Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Traffic court

Greetings good citizen, went to traffic court this morning to fight a ticket I got and didn't understand...lucky for me the magistrate was as confused as I was so I'm only out the $25 court fee rather than the $105 fine I was slapped with.

Um, if I am correct, most of us who legitimately questioned the legality of the offenses we were charged with were assessed court fees and given paperwork saying we were acquitted...key here is 'certainty'.

If you suspect the ticket was baloney it probably was and you should 'fight it' because the lesson to take away from this whole whole exercise is Officer Pinhead IS NOT YOUR FRIEND.

He will 'write you' just because he can, and if you're very unlucky he will tase you to death because he KNOWS he won't be prosecuted, he'll simply tell IA that he hasn't had a vacation in six months and the pressure was 'getting to him'.

Um, not coincidentally it seems most of us had THE SAME officer ticket us...and by some of the stranger's stories, perhaps he just needs a vacation...maybe a permanent one given the behavior he displayed during some of the traffic stops.

But I digress because it's not so much a specific cop we have a problem with, it's cops just like him everywhere you go!

Again, thanks to our shiftless media and their glorifying of this [usually patronage] position, some of those wearing badges aren't 'right in the head'.

Instead of 'serving the law' they somehow (probably from watching television) get it into their heads they ARE the law...and that is a very dangerous person to have wearing a badge.

We can be sure the local magistrate KNOWS who shouldn't have a badge but saying something to those who can do something about it is beyond their pay grade, especially if it turns out to be a 'legacy' or worse, some judge's nephew that absolutely adores the jackass who hands out tickets just because he has a citation book.

Problem is magistrate jobs are part of the patronage network, it's not what you know but who. Can't go pissing off the people that sprinkle the goodies, can you? Not if you want to keep your job!

Again, we butt up against a situation we can't correct because those responsible for the rest of the screw-ups we regularly turn a blind eye to are in charge of fixing what they don't think is 'broken'.

Funny how you can live with a lot of nonsense if you continued financial well-being depends on it...

Now we arrive at a 'rhetorical' question: Would you scrap the current patronage system for a more rational way of doing things?

Civil service was SUPPOSED TO eliminate patronage but it only works on the surface, actually any system is only as effective as those administering it.

Did I mention our current system is stocked to the gills with criminals?

No? Well I didn't think it was necessary.

But where are you on the change idea?

Just as I suspected, you don't like it. What if YOU want to get on with the State or even the Feds? Uncle Leo said he couldn't do anything for you last time you asked but what if an opening came up?

Would you want to shut that door knowing you'd be 'set for life' with a job that wouldn't 'disappear' like so many private sector jobs do?

Yeah, even when it's a long shot, the opportunist chooses against his own best interests and we end up with people in positions of power that shouldn't be there.

Well, live and learn.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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