Greetings good citizen, since 'fundamentals' are no longer a staple of the educational system the 'basis' upon which the American Dream WAS based has disappeared. (note the tense.) THe American dream of a little house a handful of children with a secure job that you'd have until retirement...a chimera.
Problem is it was a chimera then too. The people who sold the public The American Dream [as an 'alternative' to Communism for those of you too young to remember why such a lie was fabricated.] were doing what capitalists do every day, all day...making the donkey chase the carrot. [They STILL laugh over this very apt analogy, some of 'em even say it to our faces!]
Well, Hee-Haw good citizen! What a bunch of fools/tools we are (because most of us grew up believing this malarkey, with the caveat that we were too young to know better.) Not that the passage of time has made any of us any wiser...
Why didn't our parents dissuade us from our quixotic quest? Because they didn't want to break our spirit like theirs was broken so long ago...and they were 'proud Murikans' who didn't want their kids to hate the place their parents foolishness had trapped them in.
Nor did your parents want to bury you after the feckless government shot you down in the streets like a rabid dog while you protested the raw deal you were really getting.
Well, the American Dream may have gotten a pin stuck in it but the 'reality' of a 'gig economy' that barely pays you enough to keep working for peenuts [intentional misspelling] has become the 'only game in town'. Why else do you think they are working so hard to develop 'driver-less cars'? Because the less contact the feckless have with what remains of the 'peasants' [yes good citizen, you will be starved out] If you don't work in STEM you won't have a job and your employed 'betters' will not even step over your starved corpse.
They will think 'better them than us' and continue to jump through the imaginary hoops until they irritate an owner, then they'll be cashiered and sent to fend for themselves as best they can.
[See, 'exile' is coming no matter what happens. It's actually been happening for years yet the capitalists call it 'redundancy']
The 'single factor' can't see this because their thinking parts don't work very good but the rest of you have a very chill attitude towards the noose that is closing in all around you.
Tick-tock good citizen, time is working against you.
Perhaps the latest 'tax-cut legislation' will snap you to attention, when you go to do your taxes next year you're gonna find out YOU OWE THEM because all of YOUR DEDUCTIONS have been taken away!
See what happens when you lose control of the political process? Here you were thinking it didn't matter but most of you fell asleep in civics class, which they stopped teaching altogether back in the 80's because the same douches that dismantled the democrats, 're-purposed' education as well.
Now we have a society filled with ignorant people who have no idea what a capitalist is. Makes me sound pretty silly, doesn't it? Well those same people also don't have a clue what the 'purpose of government is' [which is just how the Royal Wannabes like it because when they take over the ONLY THING you will need to know is whatever they say, goes!
Think of it a game of Simon Says but this time if you screw up YOU DIE!
That's what's waiting for you and you will have ZERO rights [rights are for the privileged and then they are whatever they say they are and apply only to those they want them to apply to [at the moment.]
Selfishness rules.
How many of you [All of the single factor for sure] think this is 'crazy talk'? People will NEVER put up with this! [I'm going to guess you also didn't do so hot in History because everything I describe HAS HAPPENED so I'm not just picking this stuff out of my imagination!
A more telling question is how many of you are sitting in your Uber right now, praying for dispatch to send you a gig because Christmas is coming and Momma wants new shoes? [Ever notice ride-share drivers look like they all shop at Morgan Memorial? It sort of redefines peasant, doesn't it?]
Are you patting yourself on the back for your 'industriousness and initiative?' Have YOU 'done the math?'
You 'undercut' taxicabs who must abide by certain regulations BUT you are using YOUR personal vehicle [which customers can reject if it's an econobox] it's your fuel...and it's your time.
Of late, with the holiday's coming, there are more 'ride-share' HOPEFULS SITTING at the airport than there are customers. Where else can you hop in your car, turn on an app and wait to make money? You can cruise downtown but you're burning gas nobody's paying for [and parking is next to impossible already!]
So the 'airport' is the 'smart play'. Now we come to part 2 and that's the 'liability' part the single factor doesn't think of until after the fact...and if you're an Ubie Dubie you've already marked yourself as 'single factor' because you are ignoring tomorrow's expenses by spending today's dollars.
[Business standpoint: you can't 'build clientele' so you will ALWAYS be at the mercy of Uber/Lyft Dispatch...get enough negative marks and even they won't use you! The 'wear & tear' you put on a vehicle THAT WASN'T DESIGNED FOR COMMERCIAL USE will eventually cost you more than you made if you can't DO THE WORK YOURSELF!]
How much can YOU be making? I drive professionally so I get wages and nice people tip...I do alright. My boss takes care of my taxes and if something happens to the car it's HIS headache, it's not mine...and he is insured up the wazoo so if I get into an accident, I'm covered.
Half of these 'desperadoes' don't have health insurance so if they get hurt it's a bill they probably will never recover from. Now for all of their 'bootstrapping pride' a full half of these morons drive like idiots! [Half of 'em couldn't find their way across the street without a GPS!]
The worst of 'em take lefts from the center lane and they cut off limos...let me remind you of something STUPID isn't taking into consideration...IT'S NOT OUR CAR!
Now for the 'savers' out there. You aren't doing these fools any favors [and heaven help you if you get injured in an accident because the odds are you will get NOTHING...then you'd best hope your insurance carrier doesn't say 'you're not covered' because you chose to ride in an under insured vehicle to save ten bucks...]
Um, how many of you are beginning to realize that the 'dumbing down' of Murika is pretty much complete?
Next stop, the boneyard of civilizations...once the public has been 'stupidized' it's only a matter of time before it dies from a fatal error.
How sad that fatal error is usually the first one of allowing the criminals to seize control of the economy because then they seize control of the government and after that all hell breaks we are all witnessing.
You can smell the smoke and see the flames but still you just sit there.
Most vexing.
Pop the top on another beer, sit back, relax, it will all be over in a little while and if you drink/snort/puff fast enough you'll be good and shattered by the time it hits!
Or you can get off your dead backside and start 'wrenching' as hard as you can, remembering to sabotage ONLY that which won't burn...then it's time to 'light 'em up!'
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
If Ubies were capable of thought, none of this would be necessary...why am I resisting the urge to cry 'Stupid Donkey'?
Problem is it was a chimera then too. The people who sold the public The American Dream [as an 'alternative' to Communism for those of you too young to remember why such a lie was fabricated.] were doing what capitalists do every day, all day...making the donkey chase the carrot. [They STILL laugh over this very apt analogy, some of 'em even say it to our faces!]
Well, Hee-Haw good citizen! What a bunch of fools/tools we are (because most of us grew up believing this malarkey, with the caveat that we were too young to know better.) Not that the passage of time has made any of us any wiser...
Why didn't our parents dissuade us from our quixotic quest? Because they didn't want to break our spirit like theirs was broken so long ago...and they were 'proud Murikans' who didn't want their kids to hate the place their parents foolishness had trapped them in.
Nor did your parents want to bury you after the feckless government shot you down in the streets like a rabid dog while you protested the raw deal you were really getting.
Well, the American Dream may have gotten a pin stuck in it but the 'reality' of a 'gig economy' that barely pays you enough to keep working for peenuts [intentional misspelling] has become the 'only game in town'. Why else do you think they are working so hard to develop 'driver-less cars'? Because the less contact the feckless have with what remains of the 'peasants' [yes good citizen, you will be starved out] If you don't work in STEM you won't have a job and your employed 'betters' will not even step over your starved corpse.
They will think 'better them than us' and continue to jump through the imaginary hoops until they irritate an owner, then they'll be cashiered and sent to fend for themselves as best they can.
[See, 'exile' is coming no matter what happens. It's actually been happening for years yet the capitalists call it 'redundancy']
The 'single factor' can't see this because their thinking parts don't work very good but the rest of you have a very chill attitude towards the noose that is closing in all around you.
Tick-tock good citizen, time is working against you.
Perhaps the latest 'tax-cut legislation' will snap you to attention, when you go to do your taxes next year you're gonna find out YOU OWE THEM because all of YOUR DEDUCTIONS have been taken away!
See what happens when you lose control of the political process? Here you were thinking it didn't matter but most of you fell asleep in civics class, which they stopped teaching altogether back in the 80's because the same douches that dismantled the democrats, 're-purposed' education as well.
Now we have a society filled with ignorant people who have no idea what a capitalist is. Makes me sound pretty silly, doesn't it? Well those same people also don't have a clue what the 'purpose of government is' [which is just how the Royal Wannabes like it because when they take over the ONLY THING you will need to know is whatever they say, goes!
Think of it a game of Simon Says but this time if you screw up YOU DIE!
That's what's waiting for you and you will have ZERO rights [rights are for the privileged and then they are whatever they say they are and apply only to those they want them to apply to [at the moment.]
Selfishness rules.
How many of you [All of the single factor for sure] think this is 'crazy talk'? People will NEVER put up with this! [I'm going to guess you also didn't do so hot in History because everything I describe HAS HAPPENED so I'm not just picking this stuff out of my imagination!
A more telling question is how many of you are sitting in your Uber right now, praying for dispatch to send you a gig because Christmas is coming and Momma wants new shoes? [Ever notice ride-share drivers look like they all shop at Morgan Memorial? It sort of redefines peasant, doesn't it?]
Are you patting yourself on the back for your 'industriousness and initiative?' Have YOU 'done the math?'
You 'undercut' taxicabs who must abide by certain regulations BUT you are using YOUR personal vehicle [which customers can reject if it's an econobox] it's your fuel...and it's your time.
Of late, with the holiday's coming, there are more 'ride-share' HOPEFULS SITTING at the airport than there are customers. Where else can you hop in your car, turn on an app and wait to make money? You can cruise downtown but you're burning gas nobody's paying for [and parking is next to impossible already!]
So the 'airport' is the 'smart play'. Now we come to part 2 and that's the 'liability' part the single factor doesn't think of until after the fact...and if you're an Ubie Dubie you've already marked yourself as 'single factor' because you are ignoring tomorrow's expenses by spending today's dollars.
[Business standpoint: you can't 'build clientele' so you will ALWAYS be at the mercy of Uber/Lyft Dispatch...get enough negative marks and even they won't use you! The 'wear & tear' you put on a vehicle THAT WASN'T DESIGNED FOR COMMERCIAL USE will eventually cost you more than you made if you can't DO THE WORK YOURSELF!]
How much can YOU be making? I drive professionally so I get wages and nice people tip...I do alright. My boss takes care of my taxes and if something happens to the car it's HIS headache, it's not mine...and he is insured up the wazoo so if I get into an accident, I'm covered.
Half of these 'desperadoes' don't have health insurance so if they get hurt it's a bill they probably will never recover from. Now for all of their 'bootstrapping pride' a full half of these morons drive like idiots! [Half of 'em couldn't find their way across the street without a GPS!]
The worst of 'em take lefts from the center lane and they cut off limos...let me remind you of something STUPID isn't taking into consideration...IT'S NOT OUR CAR!
Now for the 'savers' out there. You aren't doing these fools any favors [and heaven help you if you get injured in an accident because the odds are you will get NOTHING...then you'd best hope your insurance carrier doesn't say 'you're not covered' because you chose to ride in an under insured vehicle to save ten bucks...]
Um, how many of you are beginning to realize that the 'dumbing down' of Murika is pretty much complete?
Next stop, the boneyard of civilizations...once the public has been 'stupidized' it's only a matter of time before it dies from a fatal error.
How sad that fatal error is usually the first one of allowing the criminals to seize control of the economy because then they seize control of the government and after that all hell breaks we are all witnessing.
You can smell the smoke and see the flames but still you just sit there.
Most vexing.
Pop the top on another beer, sit back, relax, it will all be over in a little while and if you drink/snort/puff fast enough you'll be good and shattered by the time it hits!
Or you can get off your dead backside and start 'wrenching' as hard as you can, remembering to sabotage ONLY that which won't burn...then it's time to 'light 'em up!'
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
If Ubies were capable of thought, none of this would be necessary...why am I resisting the urge to cry 'Stupid Donkey'?