Sunday, May 14, 2017

Closing the loop...

Greetings good citizen, one of the hallmarks of More for ME capitalism is the fact that the capitalist has no 'loyalty'...

Patriotism and capitalism are antithetical to one another, while capitalists like to 'Play' patriot and use threats to their (Me, Me, Me) business as threats to the nation, it's really a Me thing. It's who they are thinking about when they 'buy' politicians and bid them to make war on their behalf.

How ironic the first ones to tell you 'Politics are for idiots' are the warmongering capitalists!

We DON'T go to war because the neighbor's dog won't stop using your lawn for a toilet but we DO go to war to protect 'American Interests' anywhere on the planet besides America!

[This is what used to be referred to as 'International intrigues' that the founders were quite keen not to get involved with...but it's all part & parcel with capitalism, especially the 'More for Me' variety.

In a rather disturbing development, once globalization succeeded in eviscerating its customer base (a.k.a. YOU!) we have this development reported in today's NY Times. What's the 'take away' here you might ask?

Repatriating jobs is a useless pipe dream. Those of us old enough to have seen them go know they also shipped the equipment needed to do the job over with the jobs themselves, the ABILITY to perform those tasks no longer exists on these shores.

Well, this article tells us the SAME 'More for me' capitalists responsible for moving the jobs to China in the first place have no intention of bringing them back anytime if you can't survive selling houses to people that can't afford them, TOUGH! [Cops, like stockbrokers, have to be born into those jobs.] If you aren't a cop or a stockbroker, you're an accident!]

Remember All you are and All you'll ever be?

That's the 'joker' in the deck we seem incapable of discarding despite the desperate need to do so.


I salute constant reader for at least trying to spread the word that we must change how we're doing things if we are to survive, partly because, based on the evidence, we don't DESERVE to survive and many would opine our demise can't come fast enough.

Um, one would think, since there is nothing 'secret' in these posts. It truly is a case of EVERYBODY KNOWS so WHY DO I KEEP DOING IT?

Because the other 'plain as the nose on your face' part is NOBODY has a clue how to FIX it!

When, again, the answers are right under that remarkably ordinary nose of yours.

Not to go charging off the reservation again but it appears the part of us programmed to 'accept' (sometimes reveling in) rough treatment is preventing us from altering our circumstances.

Perhaps the mapping of the genome will reveal who among us were 'programmed' to be 'overseers' so we could 'deal' with the menace these self-important types pose to the rest of society.

If the 'thinkers' among us fail to overcome the (obviously) low intelligence 'managers', the extinction order will be fulfilled.

Thinkers UNITE! 7/5 is our day!

Thanks for believing and spreading the word to the like-minded!

Which is to say thank you for letting me inside your friend's head!


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