Saturday, May 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, for reasons unexplained travel over the weekend has risen to 'ridiculous' levels...thus have I been scheduled to work some bizarre hours [thank heavens for the 'gig economy' or I'd be cleaning house in overtime!]

Since we DON'T get paid for 'idle time' [the time between gigs] dispatch will schedule you halfway around the clock with long waits between runs...

With jobs at 3, 7 and midnight you're kinda screwed when it comes to family time...and I have to go food shopping or it won't get done.

So this will be 'brief', by necessity.

Last night's 'revelation' by Real Time guest Cornell West was the deliberate denial by those running things, especially the ones we DON'T elect [many are 'appointees', hand picked by partisan interests] flatly refuse to do the job they are paid quite handsomely to do.

We need to take a wrecking ball to these 'entrenched' civil servants who rubber stamp whatever they are told to do hoping to collect their generous Federal retirements.

That's another topic our feckless media remains mute on. How much more 'generous' the federal pension system is considering the private one no longer exists!

Something the government [appointees] let happen without batting an eyelash!

Um, while you're busy watching the 'spectacle' unfold under the Big Top, the RATS are throwing the rest of us under the bus while they hope to retire in luxury with their stolen loot.

YOU REALLY NEED TO WAKE UP, our civilization is burning down around you...and if we don't act to save it, we will become the slaves of those who destroyed it.

I'm not telling you what I think will happen, history has proven exactly what I'm say time and time again!

Rise up while there is still time!

Head, you need to get on board and start talking with your friends, start planning what you're going to do to save your sorry tookus from annihilation!

Keep it real Head!


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