead of yours is a CRIMINAL.

United we live, divided and only the CRIMINALS prosper!

That goes for anyone that denies you the ability to support yourself, they are denying your right to survive. [They will claim it's not their fault YET THEY REFUSE TO ABANDON a system that CAN'T provide jobs for more than fifty percent of us!]

It's official good citizen more than fifty percent of working aged US citizens are listed as Not in the Workforce, it's the ONLY way Trump could make Murika 'Great' again...

Do the math here, whose fault is it? We know it's not yours which only leaves one choice's theirs!

Where was your 'vote' on the issue of capitalism? Where was your vote on allowing the owners to keep the profits instead of a paycheck like the rest of us settle for?

Oh that's right, YOU DIDN'T GET ONE! And your make believe representatives pretend it isn't an issue while tens of millions are homeless and dying in the streets because they can't afford to take care of themselves.

NOPE! I don't think so. I've had enough 'talk to the hand'. Your new choice is paint a bullseye on yourself and take your case to 'arbitration' or shut up and find someplace else to work that will HOPEFULLY treat you better.

Seriously good citizen they DON'T WANT YOU TO THINK and this is why!

Either go on strike NOW or show up for work tomorrow morning and round up the companies executives, take them out to the front of the building and run them up the flag pole by their necks until you don't have any left. [Don't worry, most of 'em will quit once they figure out what you're up to. Hang 'em anyway.]

The cops will be too busy responding to all of the other 911 calls and if they do show up, string 'em up too...they are NOT your 'friends'.

Doesn't this make you and your co-workers murders? Nope, justifiable homicide is back. These people would 'kill' you and yours without a 2nd it's not murder if you are defending yourself.

When 'The State' kills in your name isn't that murder? They don't even indict killer cops anymore because they can't avoid jury trials which would convict every one of them.

It's the Wild, wild West out there good citizen. Nobody is going to avenge you if a trigger-happy cop puts a couple in you will trying to subdue someone else.

It's become an unavoidable hazard of modern 'more for me' life.

This isn't YOUR cesspool [in as much as you didn't make it] but you are forced to LIVE IN IT!

So once again I confront you with that age old question, if not US, who and if not NOW, when?

Either we UNITE [for our mutual survival] or we stand here with our thumbs up our ass while they push us out the door to starve.

UNDERSTAND: The scuzballs are at each other's throats playing 'idiot's delight' with our collective future.

Either WE end this or THEY end US...

Make tomorrow bring your SHOTGUN to work day [note to self: remember to buy buckshot] or hang 'em high day!

Don't let the feckless few run civilization off a cliff.

Thanks for letting me share my opinion,


P.S. I know you don't care about yourselves, it's too late for you...but it's not too late for your kids!

Monday, May 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it is not uncommon for a writer to wrestle with the quandary of making themselves understood. Use simple terms and you won't capture the 'essence' of what you are attempting to convey, use the 'right' terms and half of your audience will find it indecipherable.

In the end you settle for 'whoever gets it, gets it and whoever doesn't, oh well.' If you re-read yesterday's post you might better comprehend why I'm writing this one...not that the simple among us will be aided much by that tidbit.

I fear some of you either miss my point entirely or only get the 'flavor' (but none of the substance) of what I am trying to convey.

Again it returns to if you get it, you get it and if you don't, oh well.

Jury says there is no such thing as a bad student, just poor teachers that fail to make their points clear.

[In defense of the teacher, who doesn't know what they don't know. Some people are so focused on what they are doing that they don't want to learn, they merely keep trying to make what they believe true and that's religion's doing, nurturing the idea that faith can perform miracles.]

Problem with faith is it doesn't tolerate questioning and if you can't examine something closely (because it doesn't hold water) then all you have is 'faith' that it works.

Well, as I have explained repeatedly, 'faith' is used to justify the unjustifiable. Those claiming to speak for he who is strangely mute insist it is "God's will" and they know this because they have FAITH! [In your typical 'circular' defense, they claim that you'd know it was true too if you only shared their faith!]

This leads, bizarrely enough, to their pleas of how can I prove it if you refuse to believe? (Only works if you keep the circle tight!)

Yeah, we are regularly led into war on the insistence that God wants us to smite those who refuse to obey his will. [What kind of a 'feeb' is this guy? Is it even worthy of the title 'god'?]

Then our leaders alternate between telling us god is with us or on our side...which is more than just a bit strange considering the original story was this whole thing was God's idea in the first place! [Like moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv, the true Capitol of Israel to Jerusalem the 'spiritual Capitol' of Christianity.]

God's soldiers, the Evangelicals, tell us it's what he who has never been seen wants...mostly because it's what they want.

I'd like to think everybody understand the danger posed by zealotry but if that were true we wouldn't have who we have posing as our leader who is just itching to be prosecuted for crimes against the state. [And he would be if not for Fox & friends defending him 24/7.]

Which is to ask a different question: where would we be if we didn't have advertiser supported media?

News is a necessity but our news is filtered by those who pay for it. In some cases it is created by them for us...(such as the defenders of the nitwit-in-chief.) Will being taken over by Disney change this? Probably not.


Some of you will and some of you won' which we must simply shrug and say, 'oh well'.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, May 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how bizarre is it that life is like a cattle drive that we experience from the perspective of the cattle?

HBO released its reimagined version of Fahrenheit 451 last night (significant for being the kindling point of paper) and it raised the conundrum of why didn't the hopelessly stupid simply eradicate reading altogether if 'knowledge' was bad?

We are all taught to read but because there are gaping holes in our education, comprehension is about where you'd expect it to be when you only know a fraction of the whole story. In some crucial instances, just enough to be 'dangerous'.

Then there's the flipside to an illiterate society, who would maintain the technology? So we have the disturbing spectre of an educational system that strives to make YOU a 'functional idiot', smart enough to keep the rails greased but stupid enough so as to not ask why.

Ever wonder why they kept switching teaching methods? That's what they were after, functional idiot.

Like the ones that don't question the 'knack for making money' explanation taught to them regarding the thieves who run things.

What 'knack' is that? Remember when your history teacher brought up the subject of the Robber Barons and headed off the question of why is that legal...missed that day, eh? Well, it goes like this: Teacher stands in front of the class and slowly explains that if all of the money in the world was gathered up and handed out equally to all of the adults in society, the people that had money taken away from them would, [because they had a 'knack' for making money] get it all back (and then some because profits are inevitable...or theft, pick one.)

What's the 'between the lines here'? It has nothing to do with knack/talent and everything to do with market position. If you 'own the store' people have ZERO CHOICE but to do business with YOU (or travel to some other owner's store with the keyword being 'owner'. If you don't own, you don't get! LUCK has nothing to do with it but you have to parse that out for yourself because our educators will lose their license to teach if kids go home and tell their parents "Teacher taught us Mr. store owner is a thief!"

Doesn't matter that it's true, they'd tie a can to your backside and you'd never teach again!

Capitalism isn't about commerce meeting society's needs, it's about myths, BS and some serious criminality.

Because of the, er, 'outcomes' produced by capitalism ARE [not 'could be', not 'sometimes' and not 'occasionally'] criminal, they don't want anyone questioning the process [lest the offenders be prosecuted for their transgressions.]

So we are 'taught' they are 'lucky' and have a 'knack' for making money that other people don't have...and it's impossible to teach (because truth is most of 'em are *born to it at some point in the equation. [*Born to it = Trust Fund/family wealth.]

The rich are rich because they own economic chokepoints...end of discussion. Luck or knack has nothing to do with it.

So what's this got to do with funnels and cattle drives?

Naturally the 'funnel' is rhetorical [making it no less real.] Your existence is a pack of lies stacked on top of one another to distract you from the fact you are being 'bilked' to keep the few living in the lap of luxury.

Stupid has reached ridiculous levels [a revelation to no one] because people have been fed a steady diet of BS to keep them on the treadmill that will squander their lives upon trying with every fiber of their to 'comply'.

[If you got no MONEY then you just ain't no good!]

So we stumble through life paying as best we can until we can't anymore...then it's devil take the hindmost!

Is that the lesson of 'King of the Hill?' We are predators bent on besting all comers [and it's a good thing they are ALL dumb!]

Control the narrative, control the game. [That's why it's good to be the 'God of the book'!]

Don't miss my point here, I'm talking about humanity as a species and if putting the screws to our fellow humans is the best we can do then we don't deserve [nor will we] survive.

If we fail to rein in the feckless who think treason is a joke (there's a reason treachery carries the death penalty) our species will vanish and good riddance to it.

An empire built on loyalty both survives and thrives so long as that loyalty is to an ideal and not an individual who only cares about themself.

Most of you foolishly swear fealty to your 'god' (the almighty $) and it will end you sooner than you think.

Repent or pay the price your 'god' demands of you...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, May 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, for those unfamiliar with the origin of Elysium, it was a special island in the afterlife reserved for Greeks who died heroic deaths, although in the film of the same name starring Matt Damon, Elysium was an orbiting enclave for the uber-wealthy to escape the planet they poisoned and left for dead.

Since this floating experiment in stupidity doesn't offer the refuge of space it's denizens will have to be much more careful of what they flaunt.

Truly good citizen, the search for the 'greater fool' continues to confound logic and we can only wonder how things got this far.

Like automation has led to AI (robots can only do so much) this independent state of wealth that makes its own laws and will undoubtedly be first and foremost a 'tax haven' (although you have to 'pay the help' somehow...)

Will this new Elysium be so clean and modern that the destitute would sell themselves just to be part of it? What about twenty years later when the place is threatening to sink because the contractors 'forgot/skimped' on anti-corrosive coatings and the stiff HOA fees fail to cover the projected cost of overhaul?

Will those same 'volunteers' be abandoned in place as they are replaced by 2nd generation automatons with new and improved cybernetic controls?

Dunno what their laws will let them get away with but most of these screwball utopias are decidedly Libertarian, meaning the only 'rights' you have are the ones you BUY!

Anybody can do whatever they want so long as they pay for it. Now extend that thought another step, if you decide to kill your bought and paid for sex worker, are you still obliged to pay them? Since not paying them would make it murder, how much is enough to snuff the life of another? Is leaving a dollar on the dresser enough to exonerate you?

What's an 'agreement' if only one member survives it? It's whatever the survivor says it was...and that ain't right.

Aren't humans always trying to 'get over' on one another? Regardless, it's the 'defining feature' of lawless Libertarianism...what should disturb you deeply is it's also the 'next/final step' of unbridled capitalism. The law is whatever I pay it to be. (You don't even have to get up off the couch to see that today.)

Nobody signed on for that deal but that's where this is headed.

It's the ultimate in mental illness if we return to square one, where money [which IS FAKE] becomes the justification for 'anything goes!'

We don't need F. Scott Fitzgerald to tell us the rich aren't like you and me...we already know but for reasons unexplained we have done nothing about them.

The 'Money is all' mindset is driven by the psychopaths who rule us with impunity. Society itself has turned toxic, they must be STOPPED.

Problem is nobody knows where to begin.

The problem, as always, is the dog that won't hunt. It won't leave YOU alone because it knows you won't harm it but it's afraid of the ones that make their own rules because they often own their bosses and objective number one for anyone working for a paycheck is keeping that sucker coming because life doesn't stop.

It's only after the fact that the freaks wearing robes will cry, of course you didn't have to do that, we would have made an exception! [But this is always post-facto, while you're in the shit, you're on your own.]

Did you hear that the latest crop of commencement speeches are peppered with warnings? Many of them start by telling graduates, the lucky recipients of the trillion dollar tax-cut supercharged economy are being told to 'EXPECT THE WORST'.

Problem is these kids have no inkling what that is supposed to mean. For decades now college graduates that didn't have a 'in' anywhere languished on the desiccated job markets waiting for things to 'turn around'.

We can once again thank our feckless corporate owned media for not reporting the real force driving the GLOBAL REFUGEE CRISIS and that is the COLLAPSE OF CAPITALISM!

The exponential reduction in the demand for labor has forced millions to flee to 'wherever they think the jobs are'...even if those jobs don't pay enough to live on.

Why are we rushing into nuclear war? Because the rich don't want to be holding the bag when the world discovers its commerce system is behind all of its problems!

Ironically we can change that TOMORROW without skipping a beat but life without capitalism is unthinkable for those who were weaned on a gilded teat.

They don't want a level playing field and/because they don't want to be held accountable...

"Welcome to reality A-hole, now keep walking until you reach the horizon!" 'But there's nothing over there!' "Bad news, there's nothing behind you either."

Just as YOU want someone to fix this for you, they don't want to be 'rehabilitated'. They have no desired to change who they are and removing them from their thrones removes their reason for existing. [The last thing they want to hear is how much they sucked at their 'job', such as it was.]

Looks like we have a match, you don't want to fix the shithole you've been buried in and they don't want to set you free!

Well, ol' 'it ain't so bad', guess what lies in this direction?


No surprise the feckless prefer extinction to surrendering their insane grip on what they perceive to be 'power'.

Well, I belabor the obvious when I point out that somebody has to step up and put on the 'Big Boy' pants, even if they aren't male.

'Clear eyed' is all a leader requires and most modern people don't possess what it evidenced by by what passes for 'intellect' on the corporate owned media.

Will our outraged children continue to gun one another down, the last two didn't kill themselves so either the whole point of going out in a 'blaze of glory' is lost on them or these kids just O.D'd on Call of Duty/Fortnight.

How toxic is that? Kids thinking 'wouldn't it be cool to play this for real?'

Seriously, are we really that 'profit crazy' that we have brought this upon ourselves?

That's enough for today, just something to chew on until next time...


Friday, May 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is where we separate the politicians from the people that give them their marching orders, in case that isn't abundantly clear the dictionary defines plutocrats thusly:

plural noun: plutocrats
a person whose power derives from their wealth.
synonyms: rich person, magnate, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire;

We don't need F. Scott Fitzgerald to tell us that the rich aren't like you and I, we know. Yet the media would have you believe the Tea Party psychopaths think The Donald is their kind of people...and they'd be correct, from a psychopathic point of view!

Tea-tards only know one thing, 'liberals' want to limit their freedom and anyone/thing that restricts their freedom (including their freedom to rape, pillage and kill) is bad! That's why they support plutocrats because they all want to be one someday (despite being 'nearly dead'.)

Sadly life-long conservatism has the effect of making it's adherents suffer from early onset dementia, a side effect of being fed a steady diet of bullshit all their lives.

Worse, this renders their BS detectors totally useless to the point they have to be told (by their leaders) what BS is!

This is how you get seniors protesting the government's handling of their social security when the party they endorse has done the most damage to the SSI program since its inception!

But stupid is as stupid does.

How unfortunate for us all that stupid is permanent, the only way to fix it is to bar the mentally deficient from the deliberative process.

Bizarrely, nobody understands this better than the plutocrat. Who better to appreciate the danger of people who believe they understand than the people whose good fortune relies completely on a lie?

[Probably a mis-statement to say the rich appreciate the absurdity of their situation, it merely confounds them and re-enforces their already low opinion of the huddled, brainless masses.]

It's why the 'social pendulum' swings from extreme to extreme...because the rich aren't any brighter than the rest of us.

Sociologists probably don't dare point to the cycle of how wealth takes great pains to hide, sometimes for centuries then the next thing you know it's 'in your face' [usually in the run up to a major social collapse, like the fall of Rome that preceded the Dark Ages.]

[Just a tiny hint there for the observant...]

So before you decide it's in your best interests to support the team that's 'winning'; perhaps a more honest assessment is in order, considering what's coming.

You are NOT [nor will you ever be] RICH. That is a chimera, a ghost that is nothing more than an illusion. It's the 'emblem' of YOUR stupidity.

Look at what those who control it do with their 'idiot power'! Not only do they squander it extravagantly but it magically replenishes itself!

Yes, good citizen. You have long known that wealth is but an illusion so why are you so easily cozened by those 'pretending' to be plutocrats?

It's not like we haven't been here before, the part that should confound you is how we keep on ending up here!

But you know the answer...if you're honest you do.

First the feckless seize the justice system then they monetize everything they can until it all falls apart in a 'blaze of glory'.

Then the long process of rebuilding (and forgetting) begins anew.

Step off the treadmill now, while there is still time! [It's not too late to learn the lessons of the past!]

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Thursday, May 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the fertility rate plummets and college tuition rises, people begin to wonder how it is we became 'cursed'.

Never content to leave it there (whiny bitch that I am) I point fingers and the culprit [which is at cross purposes with itself and too easily manipulated] is government.

Not that there weren't problems before K street came along but K street didn't exist until post 'Morning in America'.

You hear next to nothing about K street these days and I suspect that has more to do with their covering their tracks thanks to blowback created during the time when 'lobbyist' became a four letter word.

Exploiting one of the most glaring flaws in our cobbled together government, the lobbyist exists to influence lawmakers by trading legislation in exchange for campaign funds.

Rooted in toxic capitalism, your success at this game is directly proportional to how much you have to throw around in case you've ever wondered why hedge funds even exist or how the banksters that created the fictional 'cheaper there' escaped you know.

WHAT? You didn't know those were connected? Tsk, tsk! What are they teaching kids these days? [Or do you think this is where the keep it simple stupid rule comes into play?] Don't over-explain or you WILL incriminate yourself! The less they know the better (it is for you!)

K street became synonymous with 'law for sale' and the 99% were priced out of the game from the very beginning.

But again this is ancient history, something you should all know...and most of you forgot about it after K street vanished from the media's radar. Now if they refer to it at all they call it 'the swamp'. Everybody [except the unelectable politicians who would be skunked if they had to mount grass-root efforts to fund their campaigns, which is why K street continues to thrive.

[Are you ready because it's screaming off the reservation time!] You people don't want answers, you want MAGIC!

UNTIL money is returned to its sole useful function, none of this is 'fixable!'

The system itself let the criminals hijack it and now the rest of us have to live with the results! [This is why ASP places the law BEYOND THE REACH of the 'self-interested' eliminating 'legislators' and the need to mount campaigns to 'win' elected office. (This has always been 'window dressing', part of the 'illusion of representation'.)

We are, um, 'incapable' of using the system to fix the system [there is no utility that allows us to punish a lawmaker that betrays the voter's trust...or El Trumpo's head would have exploded a long time ago] so how the hell do we rein in money?

ASP does it with the stroke of a pen.

If your system doesn't prevent criminality from its inception, then you will be ruled by criminals for as long as your system stands. I needn't remind the learned that the ONLY thing protecting our 'Fabian Democracy' was (literally) 'Men, both good and true!'.

They were in short supply back then just as they are now.

Money [like the Law] was done TO you, not FOR you.

If your system is 'unjust' and doesn't put EQUALITY first you will never enjoy justice, it's simply impossible. [Listen to me, a philosopher all of a sudden!]

Pre-WWII, the government avoided legislating morality [turning a blind eye to many social ills and pretending 'monsters' didn't exist.] but since 'Morning in America' the only people whose rights the government cares about are those of the perceived minorities [including females that make up the majority of the human population! They are indeed downtrodden but that's another matter/problem and circles back to the criminals in charge from the get-go!]

So...guess where we are now? Yup, we're at the 'cursed' part!

With the exception of the criminals, EVERYBODY wants the situation fixed but nobody has the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the criminals among us. [Criminals that have taken to wearing the badges and robes of 'officialdom'. They wear them to frighten YOU and it WORKS!]

Ironically, when they are standing on the gibbet with the noose around their neck they will all sob that they were just 'following orders' from the disappeared One Percent. [The penalty for treason is death by hanging.]

Zero irony that treason is merely misplaced loyalty. Their actual crime is considering the rest of us 'trash' (and therefore 'expendable'.) In this their crimes are manifold.

But that day is one you won't see because, as I point out earlier, you want 'magic'. You want the mess to fix itself and nobody held accountable.

Folks who know there is no such thing as Spirit in the Sky watching over us understand this, but the deluded MANY are steadfast in their commitment to suffering/sacrificing in this life so they can enjoy the next.

Yeah, my inner philosopher sometimes ponders whether or not this is just the evil side of the coin, to be 'endured' until we are allowed to 'rest' once we rise on the 'good' side.

But my twisted mind thinks both sides are the same and if we don't change one, the other will continue to mirror it. Evil will ALWAYS exist, it's failing to deal with it that is its own punishment.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the ancient divide between rich and those who make them that way reaches crisis proportions we have UNWITTINGLY entered a phase of unending emergency.

The global war on terrorism that has no end, won't end until the 'feckless' are defeated. 'Our' mistake is not seeing 'war without end' for what it really is. [An excuse to cherry-pick/ignore the legal system, internationally as the case may be.] It's murder, plain and simple like we have borne mute witness to over the past seven decades in long is the gormless global legal system going to give poor defenseless Israel a pass because they are a Jewish state surrounded by Muslims?

Looks like the 'persecuted' picked up a few tricks and lifted a page or two from the Nazi operating manual.

[Yeah, I'm looking at you, What-a-yahoo!]

Despite being a cog in a conservative, 'do as I say because I say so' political machine that refuses to held accountable for their crimes against humanity and whose sole mission it is to resist by any means necessary those who would claw back what they've stolen from the rest of us.

Naturally I'm the one they are truly worried about because I'll wipe 'em out with a stroke of a pen!

Not that they care about what they will never spend in the first place, that won't phase them. What will KILL them is when I outlaw debt and make it an exile offense.

That's the BIG PICTURE in a nutshell baby, if you have ever wondered what it's all about, you have your answer! The rich don't give two fucks about money, they want YOU in DEBT!

Once in debt they can get you to do ANYTHING!

So why the 'forever emergency'? It's part of keeping YOU perpetually distracted while they strip you of your rights to make you SAFE!

They don't want you seeing the obscene gulf of wealth and starting a movement to do something about it. They also don't want you to see the 'dehydrating' of the global economy...frankenfood and sackcloth for you, while they reserve the organic prime cuts for the themselves.

You won't have grandchildren thanks to the poison they feed you, who cares about workers/customers when everything is automated? The machines don't need to be paid, just repaired/replaced...and given enough AI even that can be automated!

The 'goal' good citizen is 'Utopia'...but only for them, not for you.

Remember why I end these posts when I do...

Thanks for letting me inside your mind,


Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we all consider ourselves to be the 'voice of reason' so what do you tell yourself about the loose cannon in the White House?

Most of us saw (some of us for the first time) what a bad idea it was to be led down the primrose path of it's between this one and this one, you don't get another choice.

We don't control the process by which candidates are vetted and the candidates need only the ability to raise funds...intelligence is considered a negative unless it's of the weasley variety...

Which is to point out that most people who (watch the verbiage here) 'Are run' for office have only one quality, they are committed to following orders.

Presnint Pussygrabber has just done a 180 on trade with the point where the press quoted him as saying the Chinese lost 'too many jobs' due to his sanctions against Chinese telecom companies.

Harley Davidson must have paid Michael Cohen for his 'insight' because they think their future is in the East too. [For those of you who only read the excerpts I linked to an article showing that Harley Davidson was shuttering its Kansas city plant, eliminating 800 jobs and moving it to Thailand.]

Didn't numbnuts campaign against exactly that kind of behavior?

What does that say about the MORONS that voted for him? [I didn't vote for Billary either but a stacked deck benefits only those who deal it.]

Which brings us to today's title. Why is El Trumpo running straight off the reservation at every opportunity?

Remember that primrose path I mentioned earlier? You're marching down it again, this time to your doom.

You are SUPPOSED to think the government is broken [despite it being designed that way, which is to point out its always been that way.]

That's why no mechanism exists to punish a leader after they are elected, that power rests in the hands of 'the stacked deck'.

Why 250 years later, do you suppose they suddenly want the public to be clamoring for 'reform'?

Because if predatory capitalism is to continue the government has to stop protecting the rights of its citizens [like it has since 'Morning in America'.]

Homeland security anyone? Never needed it before 9/11, what changed?

For profit prisons? Never had those until our 'Anti-social safety net' president, Billary, who used federal funds to double the size of the nation's police force. [There's always money for 'safety', none for the public good mind you but if you're going to torture people, the loot is always handy! Aren't you glad all money is funny? Should make you see the people running things in a whole different light.]

But wait, what does this have to do with 'reforming' the government?

Imagine a world where all of the screwed up things that have happened since 'Morning in America' [they'll only point at post 9/11] is laid at the voter's feet?

These things are all the fault of 'a flawed process' WE never got to vote on...and we won't be given a choice of what to replace it with either...because they think we're still 'too stupid'.

Zero irony the 'fear' among those who run things is the 'danger' of the 'truth about money' being revealed. If children were taught that money exists so people could specialize our entire system of commerce becomes suspect, there is NO JUSTIFICATION for the owners of commerce to keep what they accumulate, while EVERYBODY else settles for a paycheck!

And if that 'stacked deck' falls the whole thing comes down! That's why you are considered 'too stupid' to govern yourselves. Remember, initially they didn't even want to let you vote! [and a lot of people are still denied that privilege, largely because the 'feckless few' fear what the voter could do.]

But I still haven't answered 'why now?'

Again, only the truly pin-headed remain ignorant that capitalism has failed. Profit driven consumerism isn't potent enough to nurture a healthy society. A few prosper while the rest suffer, and it's all due to the 24 hour news cycle.

Remarkably, capitalism failed sometime after the Civil war with the dawn of the Industrial Age and 'mechanization which would become 'automation' but no one 'knew'.

People could see the signs but even then the corrupt system was too deeply entrenched and people were still clueless about that original Chinese import, money.

Bizarre that nobody had thought it needed explaining...which somehow turned into 'you're too stupid'.

You're too stupid AND 'they' want to keep it that way!

Go ahead, I dare you to ask! ['They' are right about some people.]

They aren't that bright either but they have the advantage of being able to tell you what to think via their ownership of the media.

How many times are they going to 'out' Trump for following ['their'] orders?

You have to walk it back.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Monday, May 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today we throw the helpless under the bus for their apathy. You may not be helpless but you sure act that way and it has resulted in the worst possible dystopia.

The guy that does things just to make you fear him is now in charge of your future because nobody stood up to him, because the people running things want that kind of, er, 'control'.

People generally don't call the cops anymore because they are afraid to draw attention to themselves and the cops seem to think they exist to hassle you. Want an argument? Ask a cop a question. (Any question, it doesn't matter.)

Funny how the 'inspect to reject' mindset permeates authoritarian structures yet they are still cesspools of corruption.

That is why ASP is tailored to operate on the reputation of its participants. To be a member of society you must first and foremost value that membership. Those who don't fully appreciate living indoors and eating regularly [the main benefit of functional society] will have that membership stripped from them.

Do you get to be a self interested Dick and keep your membership?

Short answer: No.

And what kind of behavior constitutes being labeled a Dick?

Look at your typical cop for a good basic answer. The badge on your chest makes you feel powerful and important, it also goads you to follow the instructions of stop little old ladies whose plate light is burned out and and place them under arrest when they refuse to sign the ticket.

When she resists arrest [Far as she's concerned your a mugger wearing a blue suit with a tin badge, your city issued motor vehicle doesn't impress anyone.] as you physically tear her out of the car [after you call for backup, of course] and the whole incident is captured on your dash cam...and you get suspended for being a stupid putz.

This is why there are NO badges in Division society [division represents the division of labor] largely because everybody knows the laws, which are few and concise and nobody gets to bust balls because they feel like it. If you do you're flirting with that long, lonely one-way walk in the wilderness.

'I thought' may get you off the first time but if it becomes a pattern guess who is a 'menace to society?'

Badges are officially a menace to society largely because those that seek them don't deserve them. Just as robes go away for pretty much the same reason, nobody is qualified to be a 'judge', they are superfluous. The Law relies on the average person's judgement and not what a self-interested and corruptible person thinks.

Not that there would be any way to buy a judge under ASP, yet another stumbling block removed from 'just' society.

Make no mistake about it, if you're a Dick [generally mean to those who don't dare to challenge you] everybody knows it.You may have everybody 'cowed' but you've got nobody fooled. [Which is why guys and gals like that want to wear a badge for a living, cuz nobody challenges the Blue Wall.

And that's why the Blue Wall will be Eradicated.

But you are 'complacent' which is what the conservo-whackos are blaming our latest run at nuclear annihilation on. [Although if you scroll back to the beginning of El Trumpo's, er, 'rule' you will find I warned you that this would be El Trumpo's (handlers) play.]

It's taken them three presidency's to get where we are today. The first moron president tore the economy apart using a teleprompter, he didn't think of any of it [nor has the blame been laid at his feet but it will be.] The second dumb president started the 'forever war' which we are still fighting because nobody TO THIS DAY knows what victory looks like!

Now the third 'idiot on/with a stick' is poking every hornets nest he can find, hoping one of them will launch so his 'retaliation' will be 'justified' but I suspect this one will launch anyway because this one has also crushed the last bit of faith anyone had in the concept of 'elected' leadership going forward.

From now on leadership hopefuls will have to prove their worthiness to win office. [Im looking at YOU 'Our Revolution!']

Being 'born rich' isn't cutting it. The only thing being born rich has shown the public is the rich are incredibly shallow/stupid!

Doesn't say much for the one percent but since we will all be rich 'someday' we do nothing about freakishly selfish. [That said, anyone stupid enough to believe they will break into the ranks of (true) wealth without resorting to criminal actions is delusional.

That 'self made' baloney was only possible when the bar was considerably lower...back when millionaires were considered rich.

We are already heading for the planet's first Trillionaire and that should be setting off alarm bells throughout society because the people who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of continue to get poorer.

Soon you will be able to see 'the walking dead' from your parlor window.

'Last week tonight' took on the topic of Venezuela last night and only a moron (or a conservative, which is the same thing) would think 'it can't happen here'!

As has been proven repeatedly, a despot is a despot regardless of what they claim to be. It seems the Maduro regime has been handed a leg up from the Trump/Israeli axis that has raised oil prices by raising the spectre of an escalated war in the Middle East thank to their abandonment of the Iran nuclear treaty.

How much 'faith' will you have in anything El Trump negotiates with Kim Jong Un considering what happened with the Iran pact? Kim will probably use it for toilet paper just as W. did with the Bill of Rights (that you used to have.)

So, where is the line between 'complacent' and 'keeping your head down'? We have been hammered by 'what are YOU gonna do about it?' for so long that we walk on eggshells, fear being in the wrong place at the wrong time when all hell breaks loose because that's the other elephant in the room, we humans can't seem to let ANYTHING go. [Some of us are still fighting the Confederacy, (which they stupidly believe has only gone underground.)]

So it is complacency is a chimera, a fantasy.

Tick-tock, the only thing holding back an explosion of violence is that mountain of debt...and the only way to avoid that pent up violence is to forgive that debt.

Like nuclear war, we keep stacking more debt on the pile to the point where people have run out of things to hock...and this isn't their mis-management, it's the fecklesses doing.

There aren't enough jobs and the ones at the lower end of the spectrum don't pay enough to live thing people are STUPID right?

Read a piece on yesterday's page about how Maryland crab shelling facilities are idle because of a lack of H-1 visa! Unemployment at almost 50% but they can't bring in enough temporary immigrant laborers to pick crabs!

WTF! Like one Chinese Yuan having the purchasing power of 4 US dollars yet you can buy 8 Chinese yuan for a single US dollar...who said MONEY had to 'make sense' cuz somebody (quick find a mirror) is getting Fucked!

Hell, the stock market is the same deal yet we let them pretend they are rich at our expense too!

The reason both of these situations exist is IGNORANCE and the feckless media's refusal to expose the situation.

[And the members of the press wonder why they are HATED!]

Like being a dick you may have them cowed but you've got NOBODY fooled!

I'm going to apologize for today's post and sort of retroactively for every post before it because dipping your mind into this pool we all know so well is like hitting yourself over the head with a spike studded 2 x 4, if only because of the relief you feel at knowing you're not delusional [as the feckless would have you believe you are, that you're too stupid to understand when the truth is you're stupid for sitting still for it!]

Don't beat yourself up for not doing anything sooner, your time is coming.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, May 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, happy Mother's Day to those of you who have sacrificed your all to bring new life into this...not a nice word for it so I'll leave it up to you.

Humans are born helpless, another factor that separates us from the creatures of the wild that our moronic scientists insist we evolved from.

Oh yeah, I'm a 'creationist' but one that doesn't involve 'supreme beings'.

The closer you look at humanity the more the test tube becomes apparent. [And I'm not pointing to the deeply disturbing trend of more than half of all children born in industrialized countries the mother's egg was fertilized outside the mother's womb...after having first filtered the sperm.]

How much longer will our species remain viable? Rhetorical question, the young aren't experiencing the reproductive problems the 'have it all' modern women is having...yet.

Then there are the selfish/feckless who are 'raising the bar' by poisoning the well...soon if you're not 'well-born' you won't be born at all.

Something is radically wrong with the present reality of 'Let those who can afford children, have children.' That mindset leaves out more than 90% of us and begs the question of who will buy your stuff? [Economics, nobody 'gets it!]

Good thing money is funny and you get yours for nothing, isn't it?

No longer content with trolling, empty-headed conservatives have taken to calling out those they disagree with under the 'nobody likes a smarty-pants' rubric that is only a couple of degrees removed from what they normally do, bullying.

No sniggle-fritz, 'because I said so' NEVER makes you 'right!' [And there is nothing more pathetic than "I believe what I believe because I believe it..."] Tax cuts 'supercharge' the economy, anyone?

Which is nothing more than the long way to the same place...'because I said so.'

One would suspect the latest meme to start circulating is the need for a 'hybrid' party is also a brain dead conservative idea, not that the moronic liberal or anyone else fixated on the 'warring camps' game has ever come up with a useful idea.

Did you know that there are NO 'parties' under ASP? If we are all on the same team, where is the conflict? [Especially now that rich and poor are no more. The only remaining divide will be 'smart and dumb' and if you can't crack 100 on a standard IQ test you won't be allowed to vote so there's another problem eliminated.

How ironic you have to score LOWER than 100 to run as a conservative...

Everybody knows we let THEM 'stack the deck' [via the party vetting process] then they blame US for the outcome!

Which is to belabor the obvious, not all intelligent people are benevolent or even modestly selfless [but they love to 'pretend' they are!]

El Trumpo is famous for commiting to donate to charitable causes only to never follow through. [Until they started holding his feet to the fire, then he shut up because it stopped being 'free PR.']

I know regular reader isn't ready for this but today's 'bitch slap' is yet another elephant in the room that almost no one can see.

Anybody have a clue?

Didn't think so...and you're all going to go 'doh!' when I tell you.

'The Anchor' of our civilization isn't selfless motherhood, it's unbridled GREED!

We are apparently 'bred' to's what we do. 'More for me' is what drives us even when more isn't clearly defined. The creators attempted to curb this tendency with religion but it didn't work.

So it is we have arrived at a point in social development where the neighbors are too close for comfort and the knowledge that we are a race of kleptomaniacs, we have stepped up policing knowing full well it won't stop that which is to come.

There is plenty to go around but we have 'hoarders' among us who have theirs and ours too. Inexplicably, we can't get them to give up what they will never use...consider how stupid that sounds when stated so bluntly.

If there is one thing the hoarders among us fear above all else it's having what they have hoarded taken away from them. The bitter sting of loss is more than they can bear, losing is for 'little people' and surely Momma didn't raise them to be a little person!

Ta Da! This brings us full circle to both the problem and the root of it's solution...not that the stupid mothers will get it but that was always baked in.

Happy Mother's Day ladies....maybe it's not 'cowboys' you should be warning your babies against becoming...for the good of the species!

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Saturday, May 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, how many times are the Republicans going to screw American workers while handing out trillions in tax breaks?

Worse, the writing is on the wall. The 'pauperization' of the US is nearly complete [how ironic the people who fled the crushing poverty of monarchist Europe for 'the land of opportunity' that USED TO BE the United States find their grandchildren no better off than they were?]

Worse, the hunt for 'greener pastures' has only intensified. So the strata that can afford a 'consumerist' lifestyle has diminished in proportion. [As the bankster invented cheaper there keep disappearing, the pool of billionaires grows at a snail's pace.]

Ever more expensive goods competing for a shrinking pool of buyers makes no sense at all but the morons running things are incapable of understanding the 'purpose of commerce' (as evidenced by the widespread poverty they have inflicted upon the planets population in their relentless pursuit of 'competitiveness'.

People are already dying for lack of basic necessities, a sure sign the commerce system has failed yet the morons running things feign ignorance and shrug off the occasional fatality part of the cost of operating a 'complex system' rather than embracing the incompetence these growing outcomes represent.

El Trumpo THINKS (actually really BELIEVES) he can solve our problems [by literally sweeping them under the rug]

What's your reaction to the well known fact Donald Trump is 100% confident he can fix the entire planet (but wears slip-on because shoelaces confound him?)

Even if I handed him a copy of A Simple Plan and cheered him on [a child could set it up but he'd choke on the part where he erased all bank accounts including his own. He'd keep his and probably never realize it did him zero good!] he would fuck it up.

Because there's the Donald's way and the right way.

If there is one take away from the improbable Trump Presidency it would be how the destruction of 'the illusion of self-governance' is complete.

We must find a totally different way...and A Simple plan does precisely that, starting with measuring the competence of the candidates for leadership.

In fairness, the Donald didn't know he was going to hand out a trillion dollars in tax breaks to billionaires and finance based corporations, it's what his 'handlers' told him to do.

[If it were up to him he'd fire the whole IRS and eliminate taxes altogether!]

In contrast A.S.P. has zero taxes because it operates on a 'purer' form of incentive...the 'mother of invention' and cooperation. Money remains outside the equation.

We'd LIKE TO believe he's smart enough to understand that you can't keep kicking the legs out from under the employment situation and expect a market driven economy to remain standing...without customers a market based economy is suicide! The term 'pissing onto the wind' comes to mind.

But for some INSANE reason the fools believe that this is 'someone else's problem'. As long as they stay 'competitive' their 'team' will win! [Apparently 'what' doesn't matter...and as the finish line draws closer the 'prize' looks suspiciously like a noose.]

Guess what snookums? You can't beat free no matter how hard you wring the shit out of it!

How many of you 'geniuses' can figure out how they get 'free labor'? [Then competitiveness goes to work on how much those slaves are fed...or not.] I'd ask se habla 'riots' but the answer is apparently not.

They keep greasing the skids but apparently most of you are TOO STUPID to see it.

Yes, Virginia, the global race to the bottom does have an end and it's already spanking most of us right where we live because we've already been priced right out of the job market [which, by necessity, prices us out of the consumer market as well.]

How many 'for profit prisons' will it take to confine the debtors capitalism no longer has a use for?

Wake up and smell the napalm! When your world catches fire how many of you are STUPID enough to wonder WHY?

Here's something to keep you up at night. What are you going to do when you find yourself trapped in a crowd screaming 'string 'em up' and they are hanging everyone wearing a business suit from the nearest light pole?

Why won't they believe you were going to a funeral?

Sort of redefines the term 'self-inflicted wound'...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


PS: Zero irony that those destroying the economy will claim they weren't taught how to save capitalism and it's not their fault nothing worked.

Friday, May 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, one of the 'fractures' dividing society centers on 'independence'. There are those of us who take the independence message to heart and treasure our 'individuality' over our membership in society and vice versa although the less than thoughtful think they are both...(mostly because actually thinking hurts their wittle head...)

It's a revelation to no one that the lone wolves among us have zero compunction about stepping up and telling the rest of us what to do [the vexing part is their anger when people stand there with their mouths open in stunned disbelief, all simultaneously trying to process who died and put this A-hole in charge?]

To lead a team you must first BE part of that team.

What's the missing ingredient here? What Team, right?

As evidenced by conflicts around the globe, the smallest 'team' on the planet is 'team humanity'. It is here we return to the 'who died and left this A-hole in charge' question?

This is what comes from not being able to agree on who, precisely, is 'our kind'.

If we are all 'individuals' and we pride ourselves on our 'uniqueness' then who cares what we have in common with one another? [Isn't caring for chumps and weaklings?]

News to no one once again we don't strive for uniqueness but for 'belonging' to our own little quirky unit.

Which is why the divisions in our society fall mostly along economic lines [and become more pronounced as you near the top.]

The closer you get to the 'spotlight' the more the term poser/pretender applies.

But (again) I don't tell you anything that hasn't occurred to you already. You pretend to ignore it because there is nothing you can do about it but since shit rolls downhill you find yourself immersed in it wherever you go.

You absorb some of it so you'll 'fit in' and be up on what the others are saying about you.

[In many cases 'absorb' is an understatement...the truly savvy are forever trying to fuse trends for that coveted uniqueness.]

So yeah, for all of their vaunted independence our race of mimics sure is preoccupied with fitting in!

To the point where NOTHING is more terrifying than being told (for real) that 'YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN'.

Now remember what I pointed out earlier about 'trendiness' increasing geometrically along 'class lines'?

Let's flip that over and hop on one of my hobby horses shall we?

The one where if you can't live on what the job pays it's not your bosses problem, it's YOURS?

Yet here you are trying to keep up with the 'trendsetters' that have NOTHING in common with you.

I'm not calling you 'foolish', that's something YOU should be doing!

Last night's Vice News tonight highlighted a ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage in Anaheim, CA to $15 an hour [a bit of blow-back from the CDO fueled real estate market crash that left millions of Californian's 'upside down' in their homes.]

Well, long time employees of Disney [the CORPORATION with deep enough pockets to buy Fox and who also bought out Skywalker Films, Pixar and Marvel studios, all in multi billion dollar deals.] don't pay employees who work at 'the Happiest place on Earth' enough money to live there.

Worse, once upon a time [back when the marginal tax rate was 90% on everything over the first million...and now they are making billions!] Employers would 'reward' long service employees for staying [rather than fork it over to the government who would just look for somebody to bomb.]

Now long service employees are viewed as a liability and employers regularly 'poison the well' to, discourage people from hanging around, especially when those people get old enough to actually start using those expensive healthcare benefits.


This has been the 'TREND' in the employer/employee relationship. You have an ever-shrinking window of opportunity to make your 'heap' before you are jettisoned for a younger, bolder wiz-bang artist.

How long do you think society can keep it together when commerce refuses to employ the destitute?

Not destitute? Who am I talking about? Quick, find a f'n MIRROR! Retirement age is still 'frozen' at 65 [although now dead Ronnie Reagan kicked it up to 70 for everyone born after 1970]

Most of you will be UNEMPLOYABLE before you reach 40!

Working now and already 40, 'churn' will get you long before 50 and NOBODY wants you then.

Those 'do you want fries with that?' jobs don't go begging anymore.

What part of refugee crisis driven by rampant overpopulation DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?

WHO is going to fight for you? Preznint Pussygrabber? He doesn't even know you exist much less care about your plight!

[He's too busy trying to keep his own backside out of the pokey!]

In fact, the ones putting you in this position are the last ones we should be seeking relief from, they already regard you as a 'waste of perfectly good butt-wipe'.

They are the ones who are poisoning the well!

Yes good citizen, our 'owner class' has turned Toxic.

Now we must eliminate them before they eliminate us.

Probably ain't a good time to point out that most people aren't on 'team humanity' [because they couldn't find a local chapter and that's because it doesn't exist.] Team destructo has chapters everywhere but the message is 'comply or die'. We'll help but only if you follow our instructions and do NOTHING to help yourself.

The BEST thing you could do for you and yours is join a group of like-minded individuals and become a band of marauders.

Two can play the thieving game.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: Act or be acted upon. If you don't see what's right in front of your eyes then you'll never see what's coming!