Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ubie Dubie

Greetings good citizen, since 'fundamentals' are no longer a staple of the educational system the 'basis' upon which the American Dream WAS based has disappeared. (note the tense.) THe American dream of a little house a handful of children with a secure job that you'd have until retirement...a chimera.

Problem is it was a chimera then too. The people who sold the public The American Dream [as an 'alternative' to Communism for those of you too young to remember why such a lie was fabricated.] were doing what capitalists do every day, all day...making the donkey chase the carrot. [They STILL laugh over this very apt analogy, some of 'em even say it to our faces!]

Well, Hee-Haw good citizen! What a bunch of fools/tools we are (because most of us grew up believing this malarkey, with the caveat that we were too young to know better.) Not that the passage of time has made any of us any wiser...

Why didn't our parents dissuade us from our quixotic quest? Because they didn't want to break our spirit like theirs was broken so long ago...and they were 'proud Murikans' who didn't want their kids to hate the place their parents foolishness had trapped them in.

Nor did your parents want to bury you after the feckless government shot you down in the streets like a rabid dog while you protested the raw deal you were really getting.

Well, the American Dream may have gotten a pin stuck in it but the 'reality' of a 'gig economy' that barely pays you enough to keep working for peenuts [intentional misspelling] has become the 'only game in town'. Why else do you think they are working so hard to develop 'driver-less cars'? Because the less contact the feckless have with what remains of the 'peasants' [yes good citizen, you will be starved out] If you don't work in STEM you won't have a job and your employed 'betters' will not even step over your starved corpse.

They will think 'better them than us' and continue to jump through the imaginary hoops until they irritate an owner, then they'll be cashiered and sent to fend for themselves as best they can.

[See, 'exile' is coming no matter what happens. It's actually been happening for years yet the capitalists call it 'redundancy']

The 'single factor' can't see this because their thinking parts don't work very good but the rest of you have a very chill attitude towards the noose that is closing in all around you.

Tick-tock good citizen, time is working against you.

Perhaps the latest 'tax-cut legislation' will snap you to attention, when you go to do your taxes next year you're gonna find out YOU OWE THEM because all of YOUR DEDUCTIONS have been taken away!

See what happens when you lose control of the political process? Here you were thinking it didn't matter but most of you fell asleep in civics class, which they stopped teaching altogether back in the 80's because the same douches that dismantled the democrats, 're-purposed' education as well.

Now we have a society filled with ignorant people who have no idea what a capitalist is. Makes me sound pretty silly, doesn't it? Well those same people also don't have a clue what the 'purpose of government is' [which is just how the Royal Wannabes like it because when they take over the ONLY THING you will need to know is whatever they say, goes!

Think of it a game of Simon Says but this time if you screw up YOU DIE!

That's what's waiting for you and you will have ZERO rights [rights are for the privileged and then they are whatever they say they are and apply only to those they want them to apply to [at the moment.]

Selfishness rules.

How many of you [All of the single factor for sure] think this is 'crazy talk'? People will NEVER put up with this! [I'm going to guess you also didn't do so hot in History because everything I describe HAS HAPPENED so I'm not just picking this stuff out of my imagination!

A more telling question is how many of you are sitting in your Uber right now, praying for dispatch to send you a gig because Christmas is coming and Momma wants new shoes? [Ever notice ride-share drivers look like they all shop at Morgan Memorial? It sort of redefines peasant, doesn't it?]

Are you patting yourself on the back for your 'industriousness and initiative?' Have YOU 'done the math?'

You 'undercut' taxicabs who must abide by certain regulations BUT you are using YOUR personal vehicle [which customers can reject if it's an econobox] it's your fuel...and it's your time.

Of late, with the holiday's coming, there are more 'ride-share' HOPEFULS SITTING at the airport than there are customers. Where else can you hop in your car, turn on an app and wait to make money? You can cruise downtown but you're burning gas nobody's paying for [and parking is next to impossible already!]

So the 'airport' is the 'smart play'. Now we come to part 2 and that's the 'liability' part the single factor doesn't think of until after the fact...and if you're an Ubie Dubie you've already marked yourself as 'single factor' because you are ignoring tomorrow's expenses by spending today's dollars.

[Business standpoint: you can't 'build clientele' so you will ALWAYS be at the mercy of Uber/Lyft Dispatch...get enough negative marks and even they won't use you! The 'wear & tear' you put on a vehicle THAT WASN'T DESIGNED FOR COMMERCIAL USE will eventually cost you more than you made if you can't DO THE WORK YOURSELF!]

How much can YOU be making? I drive professionally so I get wages and nice people tip...I do alright. My boss takes care of my taxes and if something happens to the car it's HIS headache, it's not mine...and he is insured up the wazoo so if I get into an accident, I'm covered.

Half of these 'desperadoes' don't have health insurance so if they get hurt it's a bill they probably will never recover from. Now for all of their 'bootstrapping pride' a full half of these morons drive like idiots! [Half of 'em couldn't find their way across the street without a GPS!]

The worst of 'em take lefts from the center lane and they cut off limos...let me remind you of something STUPID isn't taking into consideration...IT'S NOT OUR CAR!

Now for the 'savers' out there. You aren't doing these fools any favors [and heaven help you if you get injured in an accident because the odds are you will get NOTHING...then you'd best hope your insurance carrier doesn't say 'you're not covered' because you chose to ride in an under insured vehicle to save ten bucks...]

Um, how many of you are beginning to realize that the 'dumbing down' of Murika is pretty much complete?

Next stop, the boneyard of civilizations...once the public has been 'stupidized' it's only a matter of time before it dies from a fatal error.

How sad that fatal error is usually the first one of allowing the criminals to seize control of the economy because then they seize control of the government and after that all hell breaks we are all witnessing.

You can smell the smoke and see the flames but still you just sit there.

Most vexing.

Pop the top on another beer, sit back, relax, it will all be over in a little while and if you drink/snort/puff fast enough you'll be good and shattered by the time it hits!

Or you can get off your dead backside and start 'wrenching' as hard as you can, remembering to sabotage ONLY that which won't burn...then it's time to 'light 'em up!'

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


If Ubies were capable of thought, none of this would be necessary...why am I resisting the urge to cry 'Stupid Donkey'?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Greetings good citizen, against all rationality and with the global economy in freefall due to the decimation of the customer base [thanks to the recklessness of the feckless.] The 'nobody voted for 'em' Senate has passed the 1.5 trillion [that's one and a half THOUSAND BILLION] dollar tax cut that eliminates many of the tax deductions the working class relies the already wealthy don't have to pay as much in.

Where's the Tea Party now that social security is going to be suspended because the morons are spending all of their revenue on the war in the Middle East?

Isn't it a damn good thing ALL MONEY IS FUNNY? Problem is none of the rest of us are laughing. The rest of us have to make ends meet on what we're not getting and now we're going to be told they can't afford to give us raises because the ECONOMY IS LOUSY! [and the stupid CEO'S have to put ALL of the profits [along with whatever they can borrow] towards the stock repurchase program their paycheck is based on...WTF!

Can YOU say f'n Nuts because there is no other explanation.

Yesterday I 'predicted' that if the public wasn't satisfied with the candidates and their positions in the next election [does anyone else find it peculiar that neither side has fielded a candidate yet?] Because there are NO GOOD candidates. Bernie was too old during the last election cycle and will 'beg off' if asked to run in 2020. That leaves Elizabeth Warren, a relative neophyte who is hard charging and determined but lacks the political muscle to even get Citizen's United repealed!

Like you and me, nobody 'has her back.' It would be akin to bringing a flower to a gunfight. [Virgil, you gonna die!]

So, without a return to choice (or even a modicum of sanity) the 2020 race will dissolve into riots the likes of which have not been seen in almost 300 years. It will make the riots of the Sixties look like 'pep rallies'.

Unlike the 60's this time the protesters will be armed and prepared to flank the opposition/palace guard.

The military will be called up but not before hundreds are dead and once that happens the stage will be set for the lynchings that are long overdue. Nobody has faith in the corrupt 'injustice system' that let things get this bad.

Oh yeah, good citizen. Let's not forget that this whole shitshow was PREVENTABLE but the people who appoint the upholders of justice put their pets in charge then started running roughshod over the public [and their toadies pretended it wasn't happening.] Now the toads are twisting in the wind and the mob is thirsting for more blood and vengeance!

Will Blackwater & Triple Canopy [remember them?] be able to save all of the clients who bought security plans with them? Probably not and there won't be anyone to sue them over it either. (The new courts don't hear civil cases, just criminal.) [Although admitting you were an employee of any mercenary outfit is a one way ticket to Lord of the Flies Island (where your combat skills give you an edge toward becoming head maggot!)

You makes your choices and then you live with 'em, that part doesn't change.

Ironically, after the fire, death & taxes gets thrown out the window too because the government doesn't need your money to function and neither does commerce [and neither ever did, which should piss you off...considerably! Talk about played.]

Yup, zero irony that the correct answer to the question 'where does money come from?' has always been 'the printing press' but that too will go the way of the Dodo. Cash in all of its forms will be illegal and attempting to use cash will become an exile offense!

Demand cash from somebody and face summary execution! [Yeah, the new legal system doesn't mess around.] You'll guard your reputation and play well with others if you want to get along in the world where life is FINALLY worth living.

We have big plans for hospitality [and LUXE will be the only way to go!] Funny how taxes will take peasants with them. [No more of either!]

Imagine how much nicer the workers at the resorts will be if they can live on what they earn!

But I digress, there are a ton of reasons to revolt and you are being goaded into doing precisely that but by the Royal wannabes who will plunge the survivors of the 'purge' into the Dark Ages we only recently escaped [relatively speaking.]

For those of you who missed the post where I described this tactic let's just say this will be 'comply or die' writ large. You won't LOOK at a royal lest they interpret it as an act of 'disrespect' for which YOU can be summarily executed! [Yup, just for looking at them.] and you will not (even to your mother) whisper a word against the crown because 'heresy' is also punishable by instant death.

Is THAT the kind of world you want to leave to your kids?

Well, the next (sham) election has a lot riding on it, doesn't it and NOT LOSING has a greater dimension than you can comprehend.

There is a reason we find ourselves living in a world where nobody asks questions, the muzzle is already upon us. If you don't want it bolted in place you'll fight to save your children from the MONSTERS the mis-handling of money has unleashed upon us.

All money is funny yet people will kill to get their hands on it because of what happens when you don't have enough.

Something is very wrong with that statement, good citizen and if you can't figure that out you haven't comprehended a single thing I said!

To which I say 'Good Luck with that!'

The rest of you understand perfectly which is why you keep coming back. It is here you can find HOPE!

Thanks for opening your mind!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What could go wrong?

Greetings good citizen, life is difficult and we are often faced with hard choices between what is right and what is necessary. Some of you have read my short story titled 'The Eye' which tells the tale of capitalism following mankind to the stars. 50 years ago the denizens of earth were faced with the choice of allowing the capitalists to 'claim' our moon or declaring it 'neutral territory' (so nobody could 'militarize' it.)

Well, the treaty got passed and the moon was declared 'off limits' to the fractured nations of the warring planet it circled [and the real 'ants in our pants' reason behind the 'space race' was the fear of the havoc a single 'lunar base' could wreak upon the earth.

History has taught us what capitalists think of 'treaties'...[just ask the Native Americans!] But that's not an exclusive set, in fact if we trace the history INCLUDING the ones made with GOD, mankind hasn't lived up to ONE of them!

The 'appearance of propriety' seems to be the only thing that matters to the self-interested.

It MIGHT be possible to 'colonize' the moon but our fractured politics would follow us there. Does this preclude commercializing our natural satellite? Made on the Moon is going to carry one hefty price tag...that will (naturally) be passed on to the consumer!

If people fail to recognize Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register why would they balk at being charged extra for materials that originated a quarter of a million miles away?

Which is to ask, how bad do you want it because the fictional cost is going to be passed on to you regardless as part of the profit profile, which is also fiction.

The only 'known' commercial material the moon allegedly has in abundance is a rare helium isotope that is difficult to make on Earth for a variety of factors.

The moon, peppered with the impacts of asteroids over the eons, should also possess dollops of platinum and other precious metals. Helium-3, embedded in the lunar crust by the solar wind, could be fuel for future fusion power plants.

So let's say the 'anything for a buck' crowd decides to grant a commercial exception to the lunar treaty...need I remind anyone the people behind Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Europe were, first and foremost, CAPITALISTS?

They decide the commercial benefits [to them] outweigh the danger of the operation becoming militarized and approve a private company to establish mining operations. How long would it take them to put nukes on the moon?

EVERY war ever fought has been over resources/commercial rights. WHY would we let our pretend, commercially controlled government put a base on the Moon?

Bad enough we have to fight them here, put them where they can't be reached and we'll know what misery really is!

The veneer has always been thin but time has worn it to near transparency now that our self-professed betters no longer care what the rest of us think of them.

Don't let them fool you, when they were a hair away from being strung up for their crimes, they cared, big-time!

If FDR didn't institute the New Deal there would have been lynchings on a massive scale.

Naturally, I think the New Deal was a mistake, justice first...but it seems our forefathers lacked the foresight to do what was necessary to fix our badly broken system.

But I digress. These are the same people that make your life an exercise in 'pick & choose' and the only thing YOU stand to receive from this venture in the 'collateral damage' (and the tab!)

Every one of these decidedly risky ventures will be 'protected' by a LLC clause limiting their 'liability' to the amount invested...and if that burns up on re-entry, oh well!

Mankind must be prohibited from venturing into space until he get's his primary 'house in order' [notice how I'm avoiding using the possessive pronoun!] and stops victimizing his fellow inhabitants!

The hooray for me and screw the rest of you crowd has to be stopped...until then the commercialization of space must be prohibited!

Not that there is anything we can do about it...but the next 'war' should be a lulu!

Do you think they DARE hold another election considering the climate they have created?

The next one won't go smoothly, I guarantee you that! If the public doesn't like the choices there WILL be RIOTS the likes of which haven't been seen since the purges of the Terror!

Mankind's (LEADERSHIP) isn't very good at 'honoring'...anything, especially those who consider themselves our 'betters'. [Honor is for peasants!]

They honestly believe we are lucky they don't make good on their threat to hire half of us to kill off the other half!

[Are there that many dimwits among us?]

Sort of a chilling thought, isn't it?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, November 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the 'land rush' is over and man has driven the population of 'game animals' below the level of sustenance so living off the land is 'possible' but not advisable.

The Unabomber's manifesto wasn't practical even back When Ted Kaczynsky proposed it as a way to save mankind from 'redundancy'...there are simply too many of us and we live better using the land more 'efficiently'.

But Ol' Ted had a point, in a world that DEPENDS on COOPERATION, THERE IS ZERO ROOM FOR COMPETITION!

How unfortunate for the majority of us that the feckless think otherwise? The bedrock of the Unabomber's manifesto was to provide all humans 'an equal share' upon which to sink or swim by their own hand.

This is what drove this mathematical genius [again people don't understand what genius is...especially the ones handing out the labels!] to wage a one man jihad on technology.

I'm no genius (and I can prove it) but my idea doesn't involve turning back the social clock a couple of hundred years to a state of nature that no longer exists!

Zero irony that Mr. Kaczynski was a die hard, bootstrappin' Republican! [he is practically the 'archetype!']

But I digress, [although I have no doubt, given time, Ted Kacyznski will join the pantheon of Republican folk heroes! Bomber of libtards and beloved champion of rugged individualism!]

Post facto, it appears 'self-serving' to complain after so many centuries of 'success' [and it is a 'success' due to ONLY the successful being held out as examples! Capitalism has resulted in Billions of epic fails but those are attributed to the 'poor choices' made by the INDIVIDUAL, and not a system that 'can't' accommodate all who need to participate thanks to MARX'S THEORY OF SURPLUS VALUE!

For surplus value to exist there has to be a surplus of labor, a built in 'exclusion factor' to drive labor prices down! Ever wonder why so much goes undone?

Once specialization was in place it became a game of, "I got mine, F YOU!"

How do they fight Trillion dollar wars and have tens of millions of homeless? They don't care, they got theirs...the rigid middle finger is for YOU!

Still, the 'cornucopia' that just keeps giving isn't 'bottomless'. Block the paths of transit and it ALL comes to a screeching halt...then the clock starts and the 9 meal countdown begins.

Where do you suppose they are in Puerto Rico right about now? They're eating or the island would be a cinder. But millions are migrating to mainland US to seek a new life with their relatives here. [Little do the refugees know this is like jumping out of the pan and into the fire!]

How did it get this way [and why do we put up with it?]

You agreed to live in a specialized world only to be told by the feckless that they have 'no room' for you or the talents they told you to cultivate. Yup, you didn't follow your heart and become a CEO [a job you KNOW you could kill at!] or an astronaut...or an airline pilot [driving buses in the sky is still preferable to flying a cubicle...and it (used to) pay a lot better too.

So, how did you react when you suddenly realized your 'pedigree' wasn't good enough for the feckless? Did you get angry at being deceived or did you make the 'wise' move and keep your anger to yourself as the words 'you'll never work in this town again' rang in your burning ears?

Complain too loudly and suddenly you're a lunatic that nobody will touch! [Just look at poor Ted!]

Aren't you 'getting yours' when you turn up at the mall with your dollar three-eighty? The feckless, who are dripping in wealth [they STOLE from you!] think 'allowing' you to buy from them is the 'deal' you signed up for!

Because that's what the deal has become, you make it and we sell it back to you...although that's a little off these days, the Chinese make it, sell it them who in turn offer it to us.

Still isn't what YOU signed up for but it's the same around the ironic even the Chinese have an 'unemployment problem'? Damn that automation, eh?

If you have a job the probability it's a 'gig' that ONLY pays you when you work is greater than anything you can 'rely on'.

How did you end up holding the, er, 'dirty end' of the stick? Think the decision-making process is to blame? The government signed off on the stock markets and the 'value' of the dollar...although we can only wonder why we/they allow bankers to arbitrarily arrive at this figure...but without it the cheaper there can't exist!

Same as it ever was.

Wouldn't you like to take the dirty end of the stick (you keep getting poked with) and shove it where the sun don't shine on the feckless A-hole that short-sheeted your entire f'n life?

The stick has two ends...wouldn't it be interesting to see how much the feckless like eating the stick [while doing the 'funky chicken four inches off the ground, hanging by their throats.]

You'd like to think we could simply tell them to 'knock it off' and they'd say sorry, didn't know it bothered you! and we could put it all behind us but there is ZERO chance of that happening.

Still, they have to sleep sometime and woe be unto the 'soldier' that tries to protect them!

Sound like Ted, don't I? [Under ASP I'm offering you better than trying to farm two acres of desert (and if your land was shitty, tough!)]

We are ALL in this together, those who refuse(d) to share 'equitably' have already forfeited their membership in society.

As we enter the tail end of a hellacious year it's time to take stock of the deal you are handing your children and perhaps to consider the millions who are lucky to have survived another day and to wonder what that means for those who have helped themselves to more than they can EVER possibly use/spend.

Justice starts with Equality.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pod save US?

Greetings good citizen, in our already divided society [the gulf between rich and poor is staggering and getting worse by the moment, it's hardly comforting to note that the predation is mostly confined to the upper levels with the already ginormous devouring the merely gluttonous as they pop into view.

As many readers have learned by now, I detest anything that adds fuel to this false fire that is burning our civilization to the ground.

Which is to ask if 'the answer' to right wing liars is more lies?

[Because the truth didn't even make a dent nevermind break their stride!]

What tactics like this [claiming to be 'the voice of the opposition' when they are actually (advertiser supported) spokesmen for the STATUS QUO!)] miss is the need to re-direct the conversation to where the fat cats don't want it to go.

Who will shine the spotlight on the operating system (capitalism) that only works for a handful? Surely not these oafs!

Will these self-described 'political junkies' steer the conversation in a helpful direction or is it more likely that they will only further muddy the water?

Let's start with the important things shall we, like we're all in this TOGETHER!

Feeding 'the political divide' only makes the situation worse! yet their slogan is 'Pod Save America!'

How much relief does the reassurance of telling the public,"you're right, they're wrong!" give you?

[That's all the 'meat' I got out of this article, the rest was all fluff about the pundits and their alleged 'credentials'.]

Dunno if anyone else finds it worrisome that these youngsters consider themselves 'serious journalists' at a time when 'serious journalists' are considered to be the crux of the problem?

How many of you think 'focus groups' pointed to podcasting as an effective way to reach the young and the gullible?

If you're adding fuel to an already raging fire you're working for the status quo and that makes you a part of the problem, not the solution!

Even blogs like this are considered 'opinion' at best but these guys (and their 'ilk') bill themselves as 'alternatives' when they are actually the same clowns dressed up in different costumes.

[Can't have a fight without an opponent. If one doesn't exist, make it up!] Thus do I present to you "Pod Save America!" (bet a focus group made that up too!) Wrap it in the flag, that's how the conservatives did it!

I do my best not to belabor the obvious but this all got started because NOBODY stood up when El Rushbo was starting out and screamed LIAR!

Since the, er, 'Single factor' believes whatever you tell them I am hoping you will forgive this 'insult to your intelligence.'

Worse, your 'single factor' friends are probably already telling you to check out the podcast.

Why is it you never learn we live in a 'buyer beware' society until after it's too late? [That's The Law, good citizen!] So this post has been a P.S.A. from you're old friend Gegner.

Friends don't let friends eat BS!

Am I being harsh? You tell me...pretending this situation is even fixable brands you as a poser in my eyes.

Sort of on the level of "Make 'Murika Great AGAIN!" [WTF were they thinking?]

There are 'made up' problems and there are real crises just waiting to pop. [Although for all we know the sun could be just days away from going nova (just an example, if that were actually a thing we'd see signs more serious than global warming) and the feckless few decided for us that we don't need to know.

Which is to once again point out that you live under a rock and THEY decide what YOU get to care about...if that doesn't frighten you then you don't need SOMA. (archaic literary reference, you either know what it is or look it up.)

I went to post this and lost my wi-fi connection then lost half the post so this is a re-do.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


Saturday, November 25, 2017


Greetings good citizen, one of the most disturbing disconnects perpetuated by the feckless media [think somebody has a new favorite word?...I'm gonna wear it out!] is how those of us who lived through an troubling era only to learn that kids are being taught to worship the bumbling meat puppet as an 'over-achiever'! What am I babbling about?

Remember this?
On Nov. 25, 1986, the Iran-Contra affair erupted as President Reagan and Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been diverted to Nicaraguan rebels.

The date reminds us that over forty years have passed since the nation sank into the abyss of conservatism.

A majority of Americans DIDN'T vote in the last election...because what we are seeing, both historically and in real time, are the shameful results.

That has become our 'new reality' good citizen, if there is nothing to 'vote for', don't vote! The past half dozen elections there has been no one to vote for and increasingly the discouraged electorate has 'checked out' of the entire process.

Want people to vote? First make it fool proof and second make it matter!

Understand, what passes for 'leadership' [pretty much since the beginning] leaves much to be desired. Voting for someone to make decisions in your name without ever consulting you is foolish in the first place but we WEREN'T given an 'alternative'. Your 'participation' has always been limited to choosing from a pool of hand picked toadies, something that hasn't changed since the beginning.

Of course let's not forget the false 'party system' that exists SOLELY to create a division that doesn't exist! Hate Libtards? Well Liberals hate YOU too!

The 'real' division is same as it ever was, between the robbers and the workers. The workers want change and the robbers want to 'conserve' the sweet deal they have.

Ever wonder why the robbers refer to their victims as 'libtards'? Because they think they are retarded for even imagining a better deal! The tax cuts the media tells us the conservo-whacko base wants so badly do Jack for the morons that vote against the surrender monkeys and act mostly to cut social spending the base relies on.

Once again proving the axiom, stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

But I digress, this blog isn't for the 'single factor'. People who consistently vote against their own best interests are 'too stupid to know better'. They call it voting with their hearts but another part of their anatomy comes to mind when they proudly proclaim their 'faith based' decision-making process.

We have a name for people like that and it begins with a M [although in Latin it begins with an I]

Let the single factor chew on that as we move on with our insoluble quagmire the Founders left us in.

Have to suspect any system that doesn't have an escape clause and the founders left 'the governed' zero tools with which to fix our political system. It can only be altered from the inside...which is the root of the problem!

Under A Simple Plan the 'governed' [meaning you] can call for a recall competition if 90% of the population agrees. Since you will be able to vote from the comfort of your home, instantly, this will not be a problem. [if the system gets hacked it will be but they had best cover their tracks well or it will be a 'life-ending' prank.]

The thing to keep in mind about A Simple Plan is Legislators no longer exist, the people vote directly on the laws. If the new leadership (triad) starts proposing new laws like popcorn that would be cause for concern as the main premise of ASP is that the laws be 'simple and few'. Messing with the law is usually done to provide advantage for a specific ideology or cult [money-worshipers springs to mind.] Thus would it raise a 'red flag' to a vigilant public...but a society is only as good as it's institutions.

The 'safeguard' is the *H.A.E. law that specifically prohibits allowing legislation that provides advantage to any group or individual over another, the act of permitting such legislation to being put to the public is an exile offense! [Vetting legislation is, bizarrely, 'the primary function' of leadership! If they can't get that right then the test results themselves are suspect!]

[And ours is about as twisted as it gets!]

But I belabor the obvious, everybody knows! [Save the young who are still trying to find a way that works! The current system wherever you are exists to ensure the success of the already successful, a situation that can NOT stand!

A civilization that puts YOU on the outside looking in is just begging for war...and we are nothing if not 'war-like'.

Yet it remains that there can be no prosperity without PEACE!

So it becomes the 'excuse' as to why so few are prosperous, 17 years and counting folks, Three times longer than either World War with no end in sight and the current conservo-whacko administration not even making plans to end US involvement! [How telling is it that NEITHER SIDE of the so-called 'political divide' campaigned on ending the most expensive military adventure to date?

We can't trust them and we can't stop them so that leaves us where?

Smart Revolt! We have to play our only card HARD!

Our 'betters' have a huge fault, they're lazy. They don't have the stomach to fight and they certainly aren't about to 'take one for the team'. Grab one by the throat and they instantly start grovelling and begging for their worthless life.

Oddly your pleas for leniency fell on deaf ears so what do you think they deserve? The Naked Nature Walk! It's 'best' for all parties concerned.

Thanks for opening your mind,


* I have written much about the abbreviation H.A.E. and by now most constant readers think there must be a book dedicated to it the manifesto but the Human Anti Exploitation law is SIMPLE. It LITERALLY means what it says and prohibits any HUMAN (or group) from taking advantage (in any way, shape or form) of any other (human or group) for personal gain!

Inventing 'subcategories' to circumvent the H.A.E. is an exile offense as well because it shows 'intent'...and we aren't about to exempt Aliens from exploiting humans! [The feckless have NO Shame!]

** There will be 12 'contenders' for leadership, the top three will form the leadership Triad [using the premise that two heads are better than one and it takes three to break a tie, so they will manage 'together'!

In case any of you were wondering about making a single individual 'king' the triad acts to ensure against 'tyranny'. [Leaders under ASP have zero legislative power. True Leaders don't make laws, they follow them!]

Friday, November 24, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I hope bloodshed was kept to a minimum between you and yours now that the 'holiday season' has officially kicked off. Watched (for the first time) The Godfather last night with Fox/Newscorp's five minute long commercial breaks spaced evenly across the two hour movie, making each installment 6 hours long. Same commercials, over and over the same

Really redefined 500 channels and nothing's on and might become a future post, there is no 'reason' for this, er, 'excess'.

Be that as it may, Myth-conceptions in play across the societal landscape all depends not only on what's being measured but who is doing the measuring.

This report from the NY Times ignores inherited wealth and other people that don't receive 'paychecks' but you have to 'read between the lines' to learn that little tidbit. The entire billionaire class are treated as a 'outliers' that made their heaps 'unconventionally'.

Nobody (save the single factor) will be shocked to learn that the massive income inequality plaguing modern society is the handiwork of the criminals among us.

Purposeful and willful widespread ignorance regarding both the purpose and utility of the substance we call 'money'is the handiwork of the capitalist. Those who get to enjoy the fruits of YOUR labor that you 'can't afford'!

The last three paragraphs are telling indeed:
This year, the Brookings Institution’s Richard Reeves wrote a book about how people in the upper middle class have shaped both legal and cultural norms to their advantage. From different perspectives, Joseph Stiglitz, Robert Reich and Luigi Zingales have also written extensively about how the political power of elites has undermined markets.

Problems cited by these analysts include subsidies for the financial sector’s risk-taking; overprotection of software and pharmaceutical patents; the escalation of land-use controls that drive up rents in desirable metropolitan areas; favoritism toward market incumbents via state occupational licensing regulations (for example, associations representing lawyers, doctors and dentists that block efforts allowing paraprofessionals to provide routine services at a lower price without their supervision).

These are just some of the causes contributing to the 1 percent’s high and rising income share. Reforming relevant laws can make markets more efficient and egalitarian, and in contrast with trade, immigration and technology, the political causes of the 1 percent’s rise are directly under the control of citizens.

Does it strike anyone as odd that the 'legal community' can tailor laws to protect THEIR interests while simultaneously preventing mitigating legislation from ever seeing the light of day?


LAW, we're doing it WRONG if the only ones with access are the 'self-interested'. Wouldn't you agree?

We were sold the myth of the 'rule of law' but look at the mess made of the planet by those who sell their influence/legislative power for personal gain has done to the rest of us?

To enjoy the 'rule of law' and TRUE Justice, the law must be placed beyond the reach of the 'self-interested'.

We also can't solve the crisis created by the 1% by totally ignoring the .1%

The crisis is deeper than more complex than just the 'performance based' compensated.

This by itself is a slap in the face to the paycheck compensated class, the 95%.

But we all accept that we will NEVER SEE a ballot initiative intended to 'level the playing field'. [Not as long as the feckless can block 'legislative reform'.]

This will take a revolution, not necessarily a violent one but one of iron resolve, where the stakes are 'an eye for an eye.'

The feckless are audacious but they aren't stupid. They get others to do their dirty work but even those morons eventually catch on that what they do to others will be done to them in return. [Which is also the murderer's 'alternative' to exile. If they want to avoid 'the naked nature walk' they can agree to be slain in the same fashion that landed them in 'the circle of the accused'. [See the first tale in my book 'Big Questions' titled 'Badlands' for an example.] Commit a heinous enough crime and the choice is removed...(consider this 'fair warning'.)

The whole 'failure to launch' phenomenon is being caused by the manipulations of the rules by the feckless few and it WILL tear civilization apart.

Tick-tock good citizen, time is running out.

The problem with money is the abuses it causes and it won't change until we change it or society collapses...the choice is YOURS!

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


Thursday, November 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, hope you all took my earlier advice to heart and told the 'troublemakers' in your life to go to...[anywhere but your house!] [Bizarrely, there are a LOT of restaurants open on this day we traditionally gather with loved ones to 'give thanks'...makes you think the capitalists believe the holiday has nothing to do with family or food but making a buck...[now that 'Black Friday' is a month and a half long!]

Some of us lament the 'commercialization' of the holidays [mostly because it reminds us of how poorly we're doing on our long, miserable journey to the 'dirt nap'.] How many of you appreciate that it is this commercialization that shifts the holiday's focus from one of being thankful for your blessings to that of being found wanting because you haven't been as 'successful' as the media tells us we should be.

Yes good citizen, once again we need look no further than the eye that never blinks as the source of our misdirected angst.

[Maybe I should jockey for a post with the 'kill your TV' blog...but the 'idiot box' is merely a symptom , not the cause!]

Again, it's all bout 'focus'...and it seems nobody 'remembers' what is important because the boogeymen of yesteryear have been (temporarily) vanquished.

[Not that the horror stories ended, they just shifted, from deadly diseases to artificial economic penury, all so a few could lord it over the rest of us.]

Naturally, it will be neglect [born of greed] that brings the ancient horrors back to fore.

Diseases we thought were conquered have already made a comeback in drug resistant form. It's only a matter of time until the 'for profit' healthcare industry is overwhelmed by the lack of paying customers.

Yes, good citizen, this F.U. Pay me system has to go or we will return to the losing battle with mortality because the eye that never blinks has told us we all 'must have' new turnip twaddlers!

The 'custom' of gathering at harvest time is an ancient ritual where families took stock of the year just ended and, more often than not, mourned those no longer at the table.

This year, regardless of your position at the table, take stock of who is there and cherish them because you may not see them again next year. Do not mourn your failures, everybody knows it takes a two steps backward for a single step forward.

Breaking bread together is a 'celebration' of survivorship. A census if you will but one of appreciation for having made it to the table for another year. That's what you should be 'thankful' for. Food on the table is secondary [and f'n Christmas is somewhere at the bottom of the septic tank!]

Again, at Christmas you should be focused on the happiness the company of others brings than what they brought you as tokens of appreciation. The most important thing anyone can give you is their affection. There is no second place.

If those closest to you don't like you then the tale told by 'A Christmas Carol' was lost on you.

It's not about the money, it's not about the gifts, it's about the LOVE!


Take a good look around much love do you see? What you see is a lot of blind fools tripping over their own dicks as they push and shove their way to the front of the line for their steaming shovelful of shit.

Life is to be 'shared', not hoarded...(or worse lorded.)

I'm just a humble writer, I can't tell you how to live your life but I can tell you about what makes life worthwhile, it what we writers do! In fact the shithow your currently striving for came from the pen of a copywriter!

Keep that in mind before the predators rob you of everything worth living for.

The 'game' is 99% DECEPTION, the first step in avoiding being played for a fool is not to fall for it in the first place! [I know, easier said than done]

How sad is it that 'wisdom' can't be taught, only learned?

Just sharing some thoughts with those I care about on this day set aside for giving thanks.

I didn't want this day to pass without my readers being told how much I APPRECIATE their taking the time to consider what I have to, er, 'rant' about. [Yeah, a lot of it is negative, but it's the toolbox we all know.]

My most humble thanks and my sincerest appreciation for your letting me inside YOUR head,


Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Greetings good citizen, everywhere you look the 'virtues' of respect and common decency have vanished [heads up to those of you who take the reference of 'pushing us into our own cesspool' literally.]

Without respect and common decency/courtesy society is one big, stinking, ugly cesspool where the struggle to remain upright is an exercise in futility.

How sad is it that most youths were raised with zero appreciation for either 'quality'...and without quality, you have nuthin!

Ever wonder why the West was so violent? Because without respect you were no better than an animal, deserving only of being gunned down.

So we return to our social 'disconnect', where we respect 'money' (and the power money can buy) but we hold the 'qualities' of dignity and 'self-respect' in contempt.

Need I direct your attention to the eye that never blinks when you go searching for a culprit? Automation has given humanity the luxury of free time and humanity, simpleminded as it is, is easily bored, therefore it 'craves' entertainment...the baser the better.

Humans are such 'mimics' (and SO socially needy) that nobody can deny 'we live what we see' in an often vain attempt to be 'accepted'...there the spotlight splits in two, with half craving worship and the other half cultivating fear.

How sick is it that those 'comfortable in their own skin' are the 'rare commodity' under this particular 'Big Top'?

But I feed a myth. There is a correlation between violence and justice, meaning 'the lawless West' was a violent place because our principle drive [opportunism] lacks the restraint to do the 'right thing', practically DARING others to kill us.

With that comes our warped concept of 'ownership'. Sharing, so necessary in a place you DON'T have all to yourself, ISN'T taught to us at any point in our life cycle. Sure, we are (often forced) to 'Share' as children (but most of us resented it) and modern parents just throw up their hands and let the juveniles sort it out (We all know how that one ends.)

If we share, we come upon it ourselves. Part of it is the 'emptiness' of selfishness and the other part is the need to be 'accepted' [if we share, others will 'like' us (and maybe not kill us!)

Twisted creatures that we have become, we badly need to get our 'house in order'...(while there is still a house to save.)

Most of us are sick and tired of hearing it's 'our fault' but that is only partially true. The lack of responsibility displayed by the 'feckless' [a.k.a. the 'anything for a buck crowd'] is mostly what's driving this 'race to the bottom' that has been forced on us.

We have fallen down, good citizen and NOBODY is going to pick us back up if we don't stand on our own two and tell the feckless in no uncertain terms, NO MORE!

I already told you what step one was [Firing the meat-puppet government, closing the rip-off banks, the fantasy 'stock market' and the useless 'front office' of EVERY corporation, The 'sole survivor' of the purge will be the 'planning office', where the nuts and bolts of commerce are delivered to the production floor.]

Justice will take on a whole new meaning. Break the law and you will have your membership in society REVOKED! Not for 'spitting on the sidewalk' but for intimidating some older person from using what you consider to be YOUR parking spot.

You will go OUT OF YOUR WAY to have people think well of you because your 'reputation' is ALL you have. People don't guard their reputation anymore as evidenced by all the accusations of 'unwanted sexual advances' coming out of the woodwork lately.

Love itself is a 'crazy game' of chase me until I catch you that also NEEDS ground rules taught to EVERY CHILD regarding what is or isn't 'appropriate'. Seriously, kidults across humanity are still in the dark about how the game (should be) played because some puritanical A-Hole decided for them that 'none' was the proper level of education!

Worse, we fall back on our 'mimic' nature and when it mixes with our 'creative' side it seems we are all attempting to 'raise the bar' (unfortunately 'audacity-wise'! We're not trying for 'better'; we're shooting for 'more outrageous'!) a mark we all too often manage to achieve.

We are all 'eager to learn' but we need 'competent educators' and that appears to be a rare commodity indeed, those who teach the teachers need to be vetted much more thoroughly than they currently are! (as evidenced by the deplorable state of society itself, a state of IGNORANCE. reinforced by our vacant educational system that is devoid of standards!) [Shut up and drink the Kool-Aid!]

Civility is the buffer that prevents us from (righteously) KILLING ONE ANOTHER ON SIGHT! (so 'untrustworthy/treacherous' is mankind) the 'two second truce' allowed us to build great things [for other people...who failed to appreciate the effort and then tried to exterminate us afterwards!]

Truly, it is a marvel that against our better judgement we DON'T kill one another on sight [and a good thing too because we're not all a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe that the mindless conservatives regularly refer to the rest of us as.]

But the lawn is a little weedy and education isn't always the solution. [Which is to point out that 'tolerance' often becomes a self-inflicted wound.]

When will people learn that 'the mark' is always 'in the middle', it's not left or right, up or down, happiness is being 'centered'.

Civility is respect for the others while enjoying yourself and allowing others to enjoy themselves without interference, accepting the inevitable splash over that occurs when space is shared.

We truly are social creatures and NEED others because it helps keep us 'centered' this 'right-left' Mumbo-jumbo is exactly that, and attempt to muddy the waters and distract the rest of us from what's the 'qualities' of unity and harmony.


Think about it while you are reflecting on your 'blessings' tomorrow...

Thanks for letting ME inside YOUR head,


Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the worldwide conservative movement, under the banner of globalization, has completed what it set out to do. Not only did it shift its power base to the Far East it gutted Western ideology.

The starving Chinese are more than happy with the crumbs from the capitalist's table. Most don't consider the people from former [mismanaged] communist nations as 'starving' but it's the truth. Just like here, the few grabbed everything for themselves and left the workers nothing.

Now if they could just automate EVERYTHING they'd have it pretty sweet...then they could 'make good' on their 'threat/promise' to hire one half of us to exterminate the other, until none of us pesky peasants were left.

Because if you boil away the BS what you have left is 'selfishness'. The greedy few want it ALL for themselves. YOU are a pain in their backside and if wishes came true they'd wake up tomorrow and YOU would be gone...they care not where!

[Although they'd prefer to see YOUR corpse...there's nothing like the comfort of certainty...knowing YOU'RE NOT coming back!]

But either way is good to them because all they care about is them and theirs. If you're neither, you're not worth the bother!

Why am I capitalizing the pronoun YOU?

Because many of you don't think this is is and in the worst possible way!

The greedy truly DESPISE us but because of their tiny numbers they pretend to care.

Did we just screw you again? That wasn't us! [It's always denial, it's NEVER them although like Lenny Cohen says...EVERYBODY KNOWS it's them, grinning with maniacal satisfaction as they twist the knife!.]

Anyway, what does the freakishly selfish's warped mental state have to do with the state of global disarray?

Pretty much EVERYTHING! Guess who OWNS THE MEDIA? [You're good at this! Right in one!]

The media provides the 'labels' while the FILTHY RICH paint the targets...then (our kids in uniform) have to fight them off.

Does anyone remember when there wasn't a 'Homeland'? Well in the future you'll be asking if your kids remember when there was NO SUCH THING as ALT RIGHT or it's equally mythical counterpart, the ALT LEFT?

There is no LEFT AND RIGHT, it's a ploy BY THE FREAKISHLY SELFISH to divert attention from the real 'social chasm', that of RICH AND POOR!

Who made the ALT RIGHT? The RICH! Who made the ALT LEFT? The POOR! [who is standing on the sidelines? THE PALACE GUARD!] Momma, don't let your babies be cannon fodder for the feckless, teach 'em that the blue suit is NOBODY'S friend! [Same goes for fatigues, they don't fight for YOU, they are sworn to THEM!]

Yet the feckless media calls these puppets of privilege 'heroes' when the truth is it is they who keep the for profit prison industry churning out dollars for the freakishly selfish.

If we stood still for it they would march us all into one, fire the guards and throw away the key! [Actually in 'capitalist utopia' there is no need for the palace guard, they'd be abandoned with the mud people that they loathe so deeply!

Why do I put it that way? If they didn't loathe us they wouldn't treat us like vermin!

Just the sight of us makes their (guilty) flesh crawl...and 'righteously' so!)

Don't think humanity has a problem? Then you've drank too much Kool-aid!

What I want to convey here, before we gather to 'give thanks' is to remind everyone (who will listen) that WE are ALL in this TOGETHER, This 'gimme, gimme, me first!' nonsense HAS TO GO!

There are humans and there are FREAKS. If you can't identify THE ENEMY then we are doomed! Make no mistake about it, the RICH already have us in their sights and they are wiping us out WHOLESALE around the globe.

Which is remind you that we should all be thankful that we have escaped extermination...but only for now.

If we do nothing it will be 'our turn' before you know it.

What to do? Simple, we OUTLAW CASH and zero out the banking industry! [Banking, such as it is, will become an internal function of the DIVISION that employs YOU [no more corporations] YOU will be issued a debit card that YOU can use to buy what YOU need. [Before new cards are issued your employer will give you a voucher that has your 'vitals' on it.]

Single people can't shop for 90 and if they try to it will mark them for exile! Greed will NOT BE TOLERATED. If you in fact have a nine member household, it will be on the voucher as well as your debit card. Load up, because you indeed have a lot of mouths to feed.

Get caught committing fraud and you know the much do you like being naked outdoors? [Because that's how you'll be spending the rest of your miserable days.]

Those are the first steps, it all flows forward from disabling the culture of fraud and corruption fostered by mismanagement and neglect.

There is much to be done and plenty of hands with which to do it. [How SICK is it that the feckless ignore infrastructure as a method of limiting population growth?]

Tired of excuses? If a paycheck is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us!

Thanks for opening your mind,


Monday, November 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, when it comes to 'state of mind' your outlook is completely in charge. Are things really as 'dark' as the media wants us to believe...and again they don't give a fig what you believe because PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING!

The 'infamous they' remain in power because you 'perceive' that you can't do anything about it. You keep getting 'short-sheeted' and again [here perception and reality match] there isn't a thing you can (legally) do about it.

In this respect 'perception' is king. Life truly is 'what you make it' because the feckless are quite thorough when it comes to dotting their 'i's and crossing their 't' well as being experts at 'dancing between the cracks' (doing the underhanded that isn't 'right' but it ain't illegal either.)

If you think you can, you can and if you think you can't you're right!

Now the lines between audacity and legality are perilously close and committing crimes to take down criminals is a long honored practice [tased to death in the back of a cruiser while handcuffed anyone?]

If you have a badge the prosecutor may 'choose' not to prosecute but if you don't then you'd best have a damn good lawyer...or at least that's the 'perception'.

The very definition of 'chaos' [anarchy is something else entirely!] is taking the law into your own hands. Anarchy is the practice of letting society decide (via the ballot box) what is and isn't legal.

The criminals among us have gotten away with more than civilization can tolerate, all so 'a few' can be rich.

But you're supposed to 'perceive' that everything is on the up and up!

Your being cited for speeding is evidence that Justice prevails even when the number on the ticket has zero basis in simply thought the officer was being 'kind' to you...he wasn't. It's his/her JOB to make you believe justice is ever vigilant! [especially when 99% of the time they don't turn up until long after the fact, lights and sirens blaring to take the 'fight' out of perps.]

Much of what happens to you is done for 'appearances'.

Some may be satisfied that justice is being served when your car gets towed for being parked in a handicapped space [even if you're in a wheelchair, no placard, no parky!]

But there are no cops on Wall Street (or Capitol Hill for that matter!) These guys rip the public off every day, all day and because the perception is there is nothing that can be done about it, they get away with it!

How many of you are STUPID ENOUGH to believe the economy would fall apart if Wall Street shut down?

Would you stop going to the store or would you stop using your bank account?

Would you stop needing 'things' if the banks closed their doors?

Because that's the 'impression' you've been handed. If Wall Street (OR the Insurance companies) closed, the banks would fold up like paper napkins and the economy would come to a screeching halt [emphasis on the screeching!]

Totally ignoring premise Number One...YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! Can't get a house without a bank loan? Where (precisely) the F do you suppose THAT came from?

Predators, they prey on YOU everyday of your life and the 'justice system' does nothing about it!

World would be a MUCH different place if the laws were what the public wanted [tempered by the H.A.E. Law] Which outlaws 'because I don't like it' legislation, along with a wide variety of other petty, ill-considered ideas.

What do you suppose would be the first 'landmark' change? The abolition of 'ownership', the mother of all misery? There is only one planet and nobody owns ANY of it! We ALL need to share what there is as equitably as possible. Will it be totally fair, probably not but it will still be light years apart from what we suffer now.

The biggest obstacle to general prosperity is the 'I got mine' mentality that keeps production low and unemployment high...because the fools don't want to contradict the 'holy rulebook' [about going forth and multiplying, something they enjoy a little too much so that they do it to the exclusion of all else! Somebody should cut the damn thing off! [And that still wouldn't stop them! So used to 'sticking it' to people that they have come to enjoy it more than when they were still capable of physical relations!]

Yeah, the overpopulation crisis is a 'self-inflicted' wound...and we can only wonder why our politicians remain so out of touch...are they selling 'the surplus population' to aliens for food?

Ya think we'd know if something like that were happening but look at all the other nonsense you regularly buy into...

Why isn't birth control a priority?

What's WRONG with the people running things? Do they have an agenda we aren't aware of because they behave mighty peculiarly. We brush it off to greed but could it be something else?

Just in case you were wondering where I was going with this and 'belaboring the obvious' by pointing out what you all know: you are the victim of your own 'perception', what you believe governs your reality so you must consider carefully what you choose to accept...

And that concludes today's missive, thanks for opening your mind; now start preparing that list of *things you're thankful for...


[* Drawing a blank? So are most of us...]

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the decision to cut taxes on the already too wealthy and cut benefits to the needy is a fool's game and guess who is 'the fool'?

It all leads back to mother nature's cash register (which they are stiffing big time) and the lunatic race to be the richest, most powerful and most feared moron on the block!

Mouth breathers who have no inkling what money is for continue to 'divert' as much as they can into their war chests because More is Better...they don't know what they're going to spend it on [probably new drapes for the grand ballroom nobody ever goes into because it's detached and three miles away from the main house. (seemed like a good idea at the time, you couldn't beat the parking!)]

Well, the 'bottom line' is [as usual] the selfish plan to deny the majority what they need just because they can. Wanna know why there are no jobs? It's because the feckless don't care about what needs doing, they've got theirs, screw 'em!

One of today's headlines is about the NY subway system and how 'political choices/expediency' have led it to the brink of collapse.

Did I mention 'mismanagement'...we COULD track these morons down and strip them of their [lush] gov't pensions but the reality is we should exile 'em. We should exile the One Percent wholesale on the grounds of fecklessness alone!

A neglectful employee would be terminated and forfeit their benefits as well...while negligent administrators are never tasked/penalized for their maladministration. G.G.E. but we all know 'G' is a fairy tale...and the feckless are more than willing to take their chances.

It's not difficult to almost taste the growing thirst for justice in the air. The problem with that is the feckless will use that pent up demand to lead the charge to punish the 'relatively innocent' to escape their comeuppance.

How fortunate for the leaders of the world that their followers don't think?

Well, the few that do are haunted with the reality of this whole 'more for me' idiocy is going to end beyond badly as the 'overreaching' continue to stretch a little bit more than they should have...but that is what 'hindsight' is for.

Hindsight regards the smoking ruins and mutters, "oops, too much!" as it takes in the magnitude of the devastation they have caused.

You know what they will say in their defense? "YOU LET ME!" [which naturally makes it all YOUR fault!]

Not that YOU had an effective way to stop them but there it is. [Yet another 'hole']

If we don't stop the feckless [who have been working for decades to derail the social safety net] the disaster will be civilization ending.

All because 'a few' are beyond stupid and freakishly selfish.

Calling all adults...oh drat! They got shown the door with the now defunct/defunded Democrats.

Have I mentioned we're doing this all WRONG!

MONEY is for YOU and ONLY you! If you aren't getting your share IT'S A FREAKING CRIME! And the government should DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

So step one is to 'fix' money, then we fix 'Justice' by banishing everyone that doesn't value civil society. [Let's start with the morons that have the chutzpah to call themselves 'job creators' and work our way down.]

Mister 'happiness' I'm not [but akin to the feckless I feel justified in my 'dourness'.]

Trillions for war yet not a penny for the victims of natural disaster...WTF?

But hey it's not me, it's YOU that thinks the political system can be 'fixed'!

One of us is wrong and I'm pretty sure it's not me.

My proof? Can you live on your paycheck?

Can YOU say mismanagement?

And we have no way to fix what others have paid to f' up!

Happy Sunday, good citizen. Thanksgiving is this week and we can only wonder what it is we're supposed to be thankful for, that the whole damn thing hasn't burned down [yet] I suppose?

If 'it could be worse' is chief among our blessing we're on the WRONG DAMN ROAD!

Time to turn this beast around before it ends us all! [Truly a pathetic thing to say when it's hard to see the downside of that eventuality, isn't it?]

Thanks once again for opening your mind preparing for what is to come, thanks for visiting 'the futurist',


Saturday, November 18, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we writers often lament the imprecision of speech made even more frustrating because the average schmuck suffers from an extremely weak vocabulary.

The Progressive Rush Limbaugh went on hiatus until February last night so maybe the waters will settle somewhat before you're logic is assailed by the fruitless pursuits those claiming to 'oppose' the oligarchs want you to focus on.

To the plus side, the more they flap their gums the more irrelevant they make themselves. The problems facing society/civilization are much deeper than who touched who when and where did they pee afterwards...

Seriously good citizen, what passes for 'our' government more closely resembles the antics seen in the center ring of a low brow three ring circus!

Our inability to dismiss this pack of incompetents only makes the situation that much more frustrating. Worse, nobody can see a way to restore order [short of revolt]...

More 'problematic' is what comes afterwards? Revolt now and the oligarchs will sweep away what few legal protections you enjoy as they rally around their favorite banner, 'The Golden Halo'.

Death to the SINNERS will be their battle cry and anyone who opposes them will be branded a 'sinner' [for opposing the 'will of god' is blasphemy!]

All they need is a lead and we'll never catch up!

Do you believe your peers are 'too smart' to fall for the God bit? That's what they thought last time until the feckless media started branding people, once the 'bandwagon' got rolling the 'smart money' hopped aboard, mostly to save their own worthless necks!

Never underestimate the viciousness of the superstitious peasant. Who is a 'peasant' you ask? You're surrounded by them. The only reason they are doing what the jerks with the bull horns order them to do is because they don't want to be next.

And THAT good citizen is how you control a mindless mob. The mob can be turned but it's a difficult (and dangerous) trick.

The 'original' gangs won't be 'turn able' because they are para-military and following orders. Their orders are to kill the 'agitators' as brutally as possible to show the others they mean business.

Given the cruelty our betters have shown us over the years since morning in America that's not going to work on most of the hardened, older types who remember when there was no such thing as 'Homeland Security'.

Does ANYONE still believe the Nazis LOST? Only the STUPID few who fail to make the connection that the fundamentals of Nazism are IDENTICAL to those of the CAPITALISM!

Any questions?

If you're just now wondering if this is true you obviously haven't been paying attention. This is the 'dissonance' referred to in today's title.

Ironically, the bought and paid for media tells you less than nothing but you fail to question why and they just keep doing it.

The real 'trick' to the news cycle is to ignore the important and focus on the trivial so you won't pay attention when the rug is being pulled out from underneath you.

Like taxes. Taxes are totally unnecessary yet the feckless make a big deal out of overpaying themselves so taxes don't affect their lifestyle like they effect yours!

They think you are stupid and they can think that all they want because the important thing is YOU'RE POWERLESS!

And that's just the way they want you.

And if you don't fall into line we'll just reboot the crusades and the accompanying 'witch hunts'. Nothing keeps 'em obedient like fear!


So if you think things are bad now, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Again my hope is forewarned is forearmed! You can stop the mindless with a shout but you have to be shrill and then you have to hammer them, hard with THE TRUTH!


Because it's pretty moronic to be shouting about the 'vengeance of god' when NOBODY has seen god do so much as blow a leaf across the yard without wind. Snapping people back to their senses is pretty easy once they realize 'what comes around goes around'

and the 'better them than me' only applies to 'this time'...another useful thing to remind the mindless of when they are ready to tear you apart on the say so of the employees of the people you SHOULD BE RUNNING UP A LIGHT POLE!

What's the bottom line here?

You're being played and you're powerless to stop them. We need to 'bitchslap' some sense into the mindless who believe whatever they've been told in the last thirty seconds. If we don't we're all scroomed.

Um, thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, hope what I've shared helps.

Help yourself to as much free stuff as you can carry but stay away from those last two barrels, one of em is rancid and the other has nuts in it.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Culture of hatred

Greetings good citizen, part of the 'divide and conquer' strategy used so successfully by the criminals among us is based on the 'other'.

Whether the other practices a strange religion or has food biases that are different from our own, suddenly we have a demon on our hands. And that's just for the others that LOOK LIKE US, if their skin tone is a touch too dark, instant leper!

You have to wonder what the hell is wrong with people that they are A.) so easily manipulated and B.) so freaking fearful of anything different and that includes even minor differences. Just where, precisely, does this BS come from?

Bad enough color is a major hang-up but now you toss in religion, ethnicity and social class and you end up with a toxic stew!

In public we all feign 'denial' but you aren't fooling anyone. People can tell when 'the other' is lying to them. The most obvious 'tell' of all is how most haters can't control their nervousness.

Think you're not a hater, think again. If half of you would just listen to yourself you'd probably be astonished at how much vitriol you spew in all directions during a 'normal conversation'.

It is asking much to have you recall the most recent conversation you had, even with yourself {which is usually when you fly your freak flag full mast} and examine what you felt and what you said, even the tone you said it in.

Most of you can't because you have 'auto-erase', the mouth opens and two seconds later it's forgotten. A lot of you have said some pretty nasty stuff but because you don't remember what you said you are honestly mystified as to why somebody is pissed at you!

This zero recall reflex leads directly to that mighty river in Egypt we call denial.

You can do it in real time because some of us have a running conversation in our minds that NEVER stops, just paying attention to your own thoughts can prove the point.

I am fond of an incident that opened my eyes to just how easily we can be manipulated. About ten years ago I found a plastic figurine of a native american among my son's toy. I picked it up and marveled that it had not once occurred to my son to kill that Indian. [He spends his days killing electrons online while wearing monster suits/personas...same shit, different victim.]

Not that Call of Duty, Halo or any of the other 'first person shooter' games is any less DISTURBING. When reduced to pixels, life is cheap...add a reset button and it's all good. Makes you wonder if our modern shooters believe their victims will actually 're-spawn'?

UNDERSTAND THIS: Fantasy IS this generation's 'reality'. The Futureless have no aspirations, they have been reduced to living in the eternal NOW!

How many of you will choose to ignore this as well? Even the non-single factor hasn't appreciated the full significance of this development that will soon blow up in our collective faces.

We are living with an entire generation that has no plans. Is it any wonder the economy is falling apart?

Capitalism has drained away our humanity, all that is left are meat eating hate machines who will kill you without thinking twice.

The Law of the Jungle morons have won...and the end will be beyond tragic.

Um, what more can I say? You're all obsessed with how you're NOT going to pay the bills never mind what you can't afford to get anybody for Christmas and what kind of asshole that's going to make you!

Hard to tell which is worse, the hatred, the shame or the colossal STUPIDITY of it all?

What is difficult to get others to appreciate is it all starts with TREACHERY and our cheating opportunist hearts will betray one another in the wink of an eye because we lack the will to deny ourselves [instant gratification]

If we had the mental horsepower to stop and consider outcomes BEFORE we stabbed those we love in the heart [or perhaps had the foresight to harden/toughen the hearts and minds of those loved ones against harboring 'unreasonable expectations' we wouldn't live in a world where hate drives EVERYTHING while we endlessly seek a love we don't deserve.

Yes, good citizen, we can overcome our frailties if we are EDUCATED BUT those who would manipulate you don't want you to appreciate that you are your own worst enemy! So we return to 'treachery'. You have to learn the 'hard lessons' on your own...and you really won't appreciate them until it happens to you!

Forewarned is indeed, forearmed.

It is possible to live in a world without hate but first we need to internalize why we hate [along with how others manipulate us into hating what we have no experience with.]

Like my toy box find, the CHOICE is YOURS!

Thanks once again for opening your mind, don't forget to help yourself to the free samples although I'd avoid the barrel on the end [it has nuts in it!]


Thursday, November 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, little did our 'betters' suspect that dividing the world into 'manageable' fiefs would open the door to so much division! Sure, sowing hatred domestically was baked into the plan but it was supposed to stay didn't.

That said the policy of keeping us at each other's throats worked so well that we have fought two world wars as well as the cold war and the latest ongoing war on an 'idea', war without end because NOBODY on ANY side of the conflict can define VICTORY short of the extermination of humanity!

Once the Muslims are 'subdued' don't doubt for a moment that a new chimera will be selected as the 'target' and the endless war [against the enemies of the uber-rich] will continue until the servant class falls into line.

Um, by 'appearances' the military in Zimbabwe has done the right thing by seizing a doddering dictator and removing his kids from ascending to the throne the people of Zimbabwe fought to escape...but things are never what they appear to be. The order to kick the kids out of the throne room came from 'on high' or the military wouldn't have dared.

Comply or die goes much further and much deeper than the average individual suspects. The now global 'Security apparatus' DOESN'T take it's orders from the elected meat puppets, it answers to the oligarchs and the oligarchs alone...and the fools do it for the money! [The alternative is accepting what the 'mud people' have to put up with.] How sad is it that's the ONLY motivation they need?

Ever wonder what keeps the military 'in check' around the world? The assassin teams employed by shiftless and completely unaccountable security forces. Disobey orders and you'll find yourself in a puddle of your own blood while the media spreads stories about how you tragically took your own life.

Or you'll end up fired and under investigation for crimes you had no part in, so delicate is one's reputation in today's plugged in world.

Those with two synapses still in communication with one another know the latest kerfuffle making headlines about women being victimized sexually by predatory males hasn't change or even slowed down the practice...because the justice system is a BAD JOKE!

Until we fix that, nothing gets fixed! [We're looking at YOU Little Boy Blue!]

[Just remember why we don't 'force' the politicians to give us...ANYTHING! If we do, we will end up with a situation THAT NOBODY WANTS...(people already get tased to death for no reason.) The FIRST STEP in FIXING the justice system is DISMANTLING IT! COMPLETELY.]

I once again apologize to the non-single factor for belaboring the obvious. My bad.

We can only marvel over where either the shooters or the military were during Reagan's or W's presidency...and there is only one answer.

How bizarre most of you never think to ask such questions...or is it?

Somewhat hard to believe they WANT IT THIS WAY!

Thanks for opening your mind and don't forget to help yourself to all the free samples you can carry!


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Law vs. Chaos

Greetings good citizen, life is torn between these two conflicting forces of nature. One works to subdue while the other struggles to break free. In themselves, only the extremes are harmful...the problem here is those boundaries aren't concrete and the forces of 'stasis' work ceaselessly to expand the influence of their presumed 'etched in stone' sovereign [conservatism.]

Zero irony that this is where 'comply or die' comes from...where the 'liberal' alternative is if you refuse to live by the rules the rest of us agree to, live as you like elsewhere...but conservatism doesn't 'tolerate' doesn't feel it should have to...that's why their credo is 'comply or die'.

Do YOU want to live in a world where your every decision must pass muster with a rigid, unimaginative ideology, an ideology where every joy is denied to you because it might lead to happiness resulting in a spontaneous outburst of chaos?

Think I am being too literal? Take a good look around you at this conservo-whacko cesspit and tell me again you don't believe we're NOT on the brink of collapse?

Chaos is caged, waiting its moment [as it always does] and Karma will unleash havoc when it reaches the breaking point because the feckless don't have a clue when enough is enough.

Tick-tock good citizen, that which comes is inevitable. There is no god but the forces of law and chaos can only exist 'in balance' and that balance is irresistible!

Don't get the wrong idea, life is chaos and stasis is death [so those 'agents of the law' aren't your friend even in this instance...] maybe this puts thing in perspective for you since the world has become increasingly difficult [for the rational mind] to comprehend.

Little bizarre/counter-intuitive to think the problem is being caused by stasis but we keep returning here over and over again!

Worse, the reason for that is because the stupid possess no wisdom...and even less intelligence. [Intelligence is knowing what to do, which they don't, and wisdom is knowing when to do it...and they are freaking clueless!]

I was born an optimist and that's what keeps me preaching long after the chance to turn this around has passed. Seriously the most SOME OF US can hope for is to survive in order to start over again.

Hopefully I have sown enough seeds so those who come after will avoid at least some of the pitfalls of following the freakishly selfish.

It all starts with accepting we are ALL in this TOGETHER. If you don't get that you won't understand anything!

Our current nightmare was born of the 'us vs them' mentality...with the criminals taking extreme action to prevent retribution...but they have only delayed payback. It's coming for them and it will hit like a laser-guided tsunami once they pull the plug.

They see the unrest but foolishly believe they control it, they are wrong.

The bitter-sweet here is it is unlikely most of us will live to see our vindication.

The answer to that puzzle may well lie in that most ethereal of human frailties, faith.

In the meantime good citizen, round and round...what comes around, goes around!

Karma good citizen, do you know what your karmic balance is 'cuz it will soon be time to 'pay up!' Hope you can cover the tab cuz 'working it off' is what you were supposed to be doing!


Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the tax cutting Republicans Starting with Reagan and continuing right up to the Trump administration have repeatedly slashed taxes on those WHO NEEDED IT LEAST meanwhile the real global economy is collapsing due to a lack of customers! [The population continues to grow but the cost of living is growing faster and the tax cuts for the already rich just raise taxes/expenses on/for everyone else. [Sadly, this is tied directly to the stupidity factor; an indirect 'tax' on the rest of us caused by loosened educational standards...due to budget cuts caused by TAX CUTS FOR THE FECKLESS!]

How many of you know what 'crimes against humanity' are?

Should be a rhetorical question but we have been saying for years our 'elected leaders' don't listen to us, making them criminals from a dereliction of duty point of view.

The 'defense' for our politicians is they 'disagree' [in what passes for their hearts] with what the public wants and can't in good conscience take paychecks from the hardworking insurance industry [never-mind their generous campaign contributions] by supporting single payer healthcare...

The REASON we don't fight this is behavior is the vindictive way the feckless operate. If we MAKE THEM give us single payer it will be so overburdened with fees and forms it will turn out to be worse than doing nothing. [from the delivery of safe, effective and timely healthcare point of view.]

People who have a 'problem' with the smooth functioning of society WILL have their 'membership' revoked...which is to say they won't have to 'volunteer' for exile. [Those currently in office will have their necks stretched, free of charge!]

While my, er, 'viewpoint' is somewhat sterner, here's what Mr. Krugman has to say on the subject:

Focusing on how many would face tax increases gets at only a small part of what’s going on here.

Top-down class warfare, coupled with false claims to be cutting taxes on the middle class, has been standard G.O.P. operating procedure for a long time. In fact, for policy wonks of a certain age, the current tax debate inspires an overwhelming sense of déjà vu, because many of the tricks Republicans are using come right out of the Bush administration’s playbook in 2001 and 2003.

Tax breaks that phase in or out to make the 10-year budget impact look smaller? Check. Misleading examples and calculations to give the false impression of a tax cut for the middle class? Check. Pretending that tax cuts come free, that they won’t eventually have to be offset by cuts to popular programs? Check, again.

But there are also some new aspects to this latest money grab. This time around, much more clearly than before, the goal seems to be to favor wealth, especially inherited wealth, over work. And buried in the legislation are multiple measures that would make it much harder for the children of the middle and working classes to work their way up.

There is zero irony that none of this behavior is considered criminal since those proposing it are LAWMAKERS!

Those who must live under the law are the ones who should be making them...and then only after EVERYONE gets to vote on them!

We DON'T need those who WILL and HAVE sold the rest of us out to the highest bidder making laws for us that they specifically exempt themselves from!

In case you didn't know and most of you don't or heard but refused to believe it.

We live in a land ruled by criminals and if you don't like it, MOVE!

As an extension of yesterday's post let me point to who is behind the divisive media practices that are driving wedges between families and society alike? Wonder where all the crazed shooters are coming from? We need look no further than the hate spewing conservative media and their ceaseless yearning for some 'yesteryear' than NEVER EXISTED!

Did somebody take a steaming dump in the milk of human kindness?

That's for YOU to decide, good citizen.

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to help yourself to the free samples!


Monday, November 13, 2017


Greetings good citizen: Welcome to the 'big empty'. We will soon gather together with family and family-less friends to share the holidays and AVOID discussing the State of the Nation. Yup, at dinner tables across the nation the subject of the freak show that affects our everyday existence will be taboo.

Peace within the family comes at a terrible price, it produces worlds like the one we now live in.

It has an even more toxic effect of letting the psychopaths among us gain the upper hand when they should be shown the damn door.

Which is to point out that if Uncle Dick is a racist, bigoted, opinionated A-hole with teeth, the holiday doesn't A.) suddenly forgive him or B.) make him into a beloved member of a family that he openly HATES (any and all who disagree with him.)

This 'My way or the highway' attitude born of the employer class [who doesn't give a F if you have a job or not...and if you don't that's on YOU and not the predatory system that has no use for you! They don't want to hear that because their only joy in life is hating others and nothing pleases them more than other people's misery.

So the loud sucking sound filling your ears as the holidays creep closer is the sound of the vacuum 'clearing the air' so the family can TRY to have just one meal in PEACE!

While I constantly point to the 'single factor' I will clarify my position by stating bluntly that a peaceful family meal is only possible if ALL of the people around the table have enough love and respect FOR OTHERS in their hearts to keep their hatred to themselves.

BEFORE you ruin your family gathering, make a mental checklist of precisely WHO starts telling anyone who will listen WHAT THEY HATE the moment they enter the room...and dis-invite them NOW! Let's fast forward to after a few cordials and consider who starts emptying their bowels as soon as they have a couple under their belt [cuz it's okay to be a sexist bigot if you're drunk] and dis-invite them too!

This post is 'targeted' to the Ladies because it all starts with YOU! YOU control who sits at your table come the holidays this means you also control the level of civility.

People behave badly because we turn a blind eye [let them get away with it, dismiss as too much to drink or some long ago ordeal that the crank never got over. (to hear THEM tell it anyway...did I mention our species is filled with opportunists?)

This is another thing we need to stop 'enabling'. Give someone an 'out' and they'll hammer that bad boy until we are all convinced they have lost it...but in the meantime they are chuckling to themselves over how stupid everybody else is...and the scary part is, it's true. We'll let somebody shit all over us if they even PRETEND they have an emotional problem.

Until they learn to 'deal' they too are off the guest list. People who want to live in their own little world are perfectly within their rights to do so. There is absolutely NO NEED for the rest of us to crawl in there with them!

At this point most of you are wondering if they raise turkeys that small [because the guest list is now tiny!] so I will suggest something you can do that will salvage SOME of the list and that is cut the power to the idiot box. Nothing fires up the psycho faster than FOX ANYTHING!

Banish your TV and tell your guests you're having an 'old-fashioned' holiday for a change. You'll be absolutely amazed at how much more civil people are if you banish the eye that never blinks. Don't worry, the kids will amuse themselves with their hand-held devices.

Another 'helpful hint' will be enforcing the 'no cell phones at the table' rule. It may force guests to leave the table every twenty seconds but that should tell you something all by itself.

That people now prefer the 'anonymity' of the on-line arena than the 'accountability' of being part of a group in a social situation...

The 'emptiness' doesn't hold them accountable and they can pretend they are anything but who they are. The emptiness doesn't judge and the vacuum keeps their secrets.

So, if you want a successful holiday, it's all in the PLANNING! Eliminate trouble before it's sitting at the table dragging everybody down.

Don't fret that the family Grinch/Scrooge will be alone...they MADE that bed themselves and choose to be that way. Forcing them to behave contrary to their nature does NOBODY any favors!

The forgotten axiom in our now scrambled social landscape is it has never been the 'church' that kept society civil, it was the damn DINNER TABLE!

Now the psycho-paths don't need to cook (or be civil for that matter) since they share their meals with the eye that never blinks. Worse, since they have nobody to talk to their head begins to echo with the poison deposited there by the newscaster.

The feckless don't care who they propagandize and the none too smart are defenseless. Sorting fact from fiction is too much for them to handle considering how much BS they are forced to swallow in their everyday lives.

Those empty seats at the dinner table are causing a serious problem society-wide because while people may drive us crazy, nothing will drive you to the cracker factory faster than the lack of 'human interaction.'

There is NOTHING more dangerous than 'unfiltered opinion' it has caused every single war since the beginning of armed conflict.

The damning vacuum is created by the none too bright retreating into their own little world...but it's lonely in there so they let 'the dumbed down' in to keep them company and suddenly we have a nation of opinionated morons on our hands! Parroting what they heard on Fox News.

[What's more disturbing is other stations are starting to sound like Fox News and that could be due to Fox becoming the 'sole source' for journalism in the corporate provided media market.]

If there is only one story why should there be two people investigating?

We can't afford to allow 'corporate logic' to regulate the news cycle, we have already seen what this leads to.

This post is filled with metaphors and, as always, the single factor doesn't have the mental horsepower to sort it out so my faith is in you who recognize that we are rudderless but don't quite grasp why this is.

Sometimes the answer is biting you on the backside and you can feel it but you don't realize its right there behind you.

Just look at the social changes since the advent of prepared frozen meals. [The bulging waistlines is another issue altogether!]

Food is the 'glue' of society and nothing spells family like 'home cooking' [which is becoming a lost art! Most modern couples refuse to make time to cook so they eat out...(and it's back to bulging waistlines, isn't it?)]

We NEED to bring the FAMILY back to the dinner table if we are to save society...and some of you are so far gone you are already asking 'why?'

If you have to ask, you'll never get it.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,
