Greetings good citizen, for time out of mind our species has SQUANDERED resources on that most fruitless of enterprises, WAR.
Worse, most wars revolve around the practice of mandating beliefs...beliefs that are decidedly against the interests of the majority. [Which is to point out the obvious, the single largest reason for war is RELIGION.]
But almost nobody 'tithes' the church as much as they are taxed...not that this figure is relevant either because we spend more on 'DEFENSE' than any other nation on the planet...which, ironically, drives the global market for defense spending!
Work no longer done on these shores, defense 'spending' provides jobs elsewhere...which is both illogical and insane but who said the people 'profiting' from our STUPIDITY are SANE?
[I will tone that particular charge of stupidity down to 'ignorance'...most of us have no say or waste ANY time pondering who does what and why...making it that much easier for the warmongers.]
Your child is told they are being sent to [fill-in-the-blank] and the only choice they have in the matter is 'you're war or the brig, pick one.'
Naturally this begs the question of who is more 'brainless', the ones who decide to go to war or the ones who blindly follow orders and do it?
Worse is all the MORONS who thank the hapless for their 'service' their choices weren't do it or go to jail!
There is no difference here between 'brave heroes' and 'hapless victims' because either way the combat soldier is screwed.
If you must weep and cheer for those condemned to risk their lives, weep for the fact there is NOTHING for them here, thanks to the feckless liars that choose war over peace.
No 'blood for oil'?
That's what YOU [choose to] think.
Why do you think cops are using their guns instead of their words on the streets of the USA? Because that's how they 'take care of business' in Mosul.
Sometimes the uniform makes them forget which 'battlefield' they're on...
But I digress...somewhat.
WHO funds these exercises in madness? [no money to fix the roads or improve SAT scores but fund murder for profit, money for that is 'limitless'...and we can only wonder why? is it ROI? We have some mighty screwed up accountants if that's the case...]
Does ANYBODY know what VICTORY looks like in the Global War on Terra?
Will El Trumpo end the Mother of all wars?
Nope, didn't campaign on that...Republicans never do. Nixon surrendered but that wasn't his fault [just ask them they'll tell you.]
The 'issue' is who keeps supplying the weapons to the 'insurgents' and who is paying for them? Do you think the guns, ammo and all of the support to get them where they need to be happens from the collection plates at the local mosque?
Where do you think our military would be if we had to 'pass the hat' to keep food in their stomachs and kevlar over their vitals?
The average citizen couldn't afford body armor for their own use never mind millions of sets to protect the finest military the world has ever seen...given the homeless situation and the deplorable state of what passes for education you don't suppose SOMEBODY [because it ALWAYS boils down to ONE] HAS THEIR HEAD UP THEIR ASS?
Again, it's not what YOU want, it's what THEY want...and what they want is you, DEAD.
Take a look at the healthcare debacle if you doubt this.
Did you see the guy I share my birthday with [Warren Buffet] came out in favor of single payer because USA is at a decided 'disadvantage' thanks to employers that aren't interested in the welfare of its workers...and boneheaded Republican policies.
I'll conclude with the last 'factoid'...ALL MONEY IS FUNNY.
Money exists so YOU don't have to do EVERYTHING YOURSELF!
TRY for a moment to wrap your head around the idea of what life would be like if you were truly 'on your own' with NOBODY to help you.
Don't forget there are several BILLION of you on the are YOU going to find and defend a water source? You don't have all day to 'stand guard' and you also can't afford to nurse your wounds every time you need a drink to stay hydrated?
This is just one of several 'necessities', many we 'foolishly' pay for the privilege of not having to worry about.
Those who 'make' [literally] money have more than they can use and YOU have to 'compete' with them...(this is what drives 'inflation'.)
[Think we have a 'money problem' of a legal problem? The answer is legal because we use money 'illegally'. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!]
If a paycheck is 'good enough' for 99% of us, then it's enough for ALL of us.
Why the feckless few get away with paying themselves thousands of times more than ANYONE deserves is a 'travesty of justice' and they should be stopped RIGHT NOW!
There is NO EXCUSE for this blatant violation of the laws of civilization...and ALL responsible parties need to be prosecuted for their blind acceptance of the circumstances THEY are RESPONSIBLE FOR!
What am I babbling about? Take a good look around you. If you don't see ten things WRONG anywhere you look then your head is on backwards!
Or maybe you think mine is.
Suit yourself but it's YOUR KID's funeral...[which is to opine that NO PARENT should ever have to sacrifice their babies for empty ideologies that have nothing to do with them. Spirit in the sky does NOT want your kid dead...but ol' Fibber Mc Crapbucket doesn't care so long as they get to keep robbing the rest of us blind!
For those of you scratching your head wondering why the uber rich keep starting wars it's so you have something else to think about beside how you are getting ripped off by the freakishly selfish and perhaps take it into your head to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
Wake up and smell the, that's not victory you smell, it's death.
Thank you for letting me inside your mind,
Worse, most wars revolve around the practice of mandating beliefs...beliefs that are decidedly against the interests of the majority. [Which is to point out the obvious, the single largest reason for war is RELIGION.]
But almost nobody 'tithes' the church as much as they are taxed...not that this figure is relevant either because we spend more on 'DEFENSE' than any other nation on the planet...which, ironically, drives the global market for defense spending!
Work no longer done on these shores, defense 'spending' provides jobs elsewhere...which is both illogical and insane but who said the people 'profiting' from our STUPIDITY are SANE?
[I will tone that particular charge of stupidity down to 'ignorance'...most of us have no say or waste ANY time pondering who does what and why...making it that much easier for the warmongers.]
Your child is told they are being sent to [fill-in-the-blank] and the only choice they have in the matter is 'you're war or the brig, pick one.'
Naturally this begs the question of who is more 'brainless', the ones who decide to go to war or the ones who blindly follow orders and do it?
Worse is all the MORONS who thank the hapless for their 'service' their choices weren't do it or go to jail!
There is no difference here between 'brave heroes' and 'hapless victims' because either way the combat soldier is screwed.
If you must weep and cheer for those condemned to risk their lives, weep for the fact there is NOTHING for them here, thanks to the feckless liars that choose war over peace.
No 'blood for oil'?
That's what YOU [choose to] think.
Why do you think cops are using their guns instead of their words on the streets of the USA? Because that's how they 'take care of business' in Mosul.
Sometimes the uniform makes them forget which 'battlefield' they're on...
But I digress...somewhat.
WHO funds these exercises in madness? [no money to fix the roads or improve SAT scores but fund murder for profit, money for that is 'limitless'...and we can only wonder why? is it ROI? We have some mighty screwed up accountants if that's the case...]
Does ANYBODY know what VICTORY looks like in the Global War on Terra?
Will El Trumpo end the Mother of all wars?
Nope, didn't campaign on that...Republicans never do. Nixon surrendered but that wasn't his fault [just ask them they'll tell you.]
The 'issue' is who keeps supplying the weapons to the 'insurgents' and who is paying for them? Do you think the guns, ammo and all of the support to get them where they need to be happens from the collection plates at the local mosque?
Where do you think our military would be if we had to 'pass the hat' to keep food in their stomachs and kevlar over their vitals?
The average citizen couldn't afford body armor for their own use never mind millions of sets to protect the finest military the world has ever seen...given the homeless situation and the deplorable state of what passes for education you don't suppose SOMEBODY [because it ALWAYS boils down to ONE] HAS THEIR HEAD UP THEIR ASS?
Again, it's not what YOU want, it's what THEY want...and what they want is you, DEAD.
Take a look at the healthcare debacle if you doubt this.
Did you see the guy I share my birthday with [Warren Buffet] came out in favor of single payer because USA is at a decided 'disadvantage' thanks to employers that aren't interested in the welfare of its workers...and boneheaded Republican policies.
I'll conclude with the last 'factoid'...ALL MONEY IS FUNNY.
Money exists so YOU don't have to do EVERYTHING YOURSELF!
TRY for a moment to wrap your head around the idea of what life would be like if you were truly 'on your own' with NOBODY to help you.
Don't forget there are several BILLION of you on the are YOU going to find and defend a water source? You don't have all day to 'stand guard' and you also can't afford to nurse your wounds every time you need a drink to stay hydrated?
This is just one of several 'necessities', many we 'foolishly' pay for the privilege of not having to worry about.
Those who 'make' [literally] money have more than they can use and YOU have to 'compete' with them...(this is what drives 'inflation'.)
[Think we have a 'money problem' of a legal problem? The answer is legal because we use money 'illegally'. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!]
If a paycheck is 'good enough' for 99% of us, then it's enough for ALL of us.
Why the feckless few get away with paying themselves thousands of times more than ANYONE deserves is a 'travesty of justice' and they should be stopped RIGHT NOW!
There is NO EXCUSE for this blatant violation of the laws of civilization...and ALL responsible parties need to be prosecuted for their blind acceptance of the circumstances THEY are RESPONSIBLE FOR!
What am I babbling about? Take a good look around you. If you don't see ten things WRONG anywhere you look then your head is on backwards!
Or maybe you think mine is.
Suit yourself but it's YOUR KID's funeral...[which is to opine that NO PARENT should ever have to sacrifice their babies for empty ideologies that have nothing to do with them. Spirit in the sky does NOT want your kid dead...but ol' Fibber Mc Crapbucket doesn't care so long as they get to keep robbing the rest of us blind!
For those of you scratching your head wondering why the uber rich keep starting wars it's so you have something else to think about beside how you are getting ripped off by the freakishly selfish and perhaps take it into your head to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
Wake up and smell the, that's not victory you smell, it's death.
Thank you for letting me inside your mind,
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